Exemplo n.º 1
        public void delete( DatabaseToken token, string table, ulong itemId )
            // Are there any binary columns in this table? If so, we need to pay attention
            // to eliminating the files from the file system too.
            IEnumerable<string> binaryCols = findBinaryColumns( table );
            if( binaryCols.Any() )
            // Find the row we're going to delete.
            var results = selectRaw( MySqlToken.Crack( token ), table,
                new Dictionary<string, object>()
                    { _tableInfo.getIdColumn( table ), itemId }
            if( !results.Any() )

            deleteBinaryColumns( table, binaryCols, results );

            // Build a parameterized SQL query.
            string idName = _tableInfo.getIdColumn( table );
            string sql =  CultureFree.Format( "delete from {0} where {1}=@{1}", table, idName );

            // Add in the PK for the where clause.
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand( sql, MySqlToken.Crack( token ) );
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@" + idName, itemId );

            // Do the delete.
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void delete( DatabaseToken token, string table, IDictionary<string, object> constraints )
            lock( _lock )
            // Look for the matching table.
            if( !_tables.ContainsKey( table ) )
                _tables[table] = new Table();

            // Search through the rows to look for ones that match the given key/value pairs.
            var toDelete = new List<ulong>();
            foreach( var i in _tables[table].rows )
                if( match( i.Value, constraints ) )
                    toDelete.Add( i.Key );

            // And go back and delete them. We do this separately because you can't modify
            // a collection while you're iterating over it.
            foreach( var i in toDelete )
                _tables[table].rows.Remove( i );
                deletedRow( table, i );
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void delete( DatabaseToken token, string table, IDictionary<string, object> constraints )
            // Are there any binary columns in this table? If so, we need to pay attention
            // to eliminating the files from the file system too.
            IEnumerable<string> binaryCols = findBinaryColumns( table );
            if( binaryCols.Any() )
            // Find the row we're going to delete.
            var results = selectRaw( MySqlToken.Crack( token ), table, constraints );
            if( !results.Any() )

            deleteBinaryColumns( table, binaryCols, results );

            string sql =  CultureFree.Format( "delete from {0}", table );
            if( constraints.Count() > 0 )
            sql += makeWhereClause( constraints );

            // Add in the updated values, plus the ID for the where clause.
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand( sql, MySqlToken.Crack( token ) );
            insertQueryParameters( cmd, table, constraints );

            // Do the delete.
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void delete( DatabaseToken token, string table, ulong itemId )
            lock (_lock) {
            // Look for the matching table.
            if (!_tables.ContainsKey(table))
                _tables[table] = new Table();

            // If the row is in there, delete it.
            if (_tables[table].rows.ContainsKey(itemId))
                deletedRow( table, itemId );
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ulong insert( DatabaseToken token, string table, IDictionary<string, object> values )
            ulong id;
            lock (_lock) {
            // Look for the matching table.
            if (!_tables.ContainsKey(table))
                _tables[table] = new Table();

            // Add a new row with the next row ID, and fill its key/value pairs.
            Item row = new Item();
            id = ++_tables[table].highId;
            _tables[table].rows[id] = row;
            row.values["id"] = id;
            foreach (var pair in values)
                row.values[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
            insertedRow( table, id, row );
            return id;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void update( DatabaseToken token, string table, ulong itemId, IDictionary<string, object> values )
            lock (_lock) {
            // Look for the matching table.
            if (!_tables.ContainsKey(table))
                _tables[table] = new Table();

            // Look for the specified row. If we have it, update the key/value pairs.
            Item row;
            if (_tables[table].rows.TryGetValue(itemId, out row)) {
                foreach (var pair in values)
                    row.values[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
                updatedRow( table, itemId, row );
Exemplo n.º 7
 public DatabaseTransaction transaction( DatabaseToken token )
     // For now, we do nothing here.
     return new BlankTransaction();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public IDictionary<ulong, IDictionary<string, object>> select( DatabaseToken token, string table, IDictionary<string, object> constraints )
            var results = new Dictionary<ulong, IDictionary<string, object>>();
            lock (_lock) {
            // Look for the matching table.
            if (!_tables.ContainsKey(table))
                _tables[table] = new Table();

            // Search through the rows to look for ones that match the given key/value pairs.
            foreach (var i in _tables[table].rows) {
                if (match(i.Value, constraints)) {
                    var newResults = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    results[i.Key] = newResults;
                    foreach (var pair in i.Value.values)
                        newResults[pair.Key] = pair.Value;

            return results;
Exemplo n.º 9
        // Returns the most recent (and current) checkpoint.
        ulong getLatestCheckpoint( DatabaseToken token )
            if( _latestCheckpoint == ulong.MaxValue )
            var sorted = getCheckpoints( token ).OrderByDescending( c => c.time );
            if( !sorted.Any() )
                // If there isn't an existing one, go ahead and make the first one -- empty database.
                DBCheckpoint dbcheckpoint = new DBCheckpoint()
                    name = "initial",
                    time = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
                _db.insert( token, dbcheckpoint );

                _latestCheckpoint = dbcheckpoint.id;
                _latestCheckpoint = sorted.First().id;

            return _latestCheckpoint;
Exemplo n.º 10
 // Get a list of all checkpoints.
 IEnumerable<WorldCheckpoint> getCheckpoints( DatabaseToken token )
     var results = _db.select( token, new DBCheckpoint(), null );
     return (from w in results
         select new WorldCheckpoint()
             id = w.id,
             name = w.name,
             time = w.time
Exemplo n.º 11
 // Performs the actual deletion of a mob based on a mob.id rather than mob.object.
 void deleteMobInternal( DatabaseToken token, ulong mobId )
     _db.delete( token,
     new DBAttr()
         mob = mobId
     new string[] { "mob" }
     _db.delete( token,
     new DBVerb()
         mob = mobId
     new string[] { "mob" }
     _db.delete( token,
     new DBMob()
         id = mobId
     new string[] { "id" }
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static MySqlConnection Crack( DatabaseToken token )
     return ((MySqlToken)token).conn;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void update( DatabaseToken token, string table, ulong itemId, IDictionary<string, object> values )
            // Build a parameterized SQL query.
            string idName = _tableInfo.getIdColumn( table );
            string sql =  CultureFree.Format( "update {0} set {1} where {2}=@{2}",
            String.Join( ",", (from c in values.Keys select CultureFree.Format( "{0}=@{0}", c )).ToArray() ),

            // Add in the updated values, plus the ID for the where clause.
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand( sql, MySqlToken.Crack( token ) );
            insertQueryParameters( cmd, table, values, new string[] { idName } );
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@" + idName, itemId );

            // Do the update.
Exemplo n.º 14
 public DatabaseTransaction transaction( DatabaseToken token )
     MySqlTransaction trans = MySqlToken.Crack( token ).BeginTransaction();
     return new MySqlDBTransaction( trans );
Exemplo n.º 15
        // Peforms a transformation pass on the raw selected data to take binary columns
        // and other gremlins into account.
        public IDictionary<ulong, IDictionary<string, object>> select( DatabaseToken token, string table, IDictionary<string, object> constraints )
            var raw = selectRaw( MySqlToken.Crack( token ), table, constraints );
            var rv = new Dictionary<ulong, IDictionary<string, object>>();

            foreach( var inrow in raw )
            var outrow = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            foreach( var incol in inrow.Value )
                object val = incol.Value;

                // DBNulls become nulls.
                if( val is System.DBNull )
                    val = null;

                // Convert DateTime to DateTimeOffset; assume UTC.
                if( val is System.DateTime )
                    val = new DateTimeOffset( (System.DateTime)val, new TimeSpan() );

                // Is it a boolean type? We store these in MySQL as integers.
                Type colType = _tableInfo.getColumnType( table, incol.Key );
                if( colType == typeof( bool ) )
                    val = Convert.ToBoolean( val );

                outrow[incol.Key] = val;
            rv[inrow.Key] = outrow;

            return rv;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public ulong insert( DatabaseToken token, string table, IDictionary<string, object> values )
            // Build a parameterized SQL query.
            string sql =  CultureFree.Format( "insert into {0} ({1}) values ({2})",
            String.Join( ",", (from c in values.Keys select c).ToArray() ),
            String.Join( ",", (from c in values.Keys select "@" + c).ToArray() )

            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand( sql, MySqlToken.Crack( token ) );
            insertQueryParameters( cmd, table, values );

            // Do the insert and return the PK ID.
            return (ulong)cmd.LastInsertedId;