Exemplo n.º 1
        }         // get

        ** Name: get
        ** Description:
        **	Generate an SqlEx exception from an ErrInfo constant
        **	and another SqlEx exception.  The existing SqlEx
        **	exception is chained to the SqlEx exception created
        **	from the error information.
        ** Input:
        **	err	    ErrInfo constant.
        **	ex	    Associated exception,
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	SqlEx	    The new exception object.
        ** History:
        **	20-Apr-00 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	11-Sep-02 (gordy)
        **	    Renamed class to remove specific product reference.

        public static SqlEx get(ErrInfo err, SqlEx ex)
            SqlEx ex_list = get(err);

        }         // get
Exemplo n.º 2
 ** Name: get
 ** Description:
 **	Generate an SqlEx exception from an message, SQLState,
 **	and a native code.  The general exception is
 **	converted into an SqlEx exception and chained to the
 **	SqlEx exception created from the error information.
 ** Input:
 **	err	    ErrInfo constant
 **	ex	    Associated exception.
 ** Ouptut:
 **	None.
 ** Returns:
 **	SqlEx	    The new exception object.
 ** History:
 **	09-Dec-03 (thoda04)
 **	    Created.
 public static SqlEx get( SqlEx ex, Exception exAddition )
     ex.setNextException( exAddition );
     return ex;
Exemplo n.º 3
 get(SqlEx ex, Exception exAddition)
 }         // get