public ExportMipmapCommand(ExportCommand export)
     : base("-exportmipmap", "mipmap", "sets the mipmap that should be exported. -1 means all mipmaps")
     this.export = export;
 public ExportLayerCommand(ExportCommand export)
     : base("-exportlayer", "layer", "sets the layer that should be exported. -1 means all layers")
     this.export = export;
 public ExportCroppingCommand(ExportCommand export)
     : base("-exportcrop", "true/false [xStart yStart xEnd yEnd]", "enables/disables export cropping and sets cropping boundaries")
     this.export = export;
 public ExportQualityCommand(ExportCommand export)
     : base("-exportquality", "quality", $"sets the quality level for jpg exports. Between {ExportDescription.QualityMin} and {ExportDescription.QualityMax}")
     this.export = export;