Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void computeSolarSurface(TSolarSurface s, TTime t, double earthDeclination)
            int    j, shift;
            double daylengthhour;

            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                daylengthhour = computeDayLenghtDuration(earthDeclination, j, t); // for fix daylength 12;
                if (daylengthhour == Constants.FULL_NIGHT)
                    s.degstart[j] = Constants.FULL_NIGHT;
                    s.degend[j]   = Constants.FULL_NIGHT;
                    shift         = (int)Math.Round(daylengthhour * 15 / 2); // each hour are 15 degrees (360/24)
                    s.degstart[j] = 179 - shift;
                    s.degend[j]   = 179 + shift;

                    s.degstart[j] = s.degstart[j] + TMdlConst.initDegreeSunlight;
                    s.degend[j]   = s.degend[j] + TMdlConst.initDegreeSunlight; // 12 hours which are 15 degrees a part
                    if (s.degstart[j] >= 360)
                        s.degstart[j] = s.degstart[j] - 360;
                    if (s.degend[j] >= 360)
                        s.degend[j] = s.degend[j] - 360;
                } // else FULL_NIGHT
            }     // for
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void TestTwoDays()
            double[,] tmpGrid      = new double[360, 180];
            short[,] wind          = new short[360, 180];
            double[,] T_atmosphere = new double[360, 180];

            TWorld world = new TWorld();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init World");

            TClima clima = new TClima();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init Clima");
            initmodel.initClima(world, clima, 16, 16);

            TTime         t = new TTime();
            TSolarSurface s = new TSolarSurface();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init time and solar surface");
            initmodel.initTime(t, s);
            Debug.WriteLine("Initial conditions created");

            Debug.WriteLine("Simulating 3 days of weather including energy cycle, winds,");
            Debug.WriteLine("marine currents, steam generation and rain");
            for (int day = 170; day < 173; day++)
                Debug.Write("Simulating day = " + day + " ");

                for (int hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++)
                    double earthInclination = energyfunctions.computeEarthDeclination(day);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                            energyfunctions.updateIncomingEnergyOnCellGrid(clima, world, s, earthInclination, i, j);
                            watercycle.formSteam(clima, world, s, i, j, t.day);

                    flux.moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_atmosphere, tmpGrid, T_atmosphere, wind, flux.WIND, world, true);
#if TODO
                    flux.moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_ocean_terr, tmpGrid, clima.T_ocean_terr, clima.surfaceTransfer, flux.SURFACE_AND_MARINE_CURRENT, world, true);
                    //printPlanet(2000, day, hour, clima, world, true, false);
                    watercycle.moveSteam(clima.wind, clima.steam, tmpGrid);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void stepTime(TTime t, TSolarSurface sSurface)
            long j;

            t.hour = t.hour + TSimConst.degree_step / 15;
            if (t.hour >= 24)
                t.hour = 0;
                t.day  = t.day + 1;
                if (t.day > 365)
                    t.day  = 1;
                    t.year = t.year + 1;

            if (TMdlConst.rotation)
                for (j = 90; j < 180; j++)
                    if (sSurface.degstart[j] == Constants.FULL_NIGHT)

                    sSurface.degstart[j] = sSurface.degstart[j] - TSimConst.degree_step * TMdlConst.inverse_rotation;
                    if (sSurface.degstart[j] < 0)
                        sSurface.degstart[j] = sSurface.degstart[j] + 360;
                    if (sSurface.degstart[j] >= 360)
                        sSurface.degstart[j] = sSurface.degstart[j] - 360;

                    sSurface.degend[j] = sSurface.degend[j] - TSimConst.degree_step * TMdlConst.inverse_rotation;
                    if (sSurface.degend[j] < 0)
                        sSurface.degend[j] = sSurface.degend[j] + 360;
                    if (sSurface.degend[j] >= 360)
                        sSurface.degend[j] = sSurface.degend[j] - 360;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void initTimeHDY(long hour, long day, long year, TTime t, TSolarSurface sSurface)
            if ((hour < 0) || (hour > 23))
                throw new Exception("Hour has to lie between 0 and 23");
            if ((day < 1) || (day > 365))
                throw new Exception("Day has to lie between 1 and 365");
            if ((year < 0) || (year > 10000))
                throw new Exception("Year has to lie between 0 and 10000");

            t.hour = hour;
            t.day  = day;
            t.year = year;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void mainSimDayLoop(TWorld world, TClima clima, TSolarSurface s, TTime t, double[,] tmpGrid, double earthDeclination)
#if TODO
            computeSolarSurface(s, t, earthDeclination);
            increasePopulation(clima, 1);
            printEarthStatus(t.year, t.day, Round(t.hour), clima, world);
            printPlanet(t.year, t.day, Round(t.hour), clima, world, false, true);
            if (t.day % TSimConst.decrease_rain_times == 0)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void mainSimTimestepLoop(TWorld world, TClima clima, TSolarSurface s, TTime t, double[,] tmpGrid, double arthDeclination)
            long l, i, j;

#if TODO
            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    updateIncomingEnergyOnCellGrid(clima, world, s, earthDeclination, i, j);
                    formSteam(clima, world, s, i, j, t.day);           // add steam to layer 0
                    for (l = 1; l < TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers; l++) // move steam from layer l-1 to layer l
                        moveSteamUp(clima, world, s, l, i, j);
                    formCO2(clima, world, i, j);

            moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_ocean_terr, tmpGrid, clima.T_ocean_terr, clima.surfaceTransfer, SURFACE_AND_MARINE_CURRENT, world, true);
            moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_atmosphere, tmpGrid, clima.T_atmosphere[0, 0, 0], clima.wind[0, 0, 0], WIND, world, true);

            flux.applyCoriolis(clima.wind[0], clima.wind[0], TMdlConst.rotation);
            for (l = 1; l < TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers; l++)
                flux.applyCoriolis(clima.wind[l - 1], clima.wind[l], TMdlConst.rotation);

            followSurface(world, clima.wind[0]);

            for (l = 0; l < TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers; l++)
                moveSteam(clima.wind[l], clima.steam[l], tmpGrid);

            moveCO2(clima.wind[0], clima.co2_tons[0], tmpGrid);

            vulcanoEruption(world, clima);
            singleNuclearBomb(world, clima);
            nuclearWar(world, clima);
            moveAshes(clima.wind[0, 0, 0], clima.ashes_pct[0, 0], tmpGrid);
            ashesFallDown(world, clima);

            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    for (l = TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers - 1; l > 0; l--)    // move steam from layer l to layer l-1
                        moveSteamDown(clima, world, s, l, i, j);
                    rainSteam(clima, world, i, j);
                    waterOrIce(clima, world, i, j);
                    absorbCO2(clima, world, s, i, j);
                    updateOutgoingEnergyOnCellGrid(clima, world, s, earthDeclination, i, j);

            moveWaterDownToOcean(world, clima, clima.water_surface, tmpGrid);
            stepTime(t, s);
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static double computeDayLenghtDuration(double earthDeclination, int j, TTime t)
            double lat, latdeg, A, B, C, d, minusboverc;

            // from
            // http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/56478.html
            //Date: 09/22/98 at 12:40:09
            //From: Doctor Rick
            //Subject: Re: Geometry, hours of daylight

            //Hi, Hilde. What you"re asking for isn"t simple. I can show you the
            //geometry of the hours of daylight, but it won"t be complete, and
            //sunrise and sunset times involve additional complications.

            //The Analemma Web site gives explanations and math for the declination
            //of the sun (which you will need for my calculation below) and for the
            //"equation of time," which tells when noon really occurs. Sunrise and
            //sunset will be equal time intervals before and after noon, but noon is
            //not at 12:00:

            //   http://www.analemma.com/Pages/framesPage.html

            //Here is a brief explanation of the length of the day.

            //On any given day, the sun is at a particular declination (which is the
            //latitude of the point on earth where the sun is directly overhead).
            //The terminator (the line connecting all places where the sun is
            //setting or rising) is a circle that is tilted from a north-south plane
            //by an angle equal to the declination. Here is a side view:

            //                 ****|****   Terminator      SUN
            //              *\*    |    ***
            //            **  \ dec|       **
            //          **     \ B |    C    **
            //         *--------\--+-----------o You
            //        *          \ |A      /    *
            //       *            \|   /   lat   *
            //       *             +--------------
            //       *             |\            *
            //        *            | \          *
            //         *           |  \        *
            //          **         |   \     **
            //            **       |    \  **
            //              ***    |    *\*
            //                 ****|****

            //The terminator is shown edge-on, at the angle of declination from the
            //vertical. Your latitude is shown as a horizontal line. We are
            //interested in the point of intersection of the terminator and your
            //latitude, because that is where you experience sunrise or sunset.

            //If we call the radius of the earth 1 unit, then distance A is sin(lat).
            //Therefore distance B is sin(lat)*tan(dec). Distance C, the radius of
            //the latitude circle, is cos(lat).

            //Now look down from the north on your latitude circle:

            //                 oooo|oooo
            //              **o    |    ooo
            //            **| \    |       oo
            //          **  |  \C  |         oo
            //         *    |   \  |           o
            //        *     |    \ |            o
            //       *      |  B  \|             o
            //       * night+------+      day    o
            //       *      |     /|             o
            //        *     |    / |            o
            //         *    |   /  |           o
            //          **  |  /   |         oo
            //            **| /    |       oo
            //              **o    |    ooo
            //                 oooo|oooo

            //The angle between sunrise and sunset (on the day side of the angle) is

            //  d = 2 cos^-1(-B/C)
            //    = 2 cos^-1(-tan(dec)tan(lat))

            //The length of the day is 24 hours * d/360. But remember to consult the
            //Web site above to see why this isn"t quite right.

            //- Doctor Rick, The Math Forum
            //  http://mathforum.org/dr.math/

            lat    = Conversion.YtoLat(j);
            latdeg = lat * Math.PI / 180;

                d = 2 * Math.Acos(-Math.Tan(earthDeclination * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Tan(latdeg));
                d = d / Math.PI * 180;
                return(24 * d / 360);
            catch (Exception e)
                // TODO: could be done at the hourly level here
                if (t.day >= 79 && t.day <= 262)
                    // Winter in South Hemisphere
                    if (lat > 0)
                        return(0);  // whole day sun
                        return(Constants.FULL_NIGHT); //  to trick it into deep night
                    // Winter in North Hemisphere
                    if (lat > 0)
                        return(0); // whole day sun
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void initTime(TTime t, TSolarSurface sSurface)
     initTimeHDY(0, 1, 2000, t, sSurface);