Exemplo n.º 1
        // * //

        // Unmount encrypted filesystem //
        public static BooleanResult UnmountEncryptedFS(string targetDrive)
            using (Process process = new Process())
                // GET Dokan DIRECTORY
                string programDir = Toolbox.GetSoftwareDirectory(Config.Software.Dokan);
                if (programDir == null)
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Dokan inaccessible!"

                // UNMOUNT ENCRYPTED FS
                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    //.\dokanctl.exe /u Z:

                    startInfo.WindowStyle    = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                    startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                    startInfo.FileName       = "cmd.exe";
                    startInfo.Arguments      = "/C \"\"" + programDir + "dokanctl.exe\"  /u \"" + targetDrive + ":\"\"";
                    process.StartInfo        = startInfo;

                    // Ensure no errors were thrown (unmount status 0 = error, 1 = unmounted)
                    if (process.ExitCode != 1)
                        return(new BooleanResult()
                            Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Error while unmounting! " + process.ExitCode
                catch (Exception err)
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Failed to unmount encrypted FS! " + err.Message

            // Invalidate EncFS instances that claim to be using this drive

            return(new BooleanResult()
                Success = true
Exemplo n.º 2
        // * //

        // Mount encrypted filesystem //
        public static BooleanResult MountEncryptedFS(string guid, string targetDrive, string masterKey, string label)
            // Determine location of configuration file
            string configLoc = (string)Registry.GetValue(Config.CURR_USR_REG_DRIVE_ROOT + guid, "configLoc", string.Empty);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configLoc))
                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Invalid GUID given to mount!"

            // Pull enc volume location from registry for this GUID
            string volumeLoc = (string)Registry.GetValue(Config.CURR_USR_REG_DRIVE_ROOT + guid, "encContainerLoc", string.Empty);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(volumeLoc))
                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Invalid GUID given to mount!"

            // Path cannot end with a slash due to CMD usage
            volumeLoc = volumeLoc.TrimEnd(new[] { '/', '\\' });

            using (Process process = new Process())
                // GET EncFS DIRECTORY
                string programDir = Toolbox.GetSoftwareDirectory(Config.Software.EncFS);
                if (programDir == null)
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false, Message = "ERROR: EncFS inaccessible!"

                // GET Dokan DIRECTORY
                string dokanDir = Toolbox.GetSoftwareDirectory(Config.Software.Dokan);
                if (dokanDir == null)
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Dokan inaccessible!"

                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    //.\encfs.exe "C:\Users\jetwhiz\Desktop\encfs4win\testing" "Z:" --stdinpass -o volname="Secure Dropbox"

                    startInfo.WindowStyle           = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                    startInfo.CreateNoWindow        = true;
                    startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
                    startInfo.UseShellExecute       = false;
                    startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
                    startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["ENCFS6_CONFIG"] = configLoc + Config.ENCFS_CONFIG_FILENAME;
                    startInfo.Arguments = "/C \"\"" + programDir + "encfs.exe\" --require-macs --stdinpass -o volname=\"" + label + "\" \"" + volumeLoc + "\" \"" + targetDrive + ":\"\"";
                    process.StartInfo   = startInfo;

                    // Send stdin inputs to program
                    StreamWriter myStreamWriter = process.StandardInput;
                    myStreamWriter.WriteLine(masterKey); // user's password

                    // Give it a few seconds to finish
                    // TODO: Figure out better way to determine when EncFS has finished

                    // If it exited by itself, it was in error
                    if (process.HasExited)
                        return(new BooleanResult()
                            Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Error while mounting encrypted FS! " + process.ExitCode

                    // Invalidate all other EncFS instances that still claim to be using this drive

                    // Save where we mounted the encrypted volume
                    Registry.SetValue(Config.CURR_USR_REG_DRIVE_ROOT + guid, "encDrive", targetDrive);

                    // Process will block indefinitely (until unmount called), so just return
                catch (Exception err)
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Failed to mount encrypted FS! " + err.Message

            return(new BooleanResult()
                Success = true
Exemplo n.º 3
        // * //

        // Create new encrypted filesystem //
        public static BooleanResult CreateEncryptedFS(string guid, string volumeLoc, string targetDrive, string masterKey, string label, bool keepMounted = false)
            // Path cannot end with a slash due to CMD usage
            volumeLoc = volumeLoc.TrimEnd(new[] { '/', '\\' });

            // GET EncFS DIRECTORY
            string programDir = Toolbox.GetSoftwareDirectory(Config.Software.EncFS);

            if (programDir == null)
                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = false, Message = "ERROR: EncFS inaccessible!"

            // GET Dokan DIRECTORY
            string dokanDir = Toolbox.GetSoftwareDirectory(Config.Software.Dokan);

            if (dokanDir == null)
                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Dokan inaccessible!"

            // Determine Keenou config file location for this volume
            string configLoc = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + @"\Keenou\" + guid + @"\";

            if (Directory.Exists(configLoc))
                // TODO: auto-recovery?
                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Possible GUID collision!"

            // Create config file directory for this FS

            // Save setting values to registry
            Registry.SetValue(Config.CURR_USR_REG_DRIVE_ROOT + guid, "encContainerLoc", volumeLoc);
            Registry.SetValue(Config.CURR_USR_REG_DRIVE_ROOT + guid, "configLoc", configLoc);

            using (Process process = new Process())
                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    //.\encfs.exe "C:\Users\jetwhiz\Desktop\encfs4win\testing" "Z:" --stdinpass -o volname="Secure Dropbox"

                    startInfo.WindowStyle           = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                    startInfo.CreateNoWindow        = true;
                    startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
                    startInfo.UseShellExecute       = false;
                    startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
                    startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["ENCFS6_CONFIG"] = configLoc + Config.ENCFS_CONFIG_FILENAME;
                    startInfo.Arguments = "/C \"\"" + programDir + "encfs.exe\" --stdinpass -o volname=\"" + label + "\" \"" + volumeLoc + "\" \"" + targetDrive + ":\"\"";
                    process.StartInfo   = startInfo;

                    // Send stdin inputs to program
                    StreamWriter myStreamWriter = process.StandardInput;
                    myStreamWriter.WriteLine("p");       // paranoia mode
                    myStreamWriter.WriteLine(masterKey); // user's password

                    // Give it a few seconds to finish
                    // TODO: Figure out better way to determine when EncFS has finished

                    // Unmount drive (forcing the closing of encfs process) if not already exited
                    if (!process.HasExited)
                        // Auto-unmount unless they asked us not to
                        if (!keepMounted)
                            BooleanResult res = EncryptFS.UnmountEncryptedFS(targetDrive);
                            if (res == null || !res.Success)
                            // Invalidate all other EncFS instances that still claim to be using this drive

                            // Save where we mounted the encrypted volume
                            Registry.SetValue(Config.CURR_USR_REG_DRIVE_ROOT + guid, "encDrive", targetDrive);
                        // If it exited by itself, it was in error
                        return(new BooleanResult()
                            Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Error while creating encrypted FS! " + process.ExitCode

                    // Process will block indefinitely (until unmount called), so just return
                catch (Exception err)
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false, Message = "ERROR: Failed to create encrypted FS! " + err.Message

            return(new BooleanResult()
                Success = true