Exemplo n.º 1
            public void Visit(KdNode <T> node)
                double dist          = p.Distance(node.Coordinate);
                bool   isInTolerance = dist <= tolerance;

                if (!isInTolerance)
                bool update = false;

                if (matchNode == null ||
                    dist < matchDist
                    // if distances are the same, record the lesser coordinate
                    || (matchNode != null && dist == matchDist &&
                        node.Coordinate.CompareTo(matchNode.Coordinate) < 1))
                    update = true;

                if (update)
                    matchNode = node;
                    matchDist = dist;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new point into the kd-tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The point to insert</param>
        /// <param name="data">A data item for the point</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new KdNode if a new point is inserted, else an existing
        /// node is returned with its counter incremented. This can be checked
        /// by testing returnedNode.getCount() > 1.
        /// </returns>
        public KdNode <T> Insert(Coordinate p, T data)
            if (_root == null)
                _root = new KdNode <T>(p, data);

             * Check if the point is already in the tree, up to tolerance.
             * If tolerance is zero, this phase of the insertion can be skipped.
            if (_tolerance > 0)
                var matchNode = FindBestMatchNode(p);
                if (matchNode != null)
                    // point already in index - increment counter

            return(InsertExact(p, data));
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a nearest neighbor search of the points in the index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">The KdTree to look for the nearest neighbor</param>
        /// <param name="coord">The point to search the nearset neighbor for</param>
        public static KdNode <T> NearestNeighbor <T>(this KdTree <T> self, Coordinate coord) where T : class
            KdNode <T> result        = null;
            double     closestDistSq = double.MaxValue;

            NearestNeighbor(self.Root, coord, ref result, ref closestDistSq, true);
 private static bool NeedsToBeSearched <T>(Coordinate target, KdNode <T> node,
                                           double closestDistSq, bool left, bool isOddLevel) where T : class
     if (isOddLevel)
         return((left ? target.X <= node.X : target.X >= node.X) || Math.Pow(target.X - node.X, 2) < closestDistSq);
     return((left ? target.Y <= node.Y : target.Y >= node.Y) || Math.Pow(target.Y - node.Y, 2) < closestDistSq);
        private static void NearestNeighbor <T>(
            KdNode <T> currentNode, Coordinate queryCoordinate,
            ref KdNode <T> closestNode, ref double closestDistanceSq,
            bool isOddLevel) where T : class
            while (true)
                if (currentNode == null)

                double distSq = Math.Pow(currentNode.X - queryCoordinate.X, 2) +
                                Math.Pow(currentNode.Y - queryCoordinate.Y, 2);

                if (distSq < closestDistanceSq)
                    closestNode       = currentNode;
                    closestDistanceSq = distSq;

                // Start with the branch that is more likely to produce the final result
                var firstBranch  = currentNode.Left;
                var secondBranch = currentNode.Right;
                if (currentNode.Left != null &&
                    (isOddLevel ? queryCoordinate.X >= currentNode.X : queryCoordinate.Y >= currentNode.Y))
                    firstBranch  = currentNode.Right;
                    secondBranch = currentNode.Left;

                if (firstBranch != null &&
                    NeedsToBeSearched(queryCoordinate, currentNode, closestDistanceSq,
                                      firstBranch == currentNode.Left, isOddLevel))
                    NearestNeighbor(firstBranch, queryCoordinate, ref closestNode, ref closestDistanceSq, !isOddLevel);

                if (secondBranch != null &&
                    NeedsToBeSearched(queryCoordinate, currentNode, closestDistanceSq,
                                      secondBranch == currentNode.Left, isOddLevel))
                    currentNode = secondBranch;
                    isOddLevel  = !isOddLevel;

Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void QueryNode(KdNode <T> currentNode,
                                      Envelope queryEnv, bool odd, IKdNodeVisitor <T> visitor)
            if (currentNode == null)

            double min;
            double max;
            double discriminant;

            if (odd)
                min          = queryEnv.MinX;
                max          = queryEnv.MaxX;
                discriminant = currentNode.X;
                min          = queryEnv.MinY;
                max          = queryEnv.MaxY;
                discriminant = currentNode.Y;
            bool searchLeft  = min < discriminant;
            bool searchRight = discriminant <= max;

            // search is computed via in-order traversal
            if (searchLeft)
                QueryNode(currentNode.Left, queryEnv, !odd, visitor);
            if (queryEnv.Contains(currentNode.Coordinate))
            if (searchRight)
                QueryNode(currentNode.Right, queryEnv, !odd, visitor);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Visit(KdNode <T> node)
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a point known to be beyond the distance tolerance of any existing node.
        /// The point is inserted at the bottom of the exact splitting path,
        /// so that tree shape is deterministic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The point to insert</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item><description>The data for the point</description></item>
        /// <item><description>The created node</description></item>
        /// </list>
        /// </returns>
        public KdNode <T> InsertExact(Coordinate p, T data)
            var  currentNode = _root;
            var  leafNode    = _root;
            bool isOddLevel  = true;
            bool isLessThan  = true;

             * Traverse the tree, first cutting the plane left-right (by X ordinate)
             * then top-bottom (by Y ordinate)
            while (currentNode != null)
                // test if point is already a node (not strictly necessary)
                if (currentNode != null)
                    bool isInTolerance = p.Distance(currentNode.Coordinate) <= _tolerance;

                    // check if point is already in tree (up to tolerance) and if so simply
                    // return existing node
                    if (isInTolerance)

                if (isOddLevel)
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                    isLessThan = p.X < currentNode.X;
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                    isLessThan = p.Y < currentNode.Y;
                leafNode    = currentNode;
                currentNode = isLessThan
                    ? currentNode.Left
                    : currentNode.Right;

                isOddLevel = !isOddLevel;

            // no node found, add new leaf node to tree
            _numberOfNodes = _numberOfNodes + 1;
            var node = new KdNode <T>(p, data);

            node.Left  = null;
            node.Right = null;
            if (isLessThan)
                leafNode.Left = node;
                leafNode.Right = node;