Exemplo n.º 1
        private static FormExtractionResult HasBoxes(int[] imgData, int row, int col, FormExtractionOptions options)
            // Debug image.
            int[,] debugImg = null;
            if (options.ShowDebugImage)
                debugImg = new int[row, col];
                for (int y = 0; y < row; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < col; x++)
                        debugImg[y, x] = 0;

            // We are seaching for pattern!
            // We look for junctions.
            // This will help us make a decision.
            // Junction types: T, L, +.
            // Junctions allow us to find boxes contours.

            int width  = options.JunctionWidth;
            int height = options.JunctionHeight;

            // Cache per line speed up the creation of various cache.
            Dictionary <int, List <Junction> > cacheListJunctionPerLine = new Dictionary <int, List <Junction> >();
            List <Junction> listJunction = new List <Junction>();

            // If there is too much junction near each other, maybe it's just a black spot.
            // We must ignore it to prevent wasting CPU and spend too much time.
            int maxProximity = 10;

            for (int y = 1; y < row - 1; y++)
                List <Junction> listJunctionX    = null;
                int             proximityCounter = 0;

                for (int x = 1; x < col - 1; x++)
                    var junction = GetJunction(imgData, row, col, height, width, y, x);
                    if (junction != null)
                        if (listJunctionX == null)
                            listJunctionX = new List <Junction>();
                        if (listJunctionX != null)
                            if (proximityCounter < maxProximity)
                                if (!cacheListJunctionPerLine.ContainsKey(y))
                                    cacheListJunctionPerLine.Add(y, new List <Junction>());
                        proximityCounter = 0;

                if (proximityCounter < maxProximity && listJunctionX != null)
                    if (!cacheListJunctionPerLine.ContainsKey(y))
                        cacheListJunctionPerLine.Add(y, new List <Junction>());

            // Console.WriteLine("Junction.count: " + listJunction.Count);

            if (listJunction.Count >= options.MaxJunctions)
                // Something wrong happen. Too much junction for now.
                // If we continue, we would spend too much time processing the image.
                // Let's suppose we don't know.
                return(new FormExtractionResult
                    // Too many junctions. The image seem too complex. You may want to increase MaxJunctions
                    ReturnCode = 10

            // Let's check the list of points.

            // Search near same line.

            // Prepare cache to speedup searching algo.
            Dictionary <Junction, List <Junction> > cacheNearJunction = new Dictionary <Junction, List <Junction> >();
            Dictionary <Junction, List <Junction> > cachePossibleNextJunctionRight = new Dictionary <Junction, List <Junction> >();
            Dictionary <Junction, List <Junction> > cachePossibleNextJunctionLeft  = new Dictionary <Junction, List <Junction> >();
            int minX = 10;
            int maxX = 70;

            foreach (var junction in listJunction)
                var listJunctionNearJunction = new List <Junction>();

                for (int deltaY = -3; deltaY <= 3; deltaY++)
                    if (cacheListJunctionPerLine.ContainsKey(junction.Y - deltaY))
                        listJunctionNearJunction.AddRange(cacheListJunctionPerLine[junction.Y - deltaY]);

                var list = listJunctionNearJunction
                           .Where(m =>
                                  Math.Abs(m.X - junction.X) <= maxX

                cacheNearJunction.Add(junction, list);

                var possibleNextJunction = list
                                           .Where(m =>
                                                  Math.Abs(m.X - junction.X) >= minX

                cachePossibleNextJunctionLeft.Add(junction, possibleNextJunction.Where(m => m.X < junction.X).ToList());
                cachePossibleNextJunctionRight.Add(junction, possibleNextJunction.Where(m => m.X > junction.X).ToList());

            int numSol = 0;

            List <Line> possibleSol = new List <Line>();

            // We use a dictionary here because we need a fast way to remove entry.
            // We reduce computation and we also merge solutions.
            var elements = listJunction.OrderBy(m => m.Y).ToDictionary(m => m, m => m);

            int skipSol = 0;

            while (elements.Any())
                var start = elements.First().Key;

                List <Line> listSolutions   = new List <Line>();
                var         junctionsForGap = cacheNearJunction[start];

                for (int iGap = 0; iGap < junctionsForGap.Count; iGap++)
                    var gap = junctionsForGap[iGap];

                    // Useless because it's already done with: cacheNearJunction.

                     * var gapY = Math.Abs(gap.Y - start.Y);
                     * if (gapY > 2)
                     * {
                     *      continue;
                     * }*/

                    var gapX = Math.Abs(gap.X - start.X);
                    if (gapX <= 15 || gapX > 50)

                    // We will reduce list of solution by checking if the solution is already found.
                    if (listSolutions.Any(m => Math.Abs(m.GapX - gapX) < 2 && m.Junctions.Contains(start)))

                    List <Junction> curSolution = new List <Junction>();

                    int numElementsRight = FindElementsOnDirection(cachePossibleNextJunctionRight, start, gap, gapX, curSolution);
                    int numElementsLeft  = FindElementsOnDirection(cachePossibleNextJunctionLeft, start, gap, -gapX, curSolution);

                    int numElements = numElementsLeft + numElementsRight;

                    if (numElements >= options.MinNumElements)
                        if (numSol == options.MaxSolutions)
                            // Something wrong happen. Too much solution for now.
                            // If we continue, we would spend too much time processing the image.
                            // Let's suppose we don't know.
                            return(new FormExtractionResult
                                // Too much solution. You may want to increase MaxSolutions.
                                ReturnCode = 30

                        listSolutions.Add(new Line
                            GapX      = gapX,
                            Junctions = curSolution

                Line bestSol = listSolutions.OrderByDescending(m => m.Junctions.Count).FirstOrDefault();

                if (bestSol != null)
                    // Too slow. (faster if we skip removal)
                    // But, we have more solutions.
                    foreach (var item in bestSol.Junctions)


            //Console.WriteLine("Skip: " + skipSol);
            //Console.WriteLine(numSol + " : Solution found");
            //Console.WriteLine(possibleSol.Count + " Best solution found");

            // Let's merge near junctions. (vertical line)
            // We assign a group id for each clusters.

            int nextGroupId = 1;

            foreach (var curSolution in possibleSol)
                if (curSolution.Junctions.First().GroupId == 0)
                    curSolution.Junctions.ForEach(m => m.GapX = curSolution.GapX);

                    // Not assigned yet.

                    // Find near junction.
                    int groupId = 0;

                    foreach (var item in curSolution.Junctions)
                        var alreadyClassified = cacheNearJunction[item]
                                                .Where(m =>
                                                       m.GroupId != 0 &&
                                                       Math.Abs(m.X - item.X) <= 5 &&
                                                       Math.Abs(m.Y - item.Y) <= 3 &&
                                                       Math.Abs(m.GapX - item.GapX) <= 2
                        if (alreadyClassified.Any())
                            groupId = alreadyClassified.First().GroupId;

                    if (groupId == 0)
                        // Not found.

                        // Create a new group.

                        groupId = nextGroupId;

                    curSolution.Junctions.ForEach(m => m.GroupId = groupId);

            Dictionary <int, List <Junction> > junctionsPerGroup = possibleSol
                                                                   .SelectMany(m => m.Junctions)
                                                                   .GroupBy(m => m.GroupId)
                                                                   .ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => m.ToList());

            // Let's explore the clusters directions and try to interconnect clusters on the horizontal side.

            // Minimum percent of elements to determine the direction.
            int minElementPercent = 60;

            List <LineCluster> lineClusters = new List <LineCluster>();

            foreach (var item in junctionsPerGroup)
                int             groupId   = item.Key;
                List <Junction> junctions = item.Value;

                int minElementDir = minElementPercent * junctions.Count / 100;

                // Determine the general direction.
                var top    = junctions.Count(m => m.Top) > minElementDir;
                var bottom = junctions.Count(m => m.Bottom) > minElementDir;

                junctions.ForEach(m => m.Top    = top);
                junctions.ForEach(m => m.Bottom = bottom);

                var x = (int)junctions.Average(m => m.X);
                var y = (int)junctions.Average(m => m.Y);

                lineClusters.Add(new LineCluster
                    Bottom    = bottom,
                    Top       = top,
                    Junctions = junctions,
                    X         = x,
                    Y         = y

            List <BoxesCluster> boxesClusters = new List <BoxesCluster>();
            Dictionary <LineCluster, LineCluster> lineClustersTop    = new Dictionary <LineCluster, LineCluster>();
            Dictionary <LineCluster, LineCluster> lineClustersBottom = new Dictionary <LineCluster, LineCluster>();

            Dictionary <LineCluster, float> cacheGapX = new Dictionary <LineCluster, float>();

            // Merge top and bottom lines.
            foreach (var itemA in lineClusters)
                foreach (var itemB in lineClusters)
                    if (itemA != itemB)
                        if (itemA.Bottom && itemB.Top || itemA.Top && itemB.Bottom)
                            // Compatible.
                            var topLine    = itemA.Top ? itemA : itemB;
                            var bottomLine = itemA.Top ? itemB : itemA;

                            if (lineClustersTop.ContainsKey(topLine))
                            if (lineClustersBottom.ContainsKey(bottomLine))

                            if (!cacheGapX.ContainsKey(itemA))
                                cacheGapX.Add(itemA, itemA.Junctions.Average(m => m.GapX));
                            if (!cacheGapX.ContainsKey(itemB))
                                cacheGapX.Add(itemB, itemB.Junctions.Average(m => m.GapX));

                            var firstGapX  = cacheGapX[itemA];
                            var secondGapX = cacheGapX[itemB];

                            // GapX should be similar. Otherwise, just ignore it.
                            if (Math.Abs(firstGapX - secondGapX) <= 2 && Math.Abs(itemA.X - itemB.X) < 200 && Math.Abs(itemA.Y - itemB.Y) < 200)
                                var avgGapX = (firstGapX + secondGapX) / 2;

                                var minGapY = Math.Max(10, avgGapX - 5);
                                var maxGapY = avgGapX + 5;

                                // For the majority of element on top line, we should be able to interconnect
                                // with the other line.

                                // Must have some common element next to each other.
                                int commonElementCounter = 0;

                                int minPercent            = 90;
                                int minCount              = Math.Min(topLine.Junctions.Count, bottomLine.Junctions.Count);
                                int minimumCommonElements = minCount * minPercent / 100;

                                List <float> avgGapY = new List <float>();
                                foreach (var topJunction in topLine.Junctions)
                                    var commonElement = bottomLine.Junctions.Where(m =>
                                                                                   Math.Abs(topJunction.X - m.X) <= 5 &&
                                                                                   topJunction.Y - m.Y >= minGapY &&
                                                                                   topJunction.Y - m.Y <= maxGapY
                                    if (commonElement.Any())
                                        avgGapY.Add((float)commonElement.Average(m => topJunction.Y - m.Y));

                                        if (commonElementCounter >= minimumCommonElements)
                                            // We can stop now. It's a boxes!

                                if (commonElementCounter >= 1 && commonElementCounter >= minimumCommonElements)
                                    boxesClusters.Add(new BoxesCluster
                                        TopLine    = topLine,
                                        BottomLine = bottomLine,
                                        GapY       = avgGapY.Average()

                                    lineClustersTop.Add(topLine, topLine);
                                    lineClustersBottom.Add(bottomLine, bottomLine);

            // We can now merge near junctions.
            // We want to find the centroid in order to determine the boxes dimensions and position.
            List <List <Box> > allBoxes = new List <List <Box> >();

            foreach (var boxesCluster in boxesClusters)
                // We will explore points horizontally.
                var allPoints = boxesCluster.TopLine.Junctions.Union(boxesCluster.BottomLine.Junctions).Select(m => m.X)
                                .OrderBy(m => m)

                var avgGapX = boxesCluster.TopLine.Junctions.Average(m => m.GapX);
                var maxDist = Math.Max(10, avgGapX / 2);

                // Sometime, there is missing points. We will interconnect the boxes.
                List <Box> boxes    = new List <Box>();
                Box        curBoxes = null;

                while (allPoints.Any())
                    var listX = new List <int>();

                    var x = allPoints[0];

                    // Remove near points.
                    for (int i = 0; i < allPoints.Count; i++)
                        var curX = allPoints[i];
                        if (Math.Abs(curX - x) < maxDist)

                    var centroidX = listX.Average();

                    var topJunctions    = boxesCluster.TopLine.Junctions.Where(m => Math.Abs(m.X - centroidX) < maxDist);
                    var bottomJunctions = boxesCluster.BottomLine.Junctions.Where(m => Math.Abs(m.X - centroidX) < maxDist);

                    Point?curPointTop    = null;
                    Point?curPointBottom = null;

                    if (bottomJunctions.Any())
                        var curX = bottomJunctions.Average(m => m.X);
                        var curY = bottomJunctions.Average(m => m.Y);
                        curPointTop = new Point(curX, curY);

                    if (topJunctions.Any())
                        var curX = topJunctions.Average(m => m.X);
                        var curY = topJunctions.Average(m => m.Y);
                        curPointBottom = new Point(curX, curY);

                    if (topJunctions.Any() != bottomJunctions.Any())
                        // We should try our best to correct the error.
                        // If we use boxesCluster.GapY we can estimate the point.

                        if (!curPointTop.HasValue)
                            curPointTop = new Point(curPointBottom.Value.X, curPointBottom.Value.Y - boxesCluster.GapY);

                        if (!curPointBottom.HasValue)
                            curPointBottom = new Point(curPointTop.Value.X, curPointTop.Value.Y + boxesCluster.GapY);

                    if (!curPointTop.HasValue && !curPointBottom.HasValue)
                        return(new FormExtractionResult
                            // This should not happen. Please open an issue on GitHub with your image.
                            ReturnCode = 20

                    if (curBoxes == null)
                        curBoxes            = new Box();
                        curBoxes.TopLeft    = curPointTop.Value;
                        curBoxes.BottomLeft = curPointBottom.Value;
                        curBoxes.TopRight    = curPointTop.Value;
                        curBoxes.BottomRight = curPointBottom.Value;

                        // Prepare the next box. (may not be added)
                        curBoxes            = new Box();
                        curBoxes.TopLeft    = curPointTop.Value;
                        curBoxes.BottomLeft = curPointBottom.Value;

                if (boxes.Any())

            nextGroupId = 0;

            if (options.ShowDebugImage)
                foreach (var item in lineClusters)
                    foreach (var junction in item.Junctions)
                        DrawJunction(debugImg, nextGroupId, junction);

                foreach (var item in boxesClusters)

                    // Debug img:
                    foreach (var junction in item.TopLine.Junctions)
                        DrawJunction(debugImg, nextGroupId, junction);

                    foreach (var junction in item.BottomLine.Junctions)
                        DrawJunction(debugImg, nextGroupId, junction);

            // Let's explore boxes!
            // We will check if those boxes seem valid.
            for (int i = 0; i < allBoxes.Count; i++)
                var isValid  = true;
                var curBoxes = allBoxes[i];

                if (allBoxes.Count < 2)
                    isValid = false;
                    var minWidth = curBoxes.Min(m =>
                                                ((m.TopRight.X + m.BottomRight.X) / 2) - ((m.TopLeft.X + m.BottomLeft.X) / 2));
                    var minHeight = curBoxes.Min(m =>
                                                 ((m.BottomRight.Y + m.BottomLeft.Y) / 2) - ((m.TopRight.Y + m.TopLeft.Y) / 2));
                    var maxWidth = curBoxes.Max(m =>
                                                ((m.TopRight.X + m.BottomRight.X) / 2) - ((m.TopLeft.X + m.BottomLeft.X) / 2));
                    var maxHeight = curBoxes.Max(m =>
                                                 ((m.BottomRight.Y + m.BottomLeft.Y) / 2) - ((m.TopRight.Y + m.TopLeft.Y) / 2));

                    // If the width and height are too different, we should not consider the boxes.
                    if (maxWidth - minWidth > 7 || maxHeight - minHeight > 5)
                        isValid = false;

                if (!isValid)

            if (options.ShowDebugImage)
                int size = 5;
                foreach (var item in allBoxes)
                    foreach (var box in item)
                        DrawPoint(debugImg, nextGroupId, box.TopLeft.X, box.TopLeft.Y, size);
                        DrawPoint(debugImg, nextGroupId, box.TopRight.X, box.TopRight.Y, size);
                        DrawPoint(debugImg, nextGroupId, box.BottomLeft.X, box.BottomLeft.Y, size);
                        DrawPoint(debugImg, nextGroupId, box.BottomRight.X, box.BottomRight.Y, size);

                        // Let's show the center of the box.
                        var x = (box.TopLeft.X + box.TopRight.X + box.BottomLeft.X + box.BottomRight.X) / 4;
                        var y = (box.TopLeft.Y + box.TopRight.Y + box.BottomLeft.Y + box.BottomRight.Y) / 4;
                        DrawPoint(debugImg, nextGroupId, x, y, 10);

            FormExtractionResult finalResult = new FormExtractionResult
                Boxes      = allBoxes,
                ReturnCode = 0

            if (options.ShowDebugImage)
                finalResult.DebugImg = debugImg;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static FormExtractionResult FindBoxes(int[] imgData, int row, int col, FormExtractionOptions options)
            // Debug image.
            int[,] debugImg = null;
            if (options.GenerateDebugImage)
                debugImg = new int[row, col];
                for (int y = 0; y < row; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < col; x++)
                        debugImg[y, x] = 0;

            // We are seaching for pattern!
            // We look for junctions.
            // This will help us make a decision.
            // Junction types: T, L, +.
            // Junctions allow us to find boxes contours.

            int width  = options.JunctionWidth;
            int height = options.JunctionHeight;

            // Cache per line speed up the creation of various cache.
            Dictionary <int, List <Junction> > cacheListJunctionPerLine = new Dictionary <int, List <Junction> >();
            List <Junction> listJunction = new List <Junction>();

            // If there is too much junction near each other, maybe it's just a black spot.
            // We must ignore it to prevent wasting CPU and spend too much time.
            int maxProximity = 10;

            for (int y = 1; y < row - 1; y++)
                List <Junction> listJunctionX    = null;
                int             proximityCounter = 0;

                for (int x = 1; x < col - 1; x++)
                    Junction?junction = GetJunction(imgData, row, col, height, width, y, x);
                    if (junction != null)
                        if (listJunctionX == null)
                            listJunctionX = new List <Junction>();
                        if (listJunctionX != null)
                            if (proximityCounter < maxProximity)
                                if (!cacheListJunctionPerLine.ContainsKey(y))
                                    cacheListJunctionPerLine.Add(y, new List <Junction>());
                        proximityCounter = 0;

                if (proximityCounter < maxProximity && listJunctionX != null)
                    if (!cacheListJunctionPerLine.ContainsKey(y))
                        cacheListJunctionPerLine.Add(y, new List <Junction>());

            // Console.WriteLine("Junction.count: " + listJunction.Count);

            if (listJunction.Count >= options.MaxJunctions)
                // Something wrong happen. Too much junction for now.
                // If we continue, we would spend too much time processing the image.
                // Let's suppose we don't know.
                return(new FormExtractionResult
                    // Too many junctions. The image seem too complex. You may want to increase MaxJunctions
                    ReturnCode = 10

            // Let's check the list of points.

            // Search near same line.

            // Prepare cache to speedup searching algo.
            int minX = 10;
            int maxX = 70;
            Dictionary <int, Junction[]> cacheNearJunction = new Dictionary <int, Junction[]>();
            Dictionary <int, Junction[]> cachePossibleNextJunctionRight = new Dictionary <int, Junction[]>();
            Dictionary <int, Junction[]> cachePossibleNextJunctionLeft  = new Dictionary <int, Junction[]>();

            foreach (var junction in listJunction)
                var listJunctionNearJunction = new List <Junction>();

                for (int deltaY = -3; deltaY <= 3; deltaY++)
                    if (cacheListJunctionPerLine.ContainsKey(junction.Y - deltaY))
                        listJunctionNearJunction.AddRange(cacheListJunctionPerLine[junction.Y - deltaY]);

                var list = listJunctionNearJunction
                           .Where(m =>
                                  Math.Abs(m.X - junction.X) <= maxX

                var id = junction.X | junction.Y << 16;

                cacheNearJunction.Add(id, list);

                var possibleNextJunction = list
                                           .Where(m =>
                                                  Math.Abs(m.X - junction.X) >= minX

                cachePossibleNextJunctionLeft.Add(id, possibleNextJunction.Where(m => m.X < junction.X).ToArray());
                cachePossibleNextJunctionRight.Add(id, possibleNextJunction.Where(m => m.X > junction.X).ToArray());

            int numSol = 0;

            List <Line> possibleSol = new List <Line>();

            // We use a dictionary here because we need a fast way to remove entry.
            // We reduce computation and we also merge solutions.
            var elements = listJunction.OrderBy(m => m.Y).ToDictionary(m => m.X | m.Y << 16, m => m);

            int skipSol = 0;

            while (elements.Any())
                var start = elements.First().Value;
                elements.Remove(start.X | start.Y << 16);

                Dictionary <int, List <int> > usedJunctionsForGapX = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                List <Line> listSolutions   = new List <Line>();
                var         junctionsForGap = cacheNearJunction[start.X | start.Y << 16];

                for (int iGap = 0; iGap < junctionsForGap.Length; iGap++)
                    var gap = junctionsForGap[iGap];

                    // Useless because it's already done with: cacheNearJunction.

                     * var gapY = Math.Abs(gap.Y - start.Y);
                     * if (gapY > 2)
                     * {
                     *      continue;
                     * }*/

                    var gapX = Math.Abs(gap.X - start.X);
                    if (gapX <= 15 || gapX > 50)

                    // We will reduce list of solution by checking if the solution is already found.
                    //if (listSolutions.Any(m => Math.Abs(m.GapX - gapX) < 2 && m.Junctions.Contains(start)))
                    if (usedJunctionsForGapX.ContainsKey(gap.X | gap.Y << 16) &&
                        usedJunctionsForGapX[gap.X | gap.Y << 16].Any(m => Math.Abs(m - gapX) < 10))

                    List <Junction> curSolution = new List <Junction>();

                    int numElementsRight = FindElementsOnDirection(cachePossibleNextJunctionRight, start, gap, gapX, curSolution);
                    int numElementsLeft  = FindElementsOnDirection(cachePossibleNextJunctionLeft, start, gap, -gapX, curSolution);

                    int numElements = numElementsLeft + numElementsRight;

                    if (numElements >= options.MinNumElements)
                        if (numSol == options.MaxSolutions)
                            // Something wrong happen. Too much solution for now.
                            // If we continue, we would spend too much time processing the image.
                            // Let's suppose we don't know.
                            return(new FormExtractionResult
                                // Too much solution. You may want to increase MaxSolutions.
                                ReturnCode = 30

                        listSolutions.Add(new Line
                            GapX      = gapX,
                            Junctions = curSolution.ToArray()
                        foreach (var item in curSolution)
                            List <int> listGapX;
                            if (!usedJunctionsForGapX.ContainsKey(item.X | item.Y << 16))
                                listGapX = new List <int>();
                                usedJunctionsForGapX.Add(item.X | item.Y << 16, listGapX);
                                listGapX = usedJunctionsForGapX[item.X | item.Y << 16];

                Line bestSol = listSolutions.OrderByDescending(m => m.Junctions.Count()).FirstOrDefault();

                if (bestSol != null)
                    // Too slow. (faster if we skip removal)
                    // But, we have more solutions.
                    foreach (var item in bestSol.Junctions)
                        elements.Remove(item.X | item.Y << 16);


            //Console.WriteLine("Skip: " + skipSol);
            //Console.WriteLine(numSol + " : Solution found");
            //Console.WriteLine(possibleSol.Count + " Best solution found");

            // Let's merge near junctions. (vertical line)
            // We assign a group id for each clusters.

            Dictionary <int, int> junctionToGroupId = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            int nextGroupId = 1;

            foreach (var curSolution in possibleSol)
                if (curSolution.Junctions.First().GroupId == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < curSolution.Junctions.Length; i++)
                        ref var j = ref curSolution.Junctions[i];
                        j.GapX = curSolution.GapX;

                    // Not assigned yet.

                    // Find near junction.
                    int groupId = 0;

                    foreach (var item in curSolution.Junctions)
                        var alreadyClassified = cacheNearJunction[item.X | item.Y << 16]
                                                .Where(m =>
                                                       // Doesn't work with struct.
                                                       //m.GroupId != 0 &&
                                                       Math.Abs(m.X - item.X) <= 5 &&
                                                       Math.Abs(m.Y - item.Y) <= 3
                                                       // Doesn't work with struct.
                                                       //Math.Abs(m.GapX - item.GapX) <= 2
                                                       ).Where(m => junctionToGroupId.ContainsKey(m.X | m.Y << 16));
                        if (alreadyClassified.Any())
                            Junction junction = alreadyClassified.First();
                            groupId = junctionToGroupId[junction.X | junction.Y << 16];
                            //groupId = alreadyClassified.First().GroupId;

                    if (groupId == 0)
                        // Not found.

                        // Create a new group.

                        groupId = nextGroupId;

                    for (int i = 0; i < curSolution.Junctions.Length; i++)
                        ref var j = ref curSolution.Junctions[i];
                        j.GroupId = groupId;
                        int id = j.X | j.Y << 16;
                        if (!junctionToGroupId.ContainsKey(id))
                            junctionToGroupId.Add(id, groupId);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static FormExtractionResult ProcessImage(string filename, FormExtractionOptions options = null)
            if (options == null)
                // Assume recommanded parameters.
                options = new FormExtractionOptions();

            var orig  = new Mat(filename);
            var image = new Mat(filename, ImreadModes.GrayScale);

            Cv2.AdaptiveThreshold(image, image, 255, AdaptiveThresholdTypes.MeanC, ThresholdTypes.Binary, 9, 4);

            // Resize image if too large.
            if (image.Width > options.ResizeWidth)
                var height = options.ResizeWidth * image.Height / image.Width;
                Cv2.Resize(image, image, new Size(options.ResizeWidth, height));

            Cv2.BitwiseNot(image, image);
            Cv2.Dilate(image, image, Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Cross, new Size(2, 2)));

            MatOfByte         mat     = new MatOfByte(image);
            MatIndexer <byte> indexer = mat.GetIndexer();

            var row      = image.Height;
            var col      = image.Width;
            Mat newImage = new Mat(row, col, MatType.CV_8UC3);


            // We must determine if it "may" be an interesting blob.
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


            int[] imgData = new int[row * col];
            for (int y = 0; y < row; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < col; x++)
                    imgData[y + x * row] = indexer[y, x];

            var result = HasBoxes(imgData, row, col, options);

            result.Duration = watch.Elapsed;

            // Preview
            if (result.Boxes.Any() && image.Width != 0 && options.ShowDebugImage)
                var img = CreateImage(result.DebugImg, hasColor: true);
                Cv2.BitwiseOr(newImage, img, newImage);

                Cv2.BitwiseNot(image, image);
                int width  = 400;
                var height = width * image.Height / image.Width;
                Cv2.Resize(orig, orig, new Size(width, height));
                Cv2.Resize(image, image, new Size(width, height));
                Cv2.Resize(newImage, newImage, new Size(width, height));

                using (new Window("orig", orig))
                    using (new Window("pre", image))
                        using (new Window("post", newImage))

            // Dispose.
