Exemplo n.º 1
        private async void App_InboundPairingRequested(object sender, InboundPairingEventArgs inboundArgs)
            // Ignore the inbound if pairing is already in progress
            if (inProgressPairButton == null)
                await MainPage.Current.UIThreadDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async() =>
                    // Make sure the Bluetooth grid is showing
                    await SwitchToSelectedSettingsAsync("BluetoothListViewItem");

                    // Restore the ceremonies we registered with
                    var localSettings            = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
                    Object supportedPairingKinds = localSettings.Values["supportedPairingKinds"];
                    int iSelectedCeremonies      = (int)DevicePairingKinds.ConfirmOnly;
                    if (supportedPairingKinds != null)
                        iSelectedCeremonies = (int)supportedPairingKinds;

                    // Clear any previous devices

                    // Add latest
                    BluetoothDeviceInformationDisplay deviceInfoDisp = new BluetoothDeviceInformationDisplay(inboundArgs.DeviceInfo);

                    // Display a message about the inbound request
                    string formatString        = BluetoothDeviceInformationDisplay.GetResourceString("BluetoothInboundPairingRequestFormat");
                    string confirmationMessage = string.Format(formatString, deviceInfoDisp.Name, deviceInfoDisp.Id);
                    DisplayMessagePanelAsync(confirmationMessage, MessageType.InformationalMessage);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args)
            // Spot if we are being activated due to inbound pairing request
            if (null != args && args.Kind == ActivationKind.DevicePairing)
                // Ensure the main app loads first

                // Get the arguments, which give information about the device which wants to pair with this app
                var devicePairingArgs = (DevicePairingActivatedEventArgs)args;
                var di = devicePairingArgs.DeviceInformation;

                // Automatically switch to Bluetooth Settings page
                NavigationUtils.NavigateToScreen(typeof(Settings), "BluetoothListViewItem");

                int      bluetoothSettingsIndex = 2;
                Frame    rootFrame        = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
                ListView settingsListView = null;
                settingsListView = (rootFrame.Content as FrameworkElement).FindName("SettingsChoice") as ListView;
                bluetoothSettingsIndex         = Math.Min(bluetoothSettingsIndex, settingsListView.Items.Count - 1);
                settingsListView.SelectedIndex = bluetoothSettingsIndex;
                // Appropriate Bluetooth Listview grid content is forced by App_InboundPairingRequested call to SwitchToSelectedSettings

                // Fire the event letting subscribers know there's a new inbound request.
                // In this case Scenario should be subscribed.
                if (InboundPairingRequested != null)
                    InboundPairingEventArgs inboundEventArgs = new InboundPairingEventArgs(di);
                    InboundPairingRequested(this, inboundEventArgs);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args)
            // Spot if we are being activated due to inbound pairing request
            if (args.Kind == ActivationKind.DevicePairing)
                // Ensure the main app loads first

                // Get the arguments, which give information about the device which wants to pair with this app
                var devicePairingArgs = (DevicePairingActivatedEventArgs)args;
                var di = devicePairingArgs.DeviceInformation;

                // Automatically switch to Bluetooth Settings page

                int bluetoothSettingsIndex = 2;
                Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
                ListView settingsListView = null;
                settingsListView = (rootFrame.Content as FrameworkElement).FindName("SettingsChoice") as ListView;
                bluetoothSettingsIndex = Math.Min(bluetoothSettingsIndex, settingsListView.Items.Count - 1);
                settingsListView.SelectedIndex = bluetoothSettingsIndex;
                // Appropriate Bluetooth Listview grid content is forced by App_InboundPairingRequested call to SwitchToSelectedSettings

                // Fire the event letting subscribers know there's a new inbound request.
                // In this case Scenario should be subscribed.
                if (InboundPairingRequested != null)
                    InboundPairingEventArgs inboundEventArgs = new InboundPairingEventArgs(di);
                    InboundPairingRequested(this, inboundEventArgs);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private async void App_InboundPairingRequested(object sender, InboundPairingEventArgs inboundArgs)
            // Ignore the inbound if pairing is already in progress
            if (inProgressPairButton == null)
                await MainPage.Current.UIThreadDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                // Make sure the Bluetooth grid is showing

                // Restore the ceremonies we registered with
                var localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
                    Object supportedPairingKinds = localSettings.Values["supportedPairingKinds"];
                    int iSelectedCeremonies = (int)DevicePairingKinds.ConfirmOnly;
                    if (supportedPairingKinds != null)
                        iSelectedCeremonies = (int)supportedPairingKinds;

                // Clear any previous devices

                // Add latest
                BluetoothDeviceInformationDisplay deviceInfoDisp = new BluetoothDeviceInformationDisplay(inboundArgs.DeviceInfo);

                // Display a message about the inbound request
                string formatString = BluetoothDeviceInformationDisplay.GetResourceString("BluetoothInboundPairingRequestFormat");
                    string confirmationMessage = string.Format(formatString, deviceInfoDisp.Name, deviceInfoDisp.Id);
                    DisplayMessagePanel(confirmationMessage, MessageType.InformationalMessage);