Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Read the protected string and return it protected with a sequence
		/// of bytes generated by a random stream. The object's data will be
		/// invisible in process memory only if the object has been initialized
		/// using a <c>XorredBuffer</c>. If no <c>XorredBuffer</c> has been used
		/// or the string has been read once already (in plain-text), the
		/// operation won't be secure and the protected string will be visible
		/// in process memory.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="crsRandomSource">Random number source.</param>
		/// <returns>Protected string.</returns>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown if the input
		/// parameter is <c>null</c>.</exception>
		public byte[] ReadXorredString(CryptoRandomStream crsRandomSource)
			Debug.Assert(crsRandomSource != null); if(crsRandomSource == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("crsRandomSource");

			if(m_xbEncrypted != null)
				uint uLen = m_xbEncrypted.Length;
				byte[] randomPad = crsRandomSource.GetRandomBytes(uLen);
				return m_xbEncrypted.ChangeKey(randomPad);
			else // Not using XorredBuffer
				byte[] pbData = ReadUtf8();
				uint uLen = (uint)pbData.Length;

				byte[] randomPad = crsRandomSource.GetRandomBytes(uLen);
				Debug.Assert(randomPad.Length == uLen);

				for(uint i = 0; i < uLen; ++i)
					pbData[i] ^= randomPad[i];

				return pbData;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static int BenchTime(CrsAlgorithm cra, int nRounds, int nDataSize)
            byte[] pbKey = new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };

            int nStart = Environment.TickCount;
            for(int i = 0; i < nRounds; ++i)
                CryptoRandomStream c = new CryptoRandomStream(cra, pbKey);
            int nEnd = Environment.TickCount;

            return (nEnd - nStart);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static ProtectedString PatternGenerate(string strPattern,
                                                       bool bReturnProtected, byte[] pbAdditionalEntropy)
            LinkedList <char>  vGenerated = new LinkedList <char>();
            CryptoRandomStream crs        = CreateCryptoStream(pbAdditionalEntropy);

            byte[] pbRandom   = crs.GetRandomBytes(1024);
            int    nRandomPos = 0;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (char chAdd = '~'; chAdd < 255; ++chAdd)
            string strCharSetHighANSI = sb.ToString();

            strPattern = PasswordGenerator.ExpandPattern(strPattern);
            CharStream csStream = new CharStream(strPattern);
            char       ch       = csStream.ReadChar();

            while (ch != char.MinValue)
                string strCurrentCharSet = string.Empty;

                switch (ch)
                case '\\':
                    ch = csStream.ReadChar();
                    if (ch == char.MinValue)                            // Backslash at the end


                case 'a': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLower + CharSetNumeric; break;

                case 'A': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLower + CharSetUpper +
                                              CharSetNumeric; break;

                case '\u00C2': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetUpper + CharSetNumeric; break;

                case 'c': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLowerConsonants; break;

                case 'C': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLowerConsonants +
                                              CharSetUpperConsonants; break;

                case '\u0108': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetUpperConsonants; break;

                case 'd': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetNumeric; break;                         // Digit

                case 'h': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetHexLower; break;

                case 'H': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetHexUpper; break;

                case 'l': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLower; break;

                case 'L': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLower + CharSetUpper; break;

                case '\u013D': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetUpper; break;

                case 'p': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetPunctuation; break;

                case 'v': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLowerVowel; break;

                case 'V': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetLowerVowel +
                                              CharSetUpperVowel; break;

                case '\u0177': strCurrentCharSet = CharSetUpperVowel; break;

                case 'x': strCurrentCharSet = strCharSetHighANSI; break;

                default: vGenerated.AddLast(ch); break;

                if (strCurrentCharSet.Length > 0)
                    while (true)
                        byte bt = pbRandom[nRandomPos];

                        if (nRandomPos == pbRandom.Length)
                            pbRandom   = crs.GetRandomBytes(1024);
                            nRandomPos = 0;

                        if (bt < (byte)strCurrentCharSet.Length)

                ch = csStream.ReadChar();

            char[] vArray = new char[vGenerated.Count];
            vGenerated.CopyTo(vArray, 0);
            UTF8Encoding    utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();
            ProtectedString ps   = new ProtectedString(bReturnProtected, utf8.GetBytes(vArray));

            Array.Clear(vArray, 0, vArray.Length);
Exemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Read the protected string and return it protected with a sequence
		/// of bytes generated by a random stream.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="crsRandomSource">Random number source.</param>
		/// <returns>Protected string.</returns>
		public byte[] ReadXorredString(CryptoRandomStream crsRandomSource)
			Debug.Assert(crsRandomSource != null); if(crsRandomSource == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("crsRandomSource");

			byte[] pbData = ReadUtf8();
			uint uLen = (uint)pbData.Length;

			byte[] randomPad = crsRandomSource.GetRandomBytes(uLen);
			Debug.Assert(randomPad.Length == pbData.Length);

			for(uint i = 0; i < uLen; ++i)
				pbData[i] ^= randomPad[i];

			return pbData;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static ProtectedString CustomCharSetGenerate(CustomCharSet charSet, uint uPasswordLength,
                                                             bool bReturnProtected, byte[] pbAdditionalEntropy)
            Debug.Assert(charSet != null); if (charSet == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if (charSet.UCount == 0)
                return(new ProtectedString(false, string.Empty));
            if (uPasswordLength == 0)
                return(new ProtectedString(false, string.Empty));

            CryptoRandomStream crs = CreateCryptoStream(pbAdditionalEntropy);
            UTF8Encoding       utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();
            uint uGeneratedCount = 0, uNewCharIndex, uRandomPos = 0;

            byte[] pbRandom    = crs.GetRandomBytes(1024);
            bool   b16BitIndex = (charSet.UCount > 256);

            char[] vGenerated = new char[uPasswordLength];
            Array.Clear(vGenerated, 0, vGenerated.Length);

            while (uGeneratedCount < uPasswordLength)
                uNewCharIndex = pbRandom[uRandomPos];

                if (b16BitIndex)
                    uNewCharIndex *= 256;
                    uNewCharIndex += pbRandom[uRandomPos];

                if (uRandomPos >= (uint)pbRandom.Length)
                    pbRandom   = CryptoRandom.GetRandomBytes(1024);
                    uRandomPos = 0;

                if (uNewCharIndex < charSet.UCount)
                    vGenerated[uGeneratedCount] = charSet[uNewCharIndex];

            if (Array.IndexOf <char>(vGenerated, char.MinValue) >= 0)
                throw new System.Security.SecurityException();

            byte[]          pbUTF8 = utf8.GetBytes(vGenerated);
            ProtectedString ps     = new ProtectedString(bReturnProtected, pbUTF8);

            Array.Clear(pbUTF8, 0, pbUTF8.Length);
            Array.Clear(vGenerated, 0, vGenerated.Length);