/// <remarks>
 /// Confirms _selectedBooking booking on button click event
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void ConfirmBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     _selectedBooking = (BookingBO)UnconfBookingsGrid.SelectedItem;
     // reloads page to remove newly confirmed booking from table
        ////constructor, is used to update existing booking details.
        public BookingUpdateV(BookingBO selectedBooking, string adminName)

            this._selectedBooking = selectedBooking;

            // pre-fill text boxes with booking data
            txtCustomer.Text = selectedBooking.CustomerCompany;
            txtParticipants.Text = selectedBooking.Participants.ToString();
            txtAdditionalInfo.Text = selectedBooking.AdditionalInfo;
            txtDate.SelectedDate = selectedBooking.Date;

            //searches List<CustomersBO> by Customer Name
            listCustomers.ItemsSource = _custSrv.searchCustomerByCompany(txtCustomer.Text);

            //limit DatePicker choice to "starting from Today" only
            txtDate.DisplayDateStart = DateTime.Today;

            //fill combobox with active rooms from DB
            _rooms = _roomSrv.getActiveRooms();
            cboxRoom.ItemsSource = _rooms;

            // in case room is inactive leave combobox empty
            if (_roomSrv.getRoomIndexFromList(_rooms, selectedBooking.Room) != -1)
                cboxRoom.SelectedValue = selectedBooking.Room;
                cboxRoom.SelectedIndex = _roomSrv.getRoomIndexFromList(_rooms, selectedBooking.Room);

            _admin = (AdministratorBO)_adminSrv.getAdminByName(adminName);
 /// <remarks>
 /// Deletes (actually, archives) selected booking. 
 /// It is removed from current list, with assigned "archived" timestamp.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void DeleteBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     _selectedBooking = (BookingBO)UnconfBookingsGrid.SelectedItem;
     // Messagebox appears to prevent accidental user events. OK button confirms user intention to delete
     MessageBoxResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Kustutan valitud broneeringu?", "Oled sa kindel?", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question);
     if (dialogResult == MessageBoxResult.OK)
         //window is reloaded after booking is deleted
 /// <remarks>
 /// Navigates to booking update view (BookingUpdateV) pre-filled with selected booking details
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void ChangeBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     _selectedBooking = (BookingBO)UnconfBookingsGrid.SelectedItem;
     this.NavigationService.Navigate(new BookingUpdateV(_selectedBooking, _admin));
        /// <remarks>
        /// Fills the Booking detailed view on bottom of the page with the _selectedBooking info.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void UnconfBookingsGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)

            CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
            _selectedBooking = (BookingBO)UnconfBookingsGrid.SelectedItem;

            // if there is a booking with active selection in the DataGrid, textBlocks are filled with booking info
            if (_selectedBooking != null)
                txtID.Text = _selectedBooking.BookingID.ToString();
                txtDate.Text = _selectedBooking.Date.ToString("d", culture);
                txtRoom.Text = _selectedBooking.Room;
                txtParticipants.Text = _selectedBooking.Participants.ToString();
                txtCustomer.Text = _selectedBooking.CustomerCompany;
                txtCustomerPIC.Text = _selectedBooking.CustomerContactPerson;
                txtCreated.Text = _selectedBooking.Created.ToString("d", culture);
                txtAdmin.Text = _selectedBooking.Admin;
                txtAdditional.Text = _selectedBooking.AdditionalInfo;

                //in ideal world must never execute first condition
                if (_selectedBooking.Confirmed != null)
                    txtConfirmed.Text = ((DateTime)_selectedBooking.Confirmed).ToString("g", culture);
                else txtConfirmed.Text = "";// must always execute this condition, as this is Unconfirmed Booking View

                // displays first available contact value, if there is any in the table
                ContactService contactSrv = new ContactService();
                List<ContactBO> contacts = contactSrv.getAllFromTableByCustomerID(_selectedBooking.CustomerID);
                if (contacts.Count > 0)
                    txtContact.Text = contacts[0].Value.ToString();
                else txtContact.Text = "";
        /// <remarks>
        /// Sets existing DB booking entry property Archived to current DateTime value
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="booking"></param>
        public void archiveBooking(BookingBO booking)
            _log.Trace("in archiveBooking()");
            using (Keskus_baasEntities db = new Keskus_baasEntities())
                DAL.Booking toArchive = (from x in db.Bookings
                                         where x.BookingID == booking.BookingID
                                         select x).FirstOrDefault();

                toArchive.Archived = DateTime.Now;
                    _userlog.Trace(string.Format("Booking {0} is archived on {1} ", toArchive.BookingID, toArchive.Archived));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Trace(string.Format("archiveBooking() - An error occurred: '{0}'", ex));
        public ExportBO(BookingBO booking)
            this.BookingID = booking.BookingID;
            this.Date = booking.Date;
            this.Participants = booking.Participants;
            this.CustomerCompany = booking.CustomerCompany;
            this.Room = booking.Room;
            this.Admin = booking.Admin;
