Exemplo n.º 1
        private void disableStringsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Chunk locChunk = mAssetListBox.Items[mAssetListBox.SelectedIndex] as Chunk;

            if (locChunk.LocHelper == null)
                locChunk.LocHelper = new LocHelper(locChunk.GetAssetData());

            string userInput =
                MessageForm.ShowMessage("Paste String ids into the text box", "", SystemIcons.Question, true, true);

            if (userInput != null)
                string number           = StringInputDlg.GetString("Enter occurence", "Enter the occurence of the string you want to disable", "1");
                int    target_occurence = 1;
                if (Int32.TryParse(number, out target_occurence))
                    string[] lines = userInput.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Split("\n".ToCharArray());
                    foreach (string line in lines)
                        if (line.Length > 0)
                            locChunk.LocHelper.DisableString(line, target_occurence);
                    // now...
                    // copy the data from the chunk to the in-memory data
                    byte[] rawData = locChunk.LocHelper.GetRawData();
                    Array.Copy(rawData, 0, mUcfbFileHelper.Data, (int)locChunk.Start, rawData.Length);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void mAddStringsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //public static string ShowMessage(string title, string message, Icon icon, bool editable, bool showCancelButton)
            string result = MessageForm.ShowMessage("Paste in strings to add", "", SystemIcons.Question, true, true);

            if (result != null)
                result = result.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                //public static string Replace(string input, string pattern, string replacement);
                result = Regex.Replace(result, "[ ]+\n", "\n");

                List <string> stringsToAdd = new List <string>(result.Split(new char[] { '\n' }));
                int           numberAdded  = HashHelper.AddStringsToDictionary(stringsToAdd);
                txt_output.Text = string.Format("Added {0} previously unknown strings\n", numberAdded);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void CreateLvl(string outputPath, string saveFileName, string platform, bool supressPopups)
            if (!outputPath.EndsWith("\\"))
                outputPath += "\\";

            string workspace    = outputPath + ".\\__LVLTOOL__workspace__\\";
            string munge_dir    = outputPath + ".\\__LVLTOOL__workspace__\\MUNGED\\";
            string saveFilePath = outputPath + saveFileName;

            if (Directory.Exists(workspace))
                Directory.Delete(workspace, true);
            string reqContent  = GetReqString();
            string reqFileName = mOutputFilenameTextbox.Text.ToLower().Replace(".lvl", ".req");

            File.WriteAllText(workspace + reqFileName, reqContent);

            // now copy the files over to the workspace
            foreach (MungableItem item in mListBox.Items)
                if (AlreadyMunged(item.Path))
                    File.Copy(item.Path, munge_dir + item.FileName);
                    File.Copy(item.Path, workspace + item.FileName);
            // now munge & pack

            string configMunge  = Program.ModToolsDir + "ToolsFL\\bin\\ConfigMunge.exe";
            string textureMunge = Program.ModToolsDir + "ToolsFL\\bin\\pc_TextureMunge.exe";
            string scriptMunge  = Program.ModToolsDir + "ToolsFL\\bin\\ScriptMunge.exe";
            string lvlPack      = Program.ModToolsDir + "ToolsFL\\bin\\levelpack.exe";

            if (OverrideLevelPack != null)
                lvlPack = OverrideLevelPack;
            if (OverrideScriptMunge != null)
                scriptMunge = OverrideScriptMunge;

            string req_file_noext = reqFileName.Replace(".req", "");
            string configArgs     = string.Format(
                " -inputfile $*.mcfg -continue  -QUIET -platform {0} -sourcedir  {1} -outputdir {2} -hashstrings ",
                platform, workspace, munge_dir);
            string scriptArgs = string.Format(
                " -inputfile *.lua -continue  -QUIET -platform {0} -sourcedir  {1} -outputdir {2} ",
                platform, Path.GetFullPath(workspace), munge_dir);
            string texArgs = string.Format(
                " -inputfile $*.tga -checkdate -continue -QUIET -platform {0} -sourcedir  {1} -outputdir {2}  ",
                platform, workspace, munge_dir);
            string lvlPackArgs = string.Format(
                "-inputfile {0}.req -writefiles {1}{0}.files -continue -QUIET -platform {2} -sourcedir  {3} -inputdir {1} -outputdir {3}  ",
                req_file_noext, munge_dir, platform, Path.GetFullPath(workspace));
            //string programOutput = Program.RunCommand(program_exe, args, true);
            string programOutput = "";

            if (File.Exists(scriptMunge))
                programOutput += Program.RunCommand(scriptMunge, scriptArgs, true);
            if (File.Exists(configMunge))
                programOutput += Program.RunCommand(configMunge, configArgs, true);
            if (File.Exists(textureMunge))
                programOutput += Program.RunCommand(textureMunge, texArgs, true);
            programOutput += Program.RunCommand(lvlPack, lvlPackArgs, true);
            string batchFileContents = string.Format(
                "{0} {1}\n\n{2} {3}\n\n{4} {5}\n\n{6} {7}\n\n",
                textureMunge, String.Format("-inputfile $*.tga  -checkdate -continue -platform {0} -sourcedir . -outputdir MUNGED ", platform),
                scriptMunge, String.Format("-inputfile *.lua   -continue -platform {0} -sourcedir  . -outputdir MUNGED  ", platform),
                configMunge, String.Format("-inputfile $*.mcfg -continue -platform {0} -sourcedir . -outputdir MUNGED -hashstrings ", platform),
                lvlPack, String.Format("-inputfile {0}.req -writefiles MUNGED\\{0}.files -continue -platform {1} -sourcedir  . -inputdir MUNGED\\ -outputdir . ",
                                       req_file_noext, platform)
            // copy output to user's choice directory
            string lvlOutput = workspace + req_file_noext + ".lvl";

            if (File.Exists(lvlOutput))
                File.WriteAllText(workspace + "munge.bat", batchFileContents);
                File.WriteAllText(workspace + "munge.log", programOutput);
                File.Copy(lvlOutput, saveFilePath, true);
                if (!supressPopups)
                    MessageForm.ShowMessage("Saved lvl file", "Saved to: " + saveFilePath, SystemIcons.Information, false, false);
                    Console.WriteLine("Saved lvl file to: " + saveFilePath);
                if (Directory.Exists(workspace)) // allow the user to rename in order to keep the workspace
                    Directory.Delete(workspace, true);
                if (!supressPopups)
                    MessageForm.ShowMessage("Error creating lvl file", "Something went wrong:\n" + programOutput);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error creating lvl file :\n" + programOutput);