Exemplo n.º 1
        private void CheckForSequence(George george, Vessel vessel, VesselData vdata)
            if (next == null)

            planet = vessel.mainBody;

            var nextNext = next.next;

            // do not skip over courses that we have never been on
            // otherwise it can auto-sequence through a whole series of things that
            // the player meant to fly.
            if (!courseStatus.beenValid)

            // have to figure out if we have passed next yet
            // looking at distance not good enough, should look for
            // either reversal of heading neeeded or closer to next course

            // -10 to deal with any round-off error
            if (courseStatus.distanceTraveled >= (courseStatus.courseDistance-10))
                if (nextNext != null)
                    Deb.Log("FlightPlan.Update: traveled past current leg, sequence");
                    SequenceWaypoint(george, vessel, vdata);
                    next = null;
            else if (nextNext != null &&
                     !next.HasFlag(WPFlag.FAF) &&
                     !next.HasFlag(WPFlag.RW) &&
                CourseStatus nextStatus = new CourseStatus();

                                next.lat, next.lon,
                                nextNext.lat, nextNext.lon,
                                position.lat, position.lon,

                var remaining = courseStatus.currentDistance;
                var speed = vessel.srfSpeed;

                if (speed > 0)
                    var timeToNext = remaining / speed;
                    var turnAmount = Math.Abs(nextStatus.courseBearing - courseStatus.courseBearing);

                    // deal with 350-10
                    if (turnAmount > 180)
                        turnAmount = 360 - turnAmount;

                    // estimate turn time
                    var turnRate = 3; // 3 degrees per second gives standard rate turn, should get from vessel
                    var timeToTurn = turnAmount / turnRate;

                    if (timeToNext < timeToTurn)
                        Deb.Log("FlightPlan.Update: time to turn (speed {5}, remain {0}, timeToNext {1}, amount {2}, rate {3}, timeToTurn {4}",
                            remaining, timeToNext, turnAmount, turnRate, timeToTurn, speed);
                        SequenceWaypoint(george, vessel, vdata);

            if (next != null)
                next.bearing = courseStatus.currentBearing;
                next.distance = courseStatus.currentDistance;

            // ok, we know how far off we are, with dXt, what heading do we need?
            // can we use the PID controller for this?
Exemplo n.º 2
        // does not try to sequence
        private void UpdateData(George george, Vessel vessel, VesselData vdata)
            planet = vessel.mainBody;

            // var mypos = vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass();
            double mylat = vessel.latitude;
            double mylon = vessel.longitude;
            double myalt = vessel.altitude;

            position.lat = mylat;
            position.lon = mylon;
            position.alt = myalt;

            if (prev == null || next == null)

            double prev_dXt = courseStatus.dXt;
            double prev_distance = courseStatus.currentDistance;

                            prev.lat, prev.lon,
                            next.lat, next.lon,
                            mylat, mylon,

            // track if this course has ever been valid to avoid sequencing over things entirely
            // without user being aware. Not fraction is clamped 0 to 1 so do not use that.
            if (!courseStatus.beenValid && (0 < courseStatus.fraction && courseStatus.fraction < 1))
                Deb.Log("UpdateData: marking course to {0} with dist {1} as valid", next, courseStatus.distanceTraveled);
                courseStatus.beenValid = true;

            double timestamp = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            double delta_time = timestamp - courseStatus.timestamp;
            courseStatus.timestamp = timestamp;

            // who knows if the sign will be right here; fixme
            // heading is not stable if craft is wallowing
            // courseStatus.vXt = vessel.srfSpeed * Math.Sin(ToRadians(vdata.heading-courseStatus.currentBearing));
            double delta_dXt = courseStatus.dXt - prev_dXt;
            double delta_distance = prev_distance - courseStatus.currentDistance;

            if (delta_time > 0 && !Double.IsNaN(delta_dXt) && !Double.IsNaN(delta_distance))
                courseStatus.vXt = delta_dXt / delta_time;
                courseStatus.vC = delta_distance / delta_time;
                courseStatus.vXt = Double.NaN;
                courseStatus.vC = Double.NaN;

            // Deb.Log("FP: delta_t={2}, dXt={0}, vXt={1}", courseStatus.dXt, courseStatus.vXt, delta_time);
            // Deb.Log("Along track velocity: {0}", courseStatus.vC);

            if (next.HasFlag(WPFlag.Vertical))
                if (prev.HasFlag(WPFlag.Vertical))
                    UpdateCourseVertical(planet, prev.alt, next.alt, myalt, courseStatus);
                    courseStatus.dVt = myalt - next.alt;
                    courseStatus.currentAltitude = next.alt;
                courseStatus.dVt = Double.NaN;
                courseStatus.currentAltitude = Double.NaN;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SequenceWaypoint(George george, Vessel vessel, VesselData vdata)
            Deb.Log("SequenceWaypoint: go");

            if (next == null)
                Deb.Log("SequenceWaypoint: no next waypoint.");


            var nextNext = next.next;

            if (nextNext == null)

            // do not carry over values from last course which are invalid at this point
            courseStatus = new CourseStatus();


            // do not just reference the waypoint because we want to modify
            // it in case we have made an early sequence and altitude is messed up
            prev = next.Clone();
            next = nextNext;
            prev.next = next;

            // check prev altitude to make sure we do not dive down or up to
            // altitude
            if (prev.HasFlag(WPFlag.Vertical))
                if (next.HasFlag(WPFlag.RW)) // are we on final approach?
                    Deb.Log("SequenceWaypoint: final approach, do not touch altitude");
                    if (prev.alt < vessel.altitude)
                        Deb.Log("SequenceWaypoint: adjust alt of prev from {0} to {1}",
                                prev.alt, vessel.altitude);
                        prev.alt = vessel.altitude;
                        Deb.Log("SequenceWaypoint: current alt below prev alt, keep it");
                Deb.Log("SequenceWaypoint: prev has no vertical info, so fill in our alt");
                prev.alt = vessel.altitude;


            UpdateData(george, vessel, vdata);
            CheckForSequence(george, vessel, vdata);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void Update(George george, Vessel vessel, VesselData vdata)
     UpdateData(george, vessel, vdata);
     CheckForSequence(george, vessel, vdata);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // what descent rate do we need to get to glideslope based on current state
        public double RequiredDescentRate(Vessel vessel, VesselData vesselData)
            var speed = vessel.srfSpeed;
            var error = courseStatus.dVt;

            // we know the optimal descent slope from courseStatus
            // that would give us a nominal descent rate
            // if we are high we need a higher descent rate
            // if low we need lower descent rate
            // D = distance from glideslope
            // T = time in future
            // GS = glide slope
            // V = descent rate
            // GV = descent rate for glide slope
            // S = speed (assume constant)
            // In T time we will travel about S * T
            // Traveling S * T the slope will drop (S*T) * GS
            // In time T will will drop T * V meters
            // We want (S*T)*GS to match (T*V)
            // or (S*T*GS) == (T*V) or
            // S*GS = GV
            // But we are D above glideslope so need to drop extra D in time T
            // If glideslope at our position is A, then our altitude is A+D
            // We want to get to an altitude in time T of A + T * (S*GS)
            // so (A+D)+T*V == A + T * (S*GS)
            // A+D+T*V == A + T * S * GS
            // D+T*V = T*S*GS
            // T*V = T*S*GS-D
            // V = S*GS - D/T
            // So to get there in 10 seconds we need to subtract D/10 from optimal glide slope rate

            if (speed <= 0)
                return 0;

            if (!Double.IsNaN(error) && !Double.IsNaN(courseStatus.courseSlope))
                var nominalRate = courseStatus.courseSlope * speed;
                var timeToIntercept = 5;
                var adjust = (-error / timeToIntercept);
                // if adjust is negative we will be going faster and so in fact we need more delta
                // if positive we will be going slower so need less
                var up_fudge = 0.8;
                var down_fudge = 1.2;

                if (adjust < 0)
                    adjust = adjust * down_fudge;
                    adjust = adjust * up_fudge;

                var result = nominalRate + adjust;

                // Deb.Log("RequiredDescentRate: slp {5}, nom {0}, T {1}, error {2}, adj {3}, result {4}",
                //    nominalRate, timeToIntercept, error, adjust, result, courseStatus.courseSlope, speed);

                return result;
                return Double.NaN;
Exemplo n.º 6
        // If on glideslope what decent rate do we want given our speed
        public double GlideSlopeDescentRate(Vessel vessel, VesselData vesselData)
            if (Double.IsNaN(courseStatus.courseSlope))
                return 0; // maybe return NaN; fixme

            var speed = vessel.srfSpeed;

            if (speed > 0)
                // need meters per second to follow glideslope
                // so slope is V/H dimensionless
                // multiply by H speed in M/S gives V speed in M/S
                return courseStatus.courseSlope * speed;
                return 0; // maybe return NaN; fixme
Exemplo n.º 7
        // logic: find waypoint and mark all previous waypoints flown
        // insert current pos as first waypoint
        // EXCEPTION; if it would by-pass final approach or IAF to FAF we want to go to the leg
        public void DirectToWaypoint(George george, WayPoint awp, Vessel vessel, VesselData vdata)
            Deb.Log("DirectToWaypoint: direct to {0}", next);

            if (next != null)

            bool activateLeg = false;

            if (awp.HasFlag(WPFlag.RW) || awp.HasFlag(WPFlag.FAF))
                activateLeg = true;

            // should not happen, but just in case
            if (course.Count == 0)
                Deb.Err("DirectToWaypoint: flight plan has no waypoint");

            // need to copy all waypoints and prune out any "current" ones that are in the middle
            var newCourse = new List<WayPoint>();
            int ndx = -1;
            int j = 0; // in case we skip any

            WayPoint prev_wp = null;
            WayPoint prevToDirect = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < course.Count; i++)
                var wp = course[i];

                if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(wp, awp))
                    // may have skipped so use index of destination
                    prevToDirect = prev_wp;
                    ndx = j;

                if (i > 0 && wp.HasFlag(WPFlag.Current))

                var newWp = wp.Clone();

                if (prev_wp != null)
                    prev_wp.next= newWp;

                prev_wp = newWp;

                j += 1;

            if (ndx < 0)
                Deb.Err("DirectToWaypoint: wp {0} not found.", awp);

            // everything before active wp should be marked flown and inactive
            for (int i = 0; i < ndx; i++)
                var wp = newCourse[i];


            // everything after active wp should be marked inactive and NOT flown
            for (int i = ndx; i < newCourse.Count; i++)
                var wp = newCourse[i];


            if (activateLeg)
                // ignore our position
                if (prevToDirect == null)
                    // should not happen, but just in case
                    Deb.Err("DirectToWaypoint: no previous waypoint for leg!");

                course = newCourse;

                next = course[ndx];
                prev = prevToDirect.Clone();
                prev.next = next;
                // insert a fake waypoint for our current position
                course = newCourse;

                var current = position.Clone();

                next = course[ndx];
                course.Insert(ndx, current);
                // don't set old_prev to link to current: old_prev.next = current;
                prev = current;
                prev.next = next;

            // need fresh status
            courseStatus = new CourseStatus();

            UpdateData(george, vessel, vdata);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void SwitchVessels(Vessel v)
            if (v == null)
                Deb.Log("George.SwitchVessels: null vessel");

                if (vessel != null)

                vesselData = null;
                vessel = null;

            Deb.Log("George.SwitchVessels: new vessel {0}", v);

            if (vessel == v)
                Deb.Log("George.switchVessels: same vessel");

            // so the on vessel change gets called with things that fall off during staging!
            // we do not want to control those and leave the main vessel.
            // hopefully by watching on active vessel we will be OK.
            if (!v.isActiveVessel || v.isEVA)
                Deb.Log("George.switchVessels: new vessel is not active one or EVA, ignore.");

            var lastVessel = vessel;

            vessel = v;

            if (lastVessel != null)

            if (vessel.mainBody == null)
                Deb.Err("George.SwitchVessels: vessel has no main body");
            // update to use this new vessel
            vesselData = new VesselData();

            vessel.OnPreAutopilotUpdate += new FlightInputCallback(PreAutoPilotUpdate);
            vessel.OnPostAutopilotUpdate += new FlightInputCallback(PostAutoPilotUpdate);

            if (HrztActive)
                InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.YAW, yawLockID);
            if (VertActive)
                InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.PITCH, pitchLockID);


            // test flight plane; fixme
            if (flightPlan != null)
                flightPlan.Activate(this, vessel, vesselData);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Activate(George george, Vessel vessel, VesselData vdata)
            planet = vessel.mainBody;

            position.lat = vessel.latitude;
            position.lon = vessel.longitude;
            position.alt = vessel.altitude;

            var start = position.Clone();


            start.next = course.FirstOrDefault();
            course.Insert(0, start);

            prev = null;
            next = start;

            SequenceWaypoint(george, vessel, vdata);