public void StatusListenerIsNotifiedOnFailureAndRecovery(TestParams testParams)
            using (var wrapper = MakeWrapper(testParams))
                var dataStoreStatusProvider = new DataStoreStatusProviderImpl(wrapper, _dataStoreUpdates);

                var statuses = new EventSink <DataStoreStatus>();
                dataStoreStatusProvider.StatusChanged += statuses.Add;

                CauseStoreError(_core, wrapper);

                var status1 = statuses.ExpectValue();

                Assert.True(logCapture.HasMessageWithRegex(LogLevel.Warn, "Detected persistent store unavailability"));


                var status2 = statuses.ExpectValue();
                Assert.Equal(!testParams.CacheMode.IsCachedIndefinitely, status2.RefreshNeeded);

                Assert.True(logCapture.HasMessageWithRegex(LogLevel.Warn, "Persistent store is available again"));
 public void StatusIsOkInitially()
     using (var wrapper = MakeWrapper(Cached))
         var dataStoreStatusProvider = new DataStoreStatusProviderImpl(wrapper, _dataStoreUpdates);
         var status = dataStoreStatusProvider.Status;
        public void CacheIsWrittenToStoreAfterRecoveryIfTtlIsInfinite()
            using (var wrapper = MakeWrapper(CachedIndefinitely))
                var dataStoreStatusProvider = new DataStoreStatusProviderImpl(wrapper, _dataStoreUpdates);

                var statuses = new EventSink <DataStoreStatus>();
                dataStoreStatusProvider.StatusChanged += statuses.Add;

                string key1 = "key1", key2 = "key2";
                var    item1 = new TestItem("name1");
                var    item2 = new TestItem("name2");

                wrapper.Init(new TestDataBuilder()
                             .Add(TestDataKind, key1, 1, item1)

                // In infinite cache mode, we do *not* expect exceptions thrown by the store to be propagated; it will
                // swallow the error, but also go into polling/recovery mode. Note that even though the store rejects
                // this update, it'll still be cached.
                CauseStoreError(_core, wrapper);
                Assert.Equal(FakeError, Assert.Throws(FakeError.GetType(),
                                                      () => wrapper.Upsert(TestDataKind, key1, item1.WithVersion(2))));

                Assert.Equal(item1.WithVersion(2), wrapper.Get(TestDataKind, key1));

                var status1 = statuses.ExpectValue();

                // While the store is still down, try to update it again - the update goes into the cache

                Assert.Equal(FakeError, Assert.Throws(FakeError.GetType(),
                                                      () => wrapper.Upsert(TestDataKind, key2, item2.WithVersion(1))));

                Assert.Equal(item2.WithVersion(1), wrapper.Get(TestDataKind, key2));

                // Verify that this update did not go into the underlying data yet

                Assert.False(_core.Data[TestDataKind].TryGetValue(key2, out _));

                // Now simulate the store coming back up

                // Wait for the poller to notice this and publish a new status
                var status2 = statuses.ExpectValue();

                // Once that has happened, the cache should have been written to the store
                Assert.Equal(item1.SerializedWithVersion(2), _core.Data[TestDataKind][key1]);
                Assert.Equal(item2.SerializedWithVersion(1), _core.Data[TestDataKind][key2]);
        public void StatusIsUnavailableAfterError()
            using (var wrapper = MakeWrapper(Cached))
                var dataStoreStatusProvider = new DataStoreStatusProviderImpl(wrapper, _dataStoreUpdates);

                CauseStoreError(_core, wrapper);

                var status = dataStoreStatusProvider.Status;
        public void StatusRemainsUnavailableIfStoreSaysItIsAvailableButInitFails()
            // Most of this test is identical to CacheIsWrittenToStoreAfterRecoveryIfTtlIsInfinite() except as noted below.
            using (var wrapper = MakeWrapper(CachedIndefinitely))
                var dataStoreStatusProvider = new DataStoreStatusProviderImpl(wrapper, _dataStoreUpdates);

                var statuses = new EventSink <DataStoreStatus>();
                dataStoreStatusProvider.StatusChanged += statuses.Add;

                string key1 = "key1", key2 = "key2";
                var    item1 = new TestItem("name1");
                var    item2 = new TestItem("name2");

                wrapper.Init(new TestDataBuilder()
                             .Add(TestDataKind, key1, 1, item1)

                // In infinite cache mode, we do *not* expect exceptions thrown by the store to be propagated; it will
                // swallow the error, but also go into polling/recovery mode. Note that even though the store rejects
                // this update, it'll still be cached.
                CauseStoreError(_core, wrapper);
                Assert.Equal(FakeError, Assert.Throws(FakeError.GetType(),
                                                      () => wrapper.Upsert(TestDataKind, key1, item1.WithVersion(2))));

                Assert.Equal(item1.WithVersion(2), wrapper.Get(TestDataKind, key1));

                var status1 = statuses.ExpectValue();

                // While the store is still down, try to update it again - the update goes into the cache

                Assert.Equal(FakeError, Assert.Throws(FakeError.GetType(),
                                                      () => wrapper.Upsert(TestDataKind, key2, item2.WithVersion(1))));

                Assert.Equal(item2.WithVersion(1), wrapper.Get(TestDataKind, key2));

                // Verify that this update did not go into the underlying data yet

                Assert.False(_core.Data[TestDataKind].TryGetValue(key2, out _));

                // Here's what is unique to this test: we are telling the store to report its status as "available",
                // but *not* clearing the fake exception, so when the poller tries to write the cached data with
                // init() it should fail.
                _core.Available = true;

                // We can't prove that an unwanted status transition will never happen, but we can verify that it
                // does not happen within two status poll intervals.
                Thread.Sleep(PersistentDataStoreStatusManager.PollInterval + PersistentDataStoreStatusManager.PollInterval);

                Assert.InRange(_core.InitCalledCount, 2, 100); // that is, it *tried* to do at least one more init

                // Now simulate the store coming back up and actually working
                _core.Error = null;

                // Wait for the poller to notice this and publish a new status
                var status2 = statuses.ExpectValue();

                // Once that has happened, the cache should have been written to the store
                Assert.Equal(item1.SerializedWithVersion(2), _core.Data[TestDataKind][key1]);
                Assert.Equal(item2.SerializedWithVersion(1), _core.Data[TestDataKind][key2]);
 public DataStoreStatusProviderImplTest(ITestOutputHelper testOutput) : base(testOutput)
     _dataStoreUpdates        = new DataStoreUpdatesImpl(new TaskExecutor(testLogger));
     _dataStoreStatusProvider = new DataStoreStatusProviderImpl(_dataStore, _dataStoreUpdates);