Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method runs the looped user interaction process that the user chooses what to sort and search for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="media">The list of media objects pulled from the datafile</param>
        private static void Run(List <Media> media)
            int  userInput = 0;    // initialize the user input variable to zero
            int  counter   = 0;    // initialize the counter to zero used trigger the display initializer when app starts
            bool running   = true; // boolean flag for the main program running loop

            // the main app running loop
            while (running)
                // Initializer
                if (counter == 0)
                    displayTitle();   // displays the main title
                    displayChoices(); // displays the users options

                // Loop the user input until a number is entered
                while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userInput))
                    displayTitle();   // displays the main title
                    displayChoices(); // displays the users options
                if (userInput == 6)   // end main loop if user inputs 6
                    running = false;  // trigger the boolean flag to exit the main program loop
                    displayTitle(); // displays the main title

                    // switch class that displays different media types or the search field depending on user input
                    switch (userInput)
                    // info is displayed for all books in the file
                    case 1:
                        sortTitle("Book Search");     // executes the sort title method

                        // runs through the media list and displays any book data without summary in the file
                        foreach (Media item in media)
                            if (item is Book)     // if the item is a book display the book info w/o summary
                                itemSearch(item); // call the itemsearch method and pass item as argument
                        break;     // break out of the switch case

                    // info is displayed for all movies in the file
                    case 2:
                        sortTitle("Movie Search");     // executes the sort title method

                        // runs through the media list and displays any movie data without summary in the file
                        foreach (Media item in media)
                            if (item is Movie)     // if the item is a movie display the movie info w/o summary
                                itemSearch(item);  // call the itemsearch method and pass item as argument
                        break;     // break out of the switch case

                    // info is displayed for all songs in the file
                    case 3:
                        sortTitle("Song Search");     // executes the sort title method

                        // runs through the media list and displays any song data in the file
                        foreach (Media item in media)
                            if (item is Song)     // if the item is a song display the song info
                                itemSearch(item); // call the itemsearch method and pass item as argument
                        break;     // break out of the switch case

                    // info is displayed for all media types in the file
                    case 4:
                        sortTitle("Media Search");    // executes the sort title method

                        foreach (Media item in media) // loop all items in the Media List
                            if (item != null)         // tue if the item is not empty
                                if (item is Book)     // if the item is a book display the book info w/o summary
                                    itemSearch(item); // call the itemsearch method and pass item as argument
                                if (item is Movie)    // if the item is a movie display the movie info w/o summary
                                    itemSearch(item); // call the itemsearch method and pass item as argument
                                if (item is Song)     // if the item is a song display the song info
                                    itemSearch(item); // call the itemsearch method and pass item as argument
                        break;     // break out of the switch case

                    // info is displayed for all items that have the user inputed string in the title
                    case 5:
                        sortTitle("Search all media by title"); // executes the sort title method
                        foreach (Media item in media)           // loop all items in the Media List
                            // prompt user
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a search term:\n ");
                            string query = Console.ReadLine();                    // store user input
                            Console.WriteLine("");                                // create extra space
                            if (query == "0" || query == "")                      // true if user input is not empty or 0
                                break;                                            // break out of the switch case
                            foreach (Media m in media)                            // loop all items in the Media List
                                if (m.Search(query))                              // true if the query is in the title of an item in the Media List
                                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; // make console text green
                                    Console.WriteLine(m);                         // display the item info not including summary for movie/book
                                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; // make console text white

                                    if (m is Book)                                // if item is book displays the decrypted summary of the book
                                        Book temp = m as Book;
                                    if (m is Movie)     // if item is movie displays the decrypted summary of the movie
                                        Movie temp = m as Movie;

                    displayChoices(); // displays the users options

                    // change output to remind user 1 - 6 are only valid numbers
                    if (userInput != 1 && userInput != 2 && userInput != 3 && userInput != 4 && userInput != 5)
                        Console.Write("Please Enter a number from 1 - 6: ");
                        Console.Write("Enter choice:");
                    counter++; // increase the counter used to initialize the first output
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// this method is about Choosing options in the menu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaArray">array of Media</param>
        /// <returns>true</returns>
        private static bool Choice(Media[] mediaArray)
            //create Books list
            List <Book> Books = new List <Book>();
            //create Movies list
            List <Movie> Movies = new List <Movie>();
            //create Songs list
            List <Song> Songs = new List <Song>();

            //store the object data in the assigned list according to the type of object
            foreach (Media element in mediaArray)
                if (element is Book)
                else if (element is Movie)
                else if (element is Song)

            //diplay the menu option

            while (true)
                //get the input from the user
                string input = Console.ReadLine();

                //show the error if the user's input is wrong
                if ((int.TryParse(input, out int userSelection) == false) ||
                    userSelection < 1 || userSelection > 6)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n*** Invalid Choice - Try Again ***\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue . . .");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();

                //display the output according to the user's input
                if (userSelection == 1)
                    //foreach statement of the Books list
                    foreach (Book element in Books)
                        //display the information
                else if (userSelection == 2)
                    foreach (Movie element in Movies)
                else if (userSelection == 3)
                    foreach (Song element in Songs)
                else if (userSelection == 4)
                    foreach (Media element in mediaArray)
                else if (userSelection == 5)
                    Console.Write("\nEnter a search string: ");

                    //get the keyword from the user
                    string keyword = Console.ReadLine();

                    //foreach statement of the mediaArray array
                    int keywordResultCount = 0;
                    foreach (Media element in mediaArray)
                        //check the keyword is found or not
                        if (element.Search(keyword))
                            //check the keyword is Book object
                            if (Books.Contains(element))
                                Book book = (Book)element;
                                //decrpt the Summary and display on the screen
                                Console.WriteLine("Summary: " + book.Decrypt());
                            //check the keyword is Movies object
                            else if (Movies.Contains(element))
                                Movie movie = (Movie)element;
                                //decrpt the Summary and display on the screen
                                Console.WriteLine("Summary: " + movie.Decrypt());
                            //keyword is Song object
                            if (keywordResultCount > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine(keywordResultCount + " results are found");
                                Console.WriteLine("No search result");
                        if (keywordResultCount == mediaArray.Length)
                            Console.WriteLine(keywordResultCount + " results are found");
                    // if userSelection is 6, then exit
                Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue . . .");

                string continueInput = Console.ReadLine();
                if (continueInput != null)
                    //clear the screen and show the display menu