Exemplo n.º 1
 //Shows the Operation Elysium exhibit if the player selected it when first prompted
 public void ElysiumExhibit(string playername)
     //Player looks into the Operation Elysium Exhibit
     Console.WriteLine("In Operation Elysium exhibit was the most modern, which made sense.\nOf everything on the floor, Operation Elysium was the most recent.");
     Console.WriteLine("The picture at the back of the exhibit depicted part of the aftermath of the event.\nHis Majesty Phillip Magis had held an award ceremoney for this allies that fought alongside him.");
     Console.WriteLine(playername + " had seen it before. While it happened quite some time ago, there are still videos of it online.");
     Console.WriteLine(SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " turn back and move on. You knew quite a bit about it, so the exhibit wasn't as interesting as the others.");
Exemplo n.º 2
 //Shows the World War exhibit if the player selected it when first prompted
 public void WorldWarExhibit(string playername)
     Console.WriteLine(playername + " stepped around the rubble that " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " had blown apart and walked into the room.");
     Console.WriteLine(SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " saw an immense map of the world on the back wall. Countries were either blue, red, or black.");
     Console.WriteLine("It appeared to be normal for there to be statues in the exhibits.\nThe centerpiece of this exhibit was King William Magis II and his personal bodyguards, the Hexguard.");
     Console.WriteLine("There were a lot of stories written about that group of seven and their exploits during the World War.");
     Console.WriteLine("A lot of people left off the 'Second' that war techincally deserves, since the Great War is in a league of it's own.");
     Console.WriteLine("Briefly walking around, " + playername + " finds diaries, notes, or newspapers from the time.");
     Console.WriteLine("Interesting as " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " were, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " didn't give any insight as to how to get out.\nBefore leaving, " + playername + " contemplated tucking one of the books under their arm.");
     Console.WriteLine("Deciding against it, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " left the exhibit to go and find another path to the exit.");
Exemplo n.º 3
        //The game's ending method
        public void Endgame()
            Console.WriteLine("After getting past the griffin, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " was finally at the exit.");
            Console.WriteLine("The last few hours of " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " life had been a living hell, but it was finally about to come to an end.");
            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " prayed that whatever awaited " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " on the other side was better than what was inside the museum.");
            Console.WriteLine("\"You've finally made it, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + ". It's time to step out into the world.\"");
            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.GetPlayerName + " wasn't paying attention to " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " guide. " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " slowly approached the doors to the museum.");
            Console.WriteLine("They were barely hanging on their hinges. " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " put " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " hands on the door and pushed.");
            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " pushed as hard as " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " could, trying to force the doors open.");
            Console.WriteLine("It was no easy feat, but in time, the doors finally gave way, and began moving, scraping against the ground.");
            Console.WriteLine("When " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " had enough space to get through, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " stepped through.");


            Console.WriteLine("It was morning when " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " had entered the museum, but now the moon hung high above in the clear night sky.");
            Console.WriteLine("The city had been ravaged. It looked like an earthquake of some sort. Debris everywhere. Buildings toppled. Cars abandoned in the streets.");
            Console.WriteLine("There wasn't another human in sight.");
            Console.WriteLine("\"I hate to say this, but I'll be leaving you. I was just here to guide you out of the museum.\"");
            Console.WriteLine("\"Now that you're here, I'm not longer needed. Be careful, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + ".\"");
            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.GetPlayerName + " waited, listening for both " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " guide's voice and some sign of life.");



            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.GetPlayerName + " sat down in front of the museum, defeated. They were just a normal civilian.\nWhat would " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " do now, without anyone at all to help them?");
            Console.WriteLine("Perhaps... try to get out of the city, and go somewhere else.\nBut with the creatures inside the museum, Gods only knew what else would be out there.");
            Console.WriteLine("Would " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " even survive?");


            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.GetPlayerName + " perked up at the sound, and stood up.");
            Console.WriteLine("\"...ver here!\"");
            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " started shouting in the direction of the voice, hoping to get someone's attention.");
            Console.WriteLine("Eventually, a group of people appeared. None of them were familiar, but they were a sight for sore eyes.");
            Console.WriteLine("\"Another survivor! That's great! Get over here!\"");

            Console.WriteLine(SetUp.GetPlayerName + " did as they were told. " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " didn't know what awaited " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " in this ruined city of " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + ".");
            Console.WriteLine("All " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " did know that was whatever happened to " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " next,\nWhether or not civilization still existed outside of the city limits,\nWas that " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " wouldn't have to face it alone.");
Exemplo n.º 4
        //Uses the integer returned from the conversion method to determine which exhibit the player approaches
        //And which trial they first have to overcome.
        public int ApproachExhibit(int ffRoomSelectNum, string playername)
            /*frenziedDog = new Wolf();
             * frenziedDog.health = 35;
             * frenziedDog.eyes = 2;
             * frenziedDog.eyeColor = "deep brown";
             * frenziedDog.furColor = "brown";
             * frenziedDog.legs = 4;
             * frenziedDog.tails = 1;*/

            switch (ffRoomSelectNum)
            case 1:
                //West Scouring Exhibit
                if (scouring == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("The western exhibit was fairly close to the stairs. " + playername + " started towards it.");
                    Console.WriteLine("As " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " approached, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " saw that there was some rubble blocking it. It didn't look too torturous.\nLike something that could easily be scaled or destroyed.");
                    Console.WriteLine(playername + " thought that " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " could hear something from the rubble. Almost like a faint whimper.");
                    Console.WriteLine("1. Climb over the rocks\n2. Blow them up");
                    approachWestExhibit = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

                    bool west = int.TryParse(approachWestExhibit, out approachWestExhibitNum);

                    //Prompts the player to enter a 1 - 4 assuming their original input was invalid
                    while (west == false || approachWestExhibitNum >= 3)
                        Console.WriteLine("Your entry was invalid. Please enter a 1, 2, 3 or 4. Where would you like to go?");
                        Console.WriteLine("1. Climb over the rocks\n2. Blow them up");
                        approachWestExhibit = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                        west = int.TryParse(approachWestExhibit, out approachWestExhibitNum);

                    if (approachWestExhibitNum == 1)
                        //Climb, uncover frenzied dog, die
                        Console.WriteLine(playername + " started to climb the rubble. " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " were making good progress, and things seemed fine.");
                        Console.WriteLine("The sound that " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " heard earlier steadily grew louder, until one of the pieces of rubble started to shake.");
                        Console.WriteLine(playername + " placed " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " hand on it, and it came loose. " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " went stumbling down to the ground, landing with a thud.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Sitting up, a dog was before " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + ", frantically looking around. One of its legs looked broken, and it's fur was dirty.");
                        Console.WriteLine(playername + " tried to reach for the dog, but it turned and started barking ferociously.\nThe frenzied creature let out a low growl, then lunged right at " + playername + ".");
                    if (approachWestExhibitNum == 2)
                        //blow up rubble, kill dog
                        Console.WriteLine(playername + " backed up away a bit from the rubble and conjured an explosion to blast it away.");
                        Console.WriteLine("The whimpering " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " had heard earlier turned into yelp,\nAnd something flew out of the rubble only to land with on the ground with a smack.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\"What was that?!\"");
                        Console.WriteLine(playername + " ran over to see what it was. It was a dog, that now lay still.\nIt must've been caught under the rubble when the museum collapsed.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\"The poor thing. Perhaps we can come back and get it to give it a proper burial once you've escaped.\"\n\"For now, though, you have to keep moving.\"");

            case 2:
                //East World War Exhibit
                if (world == 0)
                    //Rolls for either Nubby the Great Plains Griffin or Neville, the Imperial High Griffin
                    griffinRoll = Config.RollDie(1, 3);

                    if (griffinRoll == 1)
                        //Great Plains Griffin Attack Scenario
                        NubbyOrNeville = new GreatPlainsGriffin();

                        Console.WriteLine("As " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " walked towards the eastern exhibit, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " heard a sound of some sort.\n" + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " stopped in " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " tracks and looked around. Eventually, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " eyes fell upon a small Griffin pecking at the ground.");
                        Console.WriteLine("It was incredibly small, perhaps a baby even. There was something cute about the small griffin and its squeaky chirps.\n" + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " found themselves staring at the griffin lovingly.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\"Don't tell me you find the thing cute, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + "! It's a wild animal!\"");
                        Console.WriteLine("1. Touch the Griffin\n2. Avoid the Griffin\nOr\n3. Quit");
                        touchGriffin = Console.ReadLine();

                        checkTouchGriffin = int.TryParse(touchGriffin, out touchGriffinNum);

                        while (checkTouchGriffin == false || touchGriffinNum > 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("Your input was invalid. Please choose to:\n1. Touch the Griffin\n2. Avoid the Griffin\nOr\n3. Quit");
                            touchGriffin = Console.ReadLine();

                            checkTouchGriffin = int.TryParse(touchGriffin, out touchGriffinNum);

                        switch (touchGriffinNum)
                        case 1:
                            //Touch griffin
                            Console.WriteLine("\nIgnoring their guide's warning, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " approached the griffin and reached out to pet it.");

                        case 2:
                            //Avoid Griffin and immediately move on
                            Console.WriteLine("\nResisting the tempation, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " ignored the griffin and kept on moving towards their destination.");

                        case 3:
                            //quit game

                            //quit game
                        //Imperial High Griffin Attack Scenario
                        NubbyOrNeville = new ImperialHighGriffin();

                        Console.WriteLine("As " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " walked towards the eastern exhibit, " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " saw something. It was a griffin of some sort.\nIt wasn't an adult, but neither was it a baby. It was an adolescent griffin of some sort.");
                        Console.WriteLine("There was something majestic about the about the way that it stood, proud and tall.\n" + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " found themselves frozen, their breath taken away by the griffin.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\"Don't tell me you want to get closer, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + "! It's a wild animal!\"");
                        Console.WriteLine("1. Touch the Griffin\n2. Avoid the Griffin\nOr\n3. Quit");
                        touchGriffin = Console.ReadLine();

                        checkTouchGriffin = int.TryParse(touchGriffin, out touchGriffinNum);

                        while (checkTouchGriffin == false || touchGriffinNum > 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("Your input was invalid. Please choose to:\n1. Touch the Griffin\n2. Avoid the Griffin\nOr\n3. Quit");
                            touchGriffin = Console.ReadLine();

                            checkTouchGriffin = int.TryParse(touchGriffin, out touchGriffinNum);

                        switch (touchGriffinNum)
                        case 1:
                            //Touch griffin
                            Console.WriteLine("Ignoring their guide's warning, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " approached the griffin and reached out to pet it.");

                        case 2:
                            //Avoid Griffin and immediately move on
                            Console.WriteLine("Resisting the tempation, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " ignored the griffin and kept on moving towards their destination.");

                        case 3:
                            //quit game

                            //quit game

                    Console.WriteLine("The path to the east was clear. The only issue was the giant pillar that had fallen in front of the door.");
                    Console.WriteLine(playername + " approached it to try and get a better look; see what " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " could do.");
                    Console.WriteLine("After inspecting the pillar for a bit, they decide to:");
                    Console.WriteLine("1. Blow up the slab\n2. Force it aside with magic");
                    approachEastExhibit = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

                    bool east = int.TryParse(approachEastExhibit, out approachEastExhibitNum);

                    //Prompts the player to enter a 1 or 2 assuming their original input was invalid
                    while (east == false || approachEastExhibitNum >= 3)
                        Console.WriteLine("Your entry was invalid. Please enter a 1 or 2.");
                        Console.WriteLine("1. Blow up the slab\n2. Force it aside with magic");
                        approachEastExhibit = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                        east = int.TryParse(approachEastExhibit, out approachEastExhibitNum);

                    if (approachEastExhibitNum == 1)
                        //Blow it up and succeed
                        //Perhaps include player health and have them injure themselves, reducing that health a bit.
                        Console.WriteLine("Moving back a bit, " + playername + " got ready to blow up the pillar.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " closed " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " eyes and concentrated. " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " heard a loud boom and the clatter of stone against stone.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Opening " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + ", " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " saw that the way was now clear, and walked into the exhibit.");
                    if (approachEastExhibitNum == 2)
                        //Try to pull it, get overwhelmed by size, crush yourself
                        Console.WriteLine(playername + " took a deep breath and rubbed " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " hands together. " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " began gesturing with " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " hands at the pillar.");
                        Console.WriteLine("The pillar slowly sidled forwards out of the doorway.");
                        Console.WriteLine("It was incredibly difficult, trying to move something so large. Still, " + playername + " was managing.");
                        Console.WriteLine("The pillar was almost entirely out of the doorway. Excited, " + playername + " forgot about it for just a moment.\nIn that moment, the pillar was once again at the mercy of gravity. It fell towards " + playername + ".");
                        Console.WriteLine("In a matter of seconds, all " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " saw was the white of the pillar's marble.");

            case 3:
                //Northwest Dracomoprhi Exhibit
                if (gold == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("The Northwestern Exhibit is the furthest away. " + playername + " begins walking towards it.");
                    Console.WriteLine("As " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " walked towards it, the ground shook violently.\nSeveral pillars that had been shaken loose give way once the trembling stops.");
                    Console.WriteLine("What do you do?\n1. Blow them up so the small fragments don't hurt as badly\n2. Make a break for it");
                    approachNWExhibit = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

                    bool NW = int.TryParse(approachNWExhibit, out approachNWExhibitNum);

                    //Prompts the player to enter a 1 or 2 assuming their original input was invalid
                    while (NW == false || approachNWExhibitNum >= 5)
                        Console.WriteLine("Your entry was invalid. Please enter a 1 or 2.");
                        Console.WriteLine("What do you do?\n1. Blow them up so the small fragments don't hurt as badly\n2. Make a break for it");
                        approachNWExhibit = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                        NW = int.TryParse(approachNWExhibit, out approachNWExhibitNum);

                    if (approachNWExhibitNum == 1)
                        //Blow up pillars; large chunk hits players in the head
                        Console.WriteLine("As the pillars came falling, " + playername + " blew them apart with all the force " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " could.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Small chunks of marble fell at " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " feet. Some of the chunks hit " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + ", but they were so small it didn't matter.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\"Good work! It looks like you're in the-\"");
                        Console.WriteLine("A large chunk of marble comes flying right at " + playername + ". " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " thought that any chunks would have\nBeen too small to be dangerous.");
                        Console.WriteLine("As that chunk grew closer, though, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " knew " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " had made a mistake. The chunk hit " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " hard,\nAnd " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " collapsed onto the ground.");
                    if (approachNWExhibitNum == 2)
                        //Runs for it, narrowly makes it
                        Console.WriteLine("As the pillars fell, " + playername + " started sprinting in the direction of the exhibit's door.");
                        Console.WriteLine(SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " could hear the sound of the pillars falling behind " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + ", but didn't dare to look back.");
                        Console.WriteLine("When the door was close, " + playername + " took a chance and dove for it.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " landed right past the doorway as another pillar crashed outside.");
                        Console.WriteLine(SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " waited a moment before getting up, relieved to have survived that ordeal.");

            case 4:

Exemplo n.º 5
        //public Wolf frenziedDog;

        //While the player cannot see signs for them, they can explore the first floor. On it are the following exhibits:
        //West: The largest exhibit int he museum, a Scouring Exhibit
        //East: An exhibit about the world war from the early 600s
        //Northwest: An exhibit about the Dracomorphi Golden Age

        //The player enters the first floor, and this method shows them what they can see from the stairs.
        //As it only explains what they see, it is void
        public void EnterFirstFloor(string playername)
            Console.WriteLine("As " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " climbed the stairs down to the first floor, " + playername + " nearly bumped into a broken pillar.");
            Console.WriteLine("Looking around, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " saw that the first floor was in shambles.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " would barely be able to move without fear of impaling " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " foot on a rock.");
            Console.WriteLine("There were some exhibits on the first floor was well, but it was too damaged to really tell what any of them were.");
            Console.WriteLine("It kind of looked like " + playername + " would be able to reach them if " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " tried hard enough.");
            Console.WriteLine("There were faint streaks of light ahead of " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + ". The exit.\n" + playername + " would have to cross this veritable No Man's Land to get there, but it was so close.");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void GriffinAttack()
            //Statement about the creature attacking the player
            Console.WriteLine("The griffin beat its wings, and the winds generated blew " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " back a bit.\nShaking, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " readied " + SetUp.GetPlayerReflex + " to try and fight back against the griffin.");

            //Call Parent isAttackSuccessful

            //if statement depending on the result
            //Within the if, the attack misses or hits
            if (GetAccurateAttackCheck == true)
                //Attack hits and player dies
                Console.WriteLine("They didn't have a chance. Before they knew it, they were on the ground, the griffin staring down at them with its piercing black eyes.\nIt opened it beak and lowered its head. As it drew closer, " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " closed their eyes and prayed to the Gods, hoping that one of them would help them somehow.");
            if (GetAccurateAttackCheck == false)
                //Attack misses
                Console.WriteLine("The griffin lunged at " + SetUp.GetPlayerName + " but " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " just barely sidestepped it. " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " sent as high a voltage as " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " could\nmuster through the griffin." + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " magic was never very strong, but it was enough to incapacitate the griffin.\nAs it was immobile, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " turned and dash away from the griffin.");
Exemplo n.º 7
        //After approaching the warg and making a choice, the game will determine if the player made a valid input and,
        //if not, it will be looped until they do.
        //Then, with the 1, 2, 3, or 4, it plays out one of the scenarios.
        public void EncounternormalWarg(string normalWargChoice, string playername)
            int normalWargChoiceNum;

            bool normal = int.TryParse(normalWargChoice, out normalWargChoiceNum);

            //Prompts the player to enter a 1 - 4 assuming their original input was invalid
            while (normal == false || normalWargChoiceNum >= 5)
                Console.WriteLine("Your entry was invalid. Please enter a 1, 2, 3 or 4. What do you want to do?");
                Console.WriteLine("1. Distract it\n2. Run past it\n3. Attack it\n4. Quit");
                normalWargChoice = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                normal           = int.TryParse(normalWargChoice, out normalWargChoiceNum);

            switch (normalWargChoiceNum)
            case 1:
                Console.WriteLine("As the Warg crept towards " + playername + ", " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " took the opportunity to conjure a small fireball near the rubble.");
                Console.WriteLine("It blew up the rubble, which flew everywhere. Some of the tiny shards hit the Warg.\nIt turned around and started in that direction to investigate.");
                Console.WriteLine("\"Now's your chance! Go!\"");
                Console.WriteLine("At the voice's behest, " + playername + " started further down the floor's hall, a safe distance away from the beast.");

            case 2:
                //Run past the warg, but fail
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " conjured a spear of ice and shot it at one of the Warg's legs. When the ice dug in, it howled.");
                Console.WriteLine("Despite the pain it must have been in, it didn't stop.");
                Console.WriteLine("The Warg was inching closer, and with each step, " + playername + "'s heart beat faster and faster.");
                Console.WriteLine("\"Don't just stand there! Now's your chance!\"");
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " did as they were told and sprinted past the Warg. It turned and gave chase.");
                Console.WriteLine("It followed for a time, but eventually, the sounds of its three feet faded. When " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " did, " + playername + "took that as a sign that " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " could stop and rest.");
                Console.WriteLine("\"Looks like you got rid of it. Now we can look at the rest of the floor. Let's hope nothing else jumps out. You need to regain your stamina.\"");
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " was resting, but " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " breath got caught in " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " throat when " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " heard light footsteps.");
                Console.WriteLine("The warg entered one of the exhibits and went around to catch " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " off guard.");
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " tried to run, but was just too tired. The Warg tackled " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " and " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " slammed into the ground.\nAs it's warm breath coated the back of " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " neck, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " heard " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " guide crying out to " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + ".");

            case 3:
                //Kill the warg
                Console.WriteLine("The Warg lunged right at " + playername + ". " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " just narrowly rolled out of the way, landing on a knee.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " thought about what " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " could do, but there was little time to think.");
                Console.WriteLine("An idea popped into " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " head just at the Warg was charging at " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + " again.\nIt would have been risky, but it was worth a shot.\nAnything was better than being eaten.");
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " waited until the last moment, right before the Warg was in killing distance.\nWhen it was close enough for " + playername + " to smell it's breath, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " took action.");
                Console.WriteLine("A spire shot up out of the ground, piercing the Warg's head. It let out one final,\npained yelp upon the impact, and then it's legs went limp.");
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " stared at it for a second, trying to comprehend what had just happened.\nAt last, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " shook " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " head and stood.");
                Console.WriteLine("\"I just have to commend you for that performance! It was magnificent, given the circumstances.\nNow that you killed it, we can get on with your journey.\"");

            case 4:

                Console.WriteLine("\"I'm not sure how the game is letting this happen. It shouldn't have been possible for this to be anything other than a 1 - 4.\"\n\"But, might as well exit since this anomaly has happened.\"");
                //Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . .");
Exemplo n.º 8
        //When the player selects "n" for continueExploringSecond, this method players out to bring them to the stairs
        //They have a number of choices on how to proceed that either result in victory or death
        public void ExitSecondFloor(string playername)
            ffObject = new FirstFloor();

            Console.WriteLine("\"That appears to have been everything on the floor. Let's get moving.\nThe stairs are this way.\"");
            Console.WriteLine(playername + " followed the instructions that they were given to the stairs.\nWhere the stairs should have been was a disaster; much worse than the rubble blocking the last stairs they came across.");
            Console.WriteLine("There was so much rubble and debris that " + playername + " wondered if moving it would even be possible.");
            Console.WriteLine("\"Thinking about this, it seems like there are a few things that you can do.\"");
            Console.WriteLine("\n\"You can always try to move it aside, though that would take quite a long time.\"");
            Console.WriteLine("\n\"Blasting it apart and trying to run through before that other Warg catches up could work.\"");
            Console.WriteLine("\n\"Or if you're worried, you can try and erect a wall of sorts to slow down the warg and blast it apart.\"");
            Console.WriteLine("\n\"What do you want to do?\"");
            Console.WriteLine("1. Take your time and move the debris and rubble\n2. Blast it apart and hope for the best\n3. Erect a wall to keep out the Warg\n4. Quit");
            secondFloorStairs = Console.ReadLine();

            bool secondStairs = int.TryParse(secondFloorStairs, out secondFloorStairsNum);

            //Prompts the player to enter a 1 - 4 assuming their original input was invalid
            while (secondStairs == false || secondFloorStairsNum > 5)
                Console.WriteLine("Your entry was invalid. Please enter a 1, 2, 3 or 4. What would you like to do?");
                Console.WriteLine("1. Take your time and move the debris and rubble\n2. Blast it apart and hope for the best\n3. Erect a wall to keep out the Warg\n4. Quit");
                secondFloorStairs = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                secondStairs      = int.TryParse(secondFloorStairs, out secondFloorStairsNum);


            switch (secondFloorStairsNum)
            case 1:
                //Move it aside
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " gets to work moving the rubble and debris aside, bit by bit. It takes forever to do.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " move quietly, to avoid detection from the other Warg. In time, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPossess + " effort pays off.");
                Console.WriteLine("Panting and covered in sweat, " + playername + " moves aside the last piece of rubble.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " look back one final time. The coast is clear.\nFeeling both hopeful and fearful, they descend to the final floor.");



            case 2:
                //Blow up and run = death
                //Text leading up to "THe last thing playername heard was"
                Console.WriteLine("\"With a strong enough blast, the rubble should be gone and you should be able to make it! Give it a shot!\"");
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " does as they are told. The sound of the blast reverberates throughout the floor.");
                Console.WriteLine("As soon as the way is cleared, they make a break for it. Unfortunately, they weren't alone.\nThe Warg's heavy breaths are right on " + playername + "'s tail. It grunted, and then " + playername + " hit the ground hard.");

            case 3:
                Console.WriteLine(playername + " built a small wall. It didn't reach up to the ceiling, but it should've been enough to stop a Warg.");
                Console.WriteLine("With that extra bit of protection, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " turned towards the rubble and blasted it apart.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " recoiled as some of it came flying at " + SetUp.GetPlayerSubject + ".");
                Console.WriteLine("Behind the wall, " + playername + " heard the growling and scratching of the Warg.");
                Console.WriteLine("\"Looks like that wall made all the difference. Come, you're almost out.\nOnwards, to the first and final floor.\"");



            case 4:

Exemplo n.º 9
 //Shows the Great War exhibit if the player selected it when first prompted
 public void GreatWarExhibit(string playername)
     //Player looks into the Great War Exhibit
     Console.WriteLine("Looking into the Great War exhibit, " + playername + " was first draw to a large mural on the back wall.");
     Console.WriteLine("It was mostly untouched by the destruction of the library.\nIt depicted King Henry Magis II in the last battle of the Great War.");
     Console.WriteLine("The next thing " + playername + " noticed were two statues, of that very man and his some, Henry III.");
     Console.WriteLine(playername + " wanted to keep looking, but didn't want to risk anything. " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " turned from the exhibit.");
Exemplo n.º 10
 //Shows the Library if the player selected it when first prompted
 public void Library(string playername)
     //Player looks into the libary
     Console.WriteLine(playername + " peeked into the room and looked around Like the name would suggest, it was a normal library.");
     Console.WriteLine("There were rows upon rows of bookshelves. Some had fallen over in the impact that ruined the museum.\nQuite a few were still intact and standing, surprisingly.");
     Console.WriteLine("As much as " + playername + " would have wanted to stay and look, " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " had to keep moving.\n" + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " backed out of the library door.");
Exemplo n.º 11
        //The player enters the second floor, and this method shows them what exhibits they can see from the stairs.
        //As it only explains what they see, it is void
        public void EnteringSecondFloor(string playername, string thirdColor)
            //While in the Main, the wargs work and can be met. Should try to see if it's possible to make it work when the wargs are created in a different class.
            Warg       = new Wolf();
            lesserWarg = new Wolf();

            wargAttributes = Config.RollDie(0, 10);

            Warg.SetHealth = 50;
            //Make a loop to increment lesserWarg Eyes
            for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
                Warg.GetEyes[i] = i + 1;
            Warg.SetEyeColor = "blood red";

            Warg.GetTails[0] = 4;
            Warg.GetTails[1] = 10;
            Warg.GetTails[2] = 1;
            Warg.GetTails[3] = 7;
            Warg.GetTails[4] = 8;
            Warg.GetTails[5] = 3;
            Warg.GetTails[6] = 6;
            Warg.GetTails[7] = 2;
            Warg.GetTails[8] = 5;
            Warg.GetTails[9] = 9;

            Warg.SetLegs = 4;

            Warg.GetFurColor[0] = "gray";
            Warg.GetFurColor[1] = "black";
            Warg.GetFurColor[2] = "navy blue";
            Warg.GetFurColor[3] = "white";
            Warg.GetFurColor[4] = "brown";
            Warg.GetFurColor[5] = "mahogony";
            Warg.GetFurColor[6] = "pewter";
            Warg.GetFurColor[7] = "auburn";
            Warg.GetFurColor[8] = "beige";
            Warg.GetFurColor[9] = "blue";

            lesserWarg.SetHealth = 30;

            lesserWarg.GetEyes[0] = 8;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[1] = 10;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[2] = 3;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[3] = 9;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[4] = 1;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[5] = 2;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[6] = 4;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[7] = 5;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[8] = 6;
            lesserWarg.GetEyes[9] = 7;

            lesserWarg.SetEyeColor = "blue";
            //Make a loop to increment lesserWarg Tails
            for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
                lesserWarg.GetTails[i] = i + 1;
            lesserWarg.SetLegs = 3;

            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[0] = "black";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[1] = "white";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[2] = "mahogony";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[3] = "auburn";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[4] = "blue";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[5] = "gray";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[6] = "navy blue";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[7] = "brown";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[8] = "pewter";
            lesserWarg.GetFurColor[9] = "beige";

            Console.WriteLine(playername + " descended the stairs now that the " + thirdColor + " rubble was gone.");
            Console.WriteLine("\n\"We're one step closer to getting ot of here! Now that you're on the second floor, what can you see?\"");
            Console.WriteLine("\nAt the prompt, you begin to look around.\nThere are a few signs that you can see from where you stand at the bottom of the stairs.");
            Console.WriteLine("A number of them " + playername + " recognizes from when " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " passed by the second floor earlier.");


            Console.WriteLine("The first sign simply read 'Library'. " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " didn't go inside " + SetUp.GetPlayerReflex + ",\nBut overheard a tour guide say that it was filled with copies of notebooks, diaries,\nAnd other documents from throughout the centuries. Both official and civilian.");
            Console.WriteLine("The next sign that " + playername + " saw read 'The Great War - The Final Days'. That one " + SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal + " did go into briefly.\nDespite being called the Final Days, it actually covered the last century of the Great War.\nIt was a really long period of time, but the name wasn't a complete lie.");
            Console.WriteLine("Right next to the Great War exhibit was something called 'The Reconstruction'.\nAfter the Great War ended, the world entered a period dedicated to piecing things together\nSo the different cultures making up the Empire could coexist.");
            Console.WriteLine("The fourth sign " + playername + " saw read 'Operation Elysium'. " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(SetUp.GetPlayerPersonal) + " had heard of it back in school.\nTo this day, some still argue whether or not the goal of Operation Elysium was just or not.");
            Console.WriteLine("The last exhibit had a statue next to the sign: 'Oslein and her People'. The statue was of an Elven scholar.\nThat exhibit was a brief look into the history of the Elven People and their native homeland of Oslein.");
            Console.WriteLine("While it wasn't an exhibit, there was also a concessions stand that appears to have gone mostly unscathed.");
Exemplo n.º 12
        //Encompasses exploration of the third floor, such as movement and when the player reaches the end of the floor and is ready to exit.
        public void ExploringThirdFloor(string stepsstring, int steps, string localName, string lastName, int DOWN_TO_FLOOR_TWO, int firstComma, int secondComma, string MY_COLORS, int thirdWord)
            localName = SetUp.GetPlayerName;

            Console.WriteLine("\"I was wondering something, " + localName + ". What's your last name?\"");
            lastName = Console.ReadLine();

            while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName))
                Console.WriteLine("\"Come on, now. No need to be so cold. What's your last name?\"");
                lastName = Console.ReadLine();

            SetUp.SetFullName = localName + " " + SetUp.UppercaseFirst(lastName);;

            Console.WriteLine("Ah, so your full name is " + SetUp.GetFullName + ". A fine name, that is.");


            Console.Write("How many steps would you like to move?"); //Select any number between 1 and 10.");
            stepsstring = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

            walk = int.TryParse(stepsstring, out steps);

            while ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(stepsstring) == true) || walk == false)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stepsstring) == true)
                    stepsstring = "A blank space";

                Console.WriteLine("\"Erm, I asked you to tell me how many steps you wanted to move, " + localName + ".\"");
                Console.WriteLine("\"" + stepsstring + " is not a number.\"");
                Console.Write("Please tell me how many steps you want to move.");
                stepsstring = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                walk        = int.TryParse(stepsstring, out steps);

            //Code for moving around the floor
            //Start with calculating remaining steps until stairs
            remainingsteps = DOWN_TO_FLOOR_TWO - steps;
            //remainingsteps2 = remainingsteps;
            //For when players haven't yet reached the steps and still have a ways to go.
            if (steps < (DOWN_TO_FLOOR_TWO - 2))
                Console.WriteLine("\"You still have some walking to do.\"\n\"At your current pace, it looks like the steps are " + remainingsteps + " steps away.\"");
            //In the unlikely event that the player enters exactly 74, the message about them not being at the stairs would have been gramatically incorrect for the remaining step.
            if (steps == (DOWN_TO_FLOOR_TWO - 1))
                Console.WriteLine("\"It looks like the steps just up ahead. Just one more step.\"");
            //If the player would have passed the stairs, this stops them.
            if (steps >= DOWN_TO_FLOOR_TWO)
                Console.WriteLine("\"Good. Looks like you're nearing the stairs. Let's head down.\"");


            for (int r = remainingsteps; r > 1; r = remainingsteps)
                Console.Write("How many steps would you like to move? "); //Select any number between 1 and 10.");
                stepsstring = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

                walk = int.TryParse(stepsstring, out steps);

                while ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(stepsstring) == true) || walk == false)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stepsstring) == true)
                        stepsstring = "A blank space";

                    Console.WriteLine("\"Erm, I asked you to tell me how many steps you wanted to move, " + localName + ".\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("\"" + stepsstring + " is not a number.\"");
                    Console.Write("Please tell me how many steps you want to move. ");
                    stepsstring = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                    walk        = int.TryParse(stepsstring, out steps);

                if (steps <= (remainingsteps - 2))
                    Console.WriteLine("\"You still have some walking to do. Looks like the stairs are still " + (remainingsteps - steps) + " steps away.\"");
                if (steps == (remainingsteps - 1))
                    Console.WriteLine("\"Looks like the stairs are just up ahead. One more step.\"");
                if (steps >= remainingsteps)
                    Console.WriteLine("\"Looks like we're nearing the stairs. Time to head down.\"");
                remainingsteps = remainingsteps - steps;
