Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static AndroidBthDeviceInfo CreateFromBondedList(AndroidBthFactoryBase fcty, BluetoothDevice dev)
            var bdi = new AndroidBthDeviceInfo(fcty, dev);

            bdi._rmbd = bdi._authd = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static AndroidBthDeviceInfo CreateFromInquiry(
            AndroidBthFactoryBase fcty, BluetoothDevice dev,
            BluetoothClass cod, string nameOpt, short rssiOpt)
            var bdi = new AndroidBthDeviceInfo(fcty, dev);

            bdi._discoTime   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            bdi._cod         = AndroidBthUtils.ConvertCoDs(cod);
            bdi._rssiAtDisco = rssiOpt;
            Debug.Assert(bdi._dev.Name == nameOpt);
        protected override List <IBluetoothDeviceInfo> GetKnownRemoteDeviceEntries()
            // "If Bluetooth state is not STATE_ON, this API will return an empty set."
            // "Returns: unmodifiable set of BluetoothDevice, or null on error"
            var knownDevs = _fcty.GetAdapter().BondedDevices;

            if (knownDevs == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to get the known devices.");
            var known = from x in knownDevs
                        AndroidBthDeviceInfo.CreateFromBondedList(_fcty, x);

Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static AndroidBthDeviceInfo CreateFromGivenAddress(
            AndroidBthFactoryBase fcty, BluetoothAddress address,
            bool queryOrInternalOnly)
            BluetoothAdapter a = fcty.GetAdapter();
            var dev            = a.GetRemoteDevice(AndroidBthUtils.FromBluetoothAddress(address));
            var bdi            = new AndroidBthDeviceInfo(fcty, dev);

            if (queryOrInternalOnly)
                bdi._rmbd = bdi._authd = (dev.BondState == Bond.Bonded);
                var cod = dev.BluetoothClass;
                if (cod != null)
                    bdi._cod = AndroidBthUtils.ConvertCoDs(cod);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
     //Toast.MakeText (context, "Received intent: '"
     //  + intent.Action + "'",
     //  ToastLength.Long).Show ();
     if (intent.Action == BluetoothAdapter.ActionDiscoveryStarted)
     else if (intent.Action == MyFakeActionFound ||
              intent.Action == BluetoothDevice.ActionFound)
         var objD = intent.GetParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.ExtraDevice);
         var dev  = (BluetoothDevice)objD;
         if (!_parent._handlerActive)
             // ActionFound occurs if any installed app/system runs inquiry.
             var    objC              = intent.GetParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.ExtraClass);
             var    cod               = (BluetoothClass)objC;
             var    foo               = intent.GetStringExtra("foo");
             string optName           = intent.GetStringExtra(BluetoothDevice.ExtraName);
             short  optRssi           = intent.GetShortExtra(BluetoothDevice.ExtraRssi, Int16.MinValue);
             AndroidBthDeviceInfo bdi = AndroidBthDeviceInfo.CreateFromInquiry(
                 dev, cod, optName, optRssi);
     else if (intent.Action == BluetoothAdapter.ActionDiscoveryFinished)
         int?numResponses = null;
         _parent._handlerActive = false;
 internal AndroidBthDeviceInfo DoGetBluetoothDeviceInfoInternalOnly(BluetoothAddress address)
     return(AndroidBthDeviceInfo.CreateFromGivenAddress(this, address, false));
 protected override IBluetoothDeviceInfo GetBluetoothDeviceInfo(BluetoothAddress address)
     return(AndroidBthDeviceInfo.CreateFromGivenAddress(this, address, true));