public Hotukdeals Hotukdeal()

            // skip through rss and only head over to Item node
            XmlNodeList items = reader.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item");

            Hotukdeals hotukdeal = new Hotukdeals();

            foreach (XmlNode item in items)

        public Hotukdeals Hotukdeal()
            var deals = page.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class='threadGrid']");

            Hotukdeals hotukdeals = new Hotukdeals();

            var category = page.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@class='size--all-xxl text--b cept-nav-subheadline']").InnerText;

            var categoryImage = page.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@class='img img--type-collection img--square-xl img--toW2-square-m img--noBorder boxShadow']").Attributes["src"].Value;

            foreach (var deal in deals)
            {      // check if the title is not null otherwise skip it
                if (validDeal(deal))
                    if (!expiredDeal(deal))
                        var titleNode = deal.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@class ='cept-tt thread-link linkPlain thread-title--list' ]");
                        var title     = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(titleNode.InnerText).Trim();
                        var link      = titleNode.Attributes["href"].Value;

                        // by pass the lazy load images
                        var imageLink = $"{Parser.forumNumber(link)}_1.jpg";

                        var price = getPrice(deal);

                        var description = deal.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='cept-description-container overflow--wrap-break width--all-12  size--all-s size--fromW3-m']").InnerText;
                        description = description.Replace("Read more", "");

                        var hotMeters    = hotMeter(deal);
                        var merchantName = getMerchantName(deal);

                        var directLink = Parser.getDirectLink(link);

                        var commentCounts = commentCount(deal, link);

                        var madeHotDate = deal.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@class ='hide--toW3']").InnerText;

                        Deal aDeal = new DealBuilder()

