Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Enqueue(IRP irp)
     lock (IrpList)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IRP Dequeue()
            IRP irp = null;

            lock (IrpList)
                irp = IrpList.Dequeue();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void FreeIrp(IRP irp)
            if (irp.State != IrpState.Free)
                throw new ApplicationException("FreeIrp() : Irp!=Free.");
            irp.State = IrpState.Pool;

            lock (IrpPoolLock)
                Debug.Assert(irp.Next == null, "FreeIrp expected single irp, got multi-irp chain");
                irp.Next    = FreeIrpPool;
                FreeIrpPool = irp;
                irp.IoFlow  = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Obtain one Irp object from free Irp list.
        internal IRP AllocateIrp()
            IRP irp = null;

            lock (IrpPoolLock)
                if (FreeIrpPool != null)
                    irp         = FreeIrpPool;
                    FreeIrpPool = FreeIrpPool.Next;

            if (irp == null) // Expected to fail, with some diags.
                throw new ApplicationException("Free Irp pool exhausted");

            irp.Next  = irp.Prev = null;
            irp.State = IrpState.Free;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private PreWriteReturnCode PreWrite(IRP irp)
            if (noisyOutput)
                Console.WriteLine("PreWrite {0}: Got Offset={1} Length={2} Align={3}",
                    Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, irp.FileOffset, irp.DataLength, cache.AlignedBlockSize);

            if (irp.DataLength % cache.AlignedBlockSize != 0 ||
                irp.FileOffset % cache.AlignedBlockSize != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("PreWrite {0}: Got UNALIGNED Offset={1} Length={2} Align={3}",
                    Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, irp.FileOffset, irp.DataLength, cache.AlignedBlockSize);
            //Console.WriteLine("OFFSETS,LENGTHS,{0},{1}", irp.FileOffset, irp.DataLength);
            //return PreWriteReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK;
            return cache.CacheWriteIRP(irp);
            //return PreWriteReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private PreCreateReturnCode PreCreate(IRP irp)
     return cache.CachePreCreate(irp);
     //return PreCreateReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private PreCleanupReturnCode PreCleanup(IRP irp)
     //return PreCleanupReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK;
     return cache.CachePreCleanup(irp);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Caches a given IRP on the way down
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="irp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PreReadReturnCode CacheIRP(IRP irp)
            // lookup if IRP is already cached
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement>> f = null;

            Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement> b = null;
            FileCacheElement ce = null;
            bool hit = false;
            bool anyMisses = false;
            FlowSLA sla = null;
            ulong savedFileOffset = irp.FileOffset;
            uint savedDataLength = irp.DataLength;
            uint dataOffset = irp.DataOffset;
            ulong fileOffset = savedFileOffset;
            bool canSatisfyRequest = false;

            Debug.Assert(irp.IoFlowHeader.MajorFunction == MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_READ);

            if (noisyOutput)
                Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: Attempting to lock cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                    Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);


            sla = FlowStats[irp.FlowId];
            Debug.Assert(sla != null); //Only deal with explicitly declared flows

            //Do we have enough cache space available to satisfy this request?
            if (sla.FlowCacheSize > irp.DataLength)
                canSatisfyRequest = true;

            if (noisyOutput)
                Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: Locked cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                    Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

            if (canSatisfyRequest)

                // iterate over all blocks
                // it's a hit if all blocks are a hit, otherwise its a miss for the entire IRP
                    uint blockid = (uint)(fileOffset / ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                    hit = false; //block isn't a hit yet
                        if (Cache.TryGetValue(irp.FlowId, out f))
                            if (f.TryGetValue(irp.IoFlow.FileName, out b))
                                if (b.TryGetValue(blockid, out ce))
                                    // cache entry exists
                                    if (noisyOutput)
                                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: Attempting to lock ce on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                                    lock (ce.LockObj)
                                        if (noisyOutput)
                                            Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: Locked ce on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                                Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                                        if (ce.Data != null)
                                            // real hit ; cache entry has data being read
                                            sla = FlowStats[irp.FlowId];
                                            Debug.Assert(sla != null); //We should always have a valid sla entry if we have a hit

                                            hit = true;
                                            byte[] irpData = irp.GetDataReadWrite();
                                            Debug.Assert(ce.DataLength == ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                                            Buffer.BlockCopy(ce.Data, 0, irpData, (int)dataOffset, (int)ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                                            Debug.Assert(ce.nodeInList != null);
                                            Debug.Assert(ce.nodeInList != null);
                                            sla.cacheEntries.Remove(ce.nodeInList); //Assumes no duplicate ce's in the list, which should be true...

                                            if (sla.FlowSLAHasGhostCache())
                                                sla.GhostCache.CacheReadReference(ce.fileName + Convert.ToString(blockid)); //Forward the reference to the ghost cache
                                            // cache entry exists, BUT data is still in-flight from storage medium
                                            hit = false;
                                    if (noisyOutput)
                                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: UnLocked ce on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                        if (!hit)
                            // evict first

                            // then insert 
                            if (f == null)
                                Cache[irp.FlowId] = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement>>();
                                f = Cache[irp.FlowId];

                            if (b == null)
                                f[irp.IoFlow.FileName] = new Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement>();
                                b = f[irp.IoFlow.FileName];
                            if (ce == null)
                                //b[blockid] = new FileCacheElement(irp.IoFlow, irp.IoFlowRuntime.getDriveLetterFileName(irp.IoFlow.FileName), null,
                                //    fileOffset, dataOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE /* copying data only */);
                                //string tempFileNameChunking = irp.IoFlowRuntime.getDriveLetterFileName(irp.IoFlow.FileName); //save file name here once, so we don't do multiple calls to this

                                b[blockid] = getFileCacheElement(irp.IoFlow, irp.IoFlow.FileName, null, fileOffset, dataOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE /* copying data only */);

                                ce = b[blockid];

                                // insert element into list
                                if (false == FlowStats.TryGetValue(irp.FlowId, out sla))
                                    //sla = new FlowSLA();
                                    //FlowStats[irp.FlowId] = sla;
                                    Debug.Assert(0 == 1); //XXXIS let's only deal with explicitly declared flows right now
                                cacheSizeUsedBytes += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;
                                sla.FlowCacheSizeUsedBytes += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;

                                if (sla.FlowSLAHasGhostCache())
                                    sla.GhostCache.CacheReadReference(ce.fileName + Convert.ToString(blockid)); //Forward the reference to the ghost cache
                    if (noisyOutput)
                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: UnLock cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                    fileOffset += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;
                    dataOffset += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;

                    if (hit == false)
                        anyMisses = true;
                } while (fileOffset < savedFileOffset + savedDataLength);

                if (false == FlowStats.TryGetValue(irp.FlowId, out sla))
                    Debug.Assert(0 == 1); //XXXIS let's only deal with explicitly declared flows right now
                if (!anyMisses)
                    sla.CacheAccessesHits++; //Increment the number of hits in the cache

            sla.CacheAccessesTotal++; //increment all the accesses to this cache
            sla.FlowBytesAccessed += irp.DataLength; 


            // deal with MISSES
            // Let IRP go through and intercept POST operation (with payload) 
            if (anyMisses == true || !canSatisfyRequest)
                //Console.WriteLine("MISS: {0}", irp.FileOffset);
                if (noisyOutput)
                    Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: PreRead MISS Offset={1} Length={2}",
                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, irp.FileOffset, irp.DataLength);
                return PreReadReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_WITH_CALLBACK;
                //Console.WriteLine("HIT: {0}", irp.FileOffset);
                if (noisyOutput)
                    Console.WriteLine("CacheIRP {0}: PreRead HIT Offset={1} Length={2}",
                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, irp.FileOffset, irp.DataLength);
                return PreReadReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_COMPLETE;
Exemplo n.º 9
 private PostReadReturnCode InvalidPostRead(IRP irp)
     throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("FlowId {0} PostRead callback not registered.", FlowId));
Exemplo n.º 10
 private PreLockControlReturnCode InvalidPreLockControl(IRP irp)
     throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("FlowId {0} PreLockControl callback not registered.", FlowId));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public PreCreateReturnCode CachePreCreate(IRP irp)
     return PreCreateReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Iocp completion thread using GetQueuedCompletionStatus().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        private void IocpThreadProc(object o)
            // Start the READ requests to minifilter driver.
            for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.COUNT_IO_READ_MPL; i++)
                IRP irp = AllocateIrp();

            while (!ShuttingDown)
                uint   lpNumberOfBytes;
                uint   lpCompletionKey;
                IntPtr lpOverlapped;

                // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364986(v=vs.85).aspx
                if (!GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort,     // HANDLE CompletionPort
                                               out lpNumberOfBytes, // LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytes
                                               out lpCompletionKey, // PULONG_PTR lpCompletionKey
                                               out lpOverlapped,    // LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
                                               WIN32_INFINITE))     // DWORD dwMilliseconds
                    int HResult = Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error();

                    // Expect to get here when Close() has been called.
                    const uint THE_HANDLE_IS_INVALID  = 0x80070006; // Not an error.
                    const uint ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 = 0x800702DF; // Not an error.
                    if ((uint)HResult == THE_HANDLE_IS_INVALID || (uint)HResult == ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0)

                    // Unexpected error.
                    int LastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    Console.WriteLine("LastWin32Error {0} HResult {1:X8}", LastWin32Error, HResult);

                // Get from native addr of completing OVERLAPPED struct to the associated managed code IRP.
                IRP irp = FindIrp[lpOverlapped];


                // Find the IoFlow for this IRP and call the user's callback function.
                irp.IoFlow = DictIoFlow[irp.IoFlowHeader.FlowId];

                // Indicate any late errors for earlier IO indicated on this flow.
                // These can happen if an error happens in the driver *after* the
                // filterMgr messaging API has indicated that the reply message has
                // been successfully delivered to the driver. In priciple the owning
                // app should also know due to IO failure.
                if ((irp.IoFlowHeader.Flags & (uint)HeaderFlags.HeaderFlagLateIoError) != 0)
                    string msg = "One or more errors reported for earlier IO on flowId ";
                    msg = string.Format("{0} {1} file {2}", msg, irp.IoFlow.FlowId, irp.IoFlow.FileName);
                    throw new ExceptionIoFlow(msg);

                // Throw iff the kmode IRP's buffer is too large for our k2u buffers.
                // In this case we see incomplete data so any ops on the data are invalid.
                if (irp.DataLength > irp.MaxDataLength)
                    string msg = string.Format("Err irp.DataLength({0}) > k2u buffer size({1})",
                                               irp.DataLength, irp.MaxDataLength);
                    throw new ExceptionIoFlow(msg);

                // Upcall to user-supplied callback routine.
                // Note the minifilter only sends IRPs for flows that have registered an appropriate callback routine.
                bool IsPreOp = irp.IsPreOp, IsPostOp = !IsPreOp;
                switch (irp.MajorFunction)
                case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_CREATE:
                    if (IsPreOp)
                        PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreCreate(irp);
                        PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostCreate(irp);

                case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_READ:
                    if (IsPreOp)
                        PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreRead(irp);
                        PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostRead(irp);

                case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_WRITE:
                    if (IsPreOp)
                        PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreWrite(irp);
                        PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostWrite(irp);

                case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_CLEANUP:
                    if (IsPreOp)
                        PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreCleanup(irp);
                        PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostCleanup(irp);

                case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_LOCK_CONTROL:
                    if (IsPreOp)
                        PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreLockControl(irp);
                        throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("irp.IoFlow.FlowId {0} PostLockControl callback not supported.",

                    throw new ApplicationException("should never get here.");

                irp.IoFlowHeader.FilterReplyHeader.Status = 0;
                irp.IoFlowHeader.Resultcode = (irp.IsPreOp ? (uint)PreOpResult : (uint)PostOpResult);

#if UseReplyAndGetNext
                // App is done with this IRP.
                // Send reply to minifilter driver and restart next upcall on same IRP.
                irp.MiniFilterReplyAndGetNext(hDataAsyncPort, hControlPort);
#else // UseReplyAndGetNext
                // Send reply to our minifilter driver.
                irp.MiniFilterReplyMessage(hDataAsyncPort, hControlPort);

                // The IRP is no longer in use by app - we can restart next upcall request on same IRP.
#endif // UseReplyAndGetNext

            if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref CountIocpThreadsRunning) == 0)
Exemplo n.º 13
 private PreCleanupReturnCode PreCleanup(IRP irp)
     return cache.CachePreCleanup(irp);
Exemplo n.º 14
 private PreCreateReturnCode PreCreate(IRP irp)
     return this.cache.CachePreCreate(irp);
Exemplo n.º 15
 private PostWriteReturnCode PostWrite(IRP irp)
     return cache.CacheWriteIRPCompleted(irp);
Exemplo n.º 16
 private PostReadReturnCode PostRead(IRP irp)
     return cache.CacheIRPCompleted(irp);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public PreCleanupReturnCode CachePreCleanup(IRP irp)
     return PreCleanupReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void IoFlowRuntimeInternal(uint maxIocpThreads, bool useIocpEx)
            Console.WriteLine("IoFlowRuntime created with {0} iocp threads", maxIocpThreads);

            this.countIocpThreads = maxIocpThreads;

            LockIoFlow = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion);

            if (this.countIocpThreads < System.Environment.ProcessorCount)
                Console.WriteLine("IoFlowRuntime: Warning: MPL {0} < ProcessorCount {1}",
                                  this.countIocpThreads, System.Environment.ProcessorCount);
            uint HResult;

            TenantId = (uint)Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

            // Open FltMgr comms port for asynchronous data exchange with IoFlowUser minifilter driver.
            string strDataPortName = Parameters.DATA_PORT_NAME;

            HResult = FilterConnectCommunicationPort(strDataPortName,     // LPCWSTR lpPortName,
                                                     0,                   // DWORD dwOptions,
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,         // LPCVOID lpContext,
                                                     0,                   // WORD dwSizeOfContext
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,         // LP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes
                                                     out hDataAsyncPort); // HANDLE *hPort

            if (HResult != S_OK)
                Console.WriteLine("IoFlowRuntime failed to contact IoFlow minifilter driver async: check the driver is loaded.");

            // Open FltMgr comms port for control messages to IoFlowUser minifilter driver.
            // We open the control port for synchronous I/O because we required calls to
            // FilterReplyMessage to complete synchronously when pending IRPs to kernel-mode
            // cancelsafe queue *before* the app calls CompletePendedPreOp() or
            // CompletePendedPostOp() in the days when we supported pending ops.
            string strControlPortName = Parameters.CONTROL_PORT_NAME;

            HResult = FilterConnectCommunicationPort(strControlPortName, // LPCWSTR lpPortName,
                                                     0,                  // DWORD dwOptions,
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,        // LPCVOID lpContext,
                                                     0,                  // WORD dwSizeOfContext
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,        // LP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes
                                                     out hControlPort);  // HANDLE *hPort

            if (HResult != S_OK)

            // Purge any old state from the minifilter driver.

            // Dictionary implements lookup func f(FlowId)=>IoFlow
            DictIoFlow = new Dictionary <uint, IoFlow>();

            // Open I/O completion port for completing async I/O to the minifilter driver.
            hCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(hDataAsyncPort,
                                                     hCompletionPort,       // HANDLE ExistingCompletionPort
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,           // ULONG_PTR CompletionKey
                                                     (uint)maxIocpThreads); // DWORD NumberOfConcurrentThreads
            if (hCompletionPort == IntPtr.Zero)
                int err = Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error();
                Console.WriteLine("CreateIoCompletionPort err={0:X8}", err);

            // Init dict for translating friendly drive names to unfriendly device names.
            // For example on my dev machine "D:" => "\Device\HarddiskVolume4"
            // No .NET support for discovering this, so we scan stdout from "fltmc volume".
            DriveNameToVolumeName = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Process process = new Process();

            process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("fltmc.exe", "volumes");
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            string s1 = null;

            string[] separators = new string[] { " ", "\t" };
            while ((s1 = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (s1.Length > 1 && s1.Contains(@":"))
                    string[] toks = s1.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (toks.Length > 1 &&
                        toks[0].Length == 2 &&
                        toks[0].Substring(1, 1).Equals(@":") &&
                        toks[1].Length > DeviceHarddiskVolume.Length &&
                        DriveNameToVolumeName.Add(toks[0].ToLower(), toks[1].ToLower());

            VolumeNameToDriveName = DriveNameToVolumeName.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key); //gets the reverse dictionary (this assumes no duplicate values)

            // Allocate pool of statically allocated Irp objects for I/O to/from minifilter driver.
            int countIrps = Parameters.IRP_POOL_SIZE * (int)maxIocpThreads;

            FindIrp  = new Dictionary <IntPtr, IRP>(countIrps);
            irpArray = new IRP[countIrps];
            for (int i = 0; i < irpArray.Length; i++)
                IRP irp = new IRP(this, hDataAsyncPort);
                FindIrp.Add(irp.addrOverlapped, irp);
                irpArray[i] = irp;
                irp.State   = IrpState.Free;

            // Prep the requested number of IO completion worker threads.
            arrayIocpThreads = new Thread[countIocpThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < countIocpThreads; i++)
                if (useIocpEx)
                    arrayIocpThreads[i] = new Thread(IocpThreadProcEx);
                    arrayIocpThreads[i] = new Thread(IocpThreadProc);

            // Iff a local oktofsagent exists try for a connection for fast sid lookup.
            // Assumes oktofsagent is listening on its default TCP port.
            bridgeOktofsAgent = new BridgeOktofsAgent();
            if (bridgeOktofsAgent.Connect() && bridgeOktofsAgent.SendMessageRegister())
                Console.WriteLine("Registered with local oktofsAgent for fast (account,SID) lookup.");
                bridgeOktofsAgent = null;
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Intercepts callback after a write succeeds on write-through
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="irp"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public PostWriteReturnCode CacheWriteIRPCompleted(IRP irp)
     return PostWriteReturnCode.FLT_POSTOP_FINISHED_PROCESSING;
Exemplo n.º 20
 private PreReadReturnCode PreRead(IRP irp)
     return this.cache.CacheIRP(irp);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Intercepts a write request, caches it, then sends it down if doing write-through, or returns success and writes it out later if doing write-back
        /// XXXET: shares a lot of functionality with cacheIRP. Probably should be 1 function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="irp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PreWriteReturnCode CacheWriteIRP(IRP irp)
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement>> f = null;
            Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement> b = null;
            FileCacheElement ce = null;
            FlowSLA sla = null;
            bool blockUpdated = false;
            bool anyBlockUpdated = false;
            ulong savedFileOffset = irp.FileOffset;
            uint savedDataLength = irp.DataLength;
            uint dataOffset = irp.DataOffset;
            ulong fileOffset = savedFileOffset;
            bool writeHit = false;
            bool canSatisfyRequest = false;

            Debug.Assert(irp.IoFlowHeader.MajorFunction == MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_WRITE);

            if ((int)irp.IoFlowHeader.ProcessID != CacheProcessID) //don't intercept traffic we generated

                if (noisyOutput)
                    Console.WriteLine("CacheWriteIRP {0}: Attempting to lock cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                if (noisyOutput)
                    Console.WriteLine("CacheWriteIRP {0}: Locked cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                //string tempFileNameChunking = irp.IoFlowRuntime.getDriveLetterFileName(irp.IoFlow.FileName); //save file name here once, so we don't do multiple calls to this

                // iterate over all blocks
                // it's a hit if all blocks are a hit, otherwise its a miss for the entire IRP
                    uint blockid = (uint)(fileOffset / ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                    //Get the flow stats list
                    if (!FlowStats.TryGetValue(irp.FlowId, out sla))
                        //sla = new FlowSLA();
                        //FlowStats[irp.FlowId] = sla;
                        Debug.Assert(0 == 1); //XXXIS let's only deal with explicitly declared flows right now

                    if (!Cache.TryGetValue(irp.FlowId, out f))
                        Cache[irp.FlowId] = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement>>();
                        f = Cache[irp.FlowId];
                    if (!f.TryGetValue(irp.IoFlow.FileName, out b))
                        f[irp.IoFlow.FileName] = new Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement>();
                        b = f[irp.IoFlow.FileName];

                    if (!b.TryGetValue(blockid, out ce)) // block is not currently cached
                        if (this.cacheWrites == CacheWriteBuffer.Cache) // only cache the block if write caching is turned on
                            //b[blockid] = new FileCacheElement(irp.IoFlow, irp.IoFlowRuntime.getDriveLetterFileName(irp.IoFlow.FileName), null,
                            //    fileOffset, dataOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE /* copying data only */);
                            b[blockid] = getFileCacheElement(irp.IoFlow, irp.IoFlow.FileName, null, fileOffset, dataOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE /* copying data only */);

                            ce = b[blockid];

                            //Might need to evict if we don't have enough space for the new entry

                            ce.UpdateNodeList(sla.cacheEntries.AddLast(ce)); //Just create the cache entry
                            cacheSizeUsedBytes += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;
                            sla.FlowCacheSizeUsedBytes += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;


                    // block is in the cache; only update if the block has data in flight (eg: a read), or if write caching is turned on
                    if ((this.cacheWrites == CacheWriteBuffer.noCache && ce != null) || this.cacheWrites == CacheWriteBuffer.Cache)

                            lock (ce.LockObj)
                                if (noisyOutput)
                                    Console.WriteLine("CacheWriteIRP {0}: Locked ce on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                                if (noisyOutput)
                                    Console.WriteLine("CacheWriteIRP {0}: Caching write on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                                ce.UpdateData(irp.GetDataReadOnly(), dataOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE /* copying data */);
                                blockUpdated = true;

                                //Move to the front of the LRU list
                                Debug.Assert(ce.nodeInList != null);

                                //XXXIS: send all writes to ghost cache
                                if (sla.FlowSLAHasGhostCache())
                                    sla.GhostCache.CacheReadReference(ce.fileName + Convert.ToString(blockid)); //Forward the reference to the ghost cache


                    fileOffset += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;
                    dataOffset += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;

                    if (blockUpdated == true)
                        anyBlockUpdated = true;

                } while (fileOffset < savedFileOffset + savedDataLength);

                sla.CacheAccessesTotal++; //update total number of ops that passed through this cache
                sla.FlowBytesAccessed += irp.DataLength;

                if (writeHit)

                if (noisyOutput)
                    Console.WriteLine("CacheWriteIRP {0}: UnLocked cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                if (this.writePolicy == CacheWritePolicy.WriteThrough || anyBlockUpdated == true) //if write-through, or waiting for disk to reply on a read for some block we wrote
                    return PreWriteReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_WITH_CALLBACK; //send it down
                    Debug.Assert(0 == 1); //we shouldn't be in this case
            return PreWriteReturnCode.FLT_PREOP_COMPLETE; //return complete (ignore traffic we generated)
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Iocp completion thread using GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx().
        /// You would expect to get benefit from this over GetQueuedCompletionStatus() but in tests
        /// we've not seen that, at least not yet, but you can select it at ctor time hoping we
        /// can find a way to unlock its perf in future.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        private void IocpThreadProcEx(object o)
                Console.WriteLine("IoFlowRuntime: using experimental GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx() thread.");
                // IOCP thread init: start multiple concurrent READ IRPS to driver.
                // Note all I/O must originate on this thread for Win32 CancelIo to work.
                for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.COUNT_IO_READ_MPL; i++)
                    IRP irp = AllocateIrp();

                ThreadPriority oldThreadPriority = Thread.CurrentThread.Priority;
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

                // Prep for GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx().
                IntPtr                     lpOverlapped;
                uint                       lpNumberOfBytes;
                uint                       lpCompletionKey;
                OVERLAPPED_ENTRY[]         ArrayOverlappedEntry     = new OVERLAPPED_ENTRY[IocpSizeofOverlappedArray];
                GCHandle                   gcArrayOverlappedEntry   = GCHandle.Alloc(ArrayOverlappedEntry, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr                     addrArrayOverlappedEntry = gcArrayOverlappedEntry.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                uint                       NumEntriesRemoved        = 1;

                // IOCP main loop: think -- {completePrior; flow.Callback(IRP); startNext}.
                while (ShuttingDown == false) // IOCP main loop.
                    // Block until IoCompletionPort indicates a) I/O completion or b) some signal.
                    if (GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(hCompletionPort,
                                                    out NumEntriesRemoved,
                                                    Parameters.IocpTimeoutInfinite, // Parameters.IocpTimeoutMSecs, //WIN32_INFINITE,
                                                    false) == false)
                        int HResult        = Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error();
                        int LastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                        // Expect to get here when Close() has been called.
                        const uint THE_HANDLE_IS_INVALID  = 0x80070006; // Not an error.
                        const uint ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 = 0x800702DF; // Not an error.
                        if ((uint)HResult == THE_HANDLE_IS_INVALID || (uint)HResult == ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0)

                        // In absence of I/O load, iocp timeout opt triggers polled queued I/O support.
                        if (LastWin32Error == WIN32_WAIT_TIMEOUT)

                        // Handle I/O failures. Non-fatal iff timeout or if media disconnected.
                        if (LastWin32Error == WIN32_ERROR_GEN_FAILURE)
                            Console.WriteLine("warning: ignored iocp tx status ERROR_GEN_FAILURE");

                        // Unexpected error.
                        Console.WriteLine("LastWin32Error {0} HResult {1:X8}", LastWin32Error, HResult);

                    // One iteration per entry in array returned from I/O completion port.
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)NumEntriesRemoved; i++)
                        lpOverlapped    = ArrayOverlappedEntry[i].addrOverlapped;
                        lpCompletionKey = (uint)ArrayOverlappedEntry[i].lpCompletionKey.ToInt32();

                        // Get from native addr of completing OVERLAPPED struct to the associated managed code IRP.
                        IRP irp = FindIrp[lpOverlapped];


                        // Find the IoFlow for this IRP and call the user's callback function.
                        irp.IoFlow = DictIoFlow[irp.IoFlowHeader.FlowId];

                        // Indicate any late errors for earlier IO indicated on this flow.
                        // These can happen if an error happens in the driver *after* the
                        // filterMgr messaging API has indicated that the reply message has
                        // been successfully delivered to the driver. In priciple the owning
                        // app should also know due to IO failure.
                        if ((irp.IoFlowHeader.Flags & (uint)HeaderFlags.HeaderFlagLateIoError) != 0)
                            string msg = "One or more errors reported for earlier IO on flowId ";
                            msg = string.Format("{0} {1} file {2}", msg, irp.IoFlow.FlowId, irp.IoFlow.FileName);
                            throw new ExceptionIoFlow(msg);

                        // Throw iff the kmode IRP's buffer is too large for our k2u buffers.
                        // In this case we see incomplete data so any ops on the data are invalid.
                        if (irp.DataLength > irp.MaxDataLength)
                            string msg = string.Format("Err irp.DataLength({0}) > k2u buffer size({1})",
                                                       irp.DataLength, irp.MaxDataLength);
                            throw new ExceptionIoFlow(msg);

                        // Upcall to user-supplied callback routine.
                        // Note the minifilter only sends IRPs for flows that have registered an appropriate callback routine.
                        bool IsPreOp = irp.IsPreOp, IsPostOp = !IsPreOp;
                        switch (irp.MajorFunction)
                        case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_CREATE:
                            if (IsPreOp)
                                PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreCreate(irp);
                                PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostCreate(irp);

                        case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_READ:
                            if (IsPreOp)
                                PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreRead(irp);
                                PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostRead(irp);

                        case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_WRITE:
                            if (IsPreOp)
                                PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreWrite(irp);
                                PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostWrite(irp);

                        case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_CLEANUP:
                            if (IsPreOp)
                                PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreCleanup(irp);
                                PostOpResult = (FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PostCleanup(irp);

                        case MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_LOCK_CONTROL:
                            if (IsPreOp)
                                PreOpResult = (FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS)irp.IoFlow.PreLockControl(irp);
                                throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("irp.IoFlow.FlowId {0} PostLockControl callback not supported.",

                            throw new ApplicationException("should never get here.");

                        irp.IoFlowHeader.FilterReplyHeader.Status = 0;
                        irp.IoFlowHeader.Resultcode = (irp.IsPreOp ? (uint)PreOpResult : (uint)PostOpResult);

#if UseReplyAndGetNext
                        // App is done with this IRP.
                        // Send reply to minifilter driver and restart next upcall on same IRP.
                        irp.MiniFilterReplyAndGetNext(hDataAsyncPort, hControlPort);
#else // UseReplyAndGetNext
                        // Send reply to our minifilter driver.
                        irp.MiniFilterReplyMessage(hDataAsyncPort, hControlPort);

                        // The IRP is no longer in use by app - we can restart next upcall request on same IRP.
#endif // UseReplyAndGetNext
                    } //for (int i = 0; i < (int)NumEntriesRemoved; i++)
                } // while (ShuttingDown == false) // IOCP main loop.

                // Shut down.
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException CaughtException)
                if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref CountIocpThreadsRunning) == 0)
                if (ShuttingDown)
                throw new ThreadInterruptedException(null, CaughtException);
            if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref CountIocpThreadsRunning) == 0)
Exemplo n.º 23
 private PreWriteReturnCode PreWrite(IRP irp)
     return cache.CacheWriteIRP(irp);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void IoFlowRuntimeInternal(uint maxIocpThreads, bool useIocpEx)
            Console.WriteLine("IoFlowRuntime created with {0} iocp threads", maxIocpThreads);

            this.countIocpThreads = maxIocpThreads;

            LockIoFlow = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion);

            if (this.countIocpThreads < System.Environment.ProcessorCount)
                Console.WriteLine("IoFlowRuntime: Warning: MPL {0} < ProcessorCount {1}",
                    this.countIocpThreads, System.Environment.ProcessorCount);
            uint HResult;
            TenantId = (uint)Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

            // Open FltMgr comms port for asynchronous data exchange with IoFlowUser minifilter driver.
            string strDataPortName = Parameters.DATA_PORT_NAME;

            HResult = FilterConnectCommunicationPort(strDataPortName,      // LPCWSTR lpPortName,
                                                     0,                    // DWORD dwOptions,
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,          // LPCVOID lpContext,
                                                     0,                    // WORD dwSizeOfContext
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,          // LP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes
                                                     out hDataAsyncPort); // HANDLE *hPort

            if (HResult != S_OK)
                Console.WriteLine("IoFlowRuntime failed to contact IoFlow minifilter driver async: check the driver is loaded.");

            // Open FltMgr comms port for control messages to IoFlowUser minifilter driver.
            // We open the control port for synchronous I/O because we required calls to
            // FilterReplyMessage to complete synchronously when pending IRPs to kernel-mode
            // cancelsafe queue *before* the app calls CompletePendedPreOp() or
            // CompletePendedPostOp() in the days when we supported pending ops.
            string strControlPortName = Parameters.CONTROL_PORT_NAME;

            HResult = FilterConnectCommunicationPort(strControlPortName, // LPCWSTR lpPortName,
                                                     0,                  // DWORD dwOptions,
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,        // LPCVOID lpContext,
                                                     0,                  // WORD dwSizeOfContext
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,        // LP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes
                                                     out hControlPort);  // HANDLE *hPort

            if (HResult != S_OK)

            // Purge any old state from the minifilter driver.

            // Dictionary implements lookup func f(FlowId)=>IoFlow
            DictIoFlow = new Dictionary<uint, IoFlow>();

            // Open I/O completion port for completing async I/O to the minifilter driver.
            hCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(hDataAsyncPort,
                                                     hCompletionPort,         // HANDLE ExistingCompletionPort
                                                     IntPtr.Zero,             // ULONG_PTR CompletionKey
                                                     (uint)maxIocpThreads); // DWORD NumberOfConcurrentThreads
            if (hCompletionPort == IntPtr.Zero)
                int err = Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error();
                Console.WriteLine("CreateIoCompletionPort err={0:X8}", err);

            // Init dict for translating friendly drive names to unfriendly device names.
            // For example on my dev machine "D:" => "\Device\HarddiskVolume4"
            // No .NET support for discovering this, so we scan stdout from "fltmc volume".
            DriveNameToVolumeName = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Process process = new Process();
            process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("fltmc.exe", "volumes");
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            string s1 = null;
            string[] separators = new string[] { " ", "\t" };
            while ((s1 = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (s1.Length > 1 && s1.Contains(@":"))
                    string[] toks = s1.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (toks.Length > 1 &&
                        toks[0].Length == 2 &&
                        toks[0].Substring(1, 1).Equals(@":") &&
                        toks[1].Length > DeviceHarddiskVolume.Length &&
                        DriveNameToVolumeName.Add(toks[0].ToLower(), toks[1].ToLower());

            VolumeNameToDriveName = DriveNameToVolumeName.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key); //gets the reverse dictionary (this assumes no duplicate values)

            // Allocate pool of statically allocated Irp objects for I/O to/from minifilter driver.
            int countIrps = Parameters.IRP_POOL_SIZE * (int)maxIocpThreads;
            FindIrp = new Dictionary<IntPtr, IRP>(countIrps);
            irpArray = new IRP[countIrps];
            for (int i = 0; i < irpArray.Length; i++)
                IRP irp = new IRP(this, hDataAsyncPort);
                FindIrp.Add(irp.addrOverlapped, irp);
                irpArray[i] = irp;
                irp.State = IrpState.Free;

            // Prep the requested number of IO completion worker threads.
            arrayIocpThreads = new Thread[countIocpThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < countIocpThreads; i++)
                if (useIocpEx)
                    arrayIocpThreads[i] = new Thread(IocpThreadProcEx);
                    arrayIocpThreads[i] = new Thread(IocpThreadProc);

            // Iff a local oktofsagent exists try for a connection for fast sid lookup.
            // Assumes oktofsagent is listening on its default TCP port.
            bridgeOktofsAgent = new BridgeOktofsAgent();
            if (bridgeOktofsAgent.Connect() && bridgeOktofsAgent.SendMessageRegister())
                Console.WriteLine("Registered with local oktofsAgent for fast (account,SID) lookup.");
                bridgeOktofsAgent = null;

Exemplo n.º 25
        public void FreeIrp(IRP irp)
            if (irp.State != IrpState.Free)
                throw new ApplicationException("FreeIrp() : Irp!=Free.");
            irp.State = IrpState.Pool;

            lock (IrpPoolLock)
                Debug.Assert(irp.Next == null, "FreeIrp expected single irp, got multi-irp chain");
                irp.Next = FreeIrpPool;
                FreeIrpPool = irp;
                irp.IoFlow = null;
Exemplo n.º 26
 private PostCleanupReturnCode InvalidPostCleanup(IRP irp)
     throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("FlowId {0} PostCleanup callback not registered.", FlowId));
Exemplo n.º 27
        // Obtain one Irp object from free Irp list.
        internal IRP AllocateIrp()
            IRP irp = null;

            lock (IrpPoolLock)
                if (FreeIrpPool != null)
                    irp = FreeIrpPool;
                    FreeIrpPool = FreeIrpPool.Next;

            if (irp == null) // Expected to fail, with some diags.
                throw new ApplicationException("Free Irp pool exhausted");

            irp.Next = irp.Prev = null;
            irp.State = IrpState.Free;
            return irp;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void Enqueue(IRP irp)
     lock (IrpList)
Exemplo n.º 29
 private PostWriteReturnCode PostWrite(IRP irp)
     //return PostWriteReturnCode.FLT_POSTOP_FINISHED_PROCESSING;
     return cache.CacheWriteIRPCompleted(irp);
     //return PostWriteReturnCode.FLT_POSTOP_FINISHED_PROCESSING;
Exemplo n.º 30
 private PreWriteReturnCode InvalidPreWrite(IRP irp)
     throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("FlowId {0} PreWrite callback not registered.", FlowId));
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives a completed IRP, e.g., a completed read
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="irp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PostReadReturnCode CacheIRPCompleted(IRP irp)
            // lookup if IRP is already cached. Assert if so
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement>> f = null;
            ulong savedFileOffset = irp.FileOffset;
            uint savedDataLength = irp.DataLength;
            uint dataOffset = irp.DataOffset;
            ulong fileOffset = savedFileOffset;
            Dictionary<uint, FileCacheElement> b = null;
            FileCacheElement ce = null;

            Debug.Assert(irp.IoFlowHeader.MajorFunction == MajorFunction.IRP_MJ_READ);

            if (noisyOutput)
                Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: Attempting to lock cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                    Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

            lock (cacheLock)
                    uint blockid = (uint)(fileOffset / ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                    if (noisyOutput)
                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: Locked cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                    if (Cache.TryGetValue(irp.FlowId, out f))
                        if (f.TryGetValue(irp.IoFlow.FileName, out b))
                            if (b.TryGetValue(blockid, out ce))
                                // real hit
                                if (noisyOutput)
                                    Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: Attempting to lock ce on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                                lock (ce.LockObj)
                                    if (noisyOutput)
                                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: Locked ce on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                                    if (ce.Data != null)
                                        if (noisyOutput)
                                            Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: Thought we had a miss. Now hit? {1} Length={2}",
                                                Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                                        //Debug.Assert(0 == 1);
                                    ce.UpdateData(irp.GetDataReadOnly(), dataOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE /* copying data */);
                                    ce.Dirty = false;

                                    if (noisyOutput)
                                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: Waking up all on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                                    // Monitor.PulseAll(ce.LockObj); // wake up anyone waiting on this object
                                if (noisyOutput)
                                    Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: UnLocked ce on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                                        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                    if (noisyOutput)
                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: Cached Offset={1} Length={2}",
                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);

                    if (noisyOutput)
                        Console.WriteLine("CacheIRPCompleted {0}: UnLocked cache on Offset={1} Length={2}",
                            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, fileOffset, ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE);
                    fileOffset += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;
                    dataOffset += ALIGNED_BLOCK_SIZE;
                } while (fileOffset < savedFileOffset + savedDataLength);

            return PostReadReturnCode.FLT_POSTOP_FINISHED_PROCESSING;