Exemplo n.º 1
		static void Main(string[] args)

			// setup Irrlicht

			device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(DriverType.Direct3D9, new Dimension2Di(1024, 768));
			if (device == null)

			device.SetWindowCaption("BulletSharp Test - Irrlicht Engine");
			device.OnEvent += new IrrlichtDevice.EventHandler(device_OnEvent);

			VideoDriver driver = device.VideoDriver;
			SceneManager scene = device.SceneManager;
			GUIFont font = device.GUIEnvironment.GetFont("../../media/fontlucida.png");

			CameraSceneNode camera = scene.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();
			camera.Position = new Vector3Df(100, 800, -1000);
			camera.Target = new Vector3Df(0, 100, 0);
			camera.FarValue = 30000;
			camera.AutomaticCulling = CullingType.FrustumBox;

			device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

			// setup physics

			physics = new Physics();
			physics.Setup(new Vector3Df(0, -worldGravity, 0));

			// setup particles

			particles = new Particles(device);

			// load quake level


			Mesh mesh = scene.GetMesh("20kdm2.bsp").GetMesh(0);
			SceneNode quakeLevel = scene.AddOctreeSceneNode(mesh, null, -1, 1024);
			quakeLevel.Position = new Vector3Df(-1300, -144, -1249);

			physics.AddShape(Physics.Shape.Mesh, quakeLevel);

			// generate dynamic objects

			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
					for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
						MeshSceneNode n = scene.AddCubeSceneNode(cubeSize);
						n.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/wall.bmp"));
						n.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
						n.Position = new Vector3Df(70 + i * cubeSize, 520 + j * cubeSize, -650 + k * cubeSize);

						physics.AddShape(Physics.Shape.Box, n, cubeMass);

			// main loop

			uint curTime = 0;
			uint lastTime = 0;
			int simFps = 0;
			int simFrames = 0;
			uint simFramesTime = 0;

			while (device.Run())
				if (device.WindowActive)
					// simulate physics

					lastTime = curTime;
					curTime = device.Timer.Time;
					if (!simPaused)
						float deltaTime = (curTime - lastTime) / 1000.0f;
						bool b = physics.StepSimulation(deltaTime);
						if (b) simFrames++;

					if (curTime - simFramesTime > 1000)
						simFramesTime = curTime;
						simFps = simFrames;
						simFrames = 0;

					// winnow particles

					particles.Winnow(curTime, simPaused);

					// render scene

					driver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(40, 80, 160));

					Material material = new Material();
					material.Lighting = false;

					// display stats

					driver.Draw2DRectangle(new Recti(10, 10, 140, 180), new Color(0x7f000000));

					Vector2Di v = new Vector2Di(20, 20);
					font.Draw("Rendering", v, Color.OpaqueYellow);
					v.Y += 16;
					font.Draw(scene.Attributes.GetValue("calls") + " nodes", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
					v.Y += 16;
					font.Draw(driver.FPS + " fps", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
					v.Y += 16;
					font.Draw("[T]rails " + (useTrails ? "ON" : "OFF"), v, Color.OpaqueGreen);
					v.Y += 32;
					font.Draw("Physics" + (simPaused ? " (paused)" : ""), v, Color.OpaqueYellow);
					v.Y += 16;
					font.Draw(physics.NumCollisionObjects + " shapes", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
					v.Y += 16;
					font.Draw(simFps + " fps", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
					v.Y += 16;
					font.Draw("[Space] to pause", v, Color.OpaqueGreen);



			// drop

Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // setup Irrlicht

            device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(DriverType.Direct3D9, new Dimension2Di(1024, 768));
            if (device == null)

            device.SetWindowCaption("BulletSharp Test - Irrlicht Engine");
            device.OnEvent += new IrrlichtDevice.EventHandler(device_OnEvent);

            VideoDriver  driver = device.VideoDriver;
            SceneManager scene  = device.SceneManager;
            GUIFont      font   = device.GUIEnvironment.GetFont("../../media/fontlucida.png");

            CameraSceneNode camera = scene.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();

            camera.Position         = new Vector3Df(100, 800, -1000);
            camera.Target           = new Vector3Df(0, 100, 0);
            camera.FarValue         = 30000;
            camera.AutomaticCulling = CullingType.FrustumBox;

            device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

            // setup physics

            physics = new Physics();
            physics.Setup(new Vector3Df(0, -worldGravity, 0));

            // setup particles

            particles = new Particles(device);

            // load quake level


            Mesh      mesh       = scene.GetMesh("20kdm2.bsp").GetMesh(0);
            SceneNode quakeLevel = scene.AddOctreeSceneNode(mesh, null, -1, 1024);

            quakeLevel.Position = new Vector3Df(-1300, -144, -1249);

            physics.AddShape(Physics.Shape.Mesh, quakeLevel);

            // generate dynamic objects

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                        MeshSceneNode n = scene.AddCubeSceneNode(cubeSize);
                        n.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/wall.bmp"));
                        n.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                        n.Position = new Vector3Df(70 + i * cubeSize, 520 + j * cubeSize, -650 + k * cubeSize);

                        physics.AddShape(Physics.Shape.Box, n, cubeMass);

            // main loop

            uint curTime       = 0;
            uint lastTime      = 0;
            int  simFps        = 0;
            int  simFrames     = 0;
            uint simFramesTime = 0;

            while (device.Run())
                if (device.WindowActive)
                    // simulate physics

                    lastTime = curTime;
                    curTime  = device.Timer.Time;
                    if (!simPaused)
                        float deltaTime = (curTime - lastTime) / 1000.0f;
                        bool  b         = physics.StepSimulation(deltaTime);
                        if (b)

                    if (curTime - simFramesTime > 1000)
                        simFramesTime = curTime;
                        simFps        = simFrames;
                        simFrames     = 0;

                    // winnow particles

                    particles.Winnow(curTime, simPaused);

                    // render scene

                    driver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(40, 80, 160));

                    Material material = new Material();
                    material.Lighting = false;

                    // display stats

                    driver.Draw2DRectangle(new Recti(10, 10, 140, 180), new Color(0x7f000000));

                    Vector2Di v = new Vector2Di(20, 20);
                    font.Draw("Rendering", v, Color.OpaqueYellow);
                    v.Y += 16;
                    font.Draw(scene.Attributes.GetValue("calls") + " nodes", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
                    v.Y += 16;
                    font.Draw(driver.FPS + " fps", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
                    v.Y += 16;
                    font.Draw("[T]rails " + (useTrails ? "ON" : "OFF"), v, Color.OpaqueGreen);
                    v.Y += 32;
                    font.Draw("Physics" + (simPaused ? " (paused)" : ""), v, Color.OpaqueYellow);
                    v.Y += 16;
                    font.Draw(physics.NumCollisionObjects + " shapes", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
                    v.Y += 16;
                    font.Draw(simFps + " fps", v, Color.OpaqueWhite);
                    v.Y += 16;
                    font.Draw("[Space] to pause", v, Color.OpaqueGreen);



            // drop
