Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if the Column object is contained in the ColumnCollection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">Column Object to check for.</param>
 /// <returns>returns true if Column object is in the ColumnCollection.</returns>
 public bool Contains(COLUMN value)
     // If value is not of type Column, this will return false.
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a Column object to the ColumnCollection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_column">Column Object to add</param>
 public void Add(COLUMN _column)
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds a Column object to the ColumnCollection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="_column">Column Object to add</param>
		public void Add(COLUMN _column)
			List.Add( _column );
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks to see if the Column object is contained in the ColumnCollection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">Column Object to check for.</param>
		/// <returns>returns true if Column object is in the ColumnCollection.</returns>
		public bool Contains( COLUMN value )  
			// If value is not of type Column, this will return false.
			return( List.Contains( value ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares table columns from two distinct XML schema files. These files are generated by the SerializeDB method.  
        /// This method is called from the CompareTables method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName">The string value representing the current SQL table object.</param>
        /// <param name="xnlSource">The XmlNodeList, a collection of source XML nodes to compare with the destination XML 
        /// nodes.</param>
        /// <param name="xnlDestination">The XmlNodeList, a collection of destination/target XML nodes to compare with the 
        /// source XML nodes.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlDiffDoc">The XML Diffgram object to update.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlDiff">The XmlDiff Object used from the GotDotNet XmlDiff class. Performs the XML node compare.</param>
        private static void CompareColumns(string tableName, XmlNodeList xnlSource, XmlNodeList xnlDestination,
            XmlDocument xmlDiffDoc, XmlDiff xmlDiff)
            SQLObjects.ColumnCollection tableColumns = new SQLObjects.ColumnCollection(tableName);

            Hashtable htDropAdd = new Hashtable();
            // compare source columns to destination columns, looking for changed or missing destination columns
            if (xnlSource != null)
                // if a matching destination table was found with columns
                if (xnlDestination != null)
                    tableColumns.SchemaAction = SQLObjects.COLUMN.ColumnAction.Alter;
                    // identify the source columns that are different
                    foreach (XmlNode xn in xnlSource)
                        string column_Name = xn.ChildNodes[1].InnerXml;
                        XmlNode Found = FindNode(xnlDestination, column_Name, "<Column_Name>{0}</Column_Name>");
                        // look for existing columns
                        if (Found != null)
                            // if the columns don't compare then
                            if (!xmlDiff.Compare(xn, Found))
                                SQLObjects.COLUMN col = new SQLObjects.COLUMN();
                                col.Action = SQLObjects.COLUMN.ColumnAction.Alter;

                                // add original_rules from the destination column so that if they are not on the source columns we can exec sp_unbindrule on them.
                                // There is XSLT code to handle sp_bindrule for the source columns where they were not bound to the destination(original) column.
                                // IF the source and destination rule names are the same, then we should be able to ignore changing the column bound rule
                                XmlNode xnRule = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "RULE_ORIG_NAME", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                                if (Found.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Name") != null)
                                    xnRule.InnerXml = Found.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Name").InnerXml;

                                xnRule = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "RULE_ORIG_OWNER", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                                if (Found.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Owner") != null)
                                    xnRule.InnerXml = Found.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Owner").InnerXml;

                                XmlNode xnDefault = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "DEFAULT_ORIG_NAME", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                                if (Found.SelectSingleNode("Default_Name") != null)
                                    xnDefault.InnerXml = Found.SelectSingleNode("Default_Name").InnerXml;

                                xnDefault = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "DEFAULT_ORIG_VALUE", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                                if (Found.SelectSingleNode("Default_Value") != null)
                                    xnDefault.InnerXml = Found.SelectSingleNode("Default_Value").InnerXml;

                                XmlNode xnRowGuidCol = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ORIG_RowGuidCol", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                                if (Found.SelectSingleNode("isRowGuidCol") != null)
                                    xnRowGuidCol.InnerXml = Found.SelectSingleNode("isRowGuidCol").InnerXml;

                                // lookup any altered columns to see if there are Reference dependencies
                                // may need to use something like this: descendant::*[contains(local-name(),'cKeyCol')]
                                for (int x = 1; x < 17; x++)
                                    if (Found.SelectSingleNode("../TABLE_REFERENCE/cRefCol" + x.ToString()) != null)
                                        CheckColumnDependencies(column_Name, tableName, "DropAdd_References", "TABLE_REFERENCE", "Constraint", "cRefCol" + x.ToString(),
                                            false, ref htDropAdd, Found, xn, xmlDiffDoc);

                                // lookup any altered columns to see if there are Constraint dependencies
                                CheckColumnDependencies(column_Name, tableName, "DropAdd_Constraints", "TABLE_CONSTRAINTS", "CONSTRAINT_NAME", "COLUMN_NAME",
                                    false, ref htDropAdd, Found, xn, xmlDiffDoc);

                                // lookup any altered columns to see if there are index dependencies
                                CheckColumnDependencies(column_Name, tableName, "DropAdd_Indexes", "TABLE_INDEX", "index_name", "index_keys",
                                    false, ref htDropAdd, Found, xn, xmlDiffDoc);

                                // add xml node to the table columns collection
                                SQLObjects.COLUMN c = col.Convert(xn);
                        else // the column was not found in the destination table
                            SQLObjects.COLUMN col = new SQLObjects.COLUMN();
                            col.Action = SQLObjects.COLUMN.ColumnAction.Add;
                else // no destination table so add all the columns
                    foreach (XmlNode xn in xnlSource)
                        string column_Name = xn.ChildNodes[1].InnerXml;
                        SQLObjects.COLUMN col = new SQLObjects.COLUMN();
                        col.Action = SQLObjects.COLUMN.ColumnAction.Add;
            // look for desination columns not in the source table, so as to mark the desination columns to drop
            if (xnlDestination != null)
                if (xnlSource != null)
                    tableColumns.SchemaAction = SQLObjects.COLUMN.ColumnAction.Alter;
                    // identify the destination columns that are missing 
                    foreach (XmlNode xn in xnlDestination)
                        string column_Name = xn.ChildNodes[1].InnerXml;
                        XmlNode Found = FindNode(xnlSource, column_Name, "<Column_Name>{0}</Column_Name>");
                        if (Found == null)
                            SQLObjects.COLUMN col = new SQLObjects.COLUMN();
                            col.Action = SQLObjects.COLUMN.ColumnAction.Drop;

                            XmlNode xnRule = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "RULE_ORIG_NAME", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                            if (xn.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Name") != null)
                                xnRule.InnerXml = xn.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Name").InnerXml;

                            xnRule = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "RULE_ORIG_OWNER", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                            if (xn.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Owner") != null)
                                xnRule.InnerXml = xn.SelectSingleNode("Rule_Owner").InnerXml;

                            XmlNode xnDefault = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "DEFAULT_ORIG_NAME", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                            if (xn.SelectSingleNode("Default_Name") != null)
                                xnDefault.InnerXml = xn.SelectSingleNode("Default_Name").InnerXml;

                            xnDefault = xn.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "DEFAULT_ORIG_VALUE", xn.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI);
                            if (xn.SelectSingleNode("Default_Value") != null)
                                xnDefault.InnerXml = xn.SelectSingleNode("Default_Value").InnerXml;

                            // lookup any dropped columns to see if there are Reference dependencies,
                            // may need to use something like this: descendant::*[contains(local-name(),'cKeyCol')]
                            for (int x = 1; x < 17; x++)
                                if (xn.SelectSingleNode("../TABLE_REFERENCE/cRefCol" + x.ToString()) != null)
                                    CheckColumnDependencies(column_Name, tableName, "DropAdd_References", "TABLE_REFERENCE", "Constraint", "cRefCol" + x.ToString(),
                                        true, ref htDropAdd, null, xn, xmlDiffDoc);

                            // lookup any altered columns to see if there are Constraint dependencies
                            CheckColumnDependencies(column_Name, tableName, "DropAdd_Constraints", "TABLE_CONSTRAINTS", "CONSTRAINT_NAME", "COLUMN_NAME",
                                true, ref htDropAdd, null, xn, xmlDiffDoc);

                            // lookup any dropped columns to see if there are index dependencies
                            CheckColumnDependencies(column_Name, tableName, "DropAdd_Indexes", "TABLE_INDEX", "index_name", "index_keys",
                                true, ref htDropAdd, null, xn, xmlDiffDoc);

            // persist the tableColumns collection as XML if there are any
            if (tableColumns.Count > 0)
                XmlNode xTableColumns = tableColumns.SerializeAsXmlNode(xmlDiffDoc);
                foreach (object obj in htDropAdd.Values)