Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TryGetVariableAsHandle_MultipleCases()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key           = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int      tExpectedVal1 = 1111;

            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1

            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // out value;
            int value = -1;

            ObjectHandle objHVal = new ObjectHandle(value);

            // Case 1
            Assert.IsTrue(TestScope.TryGetVariableHandle(key[0], out objHVal));
            Assert.IsTrue((int)(objHVal.Unwrap()) == tExpectedVal1);

            // reset
            value   = -1;
            objHVal = new ObjectHandle(value);
            // Case 2
            Assert.IsFalse(TestScope.TryGetVariableHandle(key[1], out objHVal));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TryGetVariable_multipleCases()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key           = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int      tExpectedVal1 = 1111;

            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1
            //int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;
            //global[key[1]] = 2222; // case 2

            ScriptScope testScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // out value;
            int value = -1;

            // Case 1
            Assert.IsTrue(testScope.TryGetVariable(key[0], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == tExpectedVal1);

            // Not null!
            int tExpectedRtnValueOfNonExistentVar = 0;

            // reset
            value = -1;
            // Case 2

            Assert.IsFalse(testScope.TryGetVariable(key[1], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == tExpectedRtnValueOfNonExistentVar);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void CreateScope_UsingValidScopeDic()
            // Create a Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            global["One"]   = 1;
            global["Two"]   = 2;
            global["Three"] = 3;

            // Greate a new Scope and or get default scope...
            ScriptScope testScope = _testEng.Runtime.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));

            foreach (string str in testScope.GetVariableNames())
                Assert.AreEqual(global[str], testScope.GetVariable(str));

            // Now verify that changes to the TestScope are reflected in the global scope.
            string updateTestKey = "Four";

            testScope.SetVariable(updateTestKey, 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(global[updateTestKey], testScope.GetVariable(updateTestKey));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void GetVariableGenericT_ExistingVarGenericTypeCheck()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key           = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int      tExpectedVal1 = 1111;

            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;

            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // ScriptScope TestNullScope = null;
            object obj = new object();
            // What is ObjectHandle used for?
            ObjectHandle oResult = new ObjectHandle(obj);
            int          val     = TestScope.GetVariable <int>(key[0]);

            // Check return type and value
            Assert.IsTrue(val.GetType() == tExpectedVal1.GetType());
            Assert.IsTrue(val == tExpectedVal1);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void GetVariable_EmptyString()
            // Create a Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            global["Test1"] = 1111;
            global["Test2"] = 2222;
            global["Test3"] = 3333;

            StringBuilder TestName = new StringBuilder();
            // TestName = String.Empty;
            string tName = TestName.ToString();
            // Test value
            object testVal = 7777;

            global[tName] = testVal;

            string msg = string.Format("Make sure our test data is a valid empty string '{0}",

            Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrEmpty(tName), msg);

            // Setup up the default scope.
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));

            // Now try to retrieve empty variable.
            object expVal = TestScope.GetVariable(tName);

            msg = string.Format("Trying to retrieve the empty string from the local scope");
            Assert.IsTrue(expVal.Equals(testVal), msg);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ContainVariable_NameLengthGT256WithNonExistingName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            // string > 20
            string[] key           = { "test123456789ABCDEFGHIJ", "test2", "test3" };
            int      tExpectedVal1 = 1111;

            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1;
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;

            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            int           BigValueToTestBeyond = 256;
            StringBuilder longStrTest          = new StringBuilder("test_var_");

            for (int i = 0; i < BigValueToTestBeyond + 1; i++)
                longStrTest.Append(string.Format("{0}", i));

            string tLongKey = longStrTest.ToString();

            // Validate that this key is longer then 256
            Assert.IsTrue(tLongKey.Length > BigValueToTestBeyond);

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));

            // Lookup Long key
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TryGetVariableGenericT_MultipleCases()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key           = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int      tExpectedVal1 = 1111;

            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // out value;
            int value = -1;

            ObjectHandle objHVal = new ObjectHandle(value);

            // Case 1
            //int outV;
            Assert.IsTrue(TestScope.TryGetVariable <int>(key[0], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == tExpectedVal1);

            // reset
            value = -1;
            // Case 2 - Not sure about this
            Assert.IsFalse(TestScope.TryGetVariable <int>(key[1], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == 0);

            //@TODO - Add Case 3 - HOW CAN I TEST THIS CASE need more info.
        public void Execute_AccessValidVarInScope()
            // Setup tests data
            ScriptScopeDictionary env = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            env["test1"] = -10;

            ValidateExecute(env, "abs(test1)", 10);
        private void ValidateExecute(ScriptScopeDictionary env, string expression, int expResult)
            ScriptSource source = _testEng.CreateScriptSourceFromString(expression,
            // Create scope
            ScriptScope scope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(env));

            // Execute source using scope and capture result
            object testResult = source.Execute(scope);

            // test result against expected result
            Assert.AreEqual(expResult, (int)testResult);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void CreateScope_InvokeMethodTwiceWithSameGlobals()
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            ScriptRuntime runTimeOne = CreateRuntime();
            ScriptRuntime runTimeTwo = CreateRuntime();

            dict["foo_1"] = 1000;

            ScriptScope scope1 = runTimeOne.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));
            ScriptScope scope2 = runTimeTwo.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));

Exemplo n.º 11
        public void GetVariableAsHandle_NullName()
            // Create a valid Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            global["Test1"] = 1111;

            // Create the Scope
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // Create a null string to lookup
            string       tNullName = null;
            ObjectHandle ObjHdl    = TestScope.GetVariableHandle(tNullName);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void CreateScope_InvokeMethodTwiceWithSameGlobals()
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            ScriptRuntime runTimeOne = CreateRuntime();
            ScriptRuntime runTimeTwo = CreateRuntime();

            dict["foo_1"] = 1000;

            ScriptScope scope1 = runTimeOne.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando (dict));
            ScriptScope scope2 = runTimeTwo.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando (dict));

            Assert.IsTrue( scope1.IsSimilarButNotSameAs(scope2));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Globals_TryToAccessNamesSet()
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            string key = "foo";

            dict[key] = 1;

            _runtime.Globals = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _runtime.Globals.GetVariable(key));

            dict[key]        = 2;
            _runtime.Globals = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, _runtime.Globals.GetVariable(key));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void SetVariable_ScopeBoundToEngineSetExistingName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            string[] key = { "Test1", "test2", "TEST3" };
            global[key[0]] = 1111;
            global[key[1]] = 2222;
            global[key[2]] = 3333;

            object tNewValue = 4444;

            _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global)).SetVariable(key[2], tNewValue);

Exemplo n.º 15
        public void ContainVariable_EmptyStringValue()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            // string > 20
            string[] key = { "test1", "", "test3" };
            int tExpectedVal1 = 1111;
            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1;
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;
            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // Test for empty var!
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void CreateScope_LinkBetweenReturnedScopeAndArg()
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            ScriptScope attachedScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));
            string key = "how";
            string editDict = "through dict", editScope = "through scope";

            //edit a) dictionary directly b)through the scope
            dict[key] = editDict;
            attachedScope.SetVariable(key, editScope);

            Assert.AreEqual(dict[key], editScope);

            dict[key] = editDict;
            Assert.AreEqual(editDict, attachedScope.GetVariable(key));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void CreateScope_LinkBetweenReturnedScopeAndArg()
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict          = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            ScriptScope           attachedScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));
            string key = "how";
            string editDict = "through dict", editScope = "through scope";

            //edit a) dictionary directly b)through the scope
            dict[key] = editDict;
            attachedScope.SetVariable(key, editScope);

            Assert.AreEqual(dict[key], editScope);

            dict[key] = editDict;
            Assert.AreEqual(editDict, attachedScope.GetVariable(key));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void SetVariable_ScopeBoundToEngineSetNewName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            string[] key = { "Test1", "test2", "TEST3" };
            global[key[0]] = 1111;
            global[key[1]] = 2222;
            global[key[2]] = 3333;

            string newName  = "test4";
            object newValue = 4444;

            _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global)).SetVariable(newName, newValue);

            // Verify new Variable has been created.
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void CreateScope_PassValidScope()
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            dict["foo_1"] = 1000;
            dict["foo_2"] = 2000;

            ScriptScope linkedScope = _runtime.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));

            linkedScope.SetVariable("foo_3", 3000);
            linkedScope.SetVariable("foo_4", 4000);


Exemplo n.º 20
        public void ContainVariable_NameLengthTwentyWithExistingName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            // string > 20
            string[] key           = { "test123456789ABCDEFGHIJ", "test2", "test3" };
            int      tExpectedVal1 = 1111;

            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1;
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;

            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));

Exemplo n.º 21
        public void ContainVariable_EmptyStringValue()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            // string > 20
            string[] key           = { "test1", "", "test3" };
            int      tExpectedVal1 = 1111;

            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1;
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;

            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));

            // Test for empty var!
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void GetVariableAsHandle_LocalEngineExistingName()
            // Create a valid Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            // Populate with some test data
            global["Test1"] = 1111;

            // Create the Scope
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // Create a null string to lookup
            string       tKey   = "Test1";
            ObjectHandle ObjHdl = TestScope.GetVariableHandle(tKey);
            // Verify that we we can access "Test1"
            string msg = string.Format("The remote lookup scope is {0}", ObjHdl);
            // Unwrap the value in the ObjectHandle
            object tObj = ObjHdl.Unwrap();

            // Validate they are equal
            Assert.IsTrue(tObj == global[tKey], msg);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Execute_AccessVarPreDefinedInScope()
            ScriptScopeDictionary env = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            env["k"] = (object)1;

            ScriptSource    source      = _testEng.CreateScriptSourceFromString(_codeSnippets[CodeType.OneLineAssignmentStatement] + "\nw=k+x", SourceCodeKind.Statements);
            MyErrorListener errorListen = new MyErrorListener();
            CompiledCode    compiled    = source.Compile(errorListen);

            Assert.IsTrue(errorListen._message == null);
            ScriptScope scope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(env));


            object result = scope.GetVariable("x");

            Assert.AreEqual(result, (object)3);
            result = scope.GetVariable("w");
            Assert.AreEqual(result, (object)4);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void SetVariable_ScopeBoundToEngineSetNewName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            string[] key = { "Test1", "test2", "TEST3" };
            global[key[0]] = 1111;
            global[key[1]] = 2222;
            global[key[2]] = 3333;

            string newName = "test4";
            object newValue = 4444;
            _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global)).SetVariable(newName, newValue);

            // Verify new Variable has been created.
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void TryGetVariableGenericT_MultipleCases()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int tExpectedVal1 = 1111;
            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // out value;
            int value = -1;

            ObjectHandle objHVal = new ObjectHandle(value);

            // Case 1
            //int outV;
            Assert.IsTrue(TestScope.TryGetVariable<int>(key[0], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == tExpectedVal1);

            // reset
            value = -1;
            // Case 2 - Not sure about this
            Assert.IsFalse(TestScope.TryGetVariable<int>(key[1], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == 0);

            //@TODO - Add Case 3 - HOW CAN I TEST THIS CASE need more info.
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void Execute_AccessVarPreDefinedInScope() {

            ScriptScopeDictionary env = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            env["k"] = (object)1;

            ScriptSource source = _testEng.CreateScriptSourceFromString(_codeSnippets[CodeType.OneLineAssignmentStatement] + "\nw=k+x", SourceCodeKind.Statements);
            MyErrorListener errorListen = new MyErrorListener();
            CompiledCode compiled = source.Compile(errorListen);
            Assert.IsTrue(errorListen._message == null);
            ScriptScope scope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(env));


            object result = scope.GetVariable("x");
            Assert.AreEqual(result, (object)3);
            result = scope.GetVariable("w");
            Assert.AreEqual(result, (object)4);

Exemplo n.º 27
        public void Execute_AccessValidVarInScope()
            // Setup tests data
            ScriptScopeDictionary env = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            env["test1"] = -10;

            ValidateExecute(env, "abs(test1)", 10);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void GetVariableGenericT_ExistingVarGenericTypeCheck()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int tExpectedVal1 = 1111;
            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;
            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // ScriptScope TestNullScope = null;
            object obj = new object();
            // What is ObjectHandle used for?
            ObjectHandle oResult = new ObjectHandle(obj);
            int val = TestScope.GetVariable<int>(key[0]);

            // Check return type and value
            Assert.IsTrue(val.GetType() == tExpectedVal1.GetType());
            Assert.IsTrue(val == tExpectedVal1);
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void ValidateExecute(ScriptScopeDictionary env, string expression, int expResult) {
            ScriptSource source = _testEng.CreateScriptSourceFromString(expression,
            // Create scope
            ScriptScope scope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(env));

            // Execute source using scope and capture result
            object testResult = source.Execute(scope);
            // test result against expected result
            Assert.AreEqual(expResult, (int)testResult);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void ContainVariable_NameLengthTwentyWithExistingName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            // string > 20
            string[] key = { "test123456789ABCDEFGHIJ", "test2", "test3" };
            int tExpectedVal1 = 1111;
            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1;
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;
            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));

Exemplo n.º 31
        public void Globals_TryToAccessNamesSet(){
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            string key = "foo";
            dict[key] = 1;
            _runtime.Globals = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _runtime.Globals.GetVariable( key));

            dict[key] = 2;
            _runtime.Globals = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, _runtime.Globals.GetVariable(key));
Exemplo n.º 32
        public void SetVariable_ScopeBoundToEngineSetExistingName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();

            string[] key = { "Test1", "test2", "TEST3" };
            global[key[0]] = 1111;
            global[key[1]] = 2222;
            global[key[2]] = 3333;

            object tNewValue = 4444;
            _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global)).SetVariable(key[2], tNewValue);

Exemplo n.º 33
        public void CreateScope_UsingValidScopeDic()
            // Create a Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            global["One"] = 1;
            global["Two"] = 2;
            global["Three"] = 3;

            // Greate a new Scope and or get default scope...
            ScriptScope testScope = _testEng.Runtime.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            foreach (string str in testScope.GetVariableNames()) {
                Assert.AreEqual(global[str], testScope.GetVariable(str));

            // Now verify that changes to the TestScope are reflected in the global scope.
            string updateTestKey = "Four";
            testScope.SetVariable(updateTestKey, 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(global[updateTestKey], testScope.GetVariable(updateTestKey));
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void GetVariableAsHandle_NullName()
            // Create a valid Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            global["Test1"] = 1111;

            // Create the Scope
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // Create a null string to lookup
            string tNullName = null;
            ObjectHandle ObjHdl = TestScope.GetVariableHandle(tNullName);
Exemplo n.º 35
        public void TryGetVariableAsHandle_MultipleCases()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int tExpectedVal1 = 1111;
            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1

            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // out value;
            int value = -1;

            ObjectHandle objHVal = new ObjectHandle(value);

            // Case 1
            Assert.IsTrue(TestScope.TryGetVariableHandle(key[0], out objHVal));
            Assert.IsTrue((int)(objHVal.Unwrap()) == tExpectedVal1);

            // reset
            value = -1;
            objHVal = new ObjectHandle(value);
            // Case 2
            Assert.IsFalse(TestScope.TryGetVariableHandle(key[1], out objHVal));
Exemplo n.º 36
        public void TryGetVariable_multipleCases()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            string[] key = { "test1", "test2", "test3" };
            int tExpectedVal1 = 1111;
            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1; // case 1
            //int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;
            //global[key[1]] = 2222; // case 2

            ScriptScope testScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // out value;
            int value = -1;

            // Case 1
            Assert.IsTrue(testScope.TryGetVariable(key[0], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == tExpectedVal1);

            // Not null!
            int tExpectedRtnValueOfNonExistentVar = 0;
            // reset
            value = -1;
            // Case 2

            Assert.IsFalse(testScope.TryGetVariable(key[1], out value));
            Assert.IsTrue(value == tExpectedRtnValueOfNonExistentVar);
Exemplo n.º 37
        public void ContainVariable_NameLengthGT256WithNonExistingName()
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            // string > 20
            string[] key = { "test123456789ABCDEFGHIJ", "test2", "test3" };
            int tExpectedVal1 = 1111;
            global[key[0]] = tExpectedVal1;
            int tExpectedVal2 = 2222;
            global[key[1]] = tExpectedVal2;

            int BigValueToTestBeyond = 256;
            StringBuilder longStrTest = new StringBuilder("test_var_");
            for (int i = 0; i < BigValueToTestBeyond + 1; i++) {
                longStrTest.Append(string.Format("{0}", i));

            string tLongKey = longStrTest.ToString();

            // Validate that this key is longer then 256
            Assert.IsTrue(tLongKey.Length > BigValueToTestBeyond);

            // Get default scope with set values
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // Lookup Long key
Exemplo n.º 38
        public void CreateScope_PassValidScope(){
            ScriptScopeDictionary dict = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            dict["foo_1"] = 1000;
            dict["foo_2"] = 2000;

            ScriptScope linkedScope = _runtime.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(dict));

            linkedScope.SetVariable("foo_3", 3000);
            linkedScope.SetVariable("foo_4", 4000);


Exemplo n.º 39
        public void GetVariableAsHandle_LocalEngineExistingName()
            // Create a valid Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            global["Test1"] = 1111;

            // Create the Scope
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));
            // Create a null string to lookup
            string tKey = "Test1";
            ObjectHandle ObjHdl = TestScope.GetVariableHandle(tKey);
            // Verify that we we can access "Test1"
            string msg = string.Format("The remote lookup scope is {0}", ObjHdl);
            // Unwrap the value in the ObjectHandle
            object tObj = ObjHdl.Unwrap();
            // Validate they are equal
            Assert.IsTrue(tObj == global[tKey], msg);
Exemplo n.º 40
        public void GetVariable_EmptyString()
            // Create a Scope Dictionary
            ScriptScopeDictionary global = new ScriptScopeDictionary();
            // Populate with some test data
            global["Test1"] = 1111;
            global["Test2"] = 2222;
            global["Test3"] = 3333;

            StringBuilder TestName = new StringBuilder();
            // TestName = String.Empty;
            string tName = TestName.ToString();
            // Test value
            object testVal = 7777;
            global[tName] = testVal;

            string msg = string.Format("Make sure our test data is a valid empty string '{0}",
            Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrEmpty(tName), msg);

            // Setup up the default scope.
            ScriptScope TestScope = _testEng.CreateScope(new ObjectDictionaryExpando(global));

            // Now try to retrieve empty variable.
            object expVal = TestScope.GetVariable(tName);

            msg = string.Format("Trying to retrieve the empty string from the local scope");
            Assert.IsTrue(expVal.Equals(testVal), msg);