Exemplo n.º 1
        //This has two boolean methods because of the virtual collision tests that accur,
        //  they need the objects to calculate the collision and a boolean to know if this is a simulated collision test
        private bool TestVerticalCollision(GameObject subject, GameObject target, bool isVirtual)
            //Calculate the distance between the two rectangles

            //If the subject doesn't have a vertical movement, there would be no reason to test vertical collision
            if (subject.getVerticalDirection() == GameObject.Direction.NONE)
                return false;

            //So compare the Y distance
            bool speedGreaterThanDistance = (/*distance vs speed*/  subject.getVerticalDistanceToObject(target) < subject.speed_Y);

            //if the speed is not greater than the distance, there will be no collision and false can be returned
            //if the speed is greater than the distance, the X sides will be compared to see if they're on the same course and therefore if a collision might occur
            if (speedGreaterThanDistance == false)
                return false;

            //Gets a rectangle from the subject and the target to easily calculate with the virtual data, if needed.
            Rectangle subjectRectangle;
            Rectangle targetRectangle = target.ObjectRectangle;
            if (isVirtual)
                subjectRectangle = subject.VirtualHorizontalRectangle;
                subjectRectangle = subject.ObjectRectangle;

            //compare x sides
            bool outSideComparison = (subjectRectangle.X < targetRectangle.X + targetRectangle.Width);
            bool innerSideComparison = (subjectRectangle.X + subjectRectangle.Width < targetRectangle.X);
            //and if the inner sides are at the same position, no collision will occur, but instead it will graze past it creating non-slowening friction but no collision
            if (subjectRectangle.X + subjectRectangle.Width == targetRectangle.X)
                innerSideComparison = outSideComparison;
            //If the sides are both higher or both lower that the other side, it will not be in the path and there'll be no collision
            if ((outSideComparison == false && innerSideComparison == false) || (outSideComparison == true && innerSideComparison == true))
                return false;
                return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        //Tests if an object is about to collide with another object and acts on that
        private void TestForCollision(GameObject subject, GameObject target)

            //If the speed is greater than that the objects size, calculate with the Object Path otherwise, if the object has a low speed, calculate with the Rectangle Calculation
            if (subject.speed_X > subject.width || subject.speed_Y > subject.height)
                method = CollisionCalculationMethod.OBJECT_PATH;
                method = CollisionCalculationMethod.RECTANGLE_CALCULATION;


            //Because of the little bug in the Direction Radar, the enemy will continue to use the Object Path method
                case GameObject.ObjectType.ENEMY:
                    method = CollisionCalculationMethod.OBJECT_PATH;
                    //Set default method to the Direction Radar. This is the default method for all objects.
                    method = CollisionCalculationMethod.DIRECTION_RADAR;

                    Object Path will cause smooth running allong the edges of walls, but you are able to go through them when going diagonal.
                    This will look at the path to the destination and look if there are any objects in the way. (Looks at all the other objects and compares their positions with the subject's speed and direction)

                    Rectangle Calculation will cause no diagonal phasing, but you will get stuck at the edge of a row of walls.
                    This will look at the destination in stead of the path to it. It can cause problems in jumping/phasing at fast speeds

                    Direction Radar has a little problem with the way that the objects are loaded that causes sticky walls that stop moving objects.
                    This will look in the direction it is headed and checks if there are any objects in the exact path it takes to get to the destination. (The area it checks is as big as the subjects speed)
                    If there is an object in the area, there WILL be a collision.


            //A mix of the Rectangle Calculation and the Object Path Calculation
            //It creates a mix of both positives and ignores the negatives. This should be the main Collision Detection Algorithm
            #region DirectionRadar
            if(method == CollisionCalculationMethod.DIRECTION_RADAR)
                GameObject.Direction horizontalDir = subject.getHorizontalDirection();
                GameObject.Direction verticalDir = subject.getVerticalDirection();

                bool horizontalCollide = false;
                bool verticalCollide = false;
                bool diagonalCollide = false;

                //Check Horizontal Radar
                if (horizontalDir != GameObject.Direction.NONE)
                        case GameObject.Direction.EAST:
                                horizontalCollide = true;
                        case GameObject.Direction.WEST:
                            if (subject.Radar_WEST.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                                horizontalCollide = true;

                //Check Vertical Radar
                if(verticalDir != GameObject.Direction.NONE)
                    switch (verticalDir)
                        case GameObject.Direction.NORTH:
                            if (subject.Radar_NORTH.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                                verticalCollide = true;
                        case GameObject.Direction.SOUTH:
                            if (subject.Radar_SOUTH.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                                verticalCollide = true;

                //Check Diagonal Radar (only if horizontal and vertical are both not NONE)
                if(horizontalDir != GameObject.Direction.NONE && verticalDir != GameObject.Direction.NONE)
                    //North West
                    if(horizontalDir == GameObject.Direction.WEST && verticalDir == GameObject.Direction.NORTH)
                            diagonalCollide = true;
                    //North East
                    if (horizontalDir == GameObject.Direction.EAST && verticalDir == GameObject.Direction.NORTH)
                        if (subject.Radar_NE.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                            diagonalCollide = true;

                    //South West
                    if (horizontalDir == GameObject.Direction.WEST && verticalDir == GameObject.Direction.SOUTH)
                        if (subject.Radar_SW.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                            diagonalCollide = true;
                    //South East
                    if (horizontalDir == GameObject.Direction.EAST && verticalDir == GameObject.Direction.SOUTH)
                        if (subject.Radar_SE.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                            diagonalCollide = true;

                //If there was a horizontal collision, notify the object
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, false);
                //If there was a vertical collision, notify the object
                if (verticalCollide)
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, true);

                //If there was a diagonal collision, check if there was a horizontal collision, is so, notify the object of a horizontal collision
                if(diagonalCollide && subject.hasCollidedHorizontally)
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, false);
                //If there was no horizontal collision but there is a vertical collision, notify the object of a vertical collision
                else if(diagonalCollide && subject.hasCollidedVertically)
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, true);
                //If the object has not had a collision yet, neither horizontal or vertical, noticy the object of a horizontal collision
                else if(diagonalCollide)
                    //This has to do with how the game loads. It loads the items left top to right bottom and it creates a problem, that only going SouthWest creates that specific problem

                    if(verticalDir == GameObject.Direction.SOUTH && horizontalDir == GameObject.Direction.WEST)
                        CollidesWith(subject, target, true);
                        CollidesWith(subject, target, false);
            #endregion DirectionRadar

            //Selects the faster method, which can cause warpinig issues, or the slower method, which calculates the collision path even with fast moving objects
            #region RectangleCalculation
            else if (method == CollisionCalculationMethod.RECTANGLE_CALCULATION)
                if (subject.getHorizontalDirection() != GameObject.Direction.NONE && subject.VirtualHorizontalRectangle.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, false);
                //Virtual-Horizontal-Rectangle does Vertical-Collision-Test Test
                else if(subject.getVerticalDirection() != GameObject.Direction.NONE && subject.VirtualRectangle.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, true);

                if (subject.getVerticalDirection() != GameObject.Direction.NONE && subject.VirtualVerticalRectangle.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, true);
                //Virtual-Vertical-Rectangle does Horizontal-Collision-Test Test
                else if(subject.getHorizontalDirection() != GameObject.Direction.NONE && subject.VirtualRectangle.IntersectsWith(target.ObjectRectangle))
                    //CollidesWith(subject, target, false);
            #endregion RectangleCalculation

            //For more info, see the comments below near the Object Path Calculation region
            #region ObjectPath
            else if (method == CollisionCalculationMethod.OBJECT_PATH)
                //Tests on horizontaly and verticaly beside the subject
                bool Vertical = TestVerticalCollision(subject, target, false);
                bool Horizontal = TestHorizontalCollision(subject, target, false);

                //Seperate if statements, to test all the possible collisions on the axis
                //And if there was no collision on an axis, make a virtual move and test if the other axis gets a collision
                if (!Vertical)
                    //###MessageBox.Show("Testing virtual collision for the X-axis. (Virtually moved Verticaly)");
                    if (TestHorizontalCollision(subject, target, true) == false)
                        //###MessageBox.Show("Test completed: No target collision on X-axis");
                        Horizontal = false;
                        //###MessageBox.Show("Collision after test on X-Axis");
                if (!Horizontal)
                    //###MessageBox.Show("Testing virtual collision for the Y-axis. (Virtually moved Horizontaly)");
                    if (TestVerticalCollision(subject, target, true) == false)
                        //###MessageBox.Show("Test completed: No target collision on Y-axis");
                        Vertical = false;
                        //###MessageBox.Show("Collision after test on Y-Axis");

                //After the original collision testing ANd the virtual collision test, look to see if there was a collision on a certain axis
                //Collision on Y
                if (Vertical)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Collision! Vertical");
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, true);
                //Collision on X
                if (Horizontal)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Collision! Horizontal");
                    CollidesWith(subject, target, false);

            #endregion ObjectPath