Exemplo n.º 1
 internal static double Dot(D2 a, D2 b)
     return(a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y);
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static List <Tuple <int, VertexPlane[], ushort[]> > Tiles(
            double angle,
            double dx,
            double dy,
            double size)
            D2[] square =
                new D2(1.5 * size,   1.5 * size),
                new D2(-1.5 * size,  1.5 * size),
                new D2(-1.5 * size, -1.5 * size),
                new D2(1.5 * size, -1.5 * size)

            var index = new int[4];

            for (var idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++)
                square[idx] = MovePoint(RotatePoint(square[idx], angle), dx, dy);
                index[idx]  = TileIndex(square[idx], size);

            var cornerPoints = new Tuple <D2, bool> [64];

            for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    var p = new D2((-3.5 + x) * size, (3.5 - y) * size);
                    cornerPoints[y * 8 + x] = new Tuple <D2, bool>(p, InsideSquare(square, p));

            var horizontalLines = new List <D2> [8];
            var verticalLines   = new List <D2> [8];

            for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                horizontalLines[i] = new List <D2>();
                verticalLines[i]   = new List <D2>();

            // First and last line will never intersect with square
            for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                var hp1 = new D2(-3.5 * size, (3.5 - i) * size);
                var hp2 = new D2(3.5 * size, (3.5 - i) * size);

                var vp1 = new D2((-3.5 + i) * size, 3.5 * size);
                var vp2 = new D2((-3.5 + i) * size, -3.5 * size);

                for (var s = 0; s < 4; s++)
                    horizontalLines[i].AddRange(IntersectionPoints(hp1, hp2, square[s], square[(s + 1) % 4], size));
                    verticalLines[i].AddRange(IntersectionPoints(vp1, vp2, square[s], square[(s + 1) % 4], size));

            var tiles   = new List <D2> [49];
            var corners = new Tuple <D2, D2> [49];

            int[] inactiveTiles = { 0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 13, 35, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48 };

            for (var y = 0; y < 7; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                    var idx = y * 7 + x;

                    if (inactiveTiles.Contains <int>(idx))

                    tiles[idx] = new List <D2>();

                    Tuple <D2, bool>[] pt =
                        cornerPoints[y * 8 + (x + 1)],
                        cornerPoints[y * 8 + x],
                        cornerPoints[(y + 1) * 8 + x],
                        cornerPoints[(y + 1) * 8 + (x + 1)]

                    corners[idx] = new Tuple <D2, D2>(pt[1].Item1, pt[3].Item1);

                    foreach (var p in horizontalLines[y])
                        if (p.X + D2.Epsilon >= pt[1].Item1.X && p.X <= pt[0].Item1.X + D2.Epsilon)

                    foreach (var p in horizontalLines[y + 1])
                        if (p.X + D2.Epsilon >= pt[1].Item1.X && p.X <= pt[0].Item1.X + D2.Epsilon)

                    foreach (var p in verticalLines[x])
                        if (p.Y + D2.Epsilon >= pt[2].Item1.Y && p.Y <= pt[1].Item1.Y + D2.Epsilon)

                    foreach (var p in verticalLines[x + 1])
                        if (p.Y + D2.Epsilon >= pt[2].Item1.Y && p.Y <= pt[1].Item1.Y + D2.Epsilon)

                    for (var s = 0; s < 4; s++)
                        if (pt[s].Item2)
                        if (idx == index[s])

            var mesh = new List <Tuple <int, VertexPlane[], ushort[]> >();

            for (var i = 0; i < 49; i++)
                if (tiles[i] == null || tiles[i].Count < 3)

                tiles[i].Sort((a, b) =>
                              Math.Abs(a.Y - b.Y) < D2.Epsilon ?
                              (Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) < D2.Epsilon ?
                               0 : a.X < b.X ? -1 : 1) :
                              a.Y > b.Y ? -1 : 1);

                var idx = 1;
                while (idx < tiles[i].Count)
                    if (tiles[i][idx] == tiles[i][idx - 1])

                if (tiles[i].Count > 2)
                    mesh.Add(new Tuple <int, VertexPlane[], ushort[]>(
                                 CreateVertices(tiles[i], corners[i]),

Exemplo n.º 3
 private static int TileIndex(D2 p, double size)
            ((Math.Floor(((3.5 * size) - p.Y) / size) * 7) +
             Math.Floor((p.X + (3.5 * size)) / size)));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static List <D2> IntersectionPoints(D2 a, D2 b, D2 c, D2 d, double size)
            var list = new List <D2>();

            var e = new D2(c.X - a.X, c.Y - a.Y);
            var r = new D2(b.X - a.X, b.Y - a.Y);
            var s = new D2(d.X - c.X, d.Y - c.Y);

            var exr = e.X * r.Y - e.Y * r.X;
            var exs = e.X * s.Y - e.Y * s.X;
            var rxs = r.X * s.Y - r.Y * s.X;

            if (exr == 0f && rxs == 0f)

                if (a.Y == b.Y)
                    if (d.X > c.X)
                        var x = a.X + (Math.Floor(e.X / size)) * size + size;
                        while (x < d.X)
                            list.Add(new D2(x, c.Y)); x += size;
                        var x = a.X + (Math.Floor(e.X / size)) * size - size;
                        while (x > d.X)
                            list.Add(new D2(x, c.Y)); x -= size;
                    if (d.Y > c.Y)
                        var y = a.Y + (Math.Floor(e.Y / size)) * size + size;
                        while (y < d.Y)
                            list.Add(new D2(c.X, y)); y += size;
                        var y = a.Y + (Math.Floor(e.Y / size)) * size - size;
                        while (y > d.Y)
                            list.Add(new D2(c.X, y)); y -= size;


            if (rxs != 0f)
                var rxsr = 1f / rxs;
                var t    = exs * rxsr;
                var u    = exr * rxsr;

                if ((t >= 0f) && (t <= 1f) && (u >= 0f) && (u <= 1f))
                    list.Add(a + (b - a) * t);

Exemplo n.º 5
 private static D2 MovePoint(D2 p, double dx, double dy)
     return(new D2(p.X + dx, p.Y + dy));