Exemplo n.º 1
        // Fill the gap between each cell in the direction given
        void TriangulateConnection(HexCell cell, HexDirection direction, EdgeVertices e1)
            HexCell neighbor = cell.GetNeighbor(direction);

            if (neighbor == null)

            // Build the bridge
            Vector3 bridge = HexMetrics.GetBridge(direction);

            bridge.y = neighbor.Position.y - cell.Position.y;
            EdgeVertices e2 = new EdgeVertices(e1.v1 + bridge, e1.v5 + bridge);

            bool hasRiver = cell.HasRiverThroughEdge(direction);
            bool hasRoad  = cell.HasRoadThroughEdge(direction);

            if (hasRiver)
                e2.v3.y = neighbor.StreamBedY;
                if (!cell.IsUnderwater)
                    if (!neighbor.IsUnderwater)
                        // Normal river
                        TriangulateRiverQuad(e1.v2, e1.v4, e2.v2, e2.v4, cell.RiverSurfaceY, neighbor.RiverSurfaceY, 0.8f, cell.HasIncomingRiver && cell.IncomingRiver == direction);
                    else if (cell.Elevation > neighbor.WaterLevel)
                        // Waterfall from cell to neighbor
                        TriangulateWaterfallInWater(e1.v2, e1.v4, e2.v2, e2.v4, cell.RiverSurfaceY, neighbor.RiverSurfaceY, neighbor.WaterSurfaceY);
                else if (!neighbor.IsUnderwater && neighbor.Elevation > cell.WaterLevel)
                    // Waterfall from neighbor to cell
                    TriangulateWaterfallInWater(e2.v4, e2.v2, e1.v4, e1.v2, neighbor.RiverSurfaceY, cell.RiverSurfaceY, cell.WaterSurfaceY);

            if (cell.GetEdgeType(direction) == HexEdgeType.Slope)
                TriangulateEdgeTerraces(e1, cell, e2, neighbor, hasRoad);
                TriangulateEdgeStrip(e1, cell.Color, e2, neighbor.Color, hasRoad);

            features.AddWall(e1, cell, e2, neighbor, hasRiver, hasRoad);

            // Filling the gap
            HexCell nextNeighbor = cell.GetNeighbor(direction.Next());

            if (direction <= HexDirection.E && nextNeighbor != null)
                Vector3 v5 = e1.v5 + HexMetrics.GetBridge(direction.Next());
                v5.y = nextNeighbor.Position.y;

                // Find the lowest cell
                if (cell.Elevation <= neighbor.Elevation)
                    if (cell.Elevation <= nextNeighbor.Elevation)
                        TriangulateCorner(e1.v5, cell, e2.v5, neighbor, v5, nextNeighbor); // cell is the lowest
                        TriangulateCorner(v5, nextNeighbor, e1.v5, cell, e2.v5, neighbor); // nextNeighbor is the lowest
                else if (neighbor.Elevation <= nextNeighbor.Elevation)
                    TriangulateCorner(e2.v5, neighbor, v5, nextNeighbor, e1.v5, cell); // neighbor is the lowest
                    TriangulateCorner(v5, nextNeighbor, e1.v5, cell, e2.v5, neighbor); // nextNeighbor is the lowest
Exemplo n.º 2
 void EditCell(HexCell cell)
     if (cell)
         if (activeTerrainTypeIndex >= 0)
             cell.TerrainTypeIndex = activeTerrainTypeIndex;
         if (applyElevation)
             cell.Elevation = activeElevation;
         if (applyWaterLevel)
             cell.WaterLevel = activeWaterLevel;
         if (riverMode == OptionalToggle.No)
         if (roadMode == OptionalToggle.No)
         if (applyUrbanLevel)
             cell.UrbanLevel = activeUrbanLevel;
         if (applyFarmLevel)
             cell.FarmLevel = activeFarmLevel;
         if (applyPlantLevel)
             cell.PlantLevel = activePlantLevel;
         if (walledMode != OptionalToggle.Ignore)
             cell.Walled = walledMode == OptionalToggle.Yes;
         if (applySpecialIndex)
             cell.SpecialIndex = activeSpecialIndex;
         if (isDrag)
             HexCell otherCell = cell.GetNeighbor(dragDirection.Opposite());
             if (otherCell)
                 if (riverMode == OptionalToggle.Yes)
                 if (roadMode == OptionalToggle.Yes)