Exemplo n.º 1
	private void Execute()
		* Common code for ExecuteNonQuery and ExecuteReader.

		// There must be a valid and open connection.
		if (_connection == null || _connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
			throw new InvalidOperationException("Connection must valid and open");

		// if a DataReader is open then connection is too busy for anything else

		// set transaction context, autocommit/manualcommit, isolation level

		// if need to force a re-Prepare because CommandText changed
		if (forceRePrepare)
			forceRePrepare = false;  // no longer need to force a re-Prepare
			if (advanStmt != null)   // close and clear
				advanStmt = null;
		}  // end if (forceRePrepare)

		AdvanCall advanCall = null;
		AdvanPrep advanPrep = null;

		int      paramCount;
		if (Parameters != null  &&  Parameters.Count > 0)
			paramCount = Parameters.Count;
			paramCount = 0;

		if (this.isaProcedureCall())
			string callSyntaxString = this.BuildCallProcedureSyntax();
				advanCall = _connection.advanConnect.prepareCall( callSyntaxString );
			catch( SqlEx ex )  { throw ex.createProviderException(); }
			advanStmt = advanCall;  // advanStmt -> AdvanStmt obj
		else  // not a procedure call
			// if we have parameters then we must internally prepare the command.
			if (paramCount > 0)
				// If not already prepared, prepare the command
				// since we need to pass parameters.
				// If already prepared then advanStmt has an AdvanPrep object.
				if (advanStmt == null  ||  advanStmt as AdvanPrep == null)
					PrepareStmt();  // Build the statement as a prepared stmt.
					                // advanStmt -> AdvanStmt obj

		if (advanStmt == null)  // if not AdvanCall nor AdvanPrep then AdvanStmt
			advanStmt = _connection.advanConnect.createStatement();
			advanPrep = advanStmt as AdvanPrep; // prepared execution?
		catch( SqlEx ex )  { throw ex.createProviderException(); }

		// if parameter list present then build up ParamSet.

		// default the parameter list to the 
		// existing command.Parameters collection.
		IngresParameterCollection parameters = Parameters;
		if (paramCount > 0)
			// if named parameter markers are being used
			// rebuild the parameter list in the order of the markers.
			StringCollection  parameterMarkers = advanPrep.parameterMarkers;

			if (parameterMarkers.Count > 0 &&       // rebuild if "?myparm",
				parameterMarkers[0].Length > 1)     // but not if "?"
				parameters = new IngresParameterCollection();

				//  Try to match "?myparm" or "myparm" against the
				//  IngresCommand.Parameters collection and 
				//  re-order it into a new parameter collection.
				foreach (String parameterMarker in parameterMarkers)
					string marker = parameterMarker;  // look for "?myparm"

					if (Parameters.Contains(marker) == false)
						if (marker.Length > 1)     // instead of "?myparm"
							marker = marker.Substring(1);  // try "myparm"

						if (Parameters.Contains(marker) == false)
							throw new SqlEx(
								"Named parameter marker \"" +
								parameterMarker + "\" " +
								"was not found in the IngresCommand.Parameters " +
					IngresParameter parm = Parameters[marker];
				}  // end foreach (String parameterMarker in Markers)
			}  // endif Markers.Count > 0 && Markers[0].Length > 1

			int paramIndex = -1;
			foreach(IngresParameter parm in parameters)
				// if Output or ReturnValue parm then there is no value yet.
				if (parm.Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)
				if (parm.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output)
					if (advanCall != null)
						advanCall.registerOutParameter(paramIndex, parm.ProviderType);
				if (parm.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
					if (advanCall != null)
						advanCall.registerOutParameter(paramIndex, parm.ProviderType);
					// fall through to send out the Input value

				if (parm.Value == null)
					string parmName = parm.ParameterName;
					if (parmName == null)
						parmName = "";

					string msg =
						"Parameter '{0}' in ParameterCollection " +
						"at index {1} has Parameter.Value equal to null.  " +
						"Set Parameter.Value equal to DBNull.Value " +
						"if sending a null parameter to the database.";
					throw new IngresException(
						String.Format(msg, parmName, paramIndex));

					if (Convert.IsDBNull(parm.Value))
							paramIndex, ProviderType.DBNull);
							paramIndex, parm.Value, parm.ProviderType,
							parm.Scale, parm.Size);
				catch( SqlEx ex )  { throw ex.createProviderException(); }

		// Execute the command, prepared command, or call procedure
			if (advanCall != null)
				advanCall.execute();             // call procedure
				// if parms are present, check for Return Value parm
				if (this.Parameters.Count > 0)
					int procRsltIndex = -1;      // Result param index
					if (this.Parameters[0].Direction ==
						procRsltIndex = 0;
					if (this.Parameters[this.Parameters.Count-1].Direction ==
						procRsltIndex = this.Parameters.Count-1;

					// if ReturnValue is in parm list, set the value in parm
					if (procRsltIndex >= 0)
						object obj =

						Type type = ProviderTypeMgr.GetNETType(
						// if DbType == Byte, a better conversion match is Byte
						if (this.Parameters[procRsltIndex].DbType == DbType.Byte)
							type = typeof(System.Byte);
						// if possible, convert to target type
							if (obj != null )
								obj = Convert.ChangeType(obj, type);
						catch (InvalidCastException ex)
							throw new IngresException(
								"InvalidCastException thrown while converting "+
								"DB procedure return value to target data type " +
								"as specified by IngresParameter.", ex);
						this.Parameters[procRsltIndex].Value = obj;
					}  // if (procRsltIndex >= 0)

					// retrieve the value for Output and InputOutput parms
					int i = -1;  // parameter index [0:parmcnt-1]
					foreach(IngresParameter parm in this.Parameters)
						i++;  // bump up parameter index
						// skip parm if Input or ReturnValue
						if (parm.Direction != ParameterDirection.Output  &&
							parm.Direction != ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
						this.Parameters[i].Value = 
							advanCall.getObject(i);  // retrieve the output value
					}  // end foreach IngresParameter

				}  // if (this.Parameters.Count > 0)
			if (advanPrep != null)
				advanPrep.execute();             // execute prepared statement
				advanStmt.execute(CommandTextAsBuilt); // execute statement directly
		catch( SqlEx ex )  { throw ex.createProviderException(); }

		FireInfoMessageEvent();  // call the delegates with any warning messages

	}  // Execute
Exemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Release allocated resources of the Command and base Component.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="disposing">
		/// true if object is being explicitly disposed of, not finalized.
		/// false if method is called by runtime from inside the finalizer.
		/// </param>
	protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
		/*if disposing == true  Object is being explicitly disposed of, not finalized
		  if disposing == false then method called by runtime from inside the
									finalizer and we should not reference other 
									objects. */
				if (disposing)
					Connection = null;
					_transaction = null;
					_commandText = null;
					_parameters = null;
					advanStmt   = null;
				base.Dispose(disposing);  // let component base do its cleanup