Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the Sample Application that uses the Infinispan .NET client library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">string</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create new Configuration, overriding the setting in the App.config file.
            ClientConfig conf= new ClientConfig("",11222,"default",0,false);
            //Here we are using a custom Serializer
            Serializer s= new DefaultSerializer();
            //Create a new RemoteCacheManager
            RemoteCacheManager manager = new RemoteCacheManager(conf, s);
            //Get hold of a cache from the remote cache manager
            RemoteCache cache = manager.getCache();

            //First Check Whether the cache exists
            Console.WriteLine("Ping Result : "+cache.ping());
            //Put a new value "germanium" with key "key 1" into cache
            cache.put<String, String>("key 1", "germanium", 0, 0);
            //Get the value of entry with key "key 1"
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 value : "+cache.get<String>("key 1"));
            //Put if absent is used to add entries if they are not existing in the cache
            cache.putIfAbsent<String, String>("key 1", "trinitrotoluene", 0, 0);
            cache.putIfAbsent<String, String>("key 2", "formaldehyde", 0, 0);
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 value after PutIfAbsent: " + cache.get<String>("key 1"));
            Console.WriteLine("Key 2 value after PutIfAbsent: " + cache.get<String>("key 2"));
            //Replace an existing value with a new one.
               // cache.replace<String, String>("key 1", "fluoride",0,0);
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 value after replace: " + cache.get<String>("key 1"));
            //Check whether a particular key exists
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 is exist ?: " + cache.containsKey("key 1"));
            //Remove a particular entry from the cache
               // cache.remove<String>("key 1");
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 is exist after remove?: " + cache.containsKey("key 1"));

        public void StartHotrodServer()
            //TODO - we might want to make this an actual process at some point so that the window is no longer displayed
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1113000/how-do-start-stop-services-using-net-stop-command-in-c-sharp
            string ispnHome = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ISPN_HOME");
            if (ispnHome == null)
                throw new Exception("you must set the ISPN_HOME variable pointing to the ISPN installation in order to be able to run the tests");
            hrServer = new Process();
            String nameOfBatchFile = ispnHome + "\\bin\\startServer.bat";
            String nameOfBatchFile1 = ispnHome + "\\bin\\startServer1.bat";
            string parameters;
            if (configFile == null)
                 parameters = String.Format("/k \"{0}\"" + " -r hotrod", nameOfBatchFile);
            } else {
                 parameters = String.Format("/k \"{0}\"" + " -r hotrod -c testconfigs\\{1}", nameOfBatchFile, configFile);

            hrServer.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd";
            hrServer.StartInfo.Arguments = parameters;
            hrServer.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ispnHome + "\\bin";
            Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); //sleep in order to allow the hrServer to start
            remoteManager = new RemoteCacheManager(conf, serializer);
        public void StartHotrodServer()
            //TODO - we might want to make this an actual process at some point so that the window is no longer displayed
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1113000/how-do-start-stop-services-using-net-stop-command-in-c-sharp
            string ispnHome = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ISPN_HOME");
            if (ispnHome == null)
                throw new Exception("you must set the ISPN_HOME variable pointing to the ISPN installation in order to be able to run the tests");

            hrServer1 = new Process();
            hrServer2 = new Process();
            String nameOfBatchFile1 = ispnHome + "\\bin\\startServer1.bat";
            String nameOfBatchFile2 = ispnHome + "\\bin\\startServer2.bat";
            string parameters1 = String.Format("/k \"{0}\"" + " -r hotrod -p 11222 -c etc/config-samples/distributed-udp.xml", nameOfBatchFile1);
            hrServer1.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd";
            hrServer1.StartInfo.Arguments = parameters1;
            hrServer1.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ispnHome;
            string parameters2 = String.Format("/k \"{0}\"" + " -r hotrod -p 11223 -c etc/config-samples/distributed-udp.xml", nameOfBatchFile2);
            hrServer2.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd";
            hrServer2.StartInfo.Arguments = parameters2;
            hrServer2.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ispnHome;

            remoteManager1 = new RemoteCacheManager(conf1, serializer1);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor of RemoteCacheImpl
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cacheManager">The CacheManager which holds the RemoteCache</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration of the client</param>
 /// <param name="cacheName">Pass the cachename if it differs from the default cache name</param>
 /// <param name="forceReturn">Pass ForceReturn value if it differs from the default falue</param>
 /// <param name="s">Serializer to be used to. Pass a custom serializer of DefaultSerializer</param>
 /// <param name="start">Boolean start</param>
 public RemoteCacheImpl(RemoteCacheManager cacheManager, ClientConfig configuration, String cacheName, bool forceReturn, Serializer s, TCPTransportFactory trans)
     this.config     = configuration;
     this.serializer = s;
     this.codec      = new Codec();
     this.config.ForceReturnValue = forceReturn;
     this.config.CacheName        = cacheName;
     this.operationsFactory       = new OperationsFactory(cacheName, config.TopologyId, forceReturn, this.codec);
     this.transportFactory        = trans;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the Sample Application that uses the Infinispan .NET client library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">string</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Important! Make sure that the hotrod server is started before running the line below.
            //Create new Configuration, overriding the setting in the App.config file.
            ClientConfig conf = new ClientConfig("", 11222, "default", false);

            //Here we are using a custom Serializer
            ISerializer s = new StringSerializer();

            //Create a new RemoteCacheManager
            RemoteCacheManager manager = new RemoteCacheManager(conf, s);

            //Get hold of a cache from the remote cache manager
            IRemoteCache<String, String> cache = manager.GetCache<String, String>();

            //First Check Whether the cache exists
            Console.WriteLine("Ping Result : " + cache.Ping());

            //Put a new value "germanium" with key "key 1" into cache
            cache.Put("key 1", "germanium", 0, 0);

            //Get the value of entry with key "key 1"
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 value : " + cache.Get("key 1"));

            //Put if absent is used to add entries if they are not existing in the cache
            cache.PutIfAbsent("key 1", "trinitrotoluene", 0, 0);
            cache.PutIfAbsent("key 2", "formaldehyde", 0, 0);
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 value after PutIfAbsent: " + cache.Get("key 1"));
            Console.WriteLine("Key 2 value after PutIfAbsent: " + cache.Get("key 2"));

            cache.Replace("key 1", "fluoride", 0, 0);
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 value after replace: " + cache.Get("key 1"));

            //Check whether a particular key exists
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 is exist ?: " + cache.ContainsKey("key 1"));

            //Remove a particular entry from the cache
            cache.Remove("key 1");
            Console.WriteLine("key 1 is exist after remove?: " + cache.ContainsKey("key 1"));

            Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to exit!");
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 ///  The constructor of RemoteCacheImpl
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cacheManager">The CacheManager which holds the RemoteCache</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration of the client</param>
 /// <param name="forceReturn">Pass ForceReturn value if it differs from the default falue</param>
 /// <param name="s">Serializer to be used to. Pass a custom serializer of DefaultSerializer</param>
 /// <param name="start">Boolean start</param>
 public RemoteCacheImpl(RemoteCacheManager cacheManager, ClientConfig configuration, bool forceReturn, Serializer s, TCPTransportFactory trans) :
     this(cacheManager, configuration, configuration.CacheName, forceReturn, s, trans)
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor of RemoteCacheImpl
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cacheManager">The CacheManager which holds the RemoteCache</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration of the client</param>
 /// <param name="cacheName">Pass the cachename if it differs from the default cache name</param>
 /// <param name="s">Serializer to be used to. Pass a custom serializer of DefaultSerializer</param>
 /// <param name="start">Boolean start</param>
 public RemoteCacheImpl(RemoteCacheManager cacheManager, ClientConfig configuration, String cacheName, Serializer s, TCPTransportFactory trans) :
     this(cacheManager, configuration, cacheName, configuration.ForceReturnValue, s, trans)