Exemplo n.º 1
        public static UserModel AssignDepRep(int id)
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            user           um       = entities.users.Where(p => p.userid == id).First <user>();
            user           um1      = entities.users.Where(p => p.deptid == um.deptid && p.role == ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP).First <user>();

            um1.role = ConUser.Role.EMPLOYEEREP;
            um.role  = ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP;
            UserModel umm = CovertDBUsertoAPIUser(um);

            NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();

            nom.Deptid   = um.deptid;
            nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP;
            nom.Title    = "Department Representative";
            nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.DeptRepAssigned;
            nom.ResID    = um.userid;
            nom.Remark   = um.fullname + " has been assigned as a Department Representative!";
            nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out string error);

            nom.Deptid   = um.deptid;
            nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.EMPLOYEEREP;
            nom.Title    = "Department Representative";
            nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.DeptRepAssigned;
            nom.ResID    = um.userid;
            nom.Remark   = um.fullname + " has been assigned as a Department Representative!";
            nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);

Exemplo n.º 2
        // To change the status from pending to complete
        public static RequisitionWithOutstandingModel Complete
            (RequisitionWithOutstandingModel ordm, out string error)
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();

            error = "";
            outstandingrequisition          req                 = new outstandingrequisition();
            RequisitionWithOutstandingModel reqoutm             = new RequisitionWithOutstandingModel();
            List <RequisitionDetailsWithOutstandingModel> reqdm = new List <RequisitionDetailsWithOutstandingModel>();

                // finding the db object using API model
                req = entities.outstandingrequisitions
                      .Where(x => x.requisition.reqid == ordm.Reqid)

                if (req.requisition.status == ConRequisition.Status.OUTSTANDINGREQUISITION || req.status == ConOutstandingsRequisition.Status.DELIVERED)
                    req.status             = ConOutstandingsRequisition.Status.COMPLETE;
                    req.requisition.status = ConRequisition.Status.COMPLETED;
                    foreach (outstandingrequisitiondetail rqdm in req.outstandingrequisitiondetails)
                        reqdm.Add(new RequisitionDetailsWithOutstandingModel(req.reqid, rqdm.itemid, rqdm.item.description,
                                                                             rqdm.qty, rqdm.item.category.name, rqdm.item.uom,
                    reqoutm = new RequisitionWithOutstandingModel(req.reqid, req.requisition.raisedby, req.requisition.user.fullname
                                                                  , req.requisition.approvedby, req.requisition.user1.fullname, req.requisition.cpid, req.requisition.collectionpoint.cpname
                                                                  , req.requisition.deptid, req.requisition.department.deptname, req.status, req.requisition.reqdate, 999,
                                                                  "Z" + req.requisition.deptid, reqdm);
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Datetime = DateTime.Now;
                    nom.Deptid   = 11;
                    nom.Remark   = "The Outstanding Items with Requisition ID (" + req.reqid + ") is now collected";
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.CLERK;
                    nom.Title    = "Outstanding Items Collected";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.OutstandingItemsCollected;
                    nom.ResID    = req.reqid;
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
                    error   = "Status not Outstanding";
                    reqoutm = new RequisitionWithOutstandingModel();
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //Create new Requisition with Detials
        public static RequisitionModel CreateRequisitionwithDetails(RequisitionModel reqm, List <RequisitionDetailsModel> reqd, out string error)
            error = "";
            LUSSISEntities           entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            requisition              req      = new requisition();
            List <requisitiondetail> reqlist  = new List <requisitiondetail>();

                req.reqid      = reqm.Reqid;
                req.raisedby   = reqm.Raisedby;
                req.approvedby = reqm.Approvedby;
                req.deptid     = reqm.Depid;
                req.cpid       = reqm.Cpid;
                req.status     = ConRequisition.Status.PENDING;
                req.reqdate    = DateTime.Now;

                req = entities.requisitions.Add(req);

                foreach (RequisitionDetailsModel rdm in reqd)
                    requisitiondetail rqd = new requisitiondetail
                        reqid  = req.reqid,
                        itemid = rdm.Itemid,
                        qty    = rdm.Qty
                    rqd = entities.requisitiondetails.Add(rqd);

                reqm = GetRequisitionByRequisitionId(req.reqid, out error);

                NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                nom.Deptid   = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(reqm.Raisedby ?? default(int), out error).Deptid;
                nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.HOD;
                nom.Title    = "Requisition Approval";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.RequisitionApproval;
                nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                nom.Remark   = "A new requisition has been raised by " + reqm.Rasiedbyname + "!";
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //cancel delegation

        public static DelegationModel CancelDelegation(DelegationModel dm, out String error)
            error = "";
            // declare and initialize new LUSSISEntities to perform update
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            delegation     d        = new delegation();

                // finding the delegation object using delegation API model
                d = entities.delegations.Where(p => p.delid == dm.Delid).First <delegation>();

                d.active = ConDelegation.Active.INACTIVE;

                // saving the update


                // return the updated model
                dm = GetDelegationByDelegationID(d.delid, out error);

                user us = entities.users.Where(p => p.userid == dm.Userid).FirstOrDefault();

                NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                nom.Deptid   = us.deptid;
                nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.EMPLOYEEREP;
                nom.Title    = "Authority Cancellation";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.DelegationAssigned;
                nom.ResID    = dm.Userid;
                nom.Remark   = us.fullname + " has been removed as a Temp Head of Department!";
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);

                nom.Deptid   = us.deptid;
                nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.TEMPHOD;
                nom.Title    = "Authority Cancellation";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.DelegationAssigned;
                nom.ResID    = dm.Userid;
                nom.Remark   = us.fullname + " has been removed as a Temp Head of Department!";
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
        public static DepartmentCollectionPointModel UpdateDepartmentCollectionPoint(DepartmentCollectionPointModel dcpm, out string error)
            error = "";
            // declare and initialize new LUSSISEntities to perform update
            LUSSISEntities            entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            departmentcollectionpoint dcp      = new departmentcollectionpoint();

                dcp = entities.departmentcollectionpoints.Where(p => p.deptcpid == dcpm.DeptCpID).FirstOrDefault <departmentcollectionpoint>();

                dcp.deptid = dcpm.DeptID;
                dcp.cpid   = dcpm.CpID;
                dcp.status = dcpm.Status;
                // saving the update

                // return the updated model
                dcpm = GetDepartmentCollectionPointByDcpID(dcp.deptcpid, out error);

                if (dcpm.Status == ConDepartmentCollectionPoint.Status.ACTIVE)
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Deptid   = dcpm.DeptID;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.HOD;
                    nom.Title    = "Approved Collection Point";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.ClerkApprovedCollectionPointChange;
                    nom.ResID    = dcpm.DeptCpID;
                    nom.Remark   = "The new collection point change request has been approved by the store";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
                else if (dcpm.Status == ConDepartmentCollectionPoint.Status.REJECTED)
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Deptid   = dcpm.DeptID;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.HOD;
                    nom.Title    = "Rejected Collection Point";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.ClerkRejectedCollectionPointChange;
                    nom.ResID    = dcpm.DeptCpID;
                    nom.Remark   = "The new collection point change request has been rejected by the store";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Exemplo n.º 6
        //create the requisition
        public static RequisitionModel CreateRequisition(RequisitionModel req, out string error)
            error = "";
            bool           RaisedByTempHOD = true;
            LUSSISEntities entities        = new LUSSISEntities();
            requisition    reqn            = new requisition();

                reqn.raisedby   = req.Raisedby;
                reqn.approvedby = req.Approvedby;
                if (req.Approvedby == null || req.Approvedby == 0)
                    reqn.approvedby = req.Raisedby;
                    RaisedByTempHOD = false;
                reqn.deptid  = req.Depid;
                reqn.cpid    = req.Cpid;
                reqn.status  = ConRequisition.Status.PENDING;
                reqn.reqdate = DateTime.Now;
                reqn         = entities.requisitions.Add(reqn);
                req = GetRequisitionByRequisitionId(reqn.reqid, out error);

                if (!RaisedByTempHOD)
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Deptid   = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(reqn.raisedby ?? default(int), out error).Deptid;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.HOD;
                    nom.Title    = "Requisition Approval";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.RequisitionApproval;
                    nom.ResID    = reqn.reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "A new requisition has been raised by " + req.Rasiedbyname + "!";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
                    req.Status = ConRequisition.Status.APPROVED;
                    req        = UpdateRequisition(req, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
        public static DepartmentCollectionPointModel AddDepartmentCollectionPoint(DepartmentCollectionPointModel dcpm, out string error)
            error = "";
            // declare and initialize new LUSSISEntities to perform update
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();

                departmentcollectionpoint dcp = new departmentcollectionpoint
                    deptid = dcpm.DeptID,
                    cpid   = dcpm.CpID,
                    status = dcpm.Status

                // saving the update

                // return the updated model
                dcpm = GetDepartmentCollectionPointByDcpID(dcp.deptcpid, out error);

                NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                nom.Deptid   = 11;
                nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.CLERK;
                nom.Title    = "Collection Point Request";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.CollectionPointChangeRequestApproval;
                nom.ResID    = dcpm.DeptCpID;
                nom.Remark   = "The new collection point change has been requested!";
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Exemplo n.º 8
        //create delegation
        public static DelegationModel CreateDelegation(DelegationModel dele, out string error)
            error = "";
            LUSSISEntities  entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            delegation      d        = new delegation();
            DelegationModel ndel     = new DelegationModel();

                DepartmentModel  dep      = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(dele.Userid, out error);
                List <UserModel> userlist = UserRepo.GetUserByDeptid(dep.Deptid, out error);
                foreach (UserModel u in userlist)
                    List <DelegationModel> delelist = GetDelegationByUserId(u.Userid, out error);
                    foreach (DelegationModel deleg in delelist)
                        delegation del = entities.delegations.Where(p => p.delid == deleg.Delid).FirstOrDefault <delegation>();
                        del.active = ConDelegation.Active.INACTIVE;
                        if (u.Role != ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP)
                d.startdate  = dele.Startdate;
                d.enddate    = dele.Enddate;
                d.userid     = dele.Userid;
                d.active     = ConDelegation.Active.ACTIVE;
                d.assignedby = dele.AssignedbyId;
                d            = entities.delegations.Add(d);

                dele = GetDelegationByDelegationID(d.delid, out error);

                user us = entities.users.Where(p => p.userid == dele.Userid).FirstOrDefault();

                NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                nom.Deptid   = us.deptid;
                nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.TEMPHOD;
                nom.Title    = "New Authority";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.DelegationAssigned;
                nom.ResID    = dele.Userid;
                nom.Remark   = us.fullname + " has been assigned as a Temp HOD from " + dele.Startdate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " to " + dele.Enddate.Value.ToShortDateString();
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);

                nom.Deptid   = us.deptid;
                nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.EMPLOYEEREP;
                nom.Title    = "New Authority";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.DelegationAssigned;
                nom.ResID    = dele.Userid;
                nom.Remark   = us.fullname + " has been assigned as a Temp HOD from " + dele.Startdate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " to " + dele.Enddate.Value.ToShortDateString();
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Exemplo n.º 9
        // update the Requisition
        public static RequisitionModel UpdateRequisition(RequisitionModel reqm, out string error)
            error = "";
            // declare and initialize new LUSSISEntities to perform update
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            requisition    req      = new requisition();

                // finding the inventory object using Inventory API model
                req = entities.requisitions.Where(p => p.reqid == reqm.Reqid).First <requisition>();

                // transfering data from API model to DB Model
                req.reqid      = reqm.Reqid;
                req.raisedby   = reqm.Raisedby;
                req.approvedby = reqm.Approvedby;
                req.deptid     = reqm.Depid;
                req.status     = reqm.Status;
                // saving the update

                if (req.status == ConRequisition.Status.DELIVERED)
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Deptid   = reqm.Depid;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP;
                    nom.Title    = "Ready to Collect";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.DeliveredRequisition;
                    nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "Requisition is now ready to collect";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
                else if (req.status == ConRequisition.Status.APPROVED)
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Deptid   = reqm.Depid;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.EMPLOYEEREP;
                    nom.Title    = "HOD Requisition";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.HODApprovedRequistion;
                    nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "The new requisition has been approved by Head of Department";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);

                    nom.Deptid   = reqm.Depid;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP;
                    nom.Title    = "HOD Requisition";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.HODApprovedRequistion;
                    nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "The new requisition has been approved by Head of Department";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);

                    nom.Deptid   = 11;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.CLERK;
                    nom.Title    = "New Requisition";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.HODApprovedRequistion;
                    nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "The new requisition has been rasied by " + reqm.Depname;
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
                else if (req.status == ConRequisition.Status.REQUESTPENDING)
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Deptid   = reqm.Depid;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.HOD;
                    nom.Title    = "Approved Requisition";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.ClerkApprovedRequisiton;
                    nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "The new requisition has been approved by the store";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);

                    nom.Deptid   = reqm.Depid;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.TEMPHOD;
                    nom.Title    = "Approved Requisition";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.ClerkApprovedRequisiton;
                    nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "The new requisition has been approved by the store";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
                else if (req.status == ConRequisition.Status.COMPLETED || req.status == ConRequisition.Status.OUTSTANDINGREQUISITION)
                    NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                    nom.Deptid   = 11;
                    nom.Role     = ConUser.Role.CLERK;
                    nom.Title    = "Items Collected";
                    nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.CollectedRequistion;
                    nom.ResID    = reqm.Reqid;
                    nom.Remark   = "The Items in Requisiton has been collected by Department Rep!";
                    nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
                // return the updated model
                reqm = CovertDBRequisitiontoAPIRequisition(req);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Exemplo n.º 10
        //Update Adjustment
        public static AdjustmentModel UpdateAdjustment(AdjustmentModel adjm, out string error)
            error = "";
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();

            NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();

            adjustment adj = new adjustment();

                adj            = entities.adjustments.Where(a => a.adjid == adjm.Adjid).First <adjustment>();
                adj.raisedby   = adjm.Raisedby;
                adj.raisedto   = adjm.Raisedto;
                adj.issueddate = adjm.Issueddate;
                adj.status     = adjm.Status;
                nom.Remark     = "The Adjustment Voucher has been Rejected!";

                if (adj.status == ConAdjustment.Active.APPROVED)
                    nom.Remark = "The Adjustment Voucher has been Approved!";

                List <AdjustmentDetailModel> adjustds = AdjustmentDetailRepo.GetAdjustmentDetailByAdjID(adj.adjid, out error);
                foreach (AdjustmentDetailModel adjustd in adjustds)
                    InventoryModel inventm = InventoryRepo.GetInventoryByItemid(adjustd.Itemid, out error);
                    inventory      invent  = entities.inventories.Where(i => i.invid == inventm.Invid).First <inventory>();
                    invent.stock += adjustd.Adjustedqty;

                    InventoryTransactionModel invtm = new InventoryTransactionModel();

                    invtm.InvID     = invent.invid;
                    invtm.ItemID    = invent.itemid;
                    invtm.Qty       = adjustd.Adjustedqty;
                    invtm.TransType = ConInventoryTransaction.TransType.ADJUSTMENT;
                    invtm.TransDate = DateTime.Now;
                    invtm.Remark    = adjustd.Reason;

                    invtm = InventoryTransactionRepo.CreateInventoryTransaction(invtm, out error);

                adjm = GetAdjustmentByID(adj.adjid, out error);

                nom.Deptid   = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(adj.raisedto ?? default(int), out error).Deptid;
                nom.Role     = UserRepo.GetUserByUserID(adj.raisedby ?? default(int)).Role;
                nom.Title    = "Adjustment Approval";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.Adjustment;
                nom.ResID    = adj.adjid;
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Exemplo n.º 11
        //Create new Adjustment
        public static AdjustmentModel CreateAdjustment(AdjustmentModel adjm, out string error)
            error = "";
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            adjustment     adj      = new adjustment();

                adj.raisedby   = adjm.Raisedby;
                adj.issueddate = adjm.Issueddate;
                adj.status     = ConAdjustment.Active.PENDING;
                List <AdjustmentDetailModel> adjds = adjm.Adjds;

                //check item price
                foreach (AdjustmentDetailModel adjd in adjds)
                    adj.raisedto = 0;
                    SupplierItemModel supp  = SupplierItemRepo.GetSupplierItemByItemId(adjd.Itemid, out error);
                    double?           price = Math.Abs((Int32)adjd.Adjustedqty) * supp.Price;

                    //Check total price of each item to consider who to report to
                    if (price >= ConAdjustment.Active.REPORTMANAGER)
                        user user = entities.users.Where(u => u.role == ConUser.Role.MANAGER).First();
                        adj.raisedto = user.userid;
                        user user = entities.users.Where(u => u.role == ConUser.Role.SUPERVISOR).First();
                        adj.raisedto = user.userid;
                adj = entities.adjustments.Add(adj);

                foreach (AdjustmentDetailModel adjdm in adjds)
                    adjustmentdetail adjd = new adjustmentdetail
                        adjid       = adj.adjid,
                        itemid      = adjdm.Itemid,
                        adjustedqty = adjdm.Adjustedqty,
                        reason      = adjdm.Reason
                    adjd = entities.adjustmentdetails.Add(adjd);

                adjm = GetAdjustmentByID(adj.adjid, out error);

                NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                nom.Deptid   = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(adj.raisedto ?? default(int), out error).Deptid;
                nom.Role     = UserRepo.GetUserByUserID(adj.raisedto ?? default(int)).Role;
                nom.Title    = "New Adjustment";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.Adjustment;
                nom.ResID    = adj.adjid;
                nom.Remark   = "A new adjustment has been raised by clerk!";
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;