Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup race mode by disabling traffic, clearing weather, and teleporting player to the 1st SectorCheckpoint.
        /// </summary>
        public void enterRaceMode()
            // set the 2nd SectorCheckpoint as active (there must be at least 2 SectorCheckpoints to start race mode); draw the checkpoint

            // set weather to extra sunny; save current weather so it can be restored after exiting race mode
            weather       = World.Weather;
            World.Weather = Weather.ExtraSunny;

            // teleport player to the starting checkpoint; set player orientation
            SectorCheckpoint start = markedSectorCheckpoints[0];

            Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.Position   = start.position;
            Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.Quaternion = start.quarternion;

            // freeze time
            Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = false;
            GTA.UI.Screen.ShowSubtitle("~y~Lap Timer: Ready...");
            Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true;
            GTA.UI.Screen.ShowSubtitle("~g~Lap Timer: Go!");

            // start the clock by getting the current GameTime
            lapStartTime = Game.GameTime;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Redraw the blips and checkpoints of all saved SectorCheckpoints. Should only be used in placement mode.
 /// </summary>
 private void redrawAllSectorCheckpoints()
     for (int i = 0; i < markedSectorCheckpoints.Count; i++)
         // copy the instance of SectorCheckpoint and replace marker with a new instance returned by placeMarker
         SectorCheckpoint newCheckpoint = markedSectorCheckpoints[i];
         newCheckpoint.marker       = newCheckpoint.placeMarker(MarkerType.placement, markedSectorCheckpoints[i].number);
         markedSectorCheckpoints[i] = newCheckpoint;                                         // assign new instance of SectorCheckpoint to the original index in the List
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Mark player's current position, and create a blip & checkpoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Instance of </returns>
        public SectorCheckpoint createSectorCheckpoint(bool verbose = true)
            // instantiate empty SectorCheckpoint
            int checkpointNum = markedSectorCheckpoints.Count;
            SectorCheckpoint newCheckpoint = new SectorCheckpoint(checkpointNum);


Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Activate the provided SectorCheckpoint after deactivating the current active checkpoint.
        /// By activating, a marker will be placed at the checkpoint, and timer will run until player is in range of the checkpoint.
        /// If the index is out of bounds (>= no. of checkpoints), either end the race or reset the lap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idx">List index of SectorCheckpoint to activate in <c>markedSectorCheckpoints</c></param>
        /// <returns>The now-active SectorCheckpoint</returns>
        private SectorCheckpoint activateRaceCheckpoint(int idx)
            // deactivate current active checkpoint's marker
            try { markedSectorCheckpoints[activeSector].hideMarker(); }
            catch { }

            // detect if index is out of expected range
            if (idx >= markedSectorCheckpoints.Count && lapRace)
                //// if point-to-point race, then race is completed. Print time and exit race mode.
                //if (!lapRace)
                //	lapFinishedHandler(activeCheckpoint);
                //	return activeCheckpoint;

                //// if lapped race, activate the 0th checkpoint
                //	idx = 0;
                idx = 0;

            // set the new SectorCheckpoint as active (by index)
            activeSector     = idx;
            activeCheckpoint = markedSectorCheckpoints[idx];

            // determine if this is the final checkpoint based on the index
            bool isFinal = activeCheckpoint.GetHashCode() == finishCheckpoint.GetHashCode();             //idx == markedSectorCheckpoints.Count - 1 || idx == 0;

            // the marker placed should be different, depending on whether this checkpoint is final
            if (isFinal)
                activeCheckpoint.marker = activeCheckpoint.placeMarker(MarkerType.raceFinish, idx);

            // if not final checkpoint, place a checkpoint w/ an arrow pointing to the next checkpoint
                Vector3 nextChkptPosition = getNextCheckpoint(idx).position;
                activeCheckpoint.marker = activeCheckpoint.placeMarker(MarkerType.raceArrow, idx, nextChkptPosition);

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Import a race from a file on disk. The currently placed checkpoints will be overwritten.
        /// </summary>
        public void importRace(string path = null)
            // clean up any existing race/checkpoints
            if (raceMode)

            // set placement mode active; make sure player is not in race mode (exit if need to)
            placementMode = true;

            // prompt user to enter the name of the file (with or without the file extension) to import from
            string name = path == null?GTA.Game.GetUserInput("custom_race") : path;

                // attempt to import from file
                ExportableRace race = RaceExporter.deserializeFromJson(name, path == null ? false : true);

                // repopulate List<SectorCheckpoint> using the imported race data
                lapRace = race.lapMode;
                for (int i = 0; i < race.checkpoints.Length; i++)
                    SimplifiedCheckpoint sc    = race.checkpoints[i];
                    SectorCheckpoint     chkpt = new SectorCheckpoint(sc.number, sc.position, sc.quarternion, false);

                // inform user of successful load
                GTA.UI.Notification.Show("Lap Timer: successfully imported race!");

                // with the race loaded & reconstructed, try to load timing sheet. make sure all hash codes match!
                int raceHash = GetHashCode();
                ExportableTimingSheet timingSheet = TimingSheetExporter.deserializeFromJson(raceHash.ToString());
                for (int i = 0; i < timingSheet.timingData.Length; i++)
                GTA.UI.Notification.Show("Lap Timer: successfully imported personal timing sheet for the imported race!");
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="finalChkpt"><c>SectorCheckpoint</c> to extract timing summary from</param>
        /// <param name="lapRaceMode">if <c>true</c>, invoke exitRaceMode()</param>
        private void lapFinishedHandler(SectorCheckpoint finalChkpt, bool lapRaceMode = false)
            // display on screen a summary of the race results
            GTA.UI.Screen.ShowSubtitle("Lap completed. ~n~" + finalChkpt.timing.getLatestTimingSummaryString(), 10000);

            // export timing sheet

            // exit race mode if point-to-point (i.e. non-lapped) race
            if (!lapRaceMode)

            // otherwise, if lapped race, reset the timer
                lapStartTime = Game.GameTime;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the last <c>SectorCheckpoint</c>. First delete its <c>Marker</c>, then remove the checkpoint from <c>markedSectorCheckpoints</c>.
        /// </summary>
        public void deleteLastSectorCheckpoint(bool verbose = true)
            // if markedSectorCheckpoints is empty, do nothing
            if (markedSectorCheckpoints.Count <= 0)

            // get the last checkpoint in markedSectorCheckpoints
            SectorCheckpoint chkpt = markedSectorCheckpoints.Last();
            int checkpointNum      = chkpt.number;

            // delete its Marker (Blip + Checkpoint) from the World, if they are defined

            // remove the checkpoint from the list
            markedSectorCheckpoints.RemoveAt(markedSectorCheckpoints.Count - 1);

            // print output if verbose
            if (verbose)
                GTA.UI.Screen.ShowSubtitle("Lap Timer: deleted checkpoint #" + checkpointNum);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void loadLapTimeMenu(UIMenu sender)
            // clear the menu

            // validate the race; if race is invalid
            if (!race.isValid)

            // get the last checkpoint in list of checkpoints
            SectorCheckpoint finalChkpt = race.finishCheckpoint;

            // iterate over each k-v in the final checkpoint's timing data
            var times = finalChkpt.timing.vehicleFastestTime.OrderBy(x => x.Value);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in times)
                sender.AddItem(new UIMenuItem(TimingData.msToReadable(entry.Value, false, true) + " - " + entry.Key));
