Exemplo n.º 1
        public static IdentifierTerminal CreateCSharpIdentifier(string name)
            IdentifierTerminal id = new IdentifierTerminal(name, IdOptions.AllowsEscapes | IdOptions.CanStartWithEscape);

            id.AddPrefix("@", IdOptions.IsNotKeyword);
            //From spec:
            //Start char is "_" or letter-character, which is a Unicode character of classes Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, or Nl
            id.StartCharCategories.AddRange(new UnicodeCategory[] {
                UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, //Ul
                UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, //Ll
                UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter, //Lt
                UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter,  //Lm
                UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter,     //Lo
                UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber     //Nl
            //Internal chars

            /* From spec:
             * identifier-part-character: letter-character | decimal-digit-character | connecting-character |  combining-character |
             *  formatting-character
            id.CharCategories.AddRange(id.StartCharCategories); //letter-character categories
            id.CharCategories.AddRange(new UnicodeCategory[] {
                UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber,             //Nd
                UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation,           //Pc
                UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark,           //Mc
                UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark,                 //Mn
                UnicodeCategory.Format                          //Cf
            //Chars to remove from final identifier
Exemplo n.º 2
        //Covers simple identifiers like abcd, and also quoted versions: [abc d], "abc d".
        public static IdentifierTerminal CreateSqlExtIdentifier(Grammar grammar, string name)
            var id   = new IdentifierTerminal(name);
            var term = new StringLiteral(name + "_qouted");

            term.AddStartEnd("[", "]", StringOptions.NoEscapes);
            term.AddStartEnd("\"", StringOptions.NoEscapes);
            term.SetOutputTerminal(grammar, id); //term will be added to NonGrammarTerminals automatically
Exemplo n.º 3
        public HubGrammar() : base(false)
            var identifier = new Irony.Parsing.IdentifierTerminal("identifier", "-");
            var text       = new Irony.Parsing.QuotedValueLiteral("text", "\"", TypeCode.String);

            var DoTypeVisit    = new NonTerminal("DoTypeVisit");
            var DoTypeShopping = new NonTerminal("DoTypeShopping");
            var DoTypeEvent    = new NonTerminal("DoTypeEvent");
            var DoType         = new NonTerminal("DoType");
            var Do             = new NonTerminal("Do");

            var Skill          = new NonTerminal("Skill");
            var UsingTypeSkill = new NonTerminal("UsingTypeSKill");
            var UsingType      = new NonTerminal("UsingType");
            var Using          = new NonTerminal("Using");

            var WithTypeIcon = new NonTerminal("WithTypeIcon");
            var WithType     = new NonTerminal("WithType");
            var With         = new NonTerminal("With");

            var Option     = new NonTerminal("Option");
            var OptionList = new NonTerminal("OptionList");

            var More            = new NonTerminal("More");
            var Line            = new NonTerminal("Line");
            var DescriptionList = new NonTerminal("DescriptionList");

            var HubTypeValues = new NonTerminal("HubTypeValues");
            var HubType       = new NonTerminal("HubType");
            var Name          = new NonTerminal("Name");

            var Hub = new NonTerminal("Hub");

            Root = Hub;

            Hub.Rule           = Name + HubType + DescriptionList + OptionList;
            Name.Rule          = ToTerm("name") + identifier + text;
            HubType.Rule       = ToTerm("hub-type") + HubTypeValues;
            HubTypeValues.Rule = ToTerm("urban") | "wilderness";

            DescriptionList.Rule = MakePlusRule(DescriptionList, null, Line) + MakeStarRule(DescriptionList, null, More);
            Line.Rule            = ToTerm("line") + text;
            More.Rule            = ToTerm("more") + text;

            OptionList.Rule = MakePlusRule(OptionList, null, Option);
            Option.Rule     = ToTerm("option") + text + MakeStarRule(Option, null, With) + MakeStarRule(Option, null, Using) + Do;

            With.Rule         = ToTerm("with") + WithType;
            WithType.Rule     = WithTypeIcon;
            WithTypeIcon.Rule = ToTerm("icon") + identifier;

            Using.Rule          = ToTerm("using") + UsingType;
            UsingType.Rule      = UsingTypeSkill;
            UsingTypeSkill.Rule = ToTerm("skill") + Skill;
            Skill.Rule          = ToTerm("investigation") | "negociation";

            Do.Rule             = ToTerm("do") + DoType;
            DoType.Rule         = DoTypeEvent | DoTypeShopping | DoTypeVisit;
            DoTypeEvent.Rule    = ToTerm("event") + identifier;
            DoTypeShopping.Rule = ToTerm("shopping") + identifier;
            DoTypeVisit.Rule    = ToTerm("visit") + identifier;

            MarkPunctuation("name", "line", "more", "option", "with", "icon", "using", "skill", "do", "event", "shopping", "visit");

            LanguageFlags = Irony.Parsing.LanguageFlags.CreateAst | LanguageFlags.NewLineBeforeEOF;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static IdentifierTerminal CreatePythonIdentifier(string name)
            IdentifierTerminal id = new IdentifierTerminal("Identifier"); //defaults are OK
