Exemplo n.º 1
        // this is a "class packet" factory which converts received packets into usable classes
        // (packet classes defined in MagellanProtoDef.cs). We assume that basicParse() was run
        // on this packet before calling fromString()
        public NmeaPacket fromString()
            NmeaPacket ret = null;

            if (m_string == null)
                logError("NmeaPacketReceived:fromString() -- m_string==null");

            switch (m_header)
            case "ADVER":
            case "PMGNVER":
                ret = this;     // all we need is already in fields array

            case "PMGNRTE":
            // $PMGNRTE,14,2,c,1,T01P03,a,T01P04,a*35
            case "PMGNTRK":
            // $PMGNTRK,3334.530,N,11739.837,W,00000,M,034414.24,A*62
            case "PMGNWPL":
                // $PMGNWPL,3328.069,N,11738.812,W,0000000,M,Road to,GCF320 = Road to Wat,a*68
                ret = this;     // all we need is already in fields array

            case "PMGNST":
            case "GPGSV":
            case "GPGGA":
            case "GPRMC":
            case "GPGLL":
                ret = this;     // all we need is already in fields array

                logError("NmeaPacketReceived:fromString() -- unknown header=" + m_header);
                ret = this;     // may be all we need is already in fields array

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool process(string url, string filename, string source)
            bool ret = true;

            LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("IP: FileNmeaLog:process() filename=" + filename);

            int wpCount      = 0;
            int lineno       = 0;
            int packetsCount = 0;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                string line;
                double zoneShift = 0.0d;

                NmeaPacketReceived packetIn   = null;
                CreateInfo         createInfo = new CreateInfo(); // we will recycle it in place, filling every time.

                double lat = 0.0d;
                double lng = 0.0d;
                // we allow elev and dateTime to stay in the cycle and be promoted/inherited to points that do not have this data in NMEA sentence.
                double   elev     = 0.0d;                   // alt above mean sea level
                DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;

                StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(filename);

                while ((line = stream.ReadLine()) != null)

                    // we are in a VERY long cycle here, need to make sure Windows events and memory are managed

                    if (lineno % 1000 == 0)

                    line = line.Trim();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))

                        // first see if that was a proprietary, non-NMEA packet:
                        if (line.IndexOf("*") < 0)
                            LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("proprietary packet: " + line);
                            if (packetIn != null && packetIn.isGood)
                                LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("last good NMEA packet: " + packetIn);

                            if (line.StartsWith("$ADVER,"))
                                createInfo.id     = Project.trackId;
                                createInfo.source = source;
                                createInfo.name   = "GPS NMEA Log";

                            packetIn          = new NmeaPacketReceived();
                            packetIn.isGood   = false;
                            packetIn.m_string = line;

                            if (!NmeaPacket.checksumVerify(packetIn.m_string))
                                packetIn.isGood = false;
                                LibSys.StatusBar.Error("bad checksum, line " + lineno + " bad packet: " + line);
                                packetIn.isGood = packetIn.basicParse(packetIn.m_string);
                                // packet is good and parsed, so the fields array is filled
                                //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("NMEA packet: " + packetIn);

                                if (packetIn.header.EndsWith("GGA"))    // NMEA GGA expected for location
                                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("process: " + packetIn.header + " packet, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                                        NmeaPacket pvt = packetIn.fromString();

                                         *  $GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47
                                         *  Where:
                                         *      GGA          Global Positioning System Fix Data
                                         *  0	123519       Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
                                         *  1	4807.038,N   Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
                                         *  3	01131.000,E  Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
                                         *  5	1            Fix quality: 0 = invalid
                                         *                              1 = GPS fix
                                         *                              2 = DGPS fix
                                         *                              6 = estimated (2.3 feature)
                                         *  6	08           Number of satellites being tracked
                                         *  7	0.9          Horizontal dilution of position
                                         *  8	545.4,M      Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
                                         *  10	46.9,M       Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
                                         *                      ellipsoid
                                         *  12	(empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
                                         *  13	(empty field) DGPS station ID number
                                         * 47          the checksum data, always begins with *

                                        lat  = pvt.parseLat(1);
                                        lng  = pvt.parseLng(1);
                                        elev = pvt.parseElev(8);                // alt above mean sea level

                                        // time component (don't know the date):
                                        dateTime = pvt.parseNmeaTime(0, dateTime);      // UTC
                                        dateTime = dateTime.AddHours(-zoneShift);

                                        // errors and velocity:
                                        double posError  = 0;
                                        double posErrorH = 0;
                                        double posErrorV = 0;
                                        double fix       = 0;           // failed integrity check
                                        switch ((string)pvt.fields[5])
                                        case "0":               // invalid
                                            fix = 1;            // invalid

                                        case "1":               // GPS fix
                                            fix = 2;            // two dimensional

                                        case "2":               // DGPS fix
                                            fix = 4;            // two dimensional differential

                                        case "6":               // estimated
                                            fix = 6;            // estimated

                                        string comment = "received " + packetIn.header;

                                        createInfo.id       = Project.trackId;                                  // relate waypoint to track
                                        createInfo.dateTime = dateTime;
                                        createInfo.lat      = lat;
                                        createInfo.lng      = lng;
                                        createInfo.elev     = elev;
                                        createInfo.source   = source;


                                    catch (Exception ee)
                                        LibSys.StatusBar.Error("StartRealTime: " + ee.Message);
                                else if (packetIn.header.EndsWith("RMC"))       // NMEA RMC may come
                                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("process: " + packetIn.header + " packet, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                                        NmeaPacket pvt = packetIn.fromString();

                                        // $GPRMC,052458.73,V,3334.6441,N,11739.6622,W,00.0,000.0,290103,13,E*4F

                                         * see http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm for NMEA reference
                                         * RMC - NMEA has its own version of essential gps pvt (position, velocity, time) data.
                                         * It is called RMC, The Recommended Minimum, which might look like:
                                         * $GPRMC,123519,A,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,022.4,084.4,230394,003.1,W*6A
                                         * $GPRMC,050821.000,A,3334.5551,N,11739.7705,W,0.00,,251006,,,A*67
                                         * Where:
                                         *  RMC          Recommended Minimum sentence C
                                         * 0	123519       Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
                                         * 1	A            Status A=active or V=Void.
                                         * 2	4807.038,N   Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
                                         * 4	01131.000,E  Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
                                         * 6	022.4        Speed over the ground in knots
                                         * 7	084.4        Track angle in degrees True
                                         * 8	230394       Date - 23rd of March 1994
                                         * 9	003.1,W      Magnetic Variation
                                         * 6A          The checksum data, always begins with *
                                         * Note that, as of the 2.3 release of NMEA, there is a new field in the RMC sentence
                                         * at the end just prior to the checksum. The value of the entry is
                                         * A=autonomous, D=differential, E=estimated, N=Data not valid.
                                        bool status = "A".Equals(pvt.fields[1]);
                                        if (status)
                                            lat = pvt.parseLat(2);
                                            lng = pvt.parseLng(2);
                                            //double elev = 0.0d;   // inherit elevation from a GGA
                                            //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("coord=" + pvtData.location);

                                            // time component (only time part):
                                            dateTime = pvt.parseNmeaDateTime(0, 8);     // UTC
                                            dateTime = dateTime.AddHours(-zoneShift);

                                            //if (!"".Equals(pvt.fields[6]))
                                            //    double knots = Convert.ToDouble(pvt.fields[6]);

                                            //    pvtData.velocity = knots * Distance.METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE / 3600.0d;
                                            //    // calculate velocity vector based on track angle:
                                            //    if (!"".Equals(pvt.fields[7]))
                                            //    {
                                            //        double trackAngleRad = Convert.ToDouble(pvt.fields[7]) * Math.PI / 180.0d;
                                            //        pvtData.velocityNorth = pvtData.velocity * Math.Cos(trackAngleRad);
                                            //        pvtData.velocityEast = pvtData.velocity * Math.Sin(trackAngleRad);
                                            //    }

                                            //pvtData.fix = 2;			// assume two-dimensional
                                            //pvtData.comment = "received " + received.header;
                                            createInfo.id       = Project.trackId; // relate waypoint to track
                                            createInfo.dateTime = dateTime;
                                            createInfo.lat      = lat;
                                            createInfo.lng      = lng;
                                            createInfo.elev     = elev;
                                            createInfo.source   = source;


                                    catch (Exception ee)
                                        LibSys.StatusBar.Error("StartRealTime: " + ee.Message);
                                else if (packetIn.header.EndsWith("WPL"))       // NMEA WPL may come as a result of manually marking a location
                                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("process: " + packetIn.header + " packet, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                                        NmeaPacket pvt = packetIn.fromString();

                                        // $GPWPL,3334.7038,N,11739.7796,W,00001*61

                                         * see http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm for NMEA reference
                                         * WPL - Waypoint Location data provides essential waypoint data. It is output when navigating to indicate data about the destination
                                         * and is sometimes supported on input to redefine a waypoint location. Note that waypoint data as defined in the standard
                                         * does not define altitude, comments, or icon data. When a route is active, this sentence is sent once for each waypoint in
                                         * the route, in sequence. When all waypoints have been reported, the RTE sentence is sent in the next data set.
                                         * In any group of sentences, only one WPL sentence, or an RTE sentence, will be sent.
                                         *  $GPWPL,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,WPTNME*5C
                                         *  With an interpretation of:
                                         *        WPL         Waypoint Location
                                         *    0   4807.038,N  Latitude
                                         *    1   01131.000,E Longitude
                                         *    2   WPTNME      Waypoint Name
                                         * 5C         The checksum data, always begins with *
                                        lat = pvt.parseLat(0);
                                        lng = pvt.parseLng(0);
                                        //elev = 0.0d;      // inherit elevation
                                        //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("coord=" + pvtData.location);

                                        createInfo.lat      = lat;
                                        createInfo.lng      = lng;
                                        createInfo.elev     = elev;
                                        createInfo.dateTime = dateTime;
                                        createInfo.name     = "" + pvt.fields[4];
                                        createInfo.source   = source;


                                    catch (Exception ee)
                                        LibSys.StatusBar.Error("StartRealTime: " + ee.Message);
                                //else if (packetIn.header.EndsWith("GLL"))	// NMEA GLL may come
                                //    LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("process: " + packetIn.header + " packet, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                                //    try
                                //    {
                                //        NmeaPacket pvt = packetIn.fromString();
                                //        // $GPGLL,3334.6464,N,11739.6583,W,052707.129,A*29
                                //        /*
                                //         * see http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm for NMEA reference
                                //         *
                                //        GLL - Geographic Latitude and Longitude is a holdover from Loran data and some old units
                                //             may not send the time and data valid information if they are emulating Loran data.
                                //             If a gps is emulating Loran data they may use the LC Loran prefix instead of GP.

                                //        $GPGLL,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,225444,A,*31

                                //        Where:
                                //            GLL          Geographic position, Latitude and Longitude
                                //        0	4916.46,N    Latitude 49 deg. 16.45 min. North
                                //        2	12311.12,W   Longitude 123 deg. 11.12 min. West
                                //        4	225444       Fix taken at 22:54:44 UTC
                                //        5	A            Data valid or V (void)
                                //            *31          checksum data

                                //        */
                                //        bool status = "A".Equals(pvt.fields[5]);
                                //        if (status)
                                //        {
                                //            double lat = pvt.parseLat(0);
                                //            double lng = pvt.parseLng(0);
                                //            double elev = 0.0d;

                                //            // time component (only time part):
                                //            //pvtData.time = pvt.parseNmeaTime(4);	// UTC

                                //            //pvtData.fix = 2;			// assume two-dimensional
                                //            //pvtData.comment = "received " + received.header;

                                //            createInfo.init("trkpt");
                                //            createInfo.id = Project.trackId;	// relate waypoint to track
                                //            //createInfo.dateTime = dateTime;
                                //            createInfo.lat = lat;
                                //            createInfo.lng = lng;
                                //            createInfo.elev = elev;
                                //            createInfo.source = source;

                                //            insertWaypoint(createInfo);
                                //            wpCount++;
                                //        }
                                //        packetsCount++;
                                //    }
                                //    catch (Exception ee)
                                //    {
                                //        LibSys.StatusBar.Error("StartRealTime: " + ee.Message);
                                //    }
                                else if (packetIn.header.EndsWith("GSV"))       // NMEA GSV may come for satellite reception status
                                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("process: " + packetIn.header + " packet, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                                    //    /*
                                    //     * see http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm for NMEA reference
                                    //     *
                                    //    $GPGSV,3,1,08,14,69,204,,15,57,105,36,18,45,047,36,03,42,263,36*71
                                    //    $GPGSV,2,1,08,01,40,083,46,02,17,308,41,12,07,344,39,14,22,228,45*75

                                    //    Where:
                                    //        GSV          Satellites in view
                                    //    0	2            Number of sentences for full data
                                    //    1	1            sentence 1 of 2
                                    //    2	08           Number of satellites in view
                                    //    for up to 4 satellites per sentence {
                                    //            3	01           Satellite PRN number
                                    //            4	40           Elevation, degrees
                                    //            5	083          Azimuth, degrees
                                    //            6	46           Signal strength - higher is better
                                    //    }
                                    //        *75          the checksum data, always begins with *
                                    //     */

                                    //    //MPacket pvt  = received.fromString();
                                    //    //pvtData.comment = "received";
                                    //    //realtimeCallback(pvtData);

                                else if (packetIn.header.EndsWith("VTG"))       // NMEA GSA may come
                                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("process: " + packetIn.header + " packet, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                                    // $GPVTG,309.62,T,,M,0.13,N,0.2,K*6E

                                     *  VTG - Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
                                     *  Name		Example		Units	Description
                                     *  Message ID	$GPVTG				VTG protocol header
                                     *  Course		309.62		degrees Measured heading
                                     *  Reference	T					True
                                     *  Course					degrees	Measured heading
                                     *  Reference	M					Magnetic
                                     *  Speed		0.13		knots	Measured horizontal speed
                                     *  Units		N			Knots
                                     *  Speed		0.2			Km/hr	Measured horizontal speed
                                     *  Units		K					Kilometers per hour
                                else if (packetIn.header.EndsWith("GSA"))       // NMEA GSA may come
                                    //LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("process: " + packetIn.header + " packet, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                                    // $GPGSA,A,2,15,18,14,31,,,,,,,,,05.6,05.6,*17

                                     * see http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm for NMEA reference
                                     * GSA - GPS DOP and active satellites. This sentence provides details on the nature of the
                                     * fix. It includes the numbers of the satellites being used in the current solution and
                                     * the DOP. DOP (dilution of precision) is an indication of the effect of satellite geometry
                                     * on the accuracy of the fix. It is a unitless number where smaller is better. For 3D fixes
                                     * using 4 satellites a 1.0 would be considered to be a perfect number. For overdetermined
                                     * solutions it is possible to see numbers below 1.0. There are differences in the way the
                                     * PRN's are presented which can effect the ability of some programs to display this data.
                                     * For example, in the example shown below there are 5 satellites in the solution and
                                     * the null fields are scattered indicating that the almanac would show satellites in
                                     * the null positions that are not being used as part of this solution. Other receivers
                                     * might output all of the satellites used at the beginning of the sentence with the
                                     * null field all stacked up at the end. This difference accounts for some satellite
                                     * display programs not always being able to display the satellites being tracked.
                                     * $GPGSA,A,3,04,05,,09,12,,,24,,,,,2.5,1.3,2.1*39
                                     * Where:
                                     *  GSA      Satellite status
                                     *  A        Auto selection of 2D or 3D fix (M = manual)
                                     *  3        3D fix - other values include: 1 = no fix
                                     *                                          2 = 2D fix
                                     *  04,05... PRNs of satellites used for fix (space for 12)
                                     *  2.5      PDOP (dilution of precision)
                                     *  1.3      Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
                                     *  2.1      Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
                                     * 39      the checksum data, always begins with *
                                    LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("StartRealTime: good other (unrecognized) packet received, count=" + packetsCount + "   content=" + packetIn);
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        LibSys.StatusBar.Error("FileNmeaLog:process():  file=" + filename + " line=" + lineno + " " + ee.Message);
            catch (Exception eee)
                LibSys.StatusBar.Error("FileNmeaLog:process(): " + eee.Message);
                ret = false;
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("OK: FileNmeaLog:process() filename=" + filename + " lines=" + lineno + ", packets=" + packetsCount + " waypoints=" + wpCount);