Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an SPI FT4222 class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">SPI Connection Settings</param>
        public Ft4222Spi(SpiConnectionSettings settings)
            _settings = settings;
            // Check device
            var devInfos = FtCommon.GetDevices();

            if (devInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new IOException("No FTDI device available");

            // Select the one from bus Id
            // FT4222 propose depending on the mode multiple interfaces. Only the A is available for SPI or where there is none as it's the only interface
            var devInfo = devInfos.Where(m => m.Description == "FT4222 A" || m.Description == "FT4222").ToArray();

            if ((devInfo.Length == 0) || (devInfo.Length < _settings.BusId))
                throw new IOException($"Can't find a device to open SPI on index {_settings.BusId}");

            DeviceInformation = devInfo[_settings.BusId];
            // Open device
            var ftStatus = FtFunction.FT_OpenEx(DeviceInformation.LocId, FtOpenType.OpenByLocation, out _ftHandle);

            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Failed to open device {DeviceInformation.Description} with error: {ftStatus}");

            // Set the clock but we need some math
            var(ft4222Clock, tfSpiDiv) = CalculateBestClockRate();

            ftStatus = FtFunction.FT4222_SetClock(_ftHandle, ft4222Clock);
            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Failed set clock rate {ft4222Clock} on device: {DeviceInformation.Description}with error: {ftStatus}");

            SpiClockPolarity pol = SpiClockPolarity.ClockIdleLow;

            if ((_settings.Mode == SpiMode.Mode2) || (_settings.Mode == SpiMode.Mode3))
                pol = SpiClockPolarity.ClockIdelHigh;

            SpiClockPhase pha = SpiClockPhase.ClockLeading;

            if ((_settings.Mode == SpiMode.Mode1) || (_settings.Mode == SpiMode.Mode3))
                pha = SpiClockPhase.ClockTailing;

            // Configure the SPI
            ftStatus = FtFunction.FT4222_SPIMaster_Init(_ftHandle, SpiOperatingMode.Single, tfSpiDiv, pol, pha, (byte)_settings.ChipSelectLine);
            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Failed setup SPI on device: {DeviceInformation.Description} with error: {ftStatus}");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a FT4222 GPIO driver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceNumber">Number of the device in the device list, default 0</param>
        public Ft4222Gpio(int deviceNumber = 0)
            // Check device
            var devInfos = FtCommon.GetDevices();

            if (devInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new IOException("No FTDI device available");

            // Select the deviceNumber, only the last one in Mode 0 and Mode 1 can be open.
            // The last one is either B if in Mode 0 or D in mode 1.
            string strMode = devInfos[0].Type == FtDevice.Ft4222HMode1or2With4Interfaces ? "FT4222 D" : "FT4222 B";

            var devInfo = devInfos.Where(m => m.Description == strMode).ToArray();

            if ((devInfo.Length == 0) || (devInfo.Length < deviceNumber))
                throw new IOException($"Can't find a device to open GPIO on index {deviceNumber}");

            DeviceInformation = devInfo[deviceNumber];
            // Open device
            var ftStatus = FtFunction.FT_OpenEx(DeviceInformation.LocId, FtOpenType.OpenByLocation, out _ftHandle);

            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Failed to open device {DeviceInformation.Description}, status: {ftStatus}");

            ftStatus = FtFunction.FT4222_SetSuspendOut(_ftHandle, false);
            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Can't initialize GPIO for device {DeviceInformation.Description} changing Suspend out mode, status: {ftStatus}");

            ftStatus = FtFunction.FT4222_SetWakeUpInterrupt(_ftHandle, false);
            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Can't initialize GPIO for device {DeviceInformation.Description} removing wake up interrupt, status: {ftStatus}");

            for (int i = 0; i < PinCountConst; i++)
                _gpioDirections[i] = GpioPinMode.Output;

            ftStatus = FtFunction.FT4222_GPIO_Init(_ftHandle, _gpioDirections);

            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Can't initialize GPIO for device {DeviceInformation.Description}, status: {ftStatus}");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a FT4222 I2C Device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">I2C Connection Settings</param>
        /// <param name="frequencyKbps">The speed of I2C transmission.</param>
        public Ft4222I2cEx(I2cConnectionSettings settings, uint frequencyKbps = I2cMasterFrequencyKbps)
            _settings     = settings ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings));
            FrequencyKbps = frequencyKbps;

            // Check device
            var devInfos = FtCommon.GetDevices();

            if (devInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new IOException("No FTDI device available");

            // Select the one from bus Id
            // FT4222 propose depending on the mode multiple interfaces. Only the A is available for I2C or where there is none as it's the only interface
            var devInfo = devInfos.Where(m => m.Description == "FT4222 A" || m.Description == "FT4222").ToArray();

            if ((devInfo.Length == 0) || (devInfo.Length < _settings.BusId))
                throw new IOException($"Can't find a device to open I2C on index {_settings.BusId}");

            DeviceInformation = devInfo[_settings.BusId];
            // Open device
            var ftStatus = FtFunction.FT_OpenEx(DeviceInformation.LocId, FtOpenType.OpenByLocation, out _ftHandle);

            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Failed to open device {DeviceInformation.Description}, status: {ftStatus}");

            // Set the clock
            FtClockRate ft4222Clock = FtClockRate.Clock24MHz;

            ftStatus = FtFunction.FT4222_SetClock(_ftHandle, ft4222Clock);
            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Failed set clock rate {ft4222Clock} on device: {DeviceInformation.Description}, status: {ftStatus}");

            // Set the device as I2C Master
            ftStatus = FtFunction.FT4222_I2CMaster_Init(_ftHandle, frequencyKbps);
            if (ftStatus != FtStatus.Ok)
                throw new IOException($"Failed to initialize I2C Master mode on device: {DeviceInformation.Description}, status: {ftStatus}");