Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Awake()
                manager = ((Component)base.transform.parent.parent).GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                Debug.Log("../.. not found in PortUpgradesModernizeShipText.cs");
            if (manager == null)
                Debug.Log("PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager.cs is not attached to ../..");
            label = GetComponent <UILabel>();
            if (label == null)
                Debug.Log("UILabel.cs is not attached to .");
            label.alpha = 0f;
            text        = string.Empty;
            speed       = 0f;
            Vector3 localPosition = base.transform.localPosition;

            left    = localPosition.x;
            texting = false;
            pos     = 0;
            timer   = 0f;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void OnDestroy()
     UserInterfacePortManager.ReleaseUtils.Releases(ref mTextures_Preload);
     UserInterfacePortManager.ReleaseUtils.Release(ref backGroundUpperSteelFrame);
     UserInterfacePortManager.ReleaseUtils.Release(ref backGroundLowerSteelFrame);
     mCamera_TouchEventCatch = null;
     mPrefab_PortUpgradesConvertShipManager_KaizouAnimation           = null;
     mPrefab_PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager_KindaikakaishuAnimation = null;
     mUIRemodelHeader                = null;
     mUIRemodelShipSlider            = null;
     mUIRemodelShipStatus            = null;
     mUIRemodelLeftShipStatus        = null;
     mUIRemodelStartRightInfo        = null;
     mUIRemodelEquipSlotItems        = null;
     mUIRemodelModeSelectMenu        = null;
     mUIRemodelDeckSwitchManager     = null;
     mUIRemodelModernization         = null;
     mUIRemodelKaizou                = null;
     mUIRemodelEquipListParent       = null;
     mUIRemodelSlotItemChangePreview = null;
     mCategoryMenu = null;
     mUIRemodeModernizationShipTargetListParentNew = null;
     mUIRemodelModernizationStartConfirm           = null;
     mUIRemodelOtherShipPickerParent = null;
     commonDeckSwitchManager         = null;
     mUIRemodelCurrentSlot           = null;
     mUIHowTo                      = null;
     okBauxiteUseMessage           = null;
     okBauxiteUseHighCostMessage   = null;
     ngBauxiteShortMessage         = null;
     ngBausiteShortHighCostMessage = null;
     mUIDisplaySwipeEventRegion    = null;
     instance                      = null;
 public void Awake()
         this.manager = base.get_transform().get_parent().get_parent().GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log("../.. not found in PortUpgradesModernizeShipText.cs");
     if (this.manager == null)
         Debug.Log("PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager.cs is not attached to ../..");
     this.label = base.GetComponent <UILabel>();
     if (this.label == null)
         Debug.Log("UILabel.cs is not attached to .");
     this.label.alpha = 0f;
     this.text        = string.Empty;
     this.speed       = 0f;
     this.left        = base.get_transform().get_localPosition().x;
     this.texting     = false;
     this.pos         = 0;
     this.timer       = 0f;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void Awake()
     this.manager  = base.get_transform().get_parent().get_parent().GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();
     this.dashInit = base.get_transform().get_parent().Find("DashInit").get_gameObject();
     this.dashes   = new GameObject[20];
     this.sprites  = new UISprite[20];
     this.on       = false;
     this.pos      = 19;
     this.timer    = 0f;
     base.GetComponent <Animation>().Stop();
 public void Awake()
     manager  = ((Component)base.transform.parent.parent).GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();
     dashInit = base.transform.parent.Find("DashInit").gameObject;
     dashes   = new GameObject[20];
     sprites  = new UISprite[20];
     on       = false;
     pos      = 19;
     timer    = 0f;
     GetComponent <Animation>().Stop();
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void SetManagerReference()
         manager = ((Component)base.transform.parent.parent).GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log("../.. not found in PortUpgradesModernizeShipSparkle.cs");
     if (manager == null)
         Debug.Log("PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager.cs is not attached to ../..");
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void OnDestroy()
     this.manager  = null;
     this.dashInit = null;
     if (this.dashes != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < this.dashes.Length; i++)
             this.dashes[i] = null;
     this.dashes = null;
     if (this.sprites != null)
         for (int j = 0; j < this.sprites.Length; j++)
             UserInterfacePortManager.ReleaseUtils.Release(ref this.sprites[j]);
     this.sprites = null;
 private void OnDestroy()
     manager  = null;
     dashInit = null;
     if (dashes != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < dashes.Length; i++)
             dashes[i] = null;
     dashes = null;
     if (sprites != null)
         for (int j = 0; j < sprites.Length; j++)
             UserInterfacePortManager.ReleaseUtils.Release(ref sprites[j]);
     sprites = null;
 public void Awake()
         this.manager = base.get_transform().get_parent().GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log(".. not found in PortUpgradesModernizeShipReturnButton.cs");
     if (this.manager == null)
         Debug.Log("PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager.cs is not attached to ..");
     this.cog = base.get_transform().GetChild(0).get_gameObject();
     if (this.cog == null)
         Debug.Log("/Cog not found in PortUpgradesModernizeShipReturnButton.cs");
         this.cog.GetComponent <UISprite>().alpha = 0f;
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log("UISprite.cs is not attached to /Cog");
         base.get_transform().GetChild(1).GetComponent <UISprite>().alpha = 0f;
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log("UISprite.cs is not attached to /Inner");
     this.active        = false;
     this.keyController = new KeyControl(0, 0, 0.4f, 0.1f);
 public void Awake()
         manager = ((Component)base.transform.parent).GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log(".. not found in PortUpgradesModernizeShipReturnButton.cs");
     if (manager == null)
         Debug.Log("PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager.cs is not attached to ..");
     cog = base.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
     if (cog == null)
         Debug.Log("/Cog not found in PortUpgradesModernizeShipReturnButton.cs");
         cog.GetComponent <UISprite>().alpha = 0f;
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log("UISprite.cs is not attached to /Cog");
         ((Component)base.transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent <UISprite>().alpha = 0f;
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         Debug.Log("UISprite.cs is not attached to /Inner");
     active        = false;
     keyController = new KeyControl();
Exemplo n.º 11
        private IEnumerator StartModernizeAnimation(ShipModelMst targetShipModelMst, int bgID, KeyControl keyController, bool isFail, bool SuperSuccessed, int sozai_count, bool isDamaged, Action OnFinishedAnimation)
            guideoff = true;
            PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager portUpgradesModernizeShipManager = Util.Instantiate(mPrefab_PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager_KindaikakaishuAnimation.gameObject, base.gameObject).GetComponent <PortUpgradesModernizeShipManager>();

            portUpgradesModernizeShipManager.Initialize(targetShipModelMst, 1, isFail, SuperSuccessed, sozai_count, isDamaged);
            while (!portUpgradesModernizeShipManager.isFinished)
                yield return(null);
            if (OnFinishedAnimation != null)
                Debug.Log("Start OnFinishedAnimation");
                Debug.Log("End OnFinishedAnimation");
                SingletonMonoBehaviour <FadeCamera> .Instance.FadeIn(0.2f, delegate
                    SingletonMonoBehaviour <UIShortCutMenu> .Instance.IsInputEnable = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void OnDestroy()
     manager = null;
     label   = null;
 private void OnDestroy()
     this.manager = null;
     this.label   = null;
 private void OnDestroy()
     this.manager = null;
     this.cog     = null;
 private void OnDestroy()
     manager = null;
     cog     = null;