Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a new entry response.
        /// TODO: Copied implementation from CheckedInResponse, determine if this
        ///     is correct or not.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process() {
            string localPath      = this.ReadLine();
            string repositoryPath = this.ReadLine();
            string entryLine      = this.ReadLine();

            PathTranslator orgPath   =
                new PathTranslator (Services.Repository,

            string fileName = orgPath.LocalPathAndFilename;
            Factory factory = new Factory();
            Entry  entry = (Entry)
                factory.CreateCvsObject(orgPath.CurrentDir, Entry.FILE_NAME, entryLine);
            Manager manager = new Manager (Services.Repository.WorkingPath);
            manager.Add (entry);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute checkout module command.
        /// taken from: http://www.elegosoft.com/cvs/cvsclient.html
        /// add \n
        ///     Response expected: yes. Add a file or directory. This uses any 
        ///     previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they 
        ///     have been sent. The last Directory sent specifies the working 
        ///     directory at the time of the operation. To add a directory, send the 
        ///     directory to be added using Directory and Argument requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// C: Root /u/cvsroot
        /// . . .
        /// C: Argument nsdir
        /// C: Directory nsdir
        /// C: /u/cvsroot/1dir/nsdir
        /// C: Directory .
        /// C: /u/cvsroot/1dir
        /// C: add
        /// S: M Directory /u/cvsroot/1dir/nsdir added to the repository
        /// S: ok
        /// You will notice that the server does not signal to the client in any 
        /// particular way that the directory has been successfully added. The client 
        /// is supposed to just assume that the directory has been added and update 
        /// its records accordingly. Note also that adding a directory is immediate; 
        /// it does not wait until a ci request as files do. To add a file, send the 
        /// file to be added using a Modified request. For example:
        /// C: Argument nfile
        /// C: Directory .
        /// C: /u/cvsroot/1dir
        /// C: Modified nfile
        /// C: u=rw,g=r,o=r
        /// C: 6
        /// C: hello
        /// C: add
        /// S: E cvs server: scheduling file `nfile' for addition
        /// S: Mode u=rw,g=r,o=r
        /// S: Checked-in ./
        /// S: /u/cvsroot/1dir/nfile
        /// S: /nfile/0///
        /// S: E cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
        /// S: ok
        /// Note that the file has not been added to the repository; the only effect 
        /// of a successful add request, for a file, is to supply the client with a 
        /// new entries line containing `0' to indicate an added file. In fact, the 
        /// client probably could perform this operation without contacting the 
        /// server, although using add does cause the server to perform a few more 
        /// checks. The client sends a subsequent ci to actually add the file to the 
        /// repository. Another quirk of the add request is that with CVS 1.9 and 
        /// older, a pathname specified in an Argument request cannot contain `/'. 
        /// There is no good reason for this restriction, and in fact more recent 
        /// CVS servers don't have it. But the way to interoperate with the older 
        /// servers is to ensure that all Directory requests for add (except those 
        /// used to add directories, as described above), use `.' for local-directory. 
        /// Specifying another string for local-directory may not get an error, but 
        /// it will get you strange Checked-in responses from the buggy servers.
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="connection">Server connection</param>
        public void Execute(ICommandConnection connection) {
            connection.SubmitRequest(new ArgumentRequest(ArgumentRequest.Options.DASH));
            int loops = 0;
            foreach (DictionaryEntry folderEntry in this.Folders) {
                LOGGER.Debug("loops=[" + loops++ + "]");
                Folder folder = (Folder)folderEntry.Value;
                this.SetDirectory (connection, folder);

                // send each is-modified request
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entryEntry in folder.Entries) {
                    Entry entry = (Entry)entryEntry.Value;
                    //connection.SubmitRequest(new IsModifiedRequest(entry.Name));

                    //String fileName = Path.Combine(entry.Path, entry.Name);
                    this.SendFileRequest (connection, entry);

                    // Add the file to the cvs entries file
                    Manager manager = new Manager(connection.Repository.WorkingPath);
                    if (LOGGER.IsDebugEnabled) {
                        LOGGER.Debug("AddCommand.  Entry=[" + entry + "]");

                // send each argument request
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entryEntry in folder.Entries) {
                    Entry entry = (Entry)entryEntry.Value;
                    connection.SubmitRequest(new ArgumentRequest(entry.Name));

                    //String fileName = Path.Combine(entry.Path, entry.Name);
                    //this.SendFileRequest (connection, entry);

                    // Add the file to the cvs entries file
                    Manager manager = new Manager(connection.Repository.WorkingPath);
                    if (LOGGER.IsDebugEnabled) {
                        LOGGER.Debug("AddCommand.  Entry=[" + entry + "]");
                        Entries entries = manager.FetchEntries(entry.FullPath);
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry dicEntry in entries) {
                            LOGGER.Debug("entry=[" + dicEntry.Value + "]");

            connection.SubmitRequest(new AddRequest());
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a created file response.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process() {
            Manager manager = new Manager (Services.Repository.WorkingPath);

            String localPath = this.ReadLine();
            String reposPath = this.ReadLine();

            String entry     = this.ReadLine();
            String flags     = this.ReadLine();
            String sizeStr   = this.ReadLine();

            PathTranslator orgPath =
                new PathTranslator (Services.Repository, reposPath);
            String localPathAndFilename = orgPath.LocalPathAndFilename;
            String directory = orgPath.LocalPath;

            bool compress = sizeStr[0] == 'z';

            if (compress) {
                sizeStr = sizeStr.Substring(1);

            int size  = Int32.Parse(sizeStr);

            if (!Directory.Exists(orgPath.LocalPath)) {

            if (Services.NextFile != null && Services.NextFile.Length > 0) {
                localPathAndFilename = Services.NextFile;
                Services.NextFile = null;

            Factory factory = new Factory();
            Entry e = (Entry)
                factory.CreateCvsObject(orgPath.CurrentDir, Entry.FILE_NAME, entry);
            if (e.IsBinaryFile) {
            } else {

            e.Date = Services.NextFileDate;
            Services.NextFileDate = null;

            LOGGER.Debug("In created response, just added entry.  File date=[" + e.Date + "]");
            manager.SetFileTimeStamp (e.FullPath, e.TimeStamp, e.IsUtcTimeStamp);

            UpdateMessage message = new UpdateMessage ();
            message.Module = Services.Repository.WorkingDirectoryName;
            message.Repository =  orgPath.RelativePath;
            message.Filename = e.Name;
            Services.SendMessage (message.Message);