Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool checkLineProximity(int indexno, int identifier, Graphics daGe)             //checks whether if the mouse pointer is on an object (i.e. shape)
            Graphics g     = daGe;
            Pen      lePen = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 1);

            g = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics();

            g.TranslateTransform(this.pictureBox1.Left + 8, this.pictureBox1.Size.Height + 8);          //transforms point-of-origin to the lower left corner of the canvas.

            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

            switch (identifier)                 //depending on the "identifier" value, the relevant object will be highlighted
            case 2:                             //Line
                Line line = (Line)drawingList[indexno];

                if (mainScale == 0)
                    mainScale = 1;


            case 3:                             //rectangle
                rectangle rect = (rectangle)drawingList[indexno];


            case 4:                             //circle
                circle tempCircle = (circle)drawingList[indexno];

                if (mainScale == 0)
                    mainScale = 1;


            case 5:                             //polyline
                polyline tempPoly = (polyline)drawingList[indexno];

                if (mainScale == 0)
                    mainScale = 1;


            case 6:                             //arc
                arc tempArc = (arc)drawingList[indexno];

                if (mainScale == 0)
                    mainScale = 1;


Exemplo n.º 2
        private void PolylineModule(StreamReader reader)                //Interpretes polyline objects in the DXF file
            string line1, line2;

            line1 = "0";
            line2 = "0";

            double x1 = 0;
            double y1 = 0;
            double x2 = 0;
            double y2 = 0;

            thePolyLine = new polyline(Color.Red);

            int ix = drawingList.Add(thePolyLine);

            objectIdentifier.Add(new DrawingObject(5, ix));

            int       counter          = 0;
            int       numberOfVertices = 1;
            int       openOrClosed     = 0;
            ArrayList pointList        = new ArrayList();

                GetLineCouple(reader, out line1, out line2);

                if (line1 == "90")
                    numberOfVertices = Convert.ToInt32(line2);

                if (line1 == "70")
                    openOrClosed = Convert.ToInt32(line2);

                if (line1 == "10")
                    x1 = Convert.ToDouble(line2);
                    if (x1 > XMax)
                        XMax = x1;

                    if (x1 < XMin)
                        XMin = x1;

                if (line1 == "20")
                    y1 = Convert.ToDouble(line2);

                    if (y1 > YMax)
                        YMax = y1;

                    if (y1 < YMin)
                        YMin = y1;

                    pointList.Add(new PointF((float)x1, (float)-y1));
            }while(counter < numberOfVertices);

            //***************This Part is related with the drawing editor...the data taken from the dxf file******//
            //***************is interpreted hereinafter***********************************************************//

            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
                thePolyLine.AppendLine(new Line((Point)pointList[i - 1], (Point)pointList[i], Color.Red));

            if (openOrClosed == 1)
                thePolyLine.AppendLine(new Line((Point)pointList[numberOfVertices - 1], (Point)pointList[0], Color.Red));

            if ((Math.Abs(XMax) - Math.Abs(XMin)) > this.pictureBox1.Size.Width)
                scaleX = (double)(this.pictureBox1.Size.Width) / (double)(Math.Abs(XMax) - Math.Abs(XMin));
                scaleX = 1;

            if ((Math.Abs(YMax) - Math.Abs(YMin)) > this.pictureBox1.Size.Height)
                scaleY = (double)(this.pictureBox1.Size.Height) / (double)(Math.Abs(YMax) - Math.Abs(YMin));
                scaleY = 1;

            //mainScale = Math.Min(scaleX, scaleY);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Draw(Graphics g)
            g.PageUnit  = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
            g.PageScale = 1.0F;

            Pen lePen = new Pen(Color.Red, 0.01F);

            g.TranslateTransform(this.pictureBox1.Location.X + 1, this.pictureBox1.Location.Y + (float)YMax - 1 /* this.pictureBox1.Size.Height - 1*/);

            if (YMin < 0)
                g.TranslateTransform(0, -(int)Math.Abs(YMin));                                          //transforms point-of-origin to the lower left corner of the canvas.
            if (XMin < 0)
                g.TranslateTransform((int)Math.Abs(XMin), 0);

            //g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            g.DrawEllipse(lePen, 5, 5, 20, 20);

            foreach (DrawingObject obj in objectIdentifier)                                                     //iterates through the objects
                switch (obj.shapeType)
                case 2:                                                 //line
                    Line temp = (Line)drawingList[obj.indexNo];

                    lePen.Color = temp.AccessContourColor;
                    lePen.Width = temp.AccessLineWidth;

                    highlightedRegion.Location = new Point((int)temp.GetStartPoint.X, (int)temp.GetStartPoint.Y);

                    highlightedRegion.Width  = (int)(temp.GetStartPoint.X - temp.GetEndPoint.X);
                    highlightedRegion.Height = (int)(temp.GetStartPoint.Y - temp.GetEndPoint.Y);

                    if (mainScale == 0)
                        mainScale = 1;

                    temp.Draw(lePen, g, mainScale);


                case 3:                                                 //rectangle
                    rectangle temp = (rectangle)drawingList[obj.indexNo];

                    lePen.Color = temp.AccessContourColor;
                    lePen.Width = temp.AccessLineWidth;

                    temp.Draw(lePen, g);


                case 4:                                                 //circle
                    circle temp = (circle)drawingList[obj.indexNo];

                    lePen.Color = temp.AccessContourColor;
                    lePen.Width = temp.AccessLineWidth;

                    if (mainScale == 0)
                        mainScale = 1;

                    temp.Draw(lePen, g, mainScale);


                case 5:                                                 //polyline
                    polyline temp = (polyline)drawingList[obj.indexNo];

                    lePen.Color = temp.AccessContourColor;
                    lePen.Width = temp.AccessLineWidth;

                    if (mainScale == 0)
                        mainScale = 1;

                    temp.Draw(lePen, g, mainScale);


                case 6:                                                 //arc
                    arc temp = (arc)drawingList[obj.indexNo];

                    lePen.Color = temp.AccessContourColor;
                    lePen.Width = temp.AccessLineWidth;

                    if (mainScale == 0)
                        mainScale = 1;

                    temp.Draw(lePen, g, mainScale);


            //	g.Dispose();		//not disposed because "g" is get from the paintbackground event..