/// <summary>
        /// Deserialize a ParameterMap object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="configScope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ParameterMap Deserialize(XmlNode node, ConfigurationScope configScope)
            ParameterMap parameterMap = new ParameterMap(configScope.DataExchangeFactory);
            NameValueCollection prop = NodeUtils.ParseAttributes(node, configScope.Properties);

            configScope.ErrorContext.MoreInfo = "ParameterMap DeSerializer";

            parameterMap.ExtendMap = NodeUtils.GetStringAttribute(prop, "extends");
            parameterMap.Id =  NodeUtils.GetStringAttribute(prop, "id");
            parameterMap.ClassName = NodeUtils.GetStringAttribute(prop, "class");

            configScope.ErrorContext.MoreInfo = "Initialize ParameterMap";
            configScope.NodeContext = node;
            parameterMap.Initialize( configScope.DataSource.DbProvider.UsePositionalParameters, configScope );
            configScope.ErrorContext.MoreInfo = string.Empty;

            return parameterMap;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string Process(RequestScope request, object parameterObject)
            SqlTagContext ctx = new SqlTagContext();
            IList localChildren = _children;

            ProcessBodyChildren(request, ctx, parameterObject, localChildren);

            // Builds a 'dynamic' ParameterMap
            ParameterMap map = new ParameterMap(request.DataExchangeFactory);
            map.Id = _statement.Id + "-InlineParameterMap";
            map.Initialize(_usePositionalParameters, request);
            map.Class = _statement.ParameterClass;

            // Adds 'dynamic' ParameterProperty
            IList parameters = ctx.GetParameterMappings();
            int count = parameters.Count;
            for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
                map.AddParameterProperty( (ParameterProperty)parameters[i] );
            request.ParameterMap = map;

            string dynSql = ctx.BodyText;

            // Processes $substitutions$ after DynamicSql
            if ( SimpleDynamicSql.IsSimpleDynamicSql(dynSql) )
                dynSql = new SimpleDynamicSql(request, dynSql, _statement).GetSql(parameterObject);
            return dynSql;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply inline paremeterMap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statement"></param>
        /// <param name="sqlStatement"></param>
        private void ApplyInlineParemeterMap( IStatement statement, string sqlStatement)
            string newSql = sqlStatement;

            _configScope.ErrorContext.MoreInfo = "apply inline parameterMap";

            // Check the inline parameter
            if (statement.ParameterMap == null)
                // Build a Parametermap with the inline parameters.
                // if they exist. Then delete inline infos from sqltext.

                SqlText sqlText = _paramParser.ParseInlineParameterMap(_configScope,  statement, newSql );

                if (sqlText.Parameters.Length > 0)
                    ParameterMap map = new ParameterMap(_configScope.DataExchangeFactory);
                    map.Id = statement.Id + "-InLineParameterMap";
                    if (statement.ParameterClass!=null)
                        map.Class = statement.ParameterClass;
                    if (statement.ParameterClass==null &&
                        sqlText.Parameters.Length==1 && sqlText.Parameters[0].PropertyName=="value")//#value# parameter with no parameterClass attribut
                        map.DataExchange = _configScope.DataExchangeFactory.GetDataExchangeForClass( typeof(int) );//Get the primitiveDataExchange
                    statement.ParameterMap = map;

                    int lenght = sqlText.Parameters.Length;
                    for(int index=0;index<lenght;index++)
                        map.AddParameterProperty( sqlText.Parameters[index] );
                newSql = sqlText.Text;

            ISql sql = null;

            newSql = newSql.Trim();

            if (SimpleDynamicSql.IsSimpleDynamicSql(newSql))
                sql = new SimpleDynamicSql(_configScope, newSql, statement);
                if (statement is Procedure)
                    sql = new ProcedureSql(_configScope, newSql, statement);
                    // Could not call BuildPreparedStatement for procedure because when NUnit Test
                    // the database is not here (but in theory procedure must be prepared like statement)
                    // It's even better as we can then switch DataSource.
                else if (statement is Statement)
                    sql = new StaticSql(_configScope, statement);
                    ISqlMapSession session = new SqlMapSession(_configScope.SqlMapper);

                    ((StaticSql)sql).BuildPreparedStatement( session, newSql );
            statement.Sql = sql;