Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void createCard(Player owner)
            this.name             = "Daidoji Kinta";
            this.printedChi       = 2;
            this.printedForce     = 2;
            this.honorRequirement = 6;
            this.goldCost         = 6;
            this.personalHonor    = 3;
            this.canProduceGold   = false;

            this.playerOwner = owner;

            ActionBattle tempAction = new ActionBattle();

            tempAction.displayActionText = "Bow: Ranged 4 Attack (Destroy a target enemy Follower, or Personality without Followers, with 4 or lower Force).";
            tempAction.actionOwner       = this;

            ERangedAttack tempEffect = new ERangedAttack();

            tempEffect.effectOwner     = tempAction;
            tempEffect.effectValue     = 4;
            tempEffect.effectCondition = new ConditionNull();
            tempEffect.effectTarget    = new TargetEnemyFollowerOrPersonalityWithoutFollower();


Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void createCard(Player owner)
            this.playerOwner = owner;
            this.name        = "A Champions Strike";
            this.focusValue  = 3;

            ActionBattle ab = new ActionBattle();

            ab.displayActionText = "Battle: Target your unbowed Unique Samurai. Destroy one or more target enemy Followers with a total Force less than or equal to your Samurai's.";

            EValueOfTargetedCardsForce ef = new EValueOfTargetedCardsForce();

            ef.effectTarget = new TargetAPersonality();
            //Need new condition for this effect Unique and Samuari
            ef.effectCondition = new ConditionTypeUnique();
            ef.effectOwner     = ab;
            ef.cardOwner       = this;

            EDestroyFollowersUpToForceX ef2 = new EDestroyFollowersUpToForceX();

            ef2.effectTarget    = new TargetEnemyCard();
            ef2.effectCondition = new ConditionTypeFollower();
            ef.cardOwner        = this;
            ef.effectOwner      = ab;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void createCard(Player owner)
            this.name             = "";
            this.printedChi       = 3;
            this.printedForce     = 3;
            this.honorRequirement = -40;
            this.goldCost         = 5;
            this.personalHonor    = 2;
            this.canProduceGold   = false;
            this.playerOwner      = owner;

            ActionBattle ab = new ActionBattle();

            ab.actionOwner       = this;
            ab.displayActionText = "Earth Battle: Discard a Kiho or a Spell from your hand to give this Province a strength bonus equal to the card's Focus Value.";
            ab.gs = playerOwner.gs;

            EDiscardACardForFocusValue edf = new EDiscardACardForFocusValue();

            edf.effectOwner     = ab;
            edf.cardOwner       = this;
            edf.effectTarget    = new TargetAKihoOrSpellInHand();
            edf.effectCondition = new ConditionNull();

            ab.actionsEffects.Add(new ERaiseProvinceStrengthByDiscardValue());