protected override bool Init(GenerationEnvironment env)
            // Workaround: If it is marked as ExportingClass, do after init after all inits.
            if (symbol.HasAttribute(RelevantSymbols.ExportingClassAttribute.symbol))
                return(base.Init(env) && env.TryAddExportingClass(this));

            // If there are no exported methods, this class is unusable anyway
            // and should be either given another symbol, or thrown away.
            return(base.Init(env) && base.AfterInit(env) &&
                   (exportedMethods.Length > 0 || contributedChains.Length > 0) &&
        protected override bool Init(GenerationEnvironment env)
            if (symbol.HasAttribute(RelevantSymbols.InstanceExportAttribute.symbol))
                env.ReportError($"Components must not have the InstanceExportAttribute since its usage is ambiguous for components.");

            if (base.Init(env))
                flaggedFields  = GetFlaggedFields();
                aliasMethods   = GetAliasMethods(env);
                injectedFields = GetInjectedFields().ToArray();

                HasInitInWorldMethod = symbol.GetMethods().Any(m => !m.IsStatic && m.Name == "InitInWorld");
