Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void CuctomerRole()
            Console.WriteLine("1. Check in");
            Console.WriteLine("2. Check Out");
            string choice = Console.ReadLine();

            //SelectRooms selectRooms = new SelectRooms();
            //SelectBooking selectBooking = new SelectBooking();
            switch (choice)
            case "1":
                hotelId = SelectByCity();
                var rooms = from room in linqtosqlDataContext.Rooms where room.HotelId == hotelId select room;
                // ArrayList rooms = selectRooms.GetRoomByHotelId(hotelId);
                Console.WriteLine("Rooms status");
                Console.WriteLine(" RoomId  HotelId  RoomType  AvailableRooms  TotalRooms");
                foreach (Room room in rooms)
                    Console.WriteLine(" {0}   {1}   {2}   {3}   {4}", room.RoomId, room.HotelId, room.RoomType, room.AvailableRooms, room.TotalRooms);

                Console.WriteLine("Enter Room Id");
                roomId = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                if (roomId % 2 == 1)
                    throw new Exception("Odd no entered");

                Console.WriteLine("Enter your Details bellow");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter CustomerName");
                string CustomerName = Console.ReadLine();
                //Console.WriteLine("Enter LastName");
                //string lastName = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter EmailId");
                string emailId = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Phone Numer");
                string phoneNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                // logdata.logmethod(DateTime.Now+"  :  customer "+ CustomerName + " checked in for RoomId "+ roomId + " in Hotel Id "+ hotelId);
                logger.Info("new customer is added" + CustomerName + "EmailId" + emailId);
                //logger.Trace("New Customer with name {0} for hotelId {1} for room type Id {2}",CustomerName,hotelId,roomId);
                //SelectCustomer selectCustomer = new SelectCustomer();
                //custId = selectCustomer.InsertCustomerData(firstName, lastName, emailId, phoneNumber);
                Int64 custId = (Int64)linqtosqlDataContext.spInsertCustomer(CustomerName, emailId, phoneNumber).SingleOrDefault().Column1.Value;
                //Customer customer = new Customer

                Console.WriteLine("Adding Booking Details");
                Int64 bookingId = (Int64)linqtosqlDataContext.spInsertBookingDetails(custId, hotelId, roomId).SingleOrDefault().Column1.Value;
                //long bookingId = selectBooking.InsertBookingData(custId, hotelId);
                //  logdata.logmethod(DateTime.Now + "customers booking deatails are added");
                Console.WriteLine("Booking Details are Added Id is {0}", bookingId);
                logger.Info("New customer booked in with Booking Id" + bookingId);
                //logger.Trace("New customer booked in with Booking Id {0}", bookingId);

            case "2":
                hotelId = SelectByCity();
                //ArrayList roomtocheckout = selectRooms.GetRoomByHotelId(hotelId);
                //foreach (Room room in roomtocheckout)
                //    Console.WriteLine(" {0}   {1} ", room.RoomId, room.HotelId);
                var bookingDetails = from bookingDetail in linqtosqlDataContext.BookingDetails where bookingDetail.HotelId == hotelId select bookingDetail;
                //var bookingDetails = linqtosqlDataContext.spSelectBookingDetailByHotelId(hotelId);
                foreach (BookingDetail bookingDetail in bookingDetails)
                    Console.WriteLine(" {0}   {1}   {2}   {3}   {4}  {5}", bookingDetail.BookingId, bookingDetail.CustomerId, bookingDetail.HotelId, bookingDetail.RoomId, bookingDetail.CheckInDate, bookingDetail.CheckOutDate);
                Console.WriteLine("Enter your Booking Id for check out");
                long bookingId1 = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine());
                BookingDetail bd = linqtosqlDataContext.BookingDetails.SingleOrDefault(x => x.BookingId == bookingId1);
                //long rid = linqtosqlDataContext.
                logger.Info("customer checked out");
                long rid         = (Int64)bd.RoomId;
                Room rmForUpdate = linqtosqlDataContext.Rooms.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RoomId == rid);
                rmForUpdate.AvailableRooms = rmForUpdate.AvailableRooms + 1;
                // linqtosqlDataContext.SubmitChanges();
                Console.WriteLine("CheckedOut Successfully");
 private void detach_BookingDetails(BookingDetail entity)
     entity.Hotel = null;
 private void attach_BookingDetails(BookingDetail entity)
     entity.Customer = this;
 partial void DeleteBookingDetail(BookingDetail instance);
 partial void UpdateBookingDetail(BookingDetail instance);
 partial void InsertBookingDetail(BookingDetail instance);