Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// process a tab page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curNode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Boolean AddTabPage(XmlNode curNode)
            // name of tabpage
            TControlDef tabPage = FCodeStorage.AddControl(curNode);

            tabPage.parentName = FCodeStorage.GetRootControl("tab").controlName;
            curNode            = TXMLParser.NextNotBlank(curNode.FirstChild);

            if (curNode != null)
                if (curNode.Name == "Controls")
                    // one control per row, align labels
                    StringCollection controls = TYml2Xml.GetElements(curNode);

                    foreach (string ctrlName in controls)
                        TControlDef ctrl = FCodeStorage.GetControl(ctrlName);

                        if (ctrl != null)
                            ctrl.parentName = tabPage.controlName;

Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// check if the control has an attribute with the property name in the xml definition
 /// if such an attribute exists, then set it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ACtrl"></param>
 /// <param name="APropertyName"></param>
 public virtual void SetControlProperty(TControlDef ACtrl, string APropertyName)
     if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ACtrl.xmlNode, APropertyName))
         SetControlProperty(ACtrl, APropertyName, TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ACtrl.xmlNode, APropertyName));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// which node does this control belong to?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AControlName"></param>
        /// <param name="AParentName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public XmlNode GetCorrectCollection(string AControlName, string AParentName)
            string  prefix         = TControlDef.GetLowerCasePrefix(AControlName);
            XmlNode collectionNode = (XmlNode)FXmlNodes["Controls"];

            if (prefix == "mni")
                collectionNode = (XmlNode)FXmlNodes["Menu"];

                // submenus
                if (AParentName.Length > 0)
                    collectionNode = (XmlNode)FXmlNodes[AParentName];
            else if ((prefix == "tbb") || (prefix == "tbc") || (prefix == "tch"))
                collectionNode = (XmlNode)FXmlNodes["Toolbar"];
            else if (prefix == "tpg")
                collectionNode = ((XmlNode)FXmlNodes["Layout"])["Tabs"];

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether automatic Data Validation code should be created for a certain Control in a YAML file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AControl">Control in YAML file.</param>
        /// <param name="AHasDataField"></param>
        /// <param name="AMasterOrDetailTable">Pass in 'true' if the YAML file has got a 'MasterTable' or 'DetailTable' Element. </param>
        /// <param name="AIncludeMasterOrDetailTableControl"></param>
        /// <param name="AScope">Scope of the Data Validation that should be checked for. Specify <see cref="TAutomDataValidationScope.advsAll"/>
        /// to find out if any of the scopes should be checked against, or use any other value of that enum to specifiy a specific scope.</param>
        /// <param name="AReasonForAutomValidation">Contains the reason why automatic data validation code needs to be generated.</param>
        /// <returns>True if automatic Data Validation code should be created for the Control in a YAML that was passed in in <paramref name="AControl" /> for
        /// the scope that was specified with <paramref name="AScope" />, otherwise false. This Method also returns false if the Control specified in
        /// <paramref name="AControl" /> isn't linked to a DB Table Field.</returns>
        public static bool GenerateAutoValidationCodeForControl(TControlDef AControl, bool AHasDataField, bool AMasterOrDetailTable,
                                                                bool AIncludeMasterOrDetailTableControl, TAutomDataValidationScope AScope, out string AReasonForAutomValidation)
            TTableField DBField = null;
            bool        IsDetailNotMaster;

            AReasonForAutomValidation = String.Empty;

            if (AHasDataField)
                DBField = TDataBinding.GetTableField(AControl, AControl.GetAttribute("DataField"), out IsDetailNotMaster, true);
            else if (AMasterOrDetailTable && AIncludeMasterOrDetailTableControl)
                DBField = TDataBinding.GetTableField(AControl, AControl.controlName.Substring(
                                                         AControl.controlTypePrefix.Length), out IsDetailNotMaster, false);

            if (DBField != null)
                return(GenerateAutoValidationCodeForDBTableField(DBField, AScope, null, out AReasonForAutomValidation));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// get the definition of the control, if it has not been loaded yet from yaml then do it now
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AControlName"></param>
        /// <param name="AParentName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TControlDef FindOrCreateControl(string AControlName, string AParentName)
            TControlDef result = GetControl(AControlName);

            if (result != null)
                // or should we throw an exception?

            if (AControlName == "pnlEmpty")
                int countEmpty = 1;

                foreach (string name in FControlList.Keys)
                    if (name.StartsWith("pnlEmpty"))

                AControlName += countEmpty.ToString();

            XmlNode collectionNode = GetCorrectCollection(AControlName, AParentName);

            XmlElement newNode = FXmlDocument.CreateElement(AControlName);

            FXmlNodes.Add(AControlName, newNode);
            result            = new TControlDef(newNode, this);
            result.parentName = AParentName;
            FControlList.Add(AControlName, result);
            FSortedControlList.Add(FSortedControlList.Count, result);
            TControlDef parentCtrl = GetControl(AParentName);

            if ((parentCtrl != null) && !AControlName.StartsWith("pnlEmpty"))
                XmlNode parentNode = parentCtrl.xmlNode;
                XmlNode controls   = TXMLParser.GetChild(parentNode, "Controls");

                if (controls == null)
                    controls = FXmlDocument.CreateElement("Controls");

                XmlNode      element = FXmlDocument.CreateElement(TYml2Xml.XMLLIST);
                XmlAttribute attr    = FXmlDocument.CreateAttribute("name");
                attr.Value = AControlName;

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// load the toolbar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentName"></param>
        /// <param name="curNode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Boolean LoadToolbar(string parentName,
                                   XmlNode curNode)
            List <XmlNode> children = TYml2Xml.GetChildren(curNode, true);

            XmlNode rootBarNode = FCodeStorage.GetRootControl("tbr").xmlNode;

            foreach (XmlNode childNode in children)
                // the check for tbb works around problems with elements list, shortcutkeys
                if (childNode.Name.StartsWith("tbb") || childNode.Name.StartsWith("tbc"))
                    string tbbName = childNode.Name;

                    if (tbbName == "tbbSeparator")
                        // UniqueName is not stored to yml again; just used temporary
                        TYml2Xml.SetAttribute(childNode, "UniqueName", tbbName + FToolbarSeparatorCount.ToString());

                    TControlDef tbbItem = FCodeStorage.AddControl(childNode);
                    tbbItem.parentName = parentName;

                    // use ToolStripControlHost to host any control
                    TControlDef tbbItem = FCodeStorage.AddControl(childNode);
                    string      prefix  = TControlDef.GetLowerCasePrefix(childNode.Name);
                    tbbItem.parentName = "tch" + childNode.Name.Substring(prefix.Length);

                    XmlNode controlHostNode = rootBarNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(tbbItem.parentName);
                    TYml2Xml.SetAttribute(controlHostNode, "depth", TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(childNode, "depth"));
                    TYml2Xml.SetAttribute(controlHostNode, "HostedControl", childNode.Name);

                    XmlNode controlsNode = rootBarNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Controls");
                    XmlNode elementNode = rootBarNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Element");
                    TYml2Xml.SetAttribute(elementNode, "name", childNode.Name);

                    TControlDef hostItem = FCodeStorage.AddControl(controlHostNode);
                    hostItem.parentName = parentName;

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// get all controls that have parentName set to the given parent control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AParent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <TControlDef> GetChildren(TControlDef AParent)
            List <TControlDef> result = new List <TControlDef>();

            foreach (TControlDef item in this.FSortedControlList.Values)
                if (item.parentName == AParent.controlName)

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// get the main menustrip, tabpage, statusstrip etc;
        /// if prefix is content, the first available pnl, uco, tpg or grp control is returned;
        /// the first control can be overwritten with attribute RootControl=true; this is necessary for the reports, see tabReportSettings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APrefix">can be mnu, tab, tbr, sbt, stb, content</param>
        /// <param name="AThrowException">if there is no root control, throw an exception</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TControlDef GetRootControl(string APrefix, bool AThrowException)
            TControlDef firstControl = null;

            foreach (TControlDef ctrl in FSortedControlList.Values)
                if (ctrl.controlTypePrefix == APrefix)
                    if (firstControl == null)
                        firstControl = ctrl;

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("RootControl") && (ctrl.GetAttribute("RootControl").ToLower() == "true"))

                if ((APrefix == "content") &&
                    ((ctrl.controlTypePrefix == "tab") ||
                     (ctrl.controlTypePrefix == "grp") ||
                     (ctrl.controlTypePrefix == "uco") ||
                     (ctrl.controlTypePrefix == "pnl")))
                    if (firstControl == null)
                        firstControl = ctrl;

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("RootControl") && (ctrl.GetAttribute("RootControl").ToLower() == "true"))

            if (firstControl != null)

            if (AThrowException)
                throw new Exception("cannot find a default control for prefix " + APrefix);

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// load the menu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentName"></param>
        /// <param name="curNode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Boolean LoadMenu(string parentName,
                                XmlNode curNode)
            string menuName = curNode.Name;

            if (menuName == "mniSeparator")
                // UniqueName is not stored to yml again; just used temporary
                TYml2Xml.SetAttribute(curNode, "UniqueName", menuName + FMenuSeparatorCount.ToString());

            if (curNode.ParentNode.Name == TParseYAMLFormsDefinition.ROOTNODEYML)
                // add each menu, but obviously not the "Menu" tag
                XmlNode        menuNode = curNode;
                List <XmlNode> children = TYml2Xml.GetChildren(menuNode, true);

                foreach (XmlNode childNode in children)
                    LoadMenu(parentName, childNode);

                    // attach the menu to the appropriate root control
                    XmlNode rootMenu = FCodeStorage.GetRootControl("mnu").xmlNode;


            TControlDef menuItem = FCodeStorage.AddControl(curNode);

            menuItem.parentName = parentName;
            List <XmlNode> children2 = TYml2Xml.GetChildren(curNode, true);

            foreach (XmlNode childNode in children2)
                // the check for mni works around problems with elements list, shortcutkeys
                if (childNode.Name.StartsWith("mni"))
                    LoadMenu(menuName, childNode);

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// get the correct control generator for the control, depending on the prefix of the name, and other parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACtrlDef"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IControlGenerator FindControlGenerator(TControlDef ACtrlDef)
            IControlGenerator fittingGenerator = null;

            if (ACtrlDef.controlGenerator != null)

            foreach (IControlGenerator generator in AvailableControlGenerators)
                if (generator.ControlFitsNode(ACtrlDef.xmlNode))
                    if (fittingGenerator != null)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  "Error: control with name " + ACtrlDef.xmlNode.Name + " does fit both control generators " +
                                  fittingGenerator.ControlType +
                                  " and " +

                    fittingGenerator = generator;

            if ((fittingGenerator == null) &&
                if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ACtrlDef.xmlNode, "Type") && (FBaseControlGeneratorType != null))
                    return((IControlGenerator)Activator.CreateInstance(FBaseControlGeneratorType, new Object[] { ACtrlDef.xmlNode.Name.Substring(0,
                                                                                                                                       xmlNode, "Type") }));

                throw new Exception("Error: cannot find a generator for control with name " + ACtrlDef.xmlNode.Name);

            ACtrlDef.controlGenerator = fittingGenerator;

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// only to be called by TParseXAML when loading the controls from the file
        /// don't call this for creating new nodes; use FindOrCreateControl instead
        public TControlDef AddControl(XmlNode AParsedNode)
            if (AParsedNode.Name == "base")
                throw new Exception("should not parse the 'base' node this way");

            string parsedNodeName = AParsedNode.Name;

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(AParsedNode, "UniqueName"))
                parsedNodeName = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(AParsedNode, "UniqueName");

            TControlDef result = GetControl(parsedNodeName);

            if (result != null)
                // this node already existed in a base yaml and is now being overwritten

                // this should never happen
                string  nameDetails = AParsedNode.Name;
                XmlNode parentNode  = AParsedNode.ParentNode;

                while ((parentNode != null) && (parentNode.Name != "AutoConvertedYML2XML"))
                    nameDetails = parentNode.Name + "." + nameDetails;
                    parentNode  = parentNode.ParentNode;

                throw new Exception("please use FindOrCreateControl(XmlNode) only when loading from the XAML file (" +
                                    nameDetails + ")");

            result = new TControlDef(AParsedNode, this);
            FControlList.Add(parsedNodeName, result);
            FSortedControlList.Add(FSortedControlList.Count, result);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// for special functionality specific to a control
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void ApplyDerivedFunctionality(IControlGenerator generator, TControlDef control)
     generator.ApplyDerivedFunctionality(this, control);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>set the property of a control</summary>
 public void SetControlProperty(TControlDef ACtrl, string APropertyName, string APropertyValue)
     SetControlProperty(ACtrl.controlName, APropertyName, APropertyValue, !(ACtrl.GetAttribute("VariableLabelText") == "true"));
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// resolve a reference to a field in the database;
        /// support master and detail tables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACtrl"></param>
        /// <param name="ADataField">string with potential reference to data field</param>
        /// <param name="AIsDetailNotMaster">returns if this is a field in the master or in the detail table</param>
        /// <param name="AShowWarningNonExistingField">fail on non existing field</param>
        /// <returns>reference to the table field, or null</returns>
        public static TTableField GetTableField(TControlDef ACtrl,
                                                string ADataField,
                                                out bool AIsDetailNotMaster,
                                                bool AShowWarningNonExistingField)
            string tablename = "";
            string fieldname = "";

            // is there an explicit specification for which datafield to use
            if (ADataField.IndexOf(".") > 0)
                tablename = ADataField.Split('.')[0];
                fieldname = ADataField.Split('.')[1];
                if (ACtrl != null)
                    if (ACtrl.HasAttribute("Unbound") && (ACtrl.GetAttribute("Unbound").ToLower() == "true"))
                        AIsDetailNotMaster = false;

                    if (ADataField.Length == 0)
                        ADataField = ACtrl.controlName.Substring(ACtrl.controlTypePrefix.Length);

                    if (ADataField.StartsWith("Detail"))
                        fieldname = ADataField;

                        if (fieldname.StartsWith("Detail"))
                            fieldname = fieldname.Substring("Detail".Length);

                        tablename = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable");
                        // check for other tables in the typed Dataset
                        if (FCurrentDataset != null)
                            // ADataField can either contain just the field, or the table name and the field

                            // does ADataField start with a table name?
                            foreach (TTable table2 in FCurrentDataset.Values)
                                if (ADataField.StartsWith(table2.strDotNetName) || ADataField.StartsWith(TTable.NiceTableName(table2.strName)))
                                    if (ADataField.StartsWith(table2.strDotNetName))
                                        tablename = table2.strDotNetName;
                                        tablename = TTable.NiceTableName(table2.strName);

                                    foreach (TTableField field in table2.grpTableField)
                                        if (TTable.NiceFieldName(field.strName) == ADataField.Substring(tablename.Length))
                                            fieldname = TTable.NiceFieldName(field.strName);

                                        if (field.strNameDotNet == ADataField.Substring(tablename.Length))
                                            fieldname = field.strNameDotNet;

                            // check if the master table has such a field
                            if ((fieldname.Length == 0) && FCodeStorage.HasAttribute("MasterTable"))
                                TTable table2 = FCurrentDataset[FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("MasterTable")];

                                foreach (TTableField field in table2.grpTableField)
                                    if ((TTable.NiceFieldName(field.strName) == ADataField) || (field.strNameDotNet == ADataField))
                                        tablename = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("MasterTable");
                                        fieldname = ADataField;

                            // check if the detail table has such a field
                            if ((fieldname.Length == 0) && FCodeStorage.HasAttribute("DetailTable"))
                                if ((FCurrentDataset != null) && FCurrentDataset.ContainsKey(FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable")))
                                    TTable table2 = FCurrentDataset[FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable")];

                                    foreach (TTableField field in table2.grpTableField)
                                        if ((TTable.NiceFieldName(field.strName) == ADataField) || (field.strNameDotNet == ADataField))
                                            tablename = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable");
                                            fieldname = ADataField;

                            // check if there is a unique match for this control name in all the tables
                            if (fieldname.Length == 0)
                                foreach (TTable table2 in FCurrentDataset.Values)
                                    foreach (TTableField field in table2.grpTableField)
                                        if ((TTable.NiceFieldName(field.strName) == ADataField) || (field.strNameDotNet == ADataField))
                                            if (fieldname.Length > 0)
                                                throw new Exception(
                                                          String.Format("there are a several tables with field {0}: {1} and {2}",
                                                                        fieldname, tablename, table2.strDotNetName));

                                            if ((table2.strDotNetName != null) && (table2.strDotNetName.Length > 0))
                                                tablename = table2.strDotNetName;
                                                tablename = TTable.NiceTableName(table2.strName);

                                            if ((field.strNameDotNet != null) && (field.strNameDotNet.Length > 0))
                                                fieldname = field.strNameDotNet;
                                                fieldname = TTable.NiceFieldName(field.strName);
                            tablename = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("MasterTable");
                            fieldname = ADataField;
                    // eg used for columns in datagrid
                    if (ADataField.StartsWith("Detail"))
                        tablename = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable");
                        fieldname = ADataField.Substring("Detail".Length);
                        tablename = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("MasterTable");
                        fieldname = ADataField;

            AIsDetailNotMaster = FCodeStorage.GetAttribute("DetailTable") == tablename;

            if (tablename.Length == 0)
                // this is probably no data field at all
                if (AShowWarningNonExistingField)
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: Expected data field but cannot resolve " + ADataField);


            TTable table = null;

            if ((FCurrentDataset != null) && FCurrentDataset.ContainsKey(tablename))
                table = FCurrentDataset[tablename];
                table = FPetraXMLStore.GetTable(tablename);

            if (table == null)
                if (!AShowWarningNonExistingField)

                throw new Exception("Cannot find table: " + tablename);

            return(table.GetField(fieldname, AShowWarningNonExistingField));