Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool LoadGame()
            var fileReader = new FileReader();

            var banker = fileReader.ReadBankerFromBin();

            // Set the banker to be the banker loaded from the bin file.
            // We need to set the banker before loading the board because
            // we set the banker to be the owner of properties from the board
            // when loading the properties that the banker owned originally

            var board = fileReader.ReadBoardFromBin();

            // The board will be null if the file doesn't exist so we need to cover that case
            // and we need to make sure the board has players otherwise it's an empty board
            if (board != null && board.GetPlayerCount() >= 2)
                // Set the board to be the the board instance loaded from the bin file

                Console.WriteLine("Game Loaded!");

            Console.WriteLine("No game to load!");
        public void SetLocation(int newLocation)
            var boardSize = Board.Access().GetSquares();

            if (newLocation > boardSize)
                // Because the properties arraylist is zero based index,
                // we have to add one to the board size to get the correct location
                _location = newLocation - (boardSize + 1);

                if (PlayerPassGo != null)
                    PlayerPassGo(this, new EventArgs());


            if (newLocation == boardSize)
                // The last index is 39 (0-39 = 40) therefore
                // if the new location is 40, as in the last
                // square, we must substract 1 from the new location
                // of square 40 to place the player at index 39.
                _location = newLocation - 1;

            _location = newLocation;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void HandleLanding(Property propertyLandedOn, Player player)
            // If it's a residential property we need to parse it so we can get the colour and display it to the user
            // otherwise they won't be aware of colour the property is at any point.
            var propertyAsRes = propertyLandedOn.GetType() == typeof(Residential) ? (Residential)propertyLandedOn : null;

            // When landing on chance or community chest we need the behavour to be
            // slightly different, i.e. get a card and display what the card is
            if (propertyLandedOn.GetName().Contains("Chance") && (Board.Access().GetChanceCards().Count > 0))
                Console.WriteLine(Board.Access().GetChanceCard().LandOn(ref player));
            else if (propertyLandedOn.GetName().Contains("Community Chest") && (Board.Access().GetCommunityChestCards().Count > 0))
                Console.WriteLine(Board.Access().GetCommunityChestCard().LandOn(ref player));
                // Landon property and output to console
                // In the case that they've landed on a chance or community chest but there
                // aren't any cards left we must make them aware of this.
                var isChance         = propertyLandedOn.GetName().Contains("Chance");
                var isCommunityChest = propertyLandedOn.GetName().Contains("Community Chest");

                                  propertyLandedOn.LandOn(ref player),                                                             /*{0}*/
                                  isChance ? " No more Chance cards." : isCommunityChest ? " No more Community Chest cards." : "", /*{1}*/
                                  propertyAsRes != null ? " (Colour: " + propertyAsRes.GetHouseColour() + ")" : "");               /*{2}*/
        public bool OwnsAllPropertiesOfColour(string houseColour)
            // Get all properties of the supplied colour
            var propertiesOfColour = Board.Access().GetAllPropertiesOfColour(houseColour);

            // Return whether or not this player is the owner of every one of those properties
            return(propertiesOfColour.All(x => x.GetOwner() == this));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override bool EndOfGame()
     //display message
     Console.WriteLine("The game is now over. Please press enter to exit.");
     //exit the program
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void SaveGame()
            var fileWriter = new FileWriter();

            // Save the current state of the board

            Console.WriteLine("Game Saved!");
        public void SellHouse()
            // Owner receives half the house cost from banker
            var halfHouseCost = HouseCost / 2;


            // Board gets house back
            // Property loses the house
        public void CreateProperties()
            var resFactory     = new ResidentialFactory();
            var transFactory   = new TransportFactory();
            var utilFactory    = new UtilityFactory();
            var genericFactory = new PropertyFactory();
            var luckFactory    = new LuckFactory();

                var propertyDetails = _fileReader.ReadPropertyDetailsFromCSV();

                // Add the properties to the board
                foreach (var propertyDetail in propertyDetails)
                    switch (propertyDetail.Type.ToLower())
                    case "luck":
                        .AddProperty(luckFactory.create(propertyDetail.Name, propertyDetail.IsPenalty,

                    case "residential":
                        .AddProperty(resFactory.create(propertyDetail.Name, propertyDetail.Price,
                                                       propertyDetail.Rent, propertyDetail.HouseCost, propertyDetail.HouseColour));

                    case "transport":

                    case "utility":

                    case "generic":

                Console.WriteLine("Properties have been setup");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Oops, something went wrong setting up the properties: {0}", ex.Message);
        public ArrayList GetPropertiesOwnedFromBoard()
            var propertiesOwned = new ArrayList();

            for (var i = 0; i < Board.Access().GetProperties().Count; i++)
                if (Board.Access().GetProperty(i).GetOwner() == this)

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void PlayGame()
            while (Board.Access().GetPlayerCount() >= 2 && !Board.Access().GetGameOver())
                for (int i = 0; i < Board.Access().GetPlayerCount(); i++)
                    // If the game is over don't make them play
                    if (Board.Access().GetGameOver())

Exemplo n.º 11
        public bool IsCriminal()
            const int goToJailLocation = 30;

            var goToJailProperty = Board.Access().GetProperty(goToJailLocation);
            var currentLocation  = Board.Access().GetProperty(_location);

            var isCriminal = currentLocation.Equals(goToJailProperty) || (RolledDoublesCount > 2);

            if (isCriminal)

            // If they are on go to jail, they are a criminal
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void PrintWinner()
            Player winner = null;

            //get winner who is last active player
            foreach (Player p in Board.Access().GetPlayers())
                //if player is active
                if (p.IsActive())
                    winner = p;
            //display winner
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n{0} has won the game!\n\n", winner.GetName());
            //end the game
        public void AddHouse()

            if (HouseCount > 4)
                HasHotel = true;
                // Take a hotel from the board
                // Give the houses back to the board now that
                // this property has a hotel
                Board.Access().Houses += HouseCount;
                // This property should now have no houses
                HouseCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public bool CanDevelopPropertyFurther(Residential propertyToBuyHouseFor)
            var propertiesOfColour           = Board.Access().GetAllPropertiesOfColour(propertyToBuyHouseFor.GetHouseColour());
            var propertiesExcludingDevelopee = propertiesOfColour.Where(property => property != propertyToBuyHouseFor);

             * In order to build a house on a property, the player must build houses
             * uniformly across the properties of a colour. That means the player can't
             * build a second house on a property of a colour until all properties of
             * that colour have one house.
             * So each property (excluding the one in question) should have the same amount
             * of houses as the one in question. Minus one for the case where a property in the
             * colour group might have 1 house and the one in question has 0, they aren't equal
             * so we need to minus 1 from the property that has a house.
             * */
                   .All(property =>
                        property.GetHouseCount() == (propertyToBuyHouseFor.GetHouseCount()) ||
                        property.GetHouseCount() - 1 == (propertyToBuyHouseFor.GetHouseCount())));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void PurchaseProperty(Player player, bool?testAnswer = null)
     if (player.IsInJail)
         Console.WriteLine("You are in Jail and can not purchase property.");
     //if property available give option to purchase else so not available
     else if (Board.Access().GetProperty(player.GetLocation()).AvailableForPurchase())
         TradeableProperty propertyLocatedOn = (TradeableProperty)Board.Access().GetProperty(player.GetLocation());
         bool?respYN = testAnswer ?? GetInputYn(player, string.Format("'{0}' is available to purchase for ${1}. Are you sure you want to purchase it?", propertyLocatedOn.GetName(), propertyLocatedOn.GetPrice()));
         if ((bool)respYN)
             propertyLocatedOn.Purchase(ref player);//purchase property
             Console.WriteLine("{0}You have successfully purchased {1}.", PlayerPrompt(player), propertyLocatedOn.GetName());
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1} is not available for purchase.", PlayerPrompt(player), Board.Access().GetProperty(player.GetLocation()).GetName());
        public override decimal GetRent()
            // Mortgaged properties cannot have rent collected on them
            if (IsMortgaged)

            // This is the rent value for a property with a hotel
            if (HasHotel)
                return(Rent + (Rent * 5));

            // The rent is double if the owner owns all the properties of this colour and the property is undeveloped (exclude the banker)
            if ((Board.Access().GetAllPropertiesOfColour(HouseColour).All(x => x.Owner == Owner && Owner != Banker.Access())) && (HouseCount == 0))
                return(Rent * 2);

            // The rent multiplier is dependent on if the property
            // is at the hotel stage or not yet
            return(Rent + (Rent * HouseCount));
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up players for the new game of Monopoly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testInput">Required so we can test this method without relying on console input, shouldn't be used outside of tests</param>
        /// <param name="testName">Required so we can test this method without relying on console input, shouldn't be used  outside of tests</param>
        public void SetUpPlayers(int?testInput = null, string testName = null)
            //Add players to the board
            Console.WriteLine("How many players are playing?");
            var playerCount = testInput ?? InputInteger();

            //if it is out of range then display msg and redo this method
            if ((playerCount < 2) || (playerCount > 8))
                Console.WriteLine("That is an invalid amount. Please try again.");

                // Don't recall if it's a test
                if (testInput == null)

            //Ask for players names
            for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name for Player {0}:", i + 1);
                string sPlayerName = testName ?? Console.ReadLine();
                Player player      = new Player(sPlayerName);
                //subscribe to events
                player.PlayerBankrupt += playerBankruptHandler;
                player.PlayerPassGo   += playerPassGoHandler;
                //add player
                Console.WriteLine("{0} has been added to the game.", Board.Access().GetPlayer(i).GetName());

            Console.WriteLine("Players have been setup");
        public void CreateCards()
                var cards = _fileReader.ReadCardDetailsFromCSV();

                foreach (var card in cards)
                    if (card.GetName().Contains("Chance"))

                    if (card.GetName().Contains("Community Chest"))
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Oops, something went wrong setting up the cards: {0}", ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override void MakePlay(int iPlayerIndex)
            while (true)
                //make variable for player
                Player player = Board.Access().GetPlayer(iPlayerIndex);
                //Change the colour for the player
                Console.ForegroundColor = this._colors[iPlayerIndex];

                //if inactive skip turn
                if (!player.IsActive())
                    Console.WriteLine("\n{0} is inactive.\n", player.GetName());
                    //check players to continue
                    //check that there are still two players to continue
                    int activePlayerCount = 0;
                    foreach (Player p in Board.Access().GetPlayers())
                        //if player is active
                        if (p.IsActive())
                            //increment activePlayerCount

                    //if less than two active players display winner
                    if (activePlayerCount < 2)


                //prompt player to make move
                Console.WriteLine("{0}Your turn. Press Enter to make move", PlayerPrompt(iPlayerIndex));
                //move player

                if (player.IsInJail && player.RolledDoubles && (player.RollDoublesFailureCount < 3))
                    Console.WriteLine("You rolled doubles! You are out of Jail.");

                if (player.IsInJail && player.RollDoublesFailureCount == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("You've failed to roll doubles three times while in Jail and must now settle it.");
                    GetOutOfJail(player, true);

                //Display making move
                Console.WriteLine("*****Move for {0}:*****", player.GetName());
                //Display rolling
                Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}\n", PlayerPrompt(iPlayerIndex), player.DiceRollingToString());

                Property propertyLandedOn = Board.Access().GetProperty(player.GetLocation());

                HandleLanding(propertyLandedOn, player);

                //Display player details
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}{1}", PlayerPrompt(iPlayerIndex), player.BriefDetailToString());

                if (player.IsCriminal())
                    Console.WriteLine("You are a criminal, go to Jail and lose your turn.");
                    // Need to reset this here so when they come to get out of jail they aren't seen as a ciminal again
                    // Thrice in a row means jail!
                    if (player.RolledDoublesCount > 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("This is because you rolled doubles thrice in a row.");

                    // Reset the count as they've been sent to jail
                    player.RolledDoublesCount = 0;

                //display player choice menu

                // Player's get another turn when they roll doubles
                if (player.RolledDoubles && !player.IsInJail)
                    Console.WriteLine("You rolled doubles and get another turn");

                // When turn ends reset their rolled doubles count
                player.RolledDoublesCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public string FullDetailToString()
     return(String.Format("Player:{0}.\nBalance: ${1}\nLocation: {2} (Square {3}) \nProperties Owned:\n{4}", GetName(), GetBalance(), Board.Access().GetProperty(GetLocation()), GetLocation(), PropertiesOwnedToString()));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public string BriefDetailToString()
     return(String.Format("You are on {0}.\tYou have ${1}.", Board.Access().GetProperty(GetLocation()).GetName(), GetBalance()));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public string PlayerPrompt(int playerIndex)
     return(string.Format("{0}:\t", Board.Access().GetPlayer(playerIndex).GetName()));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void BuyHouse(Player player, Property testProperty = null, bool?testAnswer = null)
            if (Board.Access().Houses < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the bank doesn't have any houses left.");

            if (player.IsInJail)
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry, you are in jail.");

            //create prompt
            var sPrompt = String.Format("{0}Please select a property to buy a house for:", PlayerPrompt(player));

            //create variable for propertyToBuy
            Residential propertyToBuyFor = null;

            if (player.GetPropertiesOwnedFromBoard().Count == 0)
                //write message
                Console.WriteLine("{0}You do not own any properties.", PlayerPrompt(player));
                //return from method
            //get the property to buy house for
            var property = testProperty ?? DisplayPropertyChooser(player.GetPropertiesOwnedFromBoard(), sPrompt);

            //if dont own any properties

            //check that it is a residential
            if (property.GetType() == (new Residential().GetType()))
                //cast to residential property
                propertyToBuyFor = (Residential)property;
            else //else display msg
                Console.WriteLine("{0}A house can not be bought for {1} because it is not a Residential Property.", this.PlayerPrompt(player), property.GetName());

            if (propertyToBuyFor.IsMortgaged)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}A house can not be bought for {1} because it is currently mortgaged.", PlayerPrompt(player), property.GetName());

            // Player must own all the propeties in the colour group
            if (!player.OwnsAllPropertiesOfColour(propertyToBuyFor.GetHouseColour()))
                    "You must own all the properties within this colour group ({0}) to buy houses for this property.",

            // We've checked if they own the properties of the colour, now
            // check if each property is equally developed
            if (!player.CanDevelopPropertyFurther(propertyToBuyFor))
                Console.WriteLine("Each property in this colour group needs to have houses uniformly added");
            else if (propertyToBuyFor.HasHotel)// If it has a hotel they can't add more houses.
                Console.WriteLine("This property has a hotel and can not be developed further.");
                // Can't buy a fifth house if there are not hotels left
                if (propertyToBuyFor.GetHouseCount() == 4 && Board.Access().Hotels < 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("You can't buy another house as this would result in a hotel and there aren't any hotels left.");

                var doBuyHouse = testAnswer ?? GetInputYn(player, string.Format("You chose to buy a house for {0}. Are you sure you want to purchase a house for ${1}?",
                                                                                propertyToBuyFor.GetName(), propertyToBuyFor.GetHouseCost()));

                //if confirmed
                if (doBuyHouse)
                    //buy the house
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}A new house for {1} has been bought successfully", PlayerPrompt(player),
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void TradeProperty(Player player)
            //create prompt
            string sPropPrompt = String.Format("{0}Please select a property to trade:", this.PlayerPrompt(player));
            //create prompt
            string sPlayerPrompt = String.Format("{0}Please select a player to trade with:", this.PlayerPrompt(player));

            //get the property to trade
            TradeableProperty propertyToTrade = (TradeableProperty)this.DisplayPropertyChooser(player.GetPropertiesOwnedFromBoard(), sPropPrompt);

            //if dont own any properties
            if (propertyToTrade == null)
                //write message
                Console.WriteLine("{0}You do not own any properties.", PlayerPrompt(player));
                //return from method

            //get the player wishing to trade with
            Player playerToTradeWith = this.DisplayPlayerChooser(Board.Access().GetPlayers(), player, sPlayerPrompt);

            //get the amount wanted

            string inputAmtMsg = string.Format("{0}How much do you want for this property?", PlayerPrompt(player));

            decimal amountWanted = InputDecimal(inputAmtMsg);

            //confirm with playerToTradeWith
            //set console color
            ConsoleColor origColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
            int          i         = Board.Access().GetPlayers().IndexOf(playerToTradeWith);

            Console.ForegroundColor = this._colors[i];

            bool agreesToTrade;
            var  mortgageInterest = Decimal.Zero;

            //get player response

            /*We need to do this to check and find if the property is mortgaged
             * and in the case that it is, notify the buyer that the price
             * of the property includes the original owner's mortgage interest*/
            if (propertyToTrade.GetType() == typeof(Residential))
                var residentialPropertyToTrade = (Residential)propertyToTrade;

                if (residentialPropertyToTrade.IsMortgaged)
                    mortgageInterest = residentialPropertyToTrade.GetMortgageValue() * 10 / 100;

                    agreesToTrade = GetInputYn(playerToTradeWith,
                                                   "{0} wants to trade '{1}' with you for ${2} (including seller's mortgage interest for this property). Do you agree to pay {2} for '{1}'",
                                                   player.GetName(),                  /*{0}*/
                                                   propertyToTrade.GetName(),         /*{1}*/
                                                   amountWanted + mortgageInterest)); /*{2}*/
                else // If it's not mortgaged do the normal trading behaviour
                    agreesToTrade = GetInputYn(playerToTradeWith,
                                               string.Format("{0} wants to trade '{1}' with you for ${2}. Do you agree to pay {2} for '{1}'",
                                                             player.GetName(), propertyToTrade.GetName(), amountWanted));
                agreesToTrade = GetInputYn(playerToTradeWith,
                                           string.Format("{0} wants to trade '{1}' with you for ${2}. Do you agree to pay {2} for '{1}'",
                                                         player.GetName(), propertyToTrade.GetName(), amountWanted));

            //resent console color
            Console.ForegroundColor = origColor;
            if (agreesToTrade)
                Player playerFromBoard = Board.Access().GetPlayer(playerToTradeWith.GetName());
                //player trades property
                player.TradeProperty(ref propertyToTrade, ref playerFromBoard, amountWanted, mortgageInterest);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} has been traded successfully. {0} is now owned by {1}", propertyToTrade.GetName(), playerFromBoard.GetName());
                //display rejection message
                Console.WriteLine("{0}{1} does not agree to trade {2} for ${3}", PlayerPrompt(player), playerToTradeWith.GetName(), propertyToTrade.GetName(), amountWanted);