Exemplo n.º 1
        protected Range GetRangeFromChildren(Axis2D axis)
            Range range = new Range(0, 0);
            Plot2DItem child;
            bool rangeUpdated = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < plotItems.Count; ++i)
                child = plotItems[i];
                if ((child.XAxis != axis) && (child.YAxis != axis)) 
                Rect bounds = child.PaddedBounds;

                if (bounds == Rect.Empty)

                if (rangeUpdated == false)
                    range = (axis is XAxis) ? new Range(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) : new Range(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom);
                    rangeUpdated = true;
                else range = range.Union((axis is XAxis) ? new Range(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) : new Range(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom));
            return range;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected Range GetRangeFromChildren(Axis2D axis)
            Range      range = new Range(0, 0);
            Plot2DItem child;
            bool       rangeUpdated = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < plotItems.Count; ++i)
                child = plotItems[i];
                if ((child.XAxis != axis) && (child.YAxis != axis))
                Rect bounds = child.PaddedBounds;
                if (rangeUpdated == false)
                    range        = (axis is XAxis) ? new Range(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) : new Range(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom);
                    rangeUpdated = true;
                    range = range.Union((axis is XAxis) ? new Range(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) : new Range(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public GridLines(Axis2D axis)
     this.axis = axis;
     gridLinesGeometry = new StreamGeometry();
     this.Stroke = Brushes.LightGray;
     this.StrokeThickness = 1;
     this.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Miter;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Bind the Max and Min of this axis to another axis.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bindingAxis"></param>
 public void BindToAxis(Axis2D bindingAxis)
     axisBinding = new Binding("Range")
         Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay
     bindingAxis.SetBinding(Axis2D.RangeProperty, axisBinding);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public GridLines(Axis2D axis)
     this.axis            = axis;
     gridLinesGeometry    = new StreamGeometry();
     this.Stroke          = Brushes.LightGray;
     this.StrokeThickness = 1;
     this.StrokeLineJoin  = PenLineJoin.Miter;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal static void OnLabelsVisibleChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if ((bool)e.NewValue == (bool)e.OldValue)
            Axis2D axis = ((Axis2D)obj);

            if ((bool)e.NewValue == false)
                foreach (LabelCacheItem item in axis.TickLabelCache)
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected static void OnRangeChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Axis2D axis2DLocal  = ((Axis2D)obj);
            Range  desiredRange = (Range)e.NewValue;

            if (Double.IsNegativeInfinity(desiredRange.Min) || Double.IsNaN(desiredRange.Min) ||
                Double.IsPositiveInfinity(desiredRange.Max) || Double.IsNaN(desiredRange.Max))
                axis2DLocal.SetValue(RangeProperty, e.OldValue);
            if (axis2DLocal.AxisType == AxisType.Log)
                if (desiredRange.Min <= 0 || desiredRange.Max <= 0)
                    axis2DLocal.SetValue(RangeProperty, e.OldValue);
            else if (axis2DLocal.AxisType == AxisType.Date)
                if (desiredRange.Min < Axis.minDate || desiredRange.Max >= Axis.maxDate)
                    axis2DLocal.SetValue(RangeProperty, e.OldValue);
            double length = Math.Abs(desiredRange.Length);

            if ((Math.Abs(desiredRange.Min) / length > 1e10) || (Math.Abs(desiredRange.Max) / length > 1e10))
                axis2DLocal.SetValue(RangeProperty, e.OldValue);
            if (axis2DLocal.PlotPanel != null)
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Increase axis margins by amount necessary to ensure both that there is room
        /// for labels and that the necessary axes are aligned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alignedAxes">List of axes that need to be aligned.</param>
        private static void ExpandAxisMargins(List <Axis2D> alignedAxes, double plotLength)
            // Calculate margins
            Thickness1D margin = new Thickness1D(alignedAxes.Max(axis => axis.AxisPadding.Lower), alignedAxes.Max(axis => axis.AxisPadding.Upper));

            double minPlotLength = 1.0;

            if (plotLength > minPlotLength)
                double newTotalLength = plotLength + margin.Total();
                foreach (Axis2D axis in alignedAxes)
                    axis.AxisTotalLength = newTotalLength;
            else if ((alignedAxes[0].AxisTotalLength - margin.Total()) < minPlotLength)
                foreach (Axis2D axis in alignedAxes)
                    axis.AxisTotalLength = margin.Total() + minPlotLength;

            // Set the margin and update Scale and Offset.
            foreach (Axis2D axis in alignedAxes)

            int tickIndex    = 0;
            int maxTickIndex = alignedAxes.Max(axis => axis.Ticks.Length) / 2;

            int[]  tickPair               = new int[2];
            Axis2D limitingLowerAxis      = null;
            int    limitingLowerTickIndex = 0;
            double limitingLowerSemiWidth = margin.Lower;
            Axis2D limitingUpperAxis      = null;
            int    limitingUpperTickIndex = 0;
            double limitingUpperSemiWidth = margin.Upper;
            double offsetLower            = 0;
            double deltaLower             = alignedAxes[0].MaxTransformed - alignedAxes[0].MinTransformed;
            double deltaUpper             = deltaLower;
            double axisTotalLength        = alignedAxes[0].AxisTotalLength;
            double offsetUpper            = 0;

            int nRescales = 0; // for diagnosic purposes only

            while ((tickIndex <= maxTickIndex) && (nRescales < 10))
                bool reset = false;
                // if a rescaling is required, start again from the beginning.
                for (int i = 0; i < alignedAxes.Count; ++i)
                    Axis2D currentAxis = alignedAxes[i];
                    tickPair[0] = tickIndex;
                    tickPair[1] = currentAxis.TicksTransformed.Length - 1 - tickIndex;
                    if ((currentAxis.TicksTransformed.Length - 1 - tickIndex) < tickIndex)
                    for (int j = 0; j <= 1; ++j)
                        int index = tickPair[j];
                        if (!currentAxis.LabelsVisible || currentAxis.TickLabelCache[index].Label.Text == "" || !currentAxis.TickLabelCache[index].IsShown)
                        if ((currentAxis.Scale * currentAxis.TicksTransformed[index] - currentAxis.Offset - currentAxis.LimitingTickLabelSizeForLength(index) / 2) < -0.1)
                            // need to rescale axes
                            limitingLowerAxis      = currentAxis;
                            limitingLowerTickIndex = index;
                            limitingLowerSemiWidth = currentAxis.LimitingTickLabelSizeForLength(index) / 2;
                            offsetLower            = currentAxis.TicksTransformed[index] - currentAxis.MinTransformed;
                            deltaLower             = currentAxis.MaxTransformed - currentAxis.MinTransformed;
                        else if ((currentAxis.Scale * currentAxis.TicksTransformed[index] - currentAxis.Offset + currentAxis.LimitingTickLabelSizeForLength(index) / 2) > (currentAxis.AxisTotalLength + 0.1))
                            // need to rescale axes
                            limitingUpperAxis      = currentAxis;
                            limitingUpperTickIndex = index;
                            limitingUpperSemiWidth = currentAxis.LimitingTickLabelSizeForLength(index) / 2;
                            offsetUpper            = currentAxis.MaxTransformed - currentAxis.TicksTransformed[index];
                            deltaUpper             = currentAxis.MaxTransformed - currentAxis.MinTransformed;

                        // Reset required:
                        reset = true; nRescales++;
                        double offsetUpperPrime = offsetUpper * deltaLower / deltaUpper;

                        // scale for lower-limiting axis
                        double newScale = (axisTotalLength - limitingLowerSemiWidth - limitingUpperSemiWidth) /
                                          (deltaLower - offsetLower - offsetUpperPrime);
                        if (plotLength > minPlotLength)
                            // Axis is fixed to plotLength.
                            newScale = plotLength / deltaLower;
                            margin   = new Thickness1D(limitingLowerSemiWidth - offsetLower * newScale, limitingUpperSemiWidth - offsetUpperPrime * newScale);
                            foreach (Axis2D axis in alignedAxes)
                                axis.AxisTotalLength = plotLength + margin.Total();
                        if (newScale * deltaLower <= minPlotLength)
                            // Axis is fixed to minPlotLength
                            newScale = minPlotLength / deltaLower;
                            margin   = new Thickness1D(limitingLowerSemiWidth - offsetLower * newScale, limitingUpperSemiWidth - offsetUpperPrime * newScale);
                            foreach (Axis2D axis in alignedAxes)
                                axis.AxisTotalLength = minPlotLength + margin.Total();
                        // otherwise, axis is unfixed.
                        margin = new Thickness1D(limitingLowerSemiWidth - offsetLower * newScale, limitingUpperSemiWidth - offsetUpperPrime * newScale);
                        foreach (Axis2D axis in alignedAxes)
                            axis.RescaleAxis(newScale * deltaLower / (axis.MaxTransformed - axis.MinTransformed), margin);
                    if (reset == true)
                if (reset == true)
                    tickIndex = 0;
            if (nRescales == 10)
                Console.WriteLine("Many rescales...");
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Bind the Max and Min of this axis to another axis.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bindingAxis"></param>
 public void BindToAxis(Axis2D bindingAxis)
     var axisBinding = new Binding("Range") { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay };
     bindingAxis.SetBinding(Axis2D.RangeProperty, axisBinding);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void AdjustRange(Axis2D axis)
     Range axisRange = GetRangeFromChildren(axis);
     if (axisRange.Length != 0)
         axis.SetValue(Axis2D.RangeProperty, axisRange);
Exemplo n.º 11
 internal override void BeforeArrange()
     // Ensure that transform is updated with the latest axes values.
     imageRectangle.RenderTransform = Axis2D.GraphToCanvasLinear(xAxis, yAxis);