Exemplo n.º 1
        public static event DownloadProgressHandler ProgressCallback;           // needed for WebDownload, stays empty here

        public static void setMappingCacheLocation(string path)
            m_mapsPath = Project.GetMapsTempPath();

            TileCache.Clear();                  // release all files

Exemplo n.º 2
 public void init()
     //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("Tile:init() baseName=" + m_baseName);
     m_tileBackdrop = TerraserverCache.getBackdrop(this, m_baseName);                            // may be Empty, never null
     if (m_tileBackdrop.IsEmpty)
         m_isEmpty = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void setMappingCacheLocation()
     m_landmarksDbFileName = Path.Combine(Project.GetTerraserverMapsBasePath(), "landmarksdb.xml");
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// this is somewhat cut-and-paste from its namesake from the TileSetTerra.cs keep them in sync
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        private void _queryDisconnected(object obj)
            int xStart       = 0;
            int yStart       = 0;
            int xEnd         = 0;
            int yEnd         = 0;
            int m_lastFactor = 0;

            GeoCoord covTL = m_coverageTopLeft;
            GeoCoord covBR = m_coverageBottomRight;

            double marginY = 0.0d;
            double marginX = 0.0d;

            double covTL_Lng = covTL.Lng - marginX;
            double covTL_Lat = covTL.Lat + marginY;
            double covBR_Lng = covBR.Lng + marginX;
            double covBR_Lat = covBR.Lat - marginY;

            int currentZone = TileSetTerra.getZone(m_coverageCenter);

            LonLatPt lonlat = new LonLatPt();

            lonlat.Lat = covTL_Lat;
            lonlat.Lon = covTL_Lng;

            UtmPt utmptTL = Projection.LonLatPtToUtmNad83Pt(lonlat);                            // can be in other than currentZone

            lonlat.Lat = covBR_Lat;
            lonlat.Lon = covBR_Lng;

            UtmPt utmptBR = Projection.LonLatPtToUtmNad83Pt(lonlat);                            // can be in other than currentZone

            if (utmptTL.Zone != currentZone)
                lonlat.Lat = m_coverageCenter.Lat;
                lonlat.Lon = m_coverageCenter.Lng;

                UtmPt utmptCam = Projection.LonLatPtToUtmNad83Pt(lonlat);                       // can be in other than currentZone

                double dX = utmptBR.X - utmptCam.X;
                utmptTL.X    = utmptCam.X - dX;
                utmptTL.Zone = currentZone;
            else if (utmptBR.Zone != currentZone)
                lonlat.Lat = m_coverageCenter.Lat;
                lonlat.Lon = m_coverageCenter.Lng;

                UtmPt utmptCam = Projection.LonLatPtToUtmNad83Pt(lonlat);                       // can be in other than currentZone

                double dX = utmptCam.X - utmptTL.X;
                utmptBR.X    = utmptCam.X + dX;
                utmptBR.Zone = currentZone;

            int iScale         = (int)m_tileScale;
            int metersPerPixel = (1 << ((int)iScale - 10));
            int factor         = 200 * metersPerPixel;

            if (xEnd - xStart == 0 || m_lastFactor == 0)
                xStart = (int)Math.Floor(utmptTL.X / factor);
                yStart = (int)Math.Ceiling(utmptTL.Y / factor);

                xEnd = (int)Math.Ceiling(utmptBR.X / factor);
                yEnd = (int)Math.Floor(utmptBR.Y / factor);

                m_lastFactor = factor;
                xStart = xStart * m_lastFactor / factor;
                yStart = yStart * m_lastFactor / factor;

                xEnd = xEnd * m_lastFactor / factor;
                yEnd = yEnd * m_lastFactor / factor;

            int numTilesX = xEnd - xStart;
            int numTilesY = yStart - yEnd;

            int hCount = numTilesX;
            int vCount = numTilesY;

            UtmPt utmpt = new UtmPt();

            utmpt.X    = xStart * factor;
            utmpt.Y    = yStart * factor;
            utmpt.Zone = currentZone;

            lonlat = Projection.UtmNad83PtToLonLatPt(utmpt);

            double topLeftLat = lonlat.Lat;
            double topLeftLng = lonlat.Lon;

            utmpt.X = (xStart + numTilesX) * factor;
            utmpt.Y = (yStart - numTilesY) * factor;

            lonlat = Projection.UtmNad83PtToLonLatPt(utmpt);

            double bottomRightLat = lonlat.Lat;
            double bottomRightLng = lonlat.Lon;

            int themeCode = getThemeCode();

            int xx = (int)xStart;

            for (int hhh = 0; hhh < hCount; hhh++)
                int yy = (int)yStart;

                for (int vvv = 0; vvv < vCount; vvv++)
                    utmpt.X    = xx * factor;
                    utmpt.Y    = (yy) * factor;
                    utmpt.Zone = currentZone;

                    lonlat = Projection.UtmNad83PtToLonLatPt(utmpt);

                    double tllat = lonlat.Lat;
                    double tllng = lonlat.Lon;

                    utmpt.X = (xx + 1) * factor;
                    utmpt.Y = (yy - 1) * factor;

                    lonlat = Projection.UtmNad83PtToLonLatPt(utmpt);

                    double brlat = lonlat.Lat;
                    double brlng = lonlat.Lon;

                    GeoCoord tileTopLeft     = new GeoCoord(tllng, tllat);
                    GeoCoord tileBottomRight = new GeoCoord(brlng, brlat);

                    String baseName = String.Format("T{0}-S{1}-Z{2}-X{3}-Y{4}", themeCode, (Int32)m_tileScale, currentZone, xx, (yy - 1));

                    if (TerraserverCache.TileNamesCollection != null)
                        if (!TerraserverCache.TileNamesCollection.ContainsKey(baseName))
                            TerraserverCache.TileNamesCollection.Add(baseName, null);

                    lock (m_duplicates)
                        if (!m_duplicates.ContainsKey(baseName))
                            m_duplicates.Add(baseName, null);
                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("[" + vvv + "," + hhh + "]  " + baseName);
                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("        -- topLeft=" + tileTopLeft + " bottomRight=" + tileBottomRight);

            int totalCount = TileSetTerraLayout.DuplicatesCount;
            int newCount   = ThreadPool2.WaitingCallbacks;

            if (newCount == 0)
                LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("*Preload tiles: nothing to download - all " + totalCount + " tiles already in cache.");
                if (newCount <= totalCount)
                    LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("*Preload tiles: trying to download " + newCount + " new of total " + totalCount + " tiles");
                    LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("*Preload tiles: trying to download " + newCount + " new tiles");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private bool m_triedReload = false;                     // limits reload attempts

        public void Tile_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("Tile_Paint(): " + m_baseName + " painting to " + e.ClipRectangle);

                Rectangle destRect = getFrameRectangle();

                int www = 0;
                int hhh = 0;
                //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("Tile_Paint(): tileImage=" + m_tileBackdrop);
                if (m_tileBackdrop != null && !m_tileBackdrop.IsEmpty && m_tileBackdrop.HasImage)
                    www = m_tileBackdrop.Width;
                    hhh = m_tileBackdrop.Height;
                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("Tile_Paint(): tileImage w=" + www + " h=" + hhh);

                    ImageAttributes imageAttr = new ImageAttributes();

                    ColorMatrix cm = new ColorMatrix();

                    Image image = m_tileBackdrop.Image;

                    if (this.TileSet.isSecond && Project.makeWhitishTransparent)
                        Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(image);

                        // it takes way too long to make all whitish colors transparent. It may be possible to do it once and cache it though.
//						for (int r=253; r <= 255 ;r++)
//						{
//							for (int g=253; g <= 255 ;g++)
//							{
//								for (int b=253; b <= 255 ;b++)
//								{
                        // make whitish areas transparent, so that aerial or color will be completely visible through the overlay:
                        //bmp.MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b));
                        bmp.MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
//								}
//							}
//						}

                        image = bmp;

                    cm.Matrix00 = 1.0f;
                    cm.Matrix11 = 1.0f;
                    cm.Matrix22 = 1.0f;
                    float opacity = (float)(TileSet.isSecond ? Project.terraLayerOpacity2 : Project.terraLayerOpacity);
                    cm.Matrix33 = opacity;


                    destRect = compensateForDraw(destRect);

                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, 0, 0, www, hhh, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr);

                    if (Project.drawGrid)
                        DrawGrid(e.Graphics, destRect, www, hhh, null);
                else if (m_isCottageCheese)
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Project.cameraPen, destRect.X, destRect.Y, destRect.X + destRect.Width, destRect.Y + destRect.Height);
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Project.cameraPen, destRect.X + destRect.Width, destRect.Y, destRect.X, destRect.Y + destRect.Height);
                    if (m_tileBackdrop != null && m_tileBackdrop.ImageCorrupted)
                        DrawGrid(e.Graphics, destRect, www, hhh, "BAD JPG");
                        if (!m_triedReload)
                            m_triedReload = true;
                            TerraserverCache.resetBackdrop(this, m_baseName);                                           // try reloading
                        DrawGrid(e.Graphics, destRect, www, hhh, "NOT LOADED");
            catch (Exception eee)
                LibSys.StatusBar.Error("TileTerra:Tile_Paint(): " + m_baseName + " " + eee);