Exemplo n.º 1
        static void ShowHelp()
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: f-spot [options...] [files|URIs...]");

            var commands = new Hyena.CommandLine.Layout(
                new LayoutGroup("help", "Help Options",
                                new LayoutOption("help", "Show this help"),
                                new LayoutOption("help-options", "Show command line options"),
                                new LayoutOption("help-all", "Show all options"),
                                new LayoutOption("version", "Show version information"),
                                new LayoutOption("versions", "Show detailed version information")),
                new LayoutGroup("options", "General options",
                                new LayoutOption("basedir=DIR", "Path to the photo database folder"),
                                new LayoutOption("import=URI", "Import from the given uri"),
                                new LayoutOption("photodir=DIR", "Default import folder"),
                                new LayoutOption("view ITEM", "View file(s) or directories"),
                                new LayoutOption("shutdown", "Shut down a running instance of F-Spot"),
                                new LayoutOption("slideshow", "Display a slideshow"),
                                new LayoutOption("debug", "Run in debug mode")));

            if (ApplicationContext.CommandLine.Contains("help-all"))

            List <string> errors = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> argument in ApplicationContext.CommandLine.Arguments)
                switch (argument.Key)
                case "help": Console.WriteLine(commands.ToString("help")); break;

                case "help-options": Console.WriteLine(commands.ToString("options")); break;

                    if (argument.Key.StartsWith("help"))
                        (errors ?? (errors = new List <string> ())).Add(argument.Key);

            if (errors != null)
                                                          "The following help arguments are invalid: {0}",
                                                          Hyena.Collections.CollectionExtensions.Join(errors, "--", null, ", "))));
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.cs Projeto: hbons/f-spot
        private static void ShowHelp()
            Console.WriteLine ("Usage: f-spot [options...] [files|URIs...]");
            Console.WriteLine ();

            Hyena.CommandLine.Layout commands = new Hyena.CommandLine.Layout (
                new LayoutGroup ("help", "Help Options",
                    new LayoutOption ("help", "Show this help"),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-options", "Show command line options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-all", "Show all options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("version", "Show version information"),
                    new LayoutOption ("versions", "Show detailed version information")),
                new LayoutGroup ("options", "General options",
                    new LayoutOption ("basedir=DIR", "Path to the photo database folder"),
                    new LayoutOption ("import=URI", "Import from the given uri"),
                    new LayoutOption ("photodir=DIR", "Default import folder"),
                    new LayoutOption ("view ITEM", "View file(s) or directories"),
                    new LayoutOption ("shutdown", "Shut down a running instance of F-Spot"),
                    new LayoutOption ("slideshow", "Display a slideshow"),
                    new LayoutOption ("debug", "Run in debug mode")));

            if (ApplicationContext.CommandLine.Contains ("help-all")) {
                Console.WriteLine (commands);

            List<string> errors = null;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> argument in ApplicationContext.CommandLine.Arguments) {
                switch (argument.Key) {
                    case "help": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("help")); break;
                    case "help-options": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("options")); break;
                        if (argument.Key.StartsWith ("help")) {
                            (errors ?? (errors = new List<string> ())).Add (argument.Key);

            if (errors != null) {
                Console.WriteLine (commands.LayoutLine (String.Format (
                    "The following help arguments are invalid: {0}",
                    Hyena.Collections.CollectionExtensions.Join (errors, "--", null, ", "))));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void ShowHelp()
            Console.WriteLine ("Usage: {0} [options...] [files|URIs...]", "banshee");
            Console.WriteLine ();

            string css_file = Path.Combine (Paths.ApplicationData, "gtk.css").Replace (
                            Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "~");

            Layout commands = new Layout (
                new LayoutGroup ("help", Catalog.GetString ("Help Options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("help", Catalog.GetString ("Show this help")),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-playback", Catalog.GetString ("Show options for controlling playback")),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-query-track", Catalog.GetString ("Show options for querying the playing track")),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-query-player", Catalog.GetString ("Show options for querying the playing engine")),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-ui", Catalog.GetString ("Show options for the user interface")),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-debug", Catalog.GetString ("Show options for developers and debugging")),
                    new LayoutOption ("help-all", Catalog.GetString ("Show all option groups")),
                    new LayoutOption ("version", Catalog.GetString ("Show version information"))

                new LayoutGroup ("playback", Catalog.GetString ("Playback Control Options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("next", Catalog.GetString ("Play the next track, optionally restarting if the 'restart' value is set")),
                    new LayoutOption ("previous", Catalog.GetString ("Play the previous track, optionally restarting if the 'restart' value is set")),
                    new LayoutOption ("restart-or-previous", Catalog.GetString ("If the current song has been played longer than 4 seconds then restart it, otherwise the same as --previous")),
                    new LayoutOption ("play-enqueued", Catalog.GetString ("Automatically start playing any tracks enqueued on the command line")),
                    new LayoutOption ("play", Catalog.GetString ("Start playback")),
                    new LayoutOption ("pause", Catalog.GetString ("Pause playback")),
                    new LayoutOption ("toggle-playing", Catalog.GetString ("Toggle playback")),
                    new LayoutOption ("stop", Catalog.GetString ("Completely stop playback")),
                    new LayoutOption ("stop-when-finished", Catalog.GetString (
                        "Enable or disable playback stopping after the currently playing track (value should be either 'true' or 'false')")),
                    new LayoutOption ("set-volume=LEVEL", Catalog.GetString ("Set the playback volume (0-100), prefix with +/- for relative values")),
                    new LayoutOption ("set-position=POS", Catalog.GetString ("Seek to a specific point (seconds, float)")),
                    new LayoutOption ("set-rating=RATING", Catalog.GetString ("Set the currently played track's rating (0 to 5)"))

                new LayoutGroup ("query-player", Catalog.GetString ("Player Engine Query Options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-current-state", Catalog.GetString ("Current player state")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-last-state", Catalog.GetString ("Last player state")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-can-pause", Catalog.GetString ("Query whether the player can be paused")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-can-seek", Catalog.GetString ("Query whether the player can seek")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-volume", Catalog.GetString ("Player volume")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-position", Catalog.GetString ("Player position in currently playing track"))

                new LayoutGroup ("query-track", Catalog.GetString ("Playing Track Metadata Query Options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-uri", Catalog.GetString ("URI")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-artist", Catalog.GetString ("Artist Name")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-album", Catalog.GetString ("Album Title")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-title", Catalog.GetString ("Track Title")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-duration", Catalog.GetString ("Duration")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-track-number", Catalog.GetString ("Track Number")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-track-count", Catalog.GetString ("Track Count")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-disc", Catalog.GetString ("Disc Number")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-year", Catalog.GetString ("Year")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-rating", Catalog.GetString ("Rating")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-score", Catalog.GetString ("Score")),
                    new LayoutOption ("query-bit-rate", Catalog.GetString ("Bit Rate"))

                new LayoutGroup ("ui", Catalog.GetString ("User Interface Options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("show|--present", Catalog.GetString ("Present the user interface on the active workspace")),
                    new LayoutOption ("fullscreen", Catalog.GetString ("Enter the full-screen mode")),
                    new LayoutOption ("hide", Catalog.GetString ("Hide the user interface")),
                    new LayoutOption ("no-present", Catalog.GetString ("Do not present the user interface, regardless of any other options")),
                    new LayoutOption ("show-import-media", Catalog.GetString ("Present the import media dialog box")),
                    new LayoutOption ("show-about", Catalog.GetString ("Present the about dialog")),
                    new LayoutOption ("show-open-location", Catalog.GetString ("Present the open location dialog")),
                    new LayoutOption ("show-preferences", Catalog.GetString ("Present the preferences dialog"))

                new LayoutGroup ("debugging", Catalog.GetString ("Debugging and Development Options"),
                    new LayoutOption ("debug", Catalog.GetString ("Enable general debugging features")),
                    new LayoutOption ("debug-sql", Catalog.GetString ("Enable debugging output of SQL queries")),
                    new LayoutOption ("debug-addins", Catalog.GetString ("Enable debugging output of Mono.Addins")),
                    new LayoutOption ("db=FILE", Catalog.GetString ("Specify an alternate database to use")),
                    new LayoutOption ("fetch-artwork", Catalog.GetString ("Force fetching of missing cover artwork")),
                    new LayoutOption ("gconf-base-key=KEY", Catalog.GetString ("Specify an alternate key, default is /apps/banshee-1/")),
                    new LayoutOption ("uninstalled", Catalog.GetString ("Optimize instance for running uninstalled; " +
                        "most notably, this will create an alternate Mono.Addins database in the working directory")),
                    new LayoutOption ("disable-dbus", Catalog.GetString ("Disable DBus support completely")),
                    new LayoutOption ("no-gtkcss", String.Format (Catalog.GetString (
                        "Skip loading a custom gtk.css file ({0}) if it exists"), css_file)),
                    new LayoutOption ("debug-gtkcss", String.Format (Catalog.GetString (
                        "Reload the custom gtk.css file ({0}) every 5 seconds"), css_file))

            if (ApplicationContext.CommandLine.Contains ("help-all")) {
                Console.WriteLine (commands);

            List<string> errors = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> argument in ApplicationContext.CommandLine.Arguments) {
                switch (argument.Key) {
                    case "help": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("help")); break;
                    case "help-debug": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("debugging")); break;
                    case "help-query-track": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("query-track")); break;
                    case "help-query-player": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("query-player")); break;
                    case "help-ui": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("ui")); break;
                    case "help-playback": Console.WriteLine (commands.ToString ("playback")); break;
                        if (argument.Key.StartsWith ("help")) {
                            (errors ?? (errors = new List<string> ())).Add (argument.Key);

            if (errors != null) {
                Console.WriteLine (commands.LayoutLine (String.Format (Catalog.GetString (
                    "The following help arguments are invalid: {0}"),
                    Hyena.Collections.CollectionExtensions.Join (errors, "--", null, ", "))));