Exemplo n.º 1
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "DirectionalLight");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);
            DirectionalLight directionalLight = new DirectionalLight();
            result.Add("DirectionalLight", directionalLight);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "SpotLight");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);
            SpotLight spotLight = new SpotLight();
            result.Add("SpotLight", spotLight);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "Fog");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);
            Fog fog = new Fog();
            result.Add("Fog", fog);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "Water");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);
            Water water = new Water();
            result.Add("Water", water);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "PlayerSpawn");

            result.Add("PlayerSpawn", new PlayerSpawn());

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            result.Add("Trigger", new PlayerTrigger());

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "Skybox");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            Model skybox = new Model();
            skybox.Filename.Value = "Models\\skybox";
            skybox.CullBoundingBox.Value = false;
            result.Add("Skybox", skybox);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "PlayerTrigger");

            Transform position = new Transform();

            PlayerTrigger trigger = new PlayerTrigger();
            trigger.Radius.Value = 10.0f;
            result.Add("PlayerTrigger", trigger);

            result.Add("Position", position);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "Cloud");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            ModelAlpha clouds = new ModelAlpha();
            clouds.Filename.Value = "Models\\clouds";
            clouds.CullBoundingBox.Value = false;
            clouds.DisableCulling.Value = true;
            clouds.DrawOrder.Value = -9;
            result.Add("Clouds", clouds);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "Block");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            PhysicsBlock physics = new PhysicsBlock();
            result.Add("Physics", physics);

            Property<string> cue = new Property<string> { Value = "ConcreteRubble" };
            result.Add("CollisionSoundCue", cue);

            ModelInstance model = new ModelInstance();
            result.Add("Model", model);
            model.Scale.Value = new Vector3(0.5f);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "EffectBlock");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            ModelInstance model = new ModelInstance();
            result.Add("Model", model);

            result.Add("Offset", new Property<Vector3> { Editable = false });
            result.Add("Lifetime", new Property<float> { Editable = false });
            result.Add("TotalLifetime", new Property<float> { Editable = true });
            result.Add("StartPosition", new Property<Vector3> { Editable = true });
            result.Add("StartOrientation", new Property<Matrix> { Editable = false });
            result.Add("TargetMap", new Property<Entity.Handle> { Editable = true });
            result.Add("TargetCoord", new Property<Map.Coordinate> { Editable = false });
            result.Add("TargetCellStateID", new Property<int> { Editable = true });
            result.Add("Scale", new Property<bool> { Editable = true, Value = true });

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "FallingTower");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            result.Add("Trigger", new PlayerCylinderTrigger());

            result.Add("DynamicMaps", new ListProperty<Entity.Handle> { Editable = false });
            result.Add("TimeUntilRebuild", new Property<float> { Editable = false });
            result.Add("TimeUntilRebuildComplete", new Property<float> { Editable = false });
            result.Add("RebuildDelay", new Property<float> { Editable = true, Value = 4.0f });
            result.Add("RebuildTime", new Property<float> { Editable = true, Value = 1.0f });

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "MapExit");

            Transform position = new Transform();

            PlayerTrigger trigger = new PlayerTrigger();
            trigger.Radius.Value = 10.0f;
            result.Add("PlayerTrigger", trigger);

            result.Add("Transform", position);

            result.Add("NextMap", new Property<string> { Editable = true });
            result.Add("SpawnPoint", new Property<string> { Editable = true });

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void raycast(Main main, Vector3 ray, out Entity closestEntity, out Transform closestTransform)
            closestEntity = null;
            float closestEntityDistance = main.Camera.FarPlaneDistance;
            closestTransform = null;
            Vector3 rayStart = main.Camera.Position;
            foreach (Entity entity in main.Entities)
                foreach (Transform transform in entity.GetAll<Transform>())
                    Vector3 entityPos = transform.Position;
                    float distance = (entityPos - rayStart).Length();
                    Vector3 closestToEntity = rayStart + ray * distance;
                    if ((distance < closestEntityDistance) && (closestToEntity - entityPos).Length() < 0.5f)
                        closestEntityDistance = distance;
                        closestEntity = entity;
                        closestTransform = transform;

            Map.GlobalRaycastResult hit = Map.GlobalRaycast(rayStart, ray, closestEntityDistance, true);
            if (hit.Coordinate != null)
                closestEntity = hit.Map.Entity;
                closestTransform = null;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "Snake");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            result.Add("Coordinate", new Property<Map.Coordinate> { Editable = false });

            result.Add("OperationalRadius", new Property<float> { Editable = true, Value = 100.0f });

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private Transform addCornerModel(Entity entity, Property<bool> selected)
            Transform transform = new Transform { Serialize = false, Editable = false };

            Model cornerModel1 = new Model();
            cornerModel1.Filename.Value = "Models\\sphere";
            cornerModel1.Color.Value = this.Color;
            cornerModel1.IsInstanced.Value = false;
            cornerModel1.Scale.Value = new Vector3(0.5f);
            cornerModel1.Editable = false;
            cornerModel1.Serialize = false;

            cornerModel1.Add(new Binding<Matrix, Vector3>(cornerModel1.Transform, x => Matrix.CreateTranslation(x), transform.Position));
            cornerModel1.Add(new Binding<bool>(cornerModel1.Enabled, selected));

            return transform;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override Entity Create(Main main)
            Entity result = new Entity(main, "Blast");

            Transform transform = new Transform();
            result.Add("Transform", transform);

            PhysicsBlock physics = new PhysicsBlock();
            result.Add("Physics", physics);

            Model model = new Model();
            result.Add("Model", model);
            model.Filename.Value = "Models\\blast";
            model.Color.Value = new Vector3(0.75f, 2.0f, 0.75f);

            PointLight light = new PointLight();
            light.Shadowed.Value = true;
            light.Color.Value = new Vector3(model.Color.Value.X, model.Color.Value.Y, model.Color.Value.Z);
            light.Attenuation.Value = 10.0f;
            result.Add("Light", light);

            if (ParticleSystem.Get(main, "Sparks") == null)
                ParticleSystem.Add(main, "Sparks",
                new ParticleSystem.ParticleSettings
                    TextureName = "Particles\\spark",
                    MaxParticles = 1000,
                    Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0f),
                    MinHorizontalVelocity = 0.0f,
                    MaxHorizontalVelocity = 0.0f,
                    MinVerticalVelocity = 0.0f,
                    MaxVerticalVelocity = 0.0f,
                    Gravity = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                    EndVelocity = 0.0f,
                    MinRotateSpeed = -20.0f,
                    MaxRotateSpeed = 20.0f,
                    MinStartSize = 0.5f,
                    MaxStartSize = 0.4f,
                    MinEndSize = 0.2f,
                    MaxEndSize = 0.1f,
                    BlendState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.BlendState.Additive,
                    MinColor = new Vector4(0.75f, 2.0f, 0.75f, 1.0f),
                    MaxColor = new Vector4(0.75f, 2.0f, 0.75f, 1.0f),

            ParticleEmitter emitter = new ParticleEmitter();
            emitter.ParticleType.Value = "Sparks";
            emitter.ParticlesPerSecond.Value = 200;
            emitter.Jitter.Value = new Vector3(0.25f);
            result.Add("Particles", emitter);

            Sound loopSound = new Sound();
            result.Add("LoopSound", loopSound);
            loopSound.Cue.Value = "Blast Loop";

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void InternalBind(Entity result, Main main, bool creating = false, Transform transform = null)
            if (transform == null)
                transform = result.GetOrCreate<Transform>("Transform");

            result.CannotSuspend = false;

            Map map = result.Get<Map>();

            // Apply the position and orientation components to the map
            map.Add(new TwoWayBinding<Matrix>(transform.Matrix, map.Transform));

            map.Add(new CommandBinding(map.CompletelyEmptied, delegate()
                if (!main.EditorEnabled)

            Entity world = main.Get("World").FirstOrDefault();

            map.Chunks.ItemAdded += delegate(int index, Map.Chunk chunk)
                Dictionary<int, bool> models = new Dictionary<int, bool>();

                Action<Map.CellState> createModel = delegate(Map.CellState state)
                    if (state.ID == 0)
                        return; // 0 = empty

                    DynamicModel<Map.MapVertex> model = new DynamicModel<Map.MapVertex>(Map.MapVertex.VertexDeclaration);
                    model.EffectFile.Value = "Effects\\Environment";
                    model.Lock = map.Lock;

                    ModelAlpha debug = new ModelAlpha { Serialize = false };
                    debug.Alpha.Value = 0.01f;
                    debug.DrawOrder.Value = 11; // In front of water
                    debug.Color.Value = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.6f);
                    debug.Filename.Value = "Models\\alpha-box";
                    debug.CullBoundingBox.Value = false;
                    debug.DisableCulling.Value = true;
                    debug.Add(new Binding<Matrix>(debug.Transform, delegate()
                        BoundingBox box = model.BoundingBox;
                        return Matrix.CreateScale(box.Max - box.Min) * Matrix.CreateTranslation((box.Max + box.Min) * 0.5f) * transform.Matrix;
                    }, transform.Matrix, model.BoundingBox));

                    model.Add(new Binding<Matrix>(model.Transform, transform.Matrix));

                    Vector3 min = new Vector3(chunk.X, chunk.Y, chunk.Z);
                    Vector3 max = min + new Vector3(map.ChunkSize);

                    model.Add(new Binding<Vector3>(model.GetVector3Parameter("Offset"), map.Offset));

                    Map.CellState s = state;

                    if (!s.ShadowCast)
                        model.UnsupportedTechniques.Add(new[] { Technique.Shadow, Technique.PointLightShadow });

                    model.Add(new ListBinding<Map.MapVertex, Map.Box>
                        delegate(Map.Box box)
                            Map.MapVertex[] vertices = new Map.MapVertex[box.Surfaces.Where(x => x.HasArea).Count() * 4];
                            int i = 0;
                            foreach (Map.Surface surface in box.Surfaces)
                                if (surface.HasArea)
                                    Array.Copy(surface.Vertices, 0, vertices, i, 4);
                                    i += 4;
                            return vertices;
                        x => x.Type == s


                    // We have to create this binding after adding the model to the entity
                    // Because when the model loads, it automatically calculates a bounding box for it.
                    model.Add(new Binding<BoundingBox, Vector3>(model.BoundingBox, x => new BoundingBox(min - x, max - x), map.Offset));

                    models[state.ID] = true;

                chunk.Boxes.ItemAdded += delegate(int i, Map.Box box)
                    if ((!box.Type.Invisible || main.EditorEnabled) && !models.ContainsKey(box.Type.ID))

                chunk.Boxes.ItemChanged += delegate(int i, Map.Box oldBox, Map.Box newBox)
                    if ((!newBox.Type.Invisible || main.EditorEnabled) && !models.ContainsKey(newBox.Type.ID))

            this.SetMain(result, main);