Exemplo n.º 1
 private void btXem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
     int makh = int.Parse(txtCT.Text);
     gv.DataSource = Db.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable(@"Select KhoaHoc.TenKH, KhoaHoc.Manganh, CTKH.batdau, CTKH.ketthuc, CTKH.Chitiet, CTKH.Hocphi, Nguoidang.Ten, Nguoidang.DT
                                      from KhoaHoc, CTKH, Nguoidang
                                      where KhoaHoc.MaKH=CTKH.Makh and CTKH.Manguoidang=Nguoidang.Ma and KhoaHoc.MaKH=" + makh + "");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /*private void gv_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
            int r = gv.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
            int makh = int.Parse(gv.Rows[r].Cells[0].Value.ToString());
            gv.DataSource = Db.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable(@"Select KhoaHoc.TenKH, KhoaHoc.Manganh, CTKH.batdau, CTKH.ketthuc, CTKH.Chitiet, CTKH.Hocphi, Nguoidang.Ten, Nguoidang.DT
                                             from KhoaHoc, CTKH, Nguoidang
                                             where KhoaHoc.MaKH=CTKH.Makh and CTKH.Manguoidang=Nguoidang.Ma and KhoaHoc.MaKH=" + makh + "");
            //DateTime thoigian = DateTime.Now;
            //int Manguoihoc = Int32.Parse(Db.TruyVan_TraVe_GiaTri("Select Ma from Nguoihoc where Ten='" + Ten + "'").ToString());
            //MessageBox.Show(makh.ToString()+"\n nguoi hoc"+Manguoihoc.ToString(), "Bạn có muốn lưu khóa học này");
            //Db.TruyVan_XuLy("INSERT INTO [Quantam]([Makh],[Manguoihoc],[Thoigian])VALUES(N'" + makh + "',N'" + Manguoihoc + "',N'" + thoigian + "')");

        private void btDS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
            int Manguoihoc = Int32.Parse(Db.TruyVan_TraVe_GiaTri("Select Ma from Nguoihoc where Ten='" + Ten + "'").ToString());
            EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://" + HOST + "/:8000/IService");
            IService proxy = ChannelFactory<IService>.CreateChannel(binding, address);
            gv.DataSource = Db.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable("select TenKH, Manganh from KhoaHoc, Quantam where KhoaHoc.MaKH=Quantam.Makh and Manguoihoc='"+Manguoihoc+"'");
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void btLuu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         int makh = int.Parse(txtCT.Text);
         DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
         DateTime thoigian = DateTime.Now;
         int Manguoihoc = Int32.Parse(Db.TruyVan_TraVe_GiaTri("Select Ma from Nguoihoc where Ten='" + Ten + "'").ToString());
         Db.TruyVan_XuLy("INSERT INTO [Quantam]([Makh],[Manguoihoc],[Thoigian])VALUES(N'" + makh + "',N'" + Manguoihoc + "',N'" + thoigian + "')");
         MessageBox.Show("Khóa học đã được thêm vào danh sách");
         MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa chọn mã khóa học quan tâm");
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
     int manguoidang = int.Parse(Db.TruyVan_TraVe_GiaTri("select ma from Nguoidang where Ten='"+Ten+"'").ToString());
     EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://" + HOST + "/:8000/IService");
     IService proxy = ChannelFactory<IService>.CreateChannel(binding, address);
     string manganh=comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
     DateTime batdau = DateTime.Today;
     DateTime kethuc = DateTime.Now;
     proxy.Addcourse(txtTenkh.Text, manganh, batdau, kethuc, ricCT.Text, Int32.Parse(txtHocPhi.Text), manguoidang);
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
     EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://" + HOST + "/:8000/IService");
     IService proxy = ChannelFactory<IService>.CreateChannel(binding, address);
     Lb_Aut.Text = Lb_Aut.Text + proxy.GetAuthors();
     if (ISGV == false)
         groupBox1.Enabled = false;
     gv.DataSource = Db.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable("SELECT Makh, Tenkh, manganh FROM khoahoc");
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
     string manganh = comboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString();
     gv.DataSource = Db.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable("select tenkh, manganh from KhoaHoc, CTKH where manganh='"+manganh+"'");
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DBAccess Db = new DBAccess();
     EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://" + HOST + "/:8000/IService");
     IService proxy = ChannelFactory<IService>.CreateChannel(binding, address);
     gv.DataSource = Db.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable("select tenkh, manganh from KhoaHoc, CTKH where KhoaHoc.MaKH=CTKH.Makh and Chitiet like('%" + txtTen.Text + "%')");