Exemplo n.º 1
        public void EnableLandAtTarget()
            if (_tgts.Count == 0)
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("No targets", 3.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
                autoMode = AutoMode.Off;
            checkingLanded = false; // stop trajectory being cancelled while on ground
            lowestY        = FindLowestPointOnVessel();
            Vector3d r0 = vessel.GetWorldPos3D();
            Vector3d v0 = vessel.GetSrfVelocity();
            Vector3d g  = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(r0);
            Vector3d vf = new Vector3d(0, -touchDownSpeed, 0);

            ComputeMinMaxThrust(out _minThrust, out _maxThrust);
            if (_maxThrust == 0)
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("No engine thrust (activate engines)", 3.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
                autoMode = AutoMode.Off;
            _startTime = Time.time;
            double amin = _minThrust / vessel.totalMass;
            double amax = _maxThrust / vessel.totalMass;

            if (amin > g.magnitude)
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Difficult to land as thrust of engine is greater than gravity", 3.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
            if (amin > amax * 0.95)
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Engine doesn't appear to be throttleable. This makes precision guidance impossible", 3.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
                autoMode = AutoMode.Off;

            solver      = new Solve();
            solver.Tmin = 1;
            solver.tol  = 0.5;
            solver.vmax = maxV;
            solver.amin = amin * (1 + errMargin);
            solver.amax = amax * (1 - errMargin);
            solver.minDurationPerThrust     = 4;
            solver.maxThrustsBetweenTargets = 3;
            solver.g = g.magnitude;
            solver.minDescentAngle       = minDescentAngle;
            solver.maxThrustAngle        = maxThrustAngle * (1 - 2 * errMargin);
            solver.maxLandingThrustAngle = 0.1f * maxThrustAngle; // 10% of max thrust angle
            // hack for large craft to allow extra slowdown time at target to prepare for next target
            // where thrust is just over gravity give 5 seconds extra time
            // where thrust is double gravity than use 0.5 secs extra time
            solver.extraTime = (float)(2.5 - 2 * Math.Min(0.5 * (amax / g.magnitude), 1));

            // Shut-off throttle
            FlightCtrlState ctrl = new FlightCtrlState();

            ctrl.mainThrottle = (_keepIgnited)?0.01f:0;

            // Compute trajectory to landing spot
            List <SolveTarget> targets = new List <SolveTarget>();
            Vector3d           tr0     = _transform.InverseTransformPoint(r0);

            tr0.y += 0.1f; // move up slightly to ensure above ground plane
            Vector3d tv0 = _transform.InverseTransformVector(v0);

            // Create list of solve targets
            double   d   = 0;
            Vector3  cr  = tr0;
            Vector3d wrf = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d wvf = Vector3d.zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < _tgts.Count; i++)
                SolveTarget tgt = new SolveTarget();
                Vector3d    pos = vessel.mainBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(_tgts[i].lat, _tgts[i].lon, _tgts[i].alt + _tgts[i].height);
                tgt.r     = _transform.InverseTransformPoint(pos); // convert to local (for orientation)
                tgt.raxes = SolveTarget.X | SolveTarget.Y | SolveTarget.Z;
                if (i == _tgts.Count - 1)                          // final target
                    tgt.r.y  += -lowestY;
                    wrf       = _transform.TransformPoint(tgt.r);
                    tgt.vaxes = SolveTarget.X | SolveTarget.Y | SolveTarget.Z;
                    tgt.v     = vf;
                    wvf       = _transform.TransformVector(tgt.v); // to correct final later
                tgt.t = -1;
                d     = d + (cr - tgt.r).magnitude;
                cr    = tgt.r;

            solver.Tmax = -1; // Forces estimation given initial position, velocity and targets

            solver.apex = targets[targets.Count - 1].r;
            _traj       = new Trajectory();

            SolveResult result = MainProg.MultiPartSolve(ref solver, ref _traj, tr0, tv0, ref targets, (float)g.magnitude, extendTime);

            Log(solver.DumpString() + " " + result.DumpString());
            if (result.isSolved()) // solved for complete path?
                string msg = String.Format("Found solution T={0:F1} Fuel={1:F1}", result.T, result.fuel);
                Log(msg, true);
                // Enable autopilot
                _pid3d.Init(corrFactor, ki1, 0, corrFactor * kP2Scale, ki2, 0, maxV, (float)amax, yMult);
                // TODO - Testing out using in solution co-ordinates
                DrawTargets(_tgts, _transform, targetcol, tgtSize);
                vessel.OnFlyByWire += new FlightInputCallback(Fly);
                // Write solution
                if (_logging)
                    List <string> comments = new List <string>();
                    // Thrusts
                    List <float> thrust_times = new List <float>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.thrusts.Length; i++)
                    comments.Add("thrust_times=" + String.Join(",", thrust_times));
                    if (result.checktimes != null)
                        comments.Add("check_times=" + String.Join(",", result.checktimes));
                    _traj.Write(_solutionLogFilename, comments);
                autoMode = AutoMode.LandAtTarget;
                Events["ToggleGuidance"].guiName = "Cancel guidance";
                Events["ToggleGuidance"].guiName = "Failed! - Cancel guidance";
                string msg = "Failure to find solution as ";
                // Do some checks
                if (v0.magnitude > maxV)
                    msg = msg + " velocity over " + maxV + " m/s";
                else if (amax < g.magnitude)
                    msg = msg + "engine has insufficient thrust, no engines active or no fuel";
                else if (amin > g.magnitude)
                    msg = msg + "can't throttle engine low enough to descent";
                    msg = msg + "impossible to reach target within constraints";
                Log(msg, true);
                autoMode = AutoMode.Failed;
            if (result.isSolved()) // solved for complete path? - show partial?
                DrawTrack(_traj, _transform);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static int Main(string[] mainargs)
            if (mainargs.Length == 0)
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("usage: VesselSim.exe  - computes a solution given initial conditions like SolveText.exe but also simulates a vessel like running inside KSP");
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("vessel options:  r0offset=<float>");
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("                 v0offset=<float>");
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("                 maxT=<float>");
            var                solver     = new Solve();
            var                result     = new SolveResult();
            var                traj       = new Trajectory();
            var                controller = new PDController();
            bool               correct    = false;
            Vector3d           r0         = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d           v0         = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d           rf         = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d           vf         = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d           r0offset   = Vector3d.zero; // move away from compute solution at start
            Vector3d           v0offset   = Vector3d.zero;
            int                rfaxes     = 0;
            int                vfaxes     = 0;
            double             dt         = 0.1;
            double             maxT       = 0;
            List <SolveTarget> targets    = new List <SolveTarget>();

            foreach (var arg in HGUtils.ToKeyValuePairs(mainargs))
                bool used = solver.Set(arg.Item1, arg.Item2);
                if (controller.Set(arg.Item1, arg.Item2))
                    used = true;
                if (SetTargets(arg.Item1, arg.Item2, ref r0, ref v0, ref rf, ref vf, ref rfaxes, ref vfaxes, ref targets, ref correct))
                    used = true;
                if (Set(arg.Item1, arg.Item2, ref dt, ref maxT, ref r0offset, ref v0offset))
                    used = true;
                if (!used)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Unexpected argument: " + arg.Item1 + "=" + arg.Item2);
            SetFinalTarget(rf, vf, rfaxes, vfaxes, ref targets);

            if (targets.Count == 0)
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Error! You must specify targets with either target=[x,y,z], rf=[x,y,z] or vf=[x,y,z]");

            result = MainProg.MultiPartSolve(ref solver, ref traj, r0, v0, ref targets, (float)solver.g, solver.extendTime, correct);
            if (result.isSolved())
                List <string> comments = new List <string>();
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Writing solution to: solution.dat");
                traj.Write("solution.dat", comments);
                if (traj.T > maxT)
                    maxT = traj.T;
                r0 = r0 + r0offset;
                v0 = v0 + v0offset;
                Simulate(controller, ref traj, r0, v0, new Vector3d(0, -solver.g, 0), dt, maxT);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void DrawTrack(Trajectory traj, Transform a_transform, float amult = 1)
            if (traj == null)
            if (_track_obj != null)
                Destroy(_track_obj); // delete old track
                _track_obj = null;
            if (_thrusts_obj != null)
                Destroy(_thrusts_obj); // delete old track
                _thrusts_obj = null;
            if (!showTrack)

            // Track
            _track_obj = new GameObject("Track");
            _track_obj.transform.SetParent(a_transform, false);
            MeshFilter   meshf = _track_obj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            MeshRenderer meshr = _track_obj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            meshr.material          = new Material(Shader.Find("KSP/Alpha/Unlit Transparent"));
            meshr.material.color    = trackcol;
            meshr.receiveShadows    = false;
            meshr.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            Vector3 [] vertices = new Vector3[(traj.Length() - 1) * 4 * 2];
            int []     triangles = new int[(traj.Length() - 1) * 4 * 2 * 3]; // number of vertices in tris
            float      lineWidth = 0.2f;
            int        v = 0, t = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < traj.Length() - 1; i++)
                Vector3 p1 = traj.r[i];
                Vector3 p2 = traj.r[i + 1];
                AddLine(vertices, ref v, triangles, ref t, p1, p2, lineWidth, true);
            mesh.vertices  = vertices;
            mesh.triangles = triangles;
            meshf.mesh     = mesh;

            // Thrust vectors
            _thrusts_obj = new GameObject("Thrusts");
            _thrusts_obj.transform.SetParent(a_transform, false);
            meshf                   = _thrusts_obj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            meshr                   = _thrusts_obj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            mesh                    = new Mesh();
            meshr.material          = new Material(Shader.Find("KSP/Alpha/Unlit Transparent"));
            meshr.material.color    = thrustcol;
            meshr.receiveShadows    = false;
            meshr.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
            vertices                = new Vector3[traj.Length() * 4 * 2];
            triangles               = new int[traj.Length() * 4 * 2 * 3]; // number of vertices in tris
            v = 0;
            t = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < traj.Length(); i++)
                Vector3 p1 = traj.r[i];
                Vector3 p2 = traj.r[i] + traj.a[i] * amult;
                AddLine(vertices, ref v, triangles, ref t, p1, p2, lineWidth, true);
            mesh.vertices  = vertices;
            mesh.triangles = triangles;
            meshf.mesh     = mesh;