Exemplo n.º 1
        public static IEnumerable<Uri> GetReferences(this BundleEntry entry, string include)
            Resource resource = (entry as ResourceEntry).Resource;
            ElementQuery query = new ElementQuery(include);
            var list = new List<Uri>();

            query.Visit(resource, element =>
                if (element is ResourceReference)
                    Uri uri = (element as ResourceReference).Url;
                    if (uri != null) list.Add(uri);
            return list.Where(u => u != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan all xml files found by prepareFiles and find conformance resources + their id
        /// </summary>
        private void prepareResources()
            if (_resourcesPrepared) return;


            _resourceInformation = new List<ConformanceInformation>();

            foreach (var file in _artifactFilePaths.Where(af => Path.GetExtension(af) == ".xml"))
                if (file.EndsWith("dataelements.xml")) continue;       // buggy file

                    var conformanceResources = readInformationFromFile(file).Where(ci =>
                           ResourceIdentity.IsRestResourceIdentity(ci.Url) &&
                           ModelInfo.IsConformanceResource((new ResourceIdentity(ci.Url)).ResourceType));

            // Check for duplicate canonical urls, this is forbidden within a single source (and actually, universally,
            // but if another source has the same url, the order of polling in the MultiArtifactSource matters)
            var doubles = _resourceInformation.Where(ci=>ci.Url != null).GroupBy(ci => ci.Url).Where(group => group.Count() > 1);
            if (doubles.Any())
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("The source has found multiple Conformance Resource artifacts with the same canonical url: {0} appears at {1}"
                        .FormatWith(doubles.First().Key, String.Join(", ", doubles.First().Select(hit => hit.Origin))));                        

            _resourcesPrepared = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the source by reading all files present in the directory (matching the mask, if given)
        /// </summary>
        public void Prepare()
            _artifactFiles = new List<string>();

            IEnumerable<string> masks;
            if (Mask == null)
                masks = new string[] { "*.*" };
                masks = Mask.Split('|').Select(s => s.Trim()).Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

            // Add files present in the content directory
            var allFiles = new List<string>();

            foreach (var mask in masks)
                allFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(_contentDirectory, mask, _includeSubs ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));

            var files = allFiles.Where(name => Path.GetExtension(name) != "exe" && Path.GetExtension(name) != "dll");
            _isPrepared = true;
            throw Error.NotImplemented("File based artifact source is not supported on the portable runtime");

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void SearchPatientByGenderMissing()
            var patients = new List<ResourceEntry<Patient>>();
            var bundle = client.Search<Patient>();
            while (bundle != null && bundle.Entries.ByResourceType<Patient>().Count() > 0)
                bundle = client.Continue(bundle);
            var patientsNoGender = patients.Where(p => p.Resource.Gender == null);
            var nrOfPatientsWithMissingGender = patientsNoGender.Count();

            var actual = client.Search<Patient>(new string[] { "gender:missing=true" }, pageSize: 500).Entries.ByResourceType<Patient>();

            HttpTests.AssertCorrectNumberOfResults(nrOfPatientsWithMissingGender, actual.Count(), "Expected {0} patients without gender, but got {1}.");