public ViewSolutions()
     ViewModelSolution = new ViewSolutionsViewModel() { Items = new List<ViewSolution>()};
     //ViewModelSolution.Items.Add(new ViewSolution { CourseId = "test" , Solutions = "this is best"});
     //ViewModelSolution.Items.Add(new ViewSolution { CourseId = "test2", Solutions = "why the hell" });
 public SolutionDetailPage()
     ViewModelSolution = new ViewSolutionsViewModel() { Items = new List<ViewSolution>()};
 void webClientSolution_OpenWriteCompleted(object sender, UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
     if (e.Result != null)
         //S1: Read the Received Stream
         //Stream jsonDataStream = e.Result;
         ////S2: JSON Serializer Container
         //DataContractJsonSerializer jsonData =
         //    new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(string));
         //////S3: Read JSON Data and DeSerialize into object MedicineMaster[]
         //var solutions = (string)jsonData.ReadObject(jsonDataStream);
         textBlock11.Text = e.Result;
         DataContext = new ViewSolutionsViewModel() {Items=new List<ViewSolution>()  };