Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper initialized event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized()

            Mat webCamTextureMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat();

            // HololensCameraStream always returns image data in BGRA format.
            texture = new Texture2D(webCamTextureMat.cols(), webCamTextureMat.rows(), TextureFormat.BGRA32, false);
            texture = new Texture2D(webCamTextureMat.cols(), webCamTextureMat.rows(), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

            Debug.Log("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            quad_renderer = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>() as Renderer;
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture);
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetVector("_VignetteOffset", new Vector4(0, 0));

            Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix;
            projectionMatrix = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetProjectionMatrix();
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetMatrix("_CameraProjectionMatrix", projectionMatrix);
            //This value is obtained from PhotoCapture's TryGetProjectionMatrix() method.I do not know whether this method is good.
            //Please see the discussion of this thread.Https://forums.hololens.com/discussion/782/live-stream-of-locatable-camera-webcam-in-unity
            projectionMatrix     = Matrix4x4.identity;
            projectionMatrix.m00 = 2.31029f;
            projectionMatrix.m01 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m02 = 0.09614f;
            projectionMatrix.m03 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m10 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m11 = 4.10427f;
            projectionMatrix.m12 = -0.06231f;
            projectionMatrix.m13 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m20 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m21 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m22 = -1.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m23 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m30 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m31 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m32 = -1.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m33 = 0.00000f;
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetMatrix("_CameraProjectionMatrix", projectionMatrix);

            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_VignetteScale", 0.0f);

            grayMat = new Mat();
            cascade = new CascadeClassifier();
            // "empty" method is not working on the UWP platform.
            if (cascade.empty())
                Debug.LogError("cascade file is not loaded. Please copy from “OpenCVForUnity/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder. ");

            grayMat4Thread = new Mat();
            cascade4Thread = new CascadeClassifier();
            // "empty" method is not working on the UWP platform.
            if (cascade4Thread.empty())
                Debug.LogError("cascade file is not loaded. Please copy from “OpenCVForUnity/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder. ");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper initialized event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized()

            Mat webCamTextureMat = imageOptimizationHelper.GetDownScaleMat(webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat());

            Debug.Log("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            float width  = webCamTextureMat.width();
            float height = webCamTextureMat.height();

            // HololensCameraStream always returns image data in BGRA format.
            texture = new Texture2D((int)width, (int)height, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false);
            texture = new Texture2D((int)width, (int)height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

            previewQuad.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;
            previewQuad.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, height / width, 1);

            double fx = this.fx;
            double fy = this.fy;
            double cx = this.cx / imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;
            double cy = this.cy / imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;

            camMatrix = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);
            camMatrix.put(0, 0, fx);
            camMatrix.put(0, 1, 0);
            camMatrix.put(0, 2, cx);
            camMatrix.put(1, 0, 0);
            camMatrix.put(1, 1, fy);
            camMatrix.put(1, 2, cy);
            camMatrix.put(2, 0, 0);
            camMatrix.put(2, 1, 0);
            camMatrix.put(2, 2, 1.0f);
            Debug.Log("camMatrix " + camMatrix.dump());

            distCoeffs = new MatOfDouble(distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2, distCoeffs3, distCoeffs4, distCoeffs5);
            Debug.Log("distCoeffs " + distCoeffs.dump());

            //Calibration camera
            Size     imageSize      = new Size(width, height);
            double   apertureWidth  = 0;
            double   apertureHeight = 0;
            double[] fovx           = new double[1];
            double[] fovy           = new double[1];
            double[] focalLength    = new double[1];
            Point    principalPoint = new Point(0, 0);
            double[] aspectratio    = new double[1];

            Calib3d.calibrationMatrixValues(camMatrix, imageSize, apertureWidth, apertureHeight, fovx, fovy, focalLength, principalPoint, aspectratio);

            Debug.Log("imageSize " + imageSize.ToString());
            Debug.Log("apertureWidth " + apertureWidth);
            Debug.Log("apertureHeight " + apertureHeight);
            Debug.Log("fovx " + fovx [0]);
            Debug.Log("fovy " + fovy [0]);
            Debug.Log("focalLength " + focalLength [0]);
            Debug.Log("principalPoint " + principalPoint.ToString());
            Debug.Log("aspectratio " + aspectratio [0]);

            transformationM = new Matrix4x4();

            invertYM = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, -1, 1));
            Debug.Log("invertYM " + invertYM.ToString());

            invertZM = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, 1, -1));
            Debug.Log("invertZM " + invertZM.ToString());


            mouthParticleSystem = mouth.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem> (true);

            //If WebCamera is frontFaceing,flip Mat.
            if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetWebCamDevice().isFrontFacing)
                webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal = true;

            grayMat = new Mat();
            cascade = new CascadeClassifier();

            // "empty" method is not working on the UWP platform.
            //            if (cascade.empty ()) {
            //                Debug.LogError ("cascade file is not loaded.Please copy from “OpenCVForUnity/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder. ");
            //            }

            grayMat4Thread = new Mat();
            cascade4Thread = new CascadeClassifier();

            // "empty" method is not working on the UWP platform.
            //            if (cascade4Thread.empty ()) {
            //                Debug.LogError ("cascade file is not loaded.Please copy from “OpenCVForUnity/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder. ");
            //            }

            detectionResult = new MatOfRect();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper initialized event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized()

            Mat webCamTextureMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat();

            #if NETFX_CORE
            // HololensCameraStream always returns image data in BGRA format.
            texture = new Texture2D(webCamTextureMat.cols(), webCamTextureMat.rows(), TextureFormat.BGRA32, false);
            texture = new Texture2D(webCamTextureMat.cols(), webCamTextureMat.rows(), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

            texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

            Debug.Log("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            processingAreaRect = new OpenCVForUnity.Rect((int)(webCamTextureMat.cols() * (outsideClippingRatio.x - clippingOffset.x)), (int)(webCamTextureMat.rows() * (outsideClippingRatio.y + clippingOffset.y)),
                                                         (int)(webCamTextureMat.cols() * (1f - outsideClippingRatio.x * 2)), (int)(webCamTextureMat.rows() * (1f - outsideClippingRatio.y * 2)));
            processingAreaRect = processingAreaRect.intersect(new OpenCVForUnity.Rect(0, 0, webCamTextureMat.cols(), webCamTextureMat.rows()));

            processingAreaMat = new Mat(processingAreaRect.height, processingAreaRect.width, CvType.CV_8UC4);
            grayMat           = new Mat(processingAreaMat.rows(), processingAreaMat.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC1);
            faces             = new MatOfRect();

            quad_renderer = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer> () as Renderer;
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture);
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetVector("_VignetteOffset", new Vector4(clippingOffset.x, clippingOffset.y));

            Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix;
            #if NETFX_CORE
            projectionMatrix = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetProjectionMatrix();
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetMatrix("_CameraProjectionMatrix", projectionMatrix);
            //This value is obtained from PhotoCapture's TryGetProjectionMatrix() method.I do not know whether this method is good.
            //Please see the discussion of this thread.Https://forums.hololens.com/discussion/782/live-stream-of-locatable-camera-webcam-in-unity
            projectionMatrix     = Matrix4x4.identity;
            projectionMatrix.m00 = 2.31029f;
            projectionMatrix.m01 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m02 = 0.09614f;
            projectionMatrix.m03 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m10 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m11 = 4.10427f;
            projectionMatrix.m12 = -0.06231f;
            projectionMatrix.m13 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m20 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m21 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m22 = -1.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m23 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m30 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m31 = 0.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m32 = -1.00000f;
            projectionMatrix.m33 = 0.00000f;
            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetMatrix("_CameraProjectionMatrix", projectionMatrix);

            quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_VignetteScale", vignetteScale);

            float halfOfVerticalFov = Mathf.Atan(1.0f / projectionMatrix.m11);
            float aspectRatio       = (1.0f / Mathf.Tan(halfOfVerticalFov)) / projectionMatrix.m00;
            Debug.Log("halfOfVerticalFov " + halfOfVerticalFov);
            Debug.Log("aspectRatio " + aspectRatio);