Exemplo n.º 1
        private static int ChooseMaskPattern(BitVector bits, ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel, int version,
                                             ByteMatrix matrix)
            int minPenalty      = int.MaxValue; // Lower penalty is better.
            int bestMaskPattern = -1;

            // We try all mask patterns to choose the best one.
            for (int maskPattern = 0; maskPattern < QRCode.NUM_MASK_PATTERNS; maskPattern++)
                MatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(bits, ecLevel, version, maskPattern, matrix);
                int penalty = CalculateMaskPenalty(matrix);
                if (penalty < minPenalty)
                    minPenalty      = penalty;
                    bestMaskPattern = maskPattern;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(int xStart, int yStart,
                                                   ByteMatrix matrix)
     // We know the width and height.
         throw new WriterException("Bad position detection pattern");
     for (int y = 0; y < 7; ++y)
         for (int x = 0; x < 7; ++x)
             if (!IsEmpty(matrix.Get(xStart + x, yStart + y)))
                 throw new WriterException();
             matrix.Set(xStart + x, yStart + y, POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[y][x]);
Exemplo n.º 3
 // Note that we cannot unify the function with EmbedPositionDetectionPattern() despite they are
 // almost identical, since we cannot write a function that takes 2D arrays in different sizes in
 // C/C++. We should live with the fact.
 private static void EmbedPositionAdjustmentPattern(int xStart, int yStart,
                                                    ByteMatrix matrix)
     // We know the width and height.
         throw new WriterException("Bad position adjustment");
     for (int y = 0; y < 5; ++y)
         for (int x = 0; x < 5; ++x)
             if (!IsEmpty(matrix.Get(xStart + x, yStart + y)))
                 throw new WriterException();
             matrix.Set(xStart + x, yStart + y, POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN[y][x]);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Apply mask penalty rule 2 and return the penalty. Find 2x2 blocks with the same color and give
        // penalty to them.
        public static int ApplyMaskPenaltyRule2(ByteMatrix matrix)
            int penalty = 0;

            sbyte[][] array  = matrix.GetArray();
            int       width  = matrix.GetWidth();
            int       height = matrix.GetHeight();

            for (int y = 0; y < height - 1; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < width - 1; ++x)
                    int value = array[y][x];
                    if (value == array[y][x + 1] && value == array[y + 1][x] && value == array[y + 1][x + 1])
                        penalty += 3;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Apply mask penalty rule 4 and return the penalty. Calculate the ratio of dark cells and give
        // penalty if the ratio is far from 50%. It gives 10 penalty for 5% distance. Examples:
        // -   0% => 100
        // -  40% =>  20
        // -  45% =>  10
        // -  50% =>   0
        // -  55% =>  10
        // -  55% =>  20
        // - 100% => 100
        public static int ApplyMaskPenaltyRule4(ByteMatrix matrix)
            int numDarkCells = 0;

            sbyte[][] array  = matrix.GetArray();
            int       width  = matrix.GetWidth();
            int       height = matrix.GetHeight();

            for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    if (array[y][x] == 1)
                        numDarkCells += 1;
            int    numTotalCells = matrix.GetHeight() * matrix.GetWidth();
            double darkRatio     = (double)numDarkCells / numTotalCells;

            return(Math.Abs((int)(darkRatio * 100 - 50)) / 5 * 10);
Exemplo n.º 6
 // This takes ownership of the 2D array.
 public void SetMatrix(ByteMatrix value)
     matrix = value;
Exemplo n.º 7
 // Apply mask penalty rule 1 and return the penalty. Find repetitive cells with the same color and
 // give penalty to them. Example: 00000 or 11111.
 public static int ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1(ByteMatrix matrix)
     return(ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(matrix, true) + ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(matrix, false));
Exemplo n.º 8
        // Embed type information. On success, modify the matrix.
        public static void EmbedTypeInfo(ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel, int maskPattern, ByteMatrix matrix)
            BitVector typeInfoBits = new BitVector();

            MakeTypeInfoBits(ecLevel, maskPattern, typeInfoBits);

            for (int i = 0; i < typeInfoBits.Size(); ++i)
                // Place bits in LSB to MSB order.  LSB (least significant bit) is the last value in
                // "typeInfoBits".
                int bit = typeInfoBits.At(typeInfoBits.Size() - 1 - i);

                // Type info bits at the left top corner. See 8.9 of JISX0510:2004 (p.46).
                int x1 = TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[i][0];
                int y1 = TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[i][1];
                matrix.Set(x1, y1, bit);

                if (i < 8)
                    // Right top corner.
                    int x2 = matrix.GetWidth() - i - 1;
                    int y2 = 8;
                    matrix.Set(x2, y2, bit);
                    // Left bottom corner.
                    int x2 = 8;
                    int y2 = matrix.GetHeight() - 7 + (i - 8);
                    matrix.Set(x2, y2, bit);
Exemplo n.º 9
 // Set all cells to -1.  -1 means that the cell is empty (not set yet).
 // JAVAPORT: We shouldn't need to do this at all. The code should be rewritten to begin encoding
 // with the ByteMatrix initialized all to zero.
 public static void ClearMatrix(ByteMatrix matrix)
Exemplo n.º 10
         * Creates the QR barcode. The barcode is always created with the smallest possible size and is then stretched
         * to the width and height given. Set the width and height to 1 to get an unscaled barcode.
         * @param content the text to be encoded
         * @param width the barcode width
         * @param height the barcode height
         * @param hints modifiers to change the way the barcode is create. They can be EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION
         * and EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET. For EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION the values can be ErrorCorrectionLevel.L, M, Q, H.
         * For EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET the values are strings and can be Cp437, Shift_JIS and ISO-8859-1 to ISO-8859-16.
         * You can also use UTF-8, but correct behaviour is not guaranteed as Unicode is not supported in QRCodes.
         * The default value is ISO-8859-1.
         * @throws WriterException
        public BarcodeQRCode(String content, int width, int height, IDictionary <EncodeHintType, Object> hints)
            QRCodeWriter qc = new QRCodeWriter();

            bm = qc.Encode(content, width, height, hints);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void Encode(String content, ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel, IDictionary <EncodeHintType, Object> hints,
                                  QRCode qrCode)
            String encoding = null;

            if (hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET))
                encoding = (string)hints[EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET];
            if (encoding == null)
                encoding = DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ENCODING;

            // Step 1: Choose the mode (encoding).
            Mode mode = ChooseMode(content, encoding);

            // Step 2: Append "bytes" into "dataBits" in appropriate encoding.
            BitVector dataBits = new BitVector();

            AppendBytes(content, mode, dataBits, encoding);
            // Step 3: Initialize QR code that can contain "dataBits".
            int numInputBytes = dataBits.SizeInBytes();

            InitQRCode(numInputBytes, ecLevel, mode, qrCode);

            // Step 4: Build another bit vector that contains header and data.
            BitVector headerAndDataBits = new BitVector();

            // Step 4.5: Append ECI message if applicable
            if (mode == Mode.BYTE && !DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ENCODING.Equals(encoding))
                CharacterSetECI eci = CharacterSetECI.GetCharacterSetECIByName(encoding);
                if (eci != null)
                    AppendECI(eci, headerAndDataBits);

            AppendModeInfo(mode, headerAndDataBits);

            int numLetters = mode.Equals(Mode.BYTE) ? dataBits.SizeInBytes() : content.Length;

            AppendLengthInfo(numLetters, qrCode.GetVersion(), mode, headerAndDataBits);

            // Step 5: Terminate the bits properly.
            TerminateBits(qrCode.GetNumDataBytes(), headerAndDataBits);

            // Step 6: Interleave data bits with error correction code.
            BitVector finalBits = new BitVector();

            InterleaveWithECBytes(headerAndDataBits, qrCode.GetNumTotalBytes(), qrCode.GetNumDataBytes(),
                                  qrCode.GetNumRSBlocks(), finalBits);

            // Step 7: Choose the mask pattern and set to "qrCode".
            ByteMatrix matrix = new ByteMatrix(qrCode.GetMatrixWidth(), qrCode.GetMatrixWidth());

            qrCode.SetMaskPattern(ChooseMaskPattern(finalBits, qrCode.GetECLevel(), qrCode.GetVersion(),

            // Step 8.  Build the matrix and set it to "qrCode".
            MatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(finalBits, qrCode.GetECLevel(), qrCode.GetVersion(),
                                   qrCode.GetMaskPattern(), matrix);
            // Step 9.  Make sure we have a valid QR Code.
            if (!qrCode.IsValid())
                throw new WriterException("Invalid QR code: " + qrCode.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 12
        // Note that the input matrix uses 0 == white, 1 == black, while the output matrix uses
        // 0 == black, 255 == white (i.e. an 8 bit greyscale bitmap).
        private static ByteMatrix RenderResult(QRCode code, int width, int height)
            ByteMatrix input        = code.GetMatrix();
            int        inputWidth   = input.GetWidth();
            int        inputHeight  = input.GetHeight();
            int        qrWidth      = inputWidth + (QUIET_ZONE_SIZE << 1);
            int        qrHeight     = inputHeight + (QUIET_ZONE_SIZE << 1);
            int        outputWidth  = Math.Max(width, qrWidth);
            int        outputHeight = Math.Max(height, qrHeight);

            int multiple = Math.Min(outputWidth / qrWidth, outputHeight / qrHeight);
            // Padding includes both the quiet zone and the extra white pixels to accommodate the requested
            // dimensions. For example, if input is 25x25 the QR will be 33x33 including the quiet zone.
            // If the requested size is 200x160, the multiple will be 4, for a QR of 132x132. These will
            // handle all the padding from 100x100 (the actual QR) up to 200x160.
            int leftPadding = (outputWidth - (inputWidth * multiple)) / 2;
            int topPadding  = (outputHeight - (inputHeight * multiple)) / 2;

            ByteMatrix output = new ByteMatrix(outputWidth, outputHeight);

            sbyte[][] outputArray = output.GetArray();

            // We could be tricky and use the first row in each set of multiple as the temporary storage,
            // instead of allocating this separate array.
            sbyte[] row = new sbyte[outputWidth];

            // 1. Write the white lines at the top
            for (int y = 0; y < topPadding; y++)
                SetRowColor(outputArray[y], (sbyte)-1);

            // 2. Expand the QR image to the multiple
            sbyte[][] inputArray = input.GetArray();
            for (int y = 0; y < inputHeight; y++)
                // a. Write the white pixels at the left of each row
                for (int x = 0; x < leftPadding; x++)
                    row[x] = (sbyte)-1;

                // b. Write the contents of this row of the barcode
                int offset = leftPadding;
                for (int x = 0; x < inputWidth; x++)
                    sbyte value = (inputArray[y][x] == 1) ? (sbyte)0 : (sbyte)-1;
                    for (int z = 0; z < multiple; z++)
                        row[offset + z] = value;
                    offset += multiple;

                // c. Write the white pixels at the right of each row
                offset = leftPadding + (inputWidth * multiple);
                for (int x = offset; x < outputWidth; x++)
                    row[x] = (sbyte)-1;

                // d. Write the completed row multiple times
                offset = topPadding + (y * multiple);
                for (int z = 0; z < multiple; z++)
                    System.Array.Copy(row, 0, outputArray[offset + z], 0, outputWidth);

            // 3. Write the white lines at the bottom
            int offset2 = topPadding + (inputHeight * multiple);

            for (int y = offset2; y < outputHeight; y++)
                SetRowColor(outputArray[y], (sbyte)-1);
